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Booze banned during Loy Krathong festival

Jonathan Fairfield

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It's banned in areas where Loy Krathong is being celebrated.

If want to drink, go somewhere else.

If want to take part in Loy Krathong celebrations accept you have to do it sober...or at least no drunker than when you arrive.

It's hardly the end of the world.

You'll fit good to North Korea or Saudi Arabia...Always let these above decide smile.png for my life. They know bettersmile.png

If you can't stay without getting drunk and if it's important for you to be seen drunk....shame on you. Stay at home and drink there. Nobody will disturb you.........and YOU will not disturb anybody. Your true colors you'll see next morning in your mirror..!

First it is not about me....I don't go to silly festivals and most probably I wouldn't drink something there, as they wouldn't have wine and the Thai beer is too ugly to drink. As well I am into fitness and can't get drunk as it would hinder my training.

So you can save the personal attack for someone else....I am not a juicy target.

Just different than you, I don't want to live in a world full of laws and guards executing them. I am old enough to decide myself what I do. Laws that prevent harm from others are already in place...only need to execute them. And some drunks are the least problems we have currently. Drunks at least don't shoot non believers (non drinkers??).

Usually it is the people who had to stop smoking and stop drinking who don't want to grant others their enjoyment. Too much jealousy on this planet.

me too

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I'm really getting a strong impression that key members of the government are serious teetotalers and generally not keen on having any fun.

Buddhist equivalent of hard line Muslims???

religious fanatics are always similar....don't matter what invisible friend they have. They don't care about living their religion, they care about forcing others to their believes.

Nothing changed the last few thousand of years. Just in the west we always think that Buddhism is different.....

good point, thanx

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Booze always on sale at our local temple grounds during Lou Krathong, can't see this year being any different.

It will just be sold or served in a brown bag.

I remember the 70's when I had wine served in a coffee cup.

In London.

About 40 years ago ?

That sounds right. What year is it in Tailand now?

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It's banned in areas where Loy Krathong is being celebrated.

If want to drink, go somewhere else.

If want to take part in Loy Krathong celebrations accept you have to do it sober...or at least no drunker than when you arrive.

It's hardly the end of the world.

Love people who take the moral high ground. I think it's very pleasant to enjoy a quiet beer while the ladies Loy Katoey. Shame we can't just enjoy the evening.

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I really almost feel sorry for you drunken slobs out that just need another excuse to get drunk. You are drunk all the time and I have no desire to be near you. Cheap boze is the most important reason you even come to Thailand and think you know everything about Thailand, well you do NOT.

Booze is not so cheap in Thailand compared to Cambodia or Laos. If I wanted to have my life restricted by unnecessary regulations and legislation I would stay in Australia. If you don't want to drink that is up to you. Half the appeal of living in these developing countries is a freer lifestyle. Thailand seems determined to over regulate and control the lives of its citizens and is fast losing its appeal as a desirable long term home or even short term vacation spot.

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It's banned in areas where Loy Krathong is being celebrated.

If want to drink, go somewhere else.

If want to take part in Loy Krathong celebrations accept you have to do it sober...or at least no drunker than when you arrive.

It's hardly the end of the world.

Love people who take the moral high ground. I think it's very pleasant to enjoy a quiet beer while the ladies Loy Katoey. Shame we can't just enjoy the evening.

Moral high ground? What are you on about?

You can enjoy the evening. You don't need to go if you want to enjoy it with alcohol, if you want to enjoy the loy krathong events don't drink if the rules say not to.

It's nothing to do with morals it's just about accepting the rules of an event you wish to attend.

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Don't ban booze, ban those bloody squirt guns, of all descriptions.

You sure you have the right holiday?

Oh yeah right, lost track of time ! All these holidays, Buddha days and excuses to go to the Wat, I get dragged off to all of them. After 35 years, I've had my fill. But mind you I'm not criticizing, the Thais have not discovered Yom Kippur yet.

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I. A Stupid Idea

2. Anyone can get Alcohol ANYTIME ANYWHERE so don't waste ink signing this law.

3. In the WEST there are NO LAWS forbidding Alcohol sales on any Holidays………No Problem.

4. If the few who get pissed and behave badly it would make no difference to stopping sales.

Make better use of your time in Government stopping Motor Bikes on Pavements and going against the traffic flow….


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Booze always on sale at our local temple grounds during Lou Krathong, can't see this year being any different.

It will just be sold or served in a brown bag.

I remember the 70's when I had wine served in a coffee cup.

In London.

About 40 years ago ?

That sounds right. What year is it in Tailand now?

Believe it or not, they think they are 543 years ahead of the Western world!

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You'll see by many of the replies, that people are brainwashed into thinking having a good time means drinking alcohol.

This is after years and years of hard advertising by Alcohol Corporations, they've accepted that drinking poison, a poison that alters your mind, is somehow good for you, unbelievable how people fall for ir, then again, look at the fools that smoke, I mean c'mon, that's just plain stupid, but they were led to believe it's macho, sexy , cool etc by advertising.

Yeah they are really cool things to do, both are poison, would you take small amounts of arsenic each day and think it's sexy, macho and cool ?

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What's really funny is that my closest local shop is located on a major road that sees loads of traffic, I can walk in there and buy beer/whiskey at any time of the day, every day, and nobody thinks anything of it. I think folks are fooling themselves with these bans, but they're entertaining nevertheless.

Spot On !

My local shop was told to sell alcohol only during the times in force at supermarkets, 7-11 etc so they complied by wrapping bottles and cans in newspaper which was more obvious than a plastic bag of cans.

Now they don't even bother with the newspaper and have never been visited by any officials despite the municipal building being at the top of the soi.

I don't know of any ' arrangements ' that may have been made.

You will not find one 7/11/Big C/Tesco/Makro outlet here on Phuket who will sell you booze outside the designated hours (however Villa Market are able to sell all day). I was recently in my local 7/11 when I noticed a young farang couple trying to buy a solitary Chang and a Breezer. This was at 10.40 am and they were refused of course. I spotted them as I left the shop and directed them to a M&P shop just 20 meters farther along the road, telling them this was a quaint Thai custom introduced by the Taksin administration and happily embraced by every successive government/dictatorship since. They held up their small purchases as a gesture of thanks as we passed each other.

What on earth tourists, few as they are now, think of this silly policy in Thailand, a predominantly Buddhist country, when just over the border in Malaysia, Muslim, you can buy all day God knows blink.png

Edited by dageurreotype
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You'll see by many of the replies, that people are brainwashed into thinking having a good time means drinking alcohol.

This is after years and years of hard advertising by Alcohol Corporations, they've accepted that drinking poison, a poison that alters your mind, is somehow good for you, unbelievable how people fall for ir, then again, look at the fools that smoke, I mean c'mon, that's just plain stupid, but they were led to believe it's macho, sexy , cool etc by advertising.

Yeah they are really cool things to do, both are poison, would you take small amounts of arsenic each day and think it's sexy, macho and cool ?

Your favorite drug is religion?

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I really almost feel sorry for you drunken slobs out that just need another excuse to get drunk.

While I get your drift, it's not so much a case of another excuse to get drunk as it is about someone making it even slightly inconvenient to get drunk for a few hours each year. Like it upsets some kind of equilibrium in the world.

I won't count this one toward the 200+...

For most of us who during our lifes, worked full time jobs that may range from 40 to 50 or 60+ hours per week - when a holiday comes that is exactly the time we wish to relax, have a few drinks, and let go of our day-to-day life. I get it that some people don't drink. At the present time, neither do I. But I don't support a ban on alcohol during secular, non-religious holidays. It's like saying you can't have a BBQ and a keg of beer during the 4th of July in the US. I also understand demarking a few alcohol free zones especially in parks, but a freaking country-wide ban during a holiday akin to the 4th of July or Labor Day in the US??? Ridiculous. In this case it's an unelected government decreeing morality. A law like this would never pass a parliamentary vote. It would be like Obama issuing an executive order banning alcohol during the 4th of July. How many of the junta members and military elite will be alcohol free during the holidays. Want to make a guess? It would be about as likely as Senator John Boehner or any of the rest of the congressional alcoholics remaining alcohol free during the 4th of July if Obama decreed 'no booze on Independence Day because it offends Muslins'. Don't think that can't happen either.

Edited by connda
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It's banned in areas where Loy Krathong is being celebrated.

If want to drink, go somewhere else.

If want to take part in Loy Krathong celebrations accept you have to do it sober...or at least no drunker than when you arrive.

It's hardly the end of the world.

Love people who take the moral high ground. I think it's very pleasant to enjoy a quiet beer while the ladies Loy Katoey. Shame we can't just enjoy the evening.

Loy katoey !! Is this a festival where boys change in to girls ?

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It's banned in areas where Loy Krathong is being celebrated.

If want to drink, go somewhere else.

If want to take part in Loy Krathong celebrations accept you have to do it sober...or at least no drunker than when you arrive.

It's hardly the end of the world.

Love people who take the moral high ground. I think it's very pleasant to enjoy a quiet beer while the ladies Loy Katoey. Shame we can't just enjoy the evening.
Moral high ground? What are you on about?

You can enjoy the evening. You don't need to go if you want to enjoy it with alcohol, if you want to enjoy the loy krathong events don't drink if the rules say not to.

It's nothing to do with morals it's just about accepting the rules of an event you wish to attend.

I only accept "the rules" IF I accept the ones that make the rules.

Ni Dieu Ni Maitre

So we all have to follow your rules do we?

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You'll see by many of the replies, that people are brainwashed into thinking having a good time means drinking alcohol.

This is after years and years of hard advertising by Alcohol Corporations, they've accepted that drinking poison, a poison that alters your mind, is somehow good for you, unbelievable how people fall for ir, then again, look at the fools that smoke, I mean c'mon, that's just plain stupid, but they were led to believe it's macho, sexy , cool etc by advertising.

Yeah they are really cool things to do, both are poison, would you take small amounts of arsenic each day and think it's sexy, macho and cool ?

Your favorite drug is religion?

I'm an Atheist.

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very good decision. But only for ONE day? Should be ordered lifetime clap2.gif

I don't know why you even bother to venture out of your home country. Can't stand people who want 3rd world countries to adopt the restrictions of 1st world countries.

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You'll see by many of the replies, that people are brainwashed into thinking having a good time means drinking alcohol.

This is after years and years of hard advertising by Alcohol Corporations, they've accepted that drinking poison, a poison that alters your mind, is somehow good for you, unbelievable how people fall for ir, then again, look at the fools that smoke, I mean c'mon, that's just plain stupid, but they were led to believe it's macho, sexy , cool etc by advertising.

Yeah they are really cool things to do, both are poison, would you take small amounts of arsenic each day and think it's sexy, macho and cool ?

So you only eat lean free range meats, nuts, organic fruits and vegetables. No coffee, sugar, refined salts, no nothing? Almost everything you consume contains poisons, be it ethanol or whatever, Mind altering? What's wrong with that?

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