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Israeli and Palestinian casualties follow further stabbings in West Bank


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Israeli and Palestinian casualties follow further stabbings in West Bank


JERUSALEM: -- More than a month of violence in the West Bank shows no signs of calming down.

Further stabbings have seen the death toll rise to over 100.

A Palestinian man was shot dead following an attempted attack on Israelis, while in a separate incident, a 16-year-old Palestinian girl was run over by a Jewish settler after trying to stab Israelis near the city of Nablus.

In the Gush Etzion region, a 21-year-old Israeli woman was found unconscious following a stabbing. Although rushed to hospital she later died of her wounds.

Israeli forces say they shot and killed her attacker, identified as a thirty-four-year-old man from near Bethlehem.

Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said defence officials would focus on the Hebron area, where, he said:
“We’re conducting arrests, roadblocks and are deploying more forces. We’ve also done that in Jerusalem when attacks happen there.”

On Sunday (November 22) protests took place calling for better security for the disputed West Bank settlements.

This came a day after hundreds of Israelis gathered in a ceremony in honour of an 18-year-old Jewish American who was killed in a shooting incident on Thursday (November 19) alongside an Israeli and a Palestinian.

Palestinians allege Israel is trying to change the status quo at the al-Aqsa compound – a site of religious importance to both Muslims and Jews. Israel denies any intention of doing so.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-23

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Palestinians allege Israel is trying to change the status quo at the al-Aqsa compound – a site of religious importance to both Muslims and Jews.


But they are wrong. Stabbing people based on cynical incitement and lies.

Israel protects such religious and historic sites.

Compare to neighboring countries where they are blown up.

Edited by Jingthing
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Jingthing, on 23 Nov 2015 - 06:01, said:

Palestinians allege Israel is trying to change the status quo at the al-Aqsa compound – a site of religious importance to both Muslims and Jews.


But they are wrong. Stabbing people based on cynical incitement and lies.

Israel protects such religious and historic sites.

Compare to neighboring countries where they are blown up.

Maybe a group of IS men with few KG's of explosive may not be a such a bad idea for this situation...

Where is king Solomon when you need him...

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Jingthing, on 23 Nov 2015 - 06:01, said:

Palestinians allege Israel is trying to change the status quo at the al-Aqsa compound – a site of religious importance to both Muslims and Jews.


But they are wrong. Stabbing people based on cynical incitement and lies.

Israel protects such religious and historic sites.

Compare to neighboring countries where they are blown up.

Maybe a group of IS men with few KG's of explosive may not be a such a bad idea for this situation...

Where is king Solomon when you need him...

What transparent misinformation.
You call upon extremist Islamic jihadis to come and blow up Al Aqsa their own 3rd holiest site, when in reality it is your own fantasy, but hoping a little mud will stick in the minds of readers unfamiliar with the situation.
This is how thegreat Zionst hoax machine works folks.Be aware.
It is not only your fantasy to change the status quo on Haram Al Sharif but that of half Netanyahu's cabinet including his minister Uri Ariel, whose forced visit along with right wing Zionist extremists in July provoked the present round of violence.
"A government minister from a nationalist religious party called Thursday for the Jewish Temple to be rebuilt on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
The statement from Housing and Construction Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) breaks a long-standing taboo on high-ranking government officials speaking about changing the fragile status quo on the holy and contested esplanade, and will likely draw ire from official Israeli circles and anger the Arab and Muslim world."
Palestinians would do well to treat with scepticism Israeli governments who say one thing but have a history of creeping annexation, stealthily creating facts on the ground to disempower Palestinians.
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To the winners of battles go the spoils of war. I think its time for the Arabs to learn this lesson before they lose any more land to the Israelis.

No such thing as the spoils of war in the 21st century.
Just because the bully wins, doesn't mean to say his actions are right.
If you follow the might is right argument to its logical conclusion, then all that the barbaric terrorist group IS do is justified too. We'd have anarchy. That's why we have international law.
This is the 21st century, and Israel cannot behave like Attila the Hun. Israel has signed and ratified the Fourth Geneva Convention which states:
"Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive. [except as an absolute military necessity because they are in a war zone]...Persons thus evacuated shall be transferred back to their homes as soon as hostilities in the area in question have ceased."
"The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."
Article 49,paragraph 6, of the Fourth Geneva Convention
What Israel has done is unequivocally illegal, and shame on the USA for its complicity.
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Palestinians ,like most Of their faith seem to have nothing but hate in their hearts ,and they prove it day after day after day . They will never be happy until we all worship in their name, evil is as evil does

Edited by i claudius
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To the winners of battles go the spoils of war. I think its time for the Arabs to learn this lesson before they lose any more land to the Israelis.

No such thing as the spoils of war in the 21st century.

Just because the bully wins, doesn't mean to say his actions are right.

If you follow the might is right argument to its logical conclusion, then all that the barbaric terrorist group IS do is justified too. We'd have anarchy. That's why we have international law.

This is the 21st century, and Israel cannot behave like Attila the Hun. Israel has signed and ratified the Fourth Geneva Convention which states:

"Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive. [except as an absolute military necessity because they are in a war zone]...Persons thus evacuated shall be transferred back to their homes as soon as hostilities in the area in question have ceased."

"The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

Article 49,paragraph 6, of the Fourth Geneva Convention


What Israel has done is unequivocally illegal, and shame on the USA for its complicity.

Try telling that to the Tibetans or Greek Cypriots. But of course our faux humanitarian one issue activists give not a toss unless Israel is involved. Even Arab governments and the hand wringers at Amnesty International have condemned attacks on Israeli citizens. This puts our esteemed members in a small demographic of terrorists, far left Antisemites and Islamic religious fascists. Edited by Steely Dan
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Palestinians ,like most Of their faith seem to have nothing but hate in their hearts ,and they prove it day after day after day . They will never be happy until we all worship in their name, evil is as evil does

Complete and utter rubbish.

MOST of the Muslim faith do not have hate, but are just like .....I was going to say "you and me, normal people", but that would be incorrect as you do seem to have hate in your heart for an entire religion.

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Palestinians ,like most Of their faith seem to have nothing but hate in their hearts ,and they prove it day after day after day . They will never be happy until we all worship in their name, evil is as evil does

Complete and utter rubbish.

MOST of the Muslim faith do not have hate, but are just like .....I was going to say "you and me, normal people", but that would be incorrect as you do seem to have hate in your heart for an entire religion.

No I don't hate them all ,but trust ,no way,they are the ones worldwide doing the killing,and are quick to organise protests at any slight,but I don't see them organising protests around the world against their own kind
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To the winners of battles go the spoils of war. I think its time for the Arabs to learn this lesson before they lose any more land to the Israelis.

No such thing as the spoils of war in the 21st century.

Just because the bully wins, doesn't mean to say his actions are right.

If you follow the might is right argument to its logical conclusion, then all that the barbaric terrorist group IS do is justified too. We'd have anarchy. That's why we have international law.

This is the 21st century, and Israel cannot behave like Attila the Hun. Israel has signed and ratified the Fourth Geneva Convention which states:

"Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive. [except as an absolute military necessity because they are in a war zone]...Persons thus evacuated shall be transferred back to their homes as soon as hostilities in the area in question have ceased."

"The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

Article 49,paragraph 6, of the Fourth Geneva Convention


What Israel has done is unequivocally illegal, and shame on the USA for its complicity.

Try telling that to the Tibetans or Greek Cypriots. But of course our faux humanitarian one issue activists give not a toss unless Israel is involved. Even Arab governments and the hand wringers at Amnesty International have condemned attacks on Israeli citizens. This puts our esteemed members in a small demographic of terrorists, far left Antisemites and Islamic religious fascists.

Firstly, what happens in Cypress or Tibet does not give Israel any excuse whatsoever. But I'm GLAD that you see the parallels. Nice concession.

Secondly, you have no evidence at all of what the people that condemn Israel DON"T do with regard to other theatres of brutal occupation....so you should not make baseless claims.

To place members here who condemn Israel into the category of terrorists and antisemites is offensive in the extreme.

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Palestinians ,like most Of their faith seem to have nothing but hate in their hearts ,and they prove it day after day after day . They will never be happy until we all worship in their name, evil is as evil does

Complete and utter rubbish.

MOST of the Muslim faith do not have hate, but are just like .....I was going to say "you and me, normal people", but that would be incorrect as you do seem to have hate in your heart for an entire religion.

To say that these posters have hate in their hearts is an oversimplification.

It is calculated propaganda to further an agenda.

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Cunningly not quoting, so plausible denial is an option, you appear to be agreeing that members here who condemn Israel are terrorists, fascists and antisemites.

Gutless. If you want to agree with that, do so. But you won't.....partly because you know it's not true.

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Palestinians ,like most Of their faith seem to have nothing but hate in their hearts ,and they prove it day after day after day . They will never be happy until we all worship in their name, evil is as evil does

Complete and utter rubbish.

MOST of the Muslim faith do not have hate, but are just like .....I was going to say "you and me, normal people", but that would be incorrect as you do seem to have hate in your heart for an entire religion.

No I don't hate them all ,but trust ,no way,they are the ones worldwide doing the killing,and are quick to organise protests at any slight,but I don't see them organising protests around the world against their own kind
come on claude you can think things through a touch better than that

u.r suggesting the.99 % of the billions world wide peaceful Muslims will be cock a hoop about isis dragging their faith/world into a war?.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Jingthing, on 23 Nov 2015 - 06:01, said:

Palestinians allege Israel is trying to change the status quo at the al-Aqsa compound – a site of religious importance to both Muslims and Jews.


But they are wrong. Stabbing people based on cynical incitement and lies.

Israel protects such religious and historic sites.

Compare to neighboring countries where they are blown up.

Maybe a group of IS men with few KG's of explosive may not be a such a bad idea for this situation...

Where is king Solomon when you need him...

What transparent misinformation.
You call upon extremist Islamic jihadis to come and blow up Al Aqsa their own 3rd holiest site, when in reality it is your own fantasy, but hoping a little mud will stick in the minds of readers unfamiliar with the situation.
This is how thegreat Zionst hoax machine works folks.Be aware.
It is not only your fantasy to change the status quo on Haram Al Sharif but that of half Netanyahu's cabinet including his minister Uri Ariel, whose forced visit along with right wing Zionist extremists in July provoked the present round of violence.
"A government minister from a nationalist religious party called Thursday for the Jewish Temple to be rebuilt on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
The statement from Housing and Construction Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) breaks a long-standing taboo on high-ranking government officials speaking about changing the fragile status quo on the holy and contested esplanade, and will likely draw ire from official Israeli circles and anger the Arab and Muslim world."
Palestinians would do well to treat with scepticism Israeli governments who say one thing but have a history of creeping annexation, stealthily creating facts on the ground to disempower Palestinians.

The "al-Aqsa in danger" campaign was not started last month, or last year. It one way or another it goes back to 1920, with the current manifestation running for about a decade. Needless to say, there is no Temple on Temple Mount and the site is not managed by Israel. Granted, there are Jewish right wing loons who seem to think changing things is the way to go. Some of these loons are currently coalition partners, that's true as well. Other than inflammatory words, and the odd illegal prayer on site, there were no actual moves to change the way things are.

Palestinians treating Israel's statements with skepticism is a sound suggestion. Seemingly, however, the skepticism was skipped, in favor of buying wholesale into the usual incitement and rumor mongering.

The current "al-Aqsa in danger" campaign is similar to the original one, in that the backdrop goes to political struggles within Palestinian society. One tier would be simple control over the Islamic body governing the site. A second tier, the who loves-al-Aqsa-best competition among various Islamic movements. And the third, an extension of the Fatah-Hamas divide. In terms of personnel, image and actual presence at the site, it can be said that extremists have the upper hand. As to how much of the "al-Aqsa in danger" narrative is truly believed and how much of it serves an agenda (or several agendas), it can safely be said to be varied.

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Palestinians ,like most Of their faith seem to have nothing but hate in their hearts ,and they prove it day after day after day . They will never be happy until we all worship in their name, evil is as evil does

Complete and utter rubbish.

MOST of the Muslim faith do not have hate, but are just like .....I was going to say "you and me, normal people", but that would be incorrect as you do seem to have hate in your heart for an entire religion.

No I don't hate them all ,but trust ,no way,they are the ones worldwide doing the killing,and are quick to organise protests at any slight,but I don't see them organising protests around the world against their own kind
come on claude you can think things through a touch better than that

u.r suggesting the.99 % of the billions world wide peaceful Muslims will be cock a hoop about isis dragging their faith/world into a war?.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Just as the state of Israel recognizes no boundaries, Zionist propaganda goes over-the-top with its blatant lies and deceptions.

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Palestinians ,like most Of their faith seem to have nothing but hate in their hearts ,and they prove it day after day after day . They will never be happy until we all worship in their name, evil is as evil does

Complete and utter rubbish.

MOST of the Muslim faith do not have hate, but are just like .....I was going to say "you and me, normal people", but that would be incorrect as you do seem to have hate in your heart for an entire religion.

To say that these posters have hate in their hearts is an oversimplification.

It is calculated propaganda to further an agenda.

Whereas all posters proclaiming unequivocal support for the Palestinian cause or those who seemingly hold that Islam is indeed the religion of peace, exhibit nothing but righteousness, brotherly love and moderation? All those endless posts are not driven by agenda and do not include one bit of propaganda, then?


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To the winners of battles go the spoils of war. I think its time for the Arabs to learn this lesson before they lose any more land to the Israelis.

No such thing as the spoils of war in the 21st century.
Just because the bully wins, doesn't mean to say his actions are right.
If you follow the might is right argument to its logical conclusion, then all that the barbaric terrorist group IS do is justified too. We'd have anarchy. That's why we have international law.
This is the 21st century, and Israel cannot behave like Attila the Hun. Israel has signed and ratified the Fourth Geneva Convention which states:
"Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive. [except as an absolute military necessity because they are in a war zone]...Persons thus evacuated shall be transferred back to their homes as soon as hostilities in the area in question have ceased."
"The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."
Article 49,paragraph 6, of the Fourth Geneva Convention
What Israel has done is unequivocally illegal, and shame on the USA for its complicity.

Actually there is quite a lot of it. Nothing to make Israel's policy a righteous one, obviously. Just an premise is incorrect. Words on paper, even signed and ratified do not always stand up to crude reality.

It would be far easier to put it another way - compare cases in recent history where the underdog got a fair deal or won the day, with cases to the opposite. Reality is consistently not as idealistic as some would like it to pretend.

If we follow might is right argument with regard to ISIS we get a wider scale Russian-style foreign intervention. The outcome of might makes right is not necessarily anarchy, but depends on several factors. As usual, an overly simplified slogan which doesn't hold water.

We have international law in order to regulate the application of might, and in order to make it legally right. If relevant rules were truly applied to each and every instance were might was applied, Israel would be but a side note. These laws are almost never applied to countries holding true might (USA, Russia, China are the obvious examples), and rarely to all countries regularly defying these laws.

Comparing Israel with Attila the Hun would be another one of the predictable over the top nonsense often found on these topics.

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Firstly, what happens in Cypress or Tibet does not give Israel any excuse whatsoever. But I'm GLAD that you see the parallels. Nice concession.

Secondly, you have no evidence at all of what the people that condemn Israel DON"T do with regard to other theatres of brutal occupation....so you should not make baseless claims.

To place members here who condemn Israel into the category of terrorists and antisemites is offensive in the extreme.

As someone who does not deny the wrongness of the Israeli occupation, these other examples do not serve to excuse Israel's policies, but merely illustrate that it is not an isolated or a unique instance of similar human rights violations. It is unique in terms of the attention and exposure it gets.

Obviously, what members do off the forum could be anything. In the context of this forum, however, it is quite easy to check which topics relating to similar issues get what level of attention and by whom. And to forestall the predictable turning of the argument - not all members claim to be great humanists, ride high horses, or run a shop selling moral compasses.

Members who condemn Israel are not terrorists, of course. Your standing denial of any antisemitic views appearing on these topics is duly noted and yawned at. To counter the expected faux indignation - not all criticism and condemnation expressed in relation to Israel is antisemitism. However, some of it is.

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To the winners of battles go the spoils of war. I think its time for the Arabs to learn this lesson before they lose any more land to the Israelis.

Do you think the Israelis are going to stop taking Palestinian land if they accept occupation?

BTW, it's to the winner of the war that the spoils go to, and the war is ongoing. It's just a few battles that were won by the Israelis, the war is far from over. Ireland's war against the English lasted 600 years.

I guess the Israelis are going to have to realise that just occupying and harassing a population doesn't mean that they are going to lie down and take the shaft. How many years of occupation and it hasn't made Israelis safer, just more insecure.

Time to try something new, or expect more of the same for the indefinite future.

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To the winners of battles go the spoils of war. I think its time for the Arabs to learn this lesson before they lose any more land to the Israelis.

No such thing as the spoils of war in the 21st century.
Just because the bully wins, doesn't mean to say his actions are right.
If you follow the might is right argument to its logical conclusion, then all that the barbaric terrorist group IS do is justified too. We'd have anarchy. That's why we have international law.
This is the 21st century, and Israel cannot behave like Attila the Hun. Israel has signed and ratified the Fourth Geneva Convention which states:
"Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive. [except as an absolute military necessity because they are in a war zone]...Persons thus evacuated shall be transferred back to their homes as soon as hostilities in the area in question have ceased."
"The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."
Article 49,paragraph 6, of the Fourth Geneva Convention
What Israel has done is unequivocally illegal, and shame on the USA for its complicity.

Actually there is quite a lot of it. Nothing to make Israel's policy a righteous one, obviously. Just an premise is incorrect.

Words on paper, even signed and ratified do not always stand up to crude reality.

It would be far easier to put it another way - compare cases in recent history where the underdog got a fair deal or won the day, with cases to the opposite. Reality is consistently not as idealistic as some would like it to pretend.

If we follow might is right argument with regard to ISIS we get a wider scale Russian-style foreign intervention. The outcome of might makes right is not necessarily anarchy, but depends on several factors. As usual, an overly simplified slogan which doesn't hold water.

We have international law in order to regulate the application of might, and in order to make it legally right. If relevant rules were truly applied to each and every instance were might was applied, Israel would be but a side note. These laws are almost never applied to countries holding true might (USA, Russia, China are the obvious examples), and rarely to all countries regularly defying these laws.

Comparing Israel with Attila the Hun would be another one of the predictable over the top nonsense often found on these topics.

As usual, you take a lot of words to say very little.....You could have just said: yes, Israel is breaking international law and is so far getting away with it.

That the underdog , the Palestinians, are not getting a fair deal is what motivates me to post my opposition to Israeli policies. I hate bullies.

Edited by dexterm
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Palestinians ,like most Of their faith seem to have nothing but hate in their hearts ,and they prove it day after day after day . They will never be happy until we all worship in their name, evil is as evil does

Complete and utter rubbish.

MOST of the Muslim faith do not have hate, but are just like .....I was going to say "you and me, normal people", but that would be incorrect as you do seem to have hate in your heart for an entire religion.

To say that these posters have hate in their hearts is an oversimplification.

It is calculated propaganda to further an agenda.

Whereas all posters proclaiming unequivocal support for the Palestinian cause or those who seemingly hold that Islam is indeed the religion of peace, exhibit nothing but righteousness, brotherly love and moderation? All those endless posts are not driven by agenda and do not include one bit of propaganda, then?


The Palestinian's aspirations to live in peace on their own land doesn't have to be supported by deceptive propaganda. It is acknowledged by countries all over the world.

Israel's relentless territorial expansion and war crimes have made it a pariah state that is starting to be boycotted academically, culturally, and economically in exactly the same way that apartheid South Africa was... and for many of the same reasons.

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Palestinians ,like most Of their faith seem to have nothing but hate in their hearts ,and they prove it day after day after day . They will never be happy until we all worship in their name, evil is as evil does

Complete and utter rubbish.

MOST of the Muslim faith do not have hate, but are just like .....I was going to say "you and me, normal people", but that would be incorrect as you do seem to have hate in your heart for an entire religion.

No I don't hate them all ,but trust ,no way,they are the ones worldwide doing the killing,and are quick to organise protests at any slight,but I don't see them organising protests around the world against their own kind
come on claude you can think things through a touch better than that

u.r suggesting the.99 % of the billions world wide peaceful Muslims will be cock a hoop about isis dragging their faith/world into a war?.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes , i think billions of them don't care or side with them , they just will not decry people of their faith ,

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as to south Africa , post apertheid , not the best choice in the world ,it is now not exactly a shinning beacon of peace ,love and wealth is it? in fact a friend of mines Daughter has just left there because of the state of the country and the daily violence .

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No I don't hate them all ,but trust ,no way,they are the ones worldwide doing the killing,and are quick to organise protests at any slight,but I don't see them organising protests around the world against their own kind
come on claude you can think things through a touch better than that

u.r suggesting the.99 % of the billions world wide peaceful Muslims will be cock a hoop about isis dragging their faith/world into a war?.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes , i think billions of them don't care or side with them , they just will not decry people of their faith ,

That's obvious.

You've taken the first step toward rationality.

Now all you have to do is see them as human beings.

Zionist propaganda won't help you there.

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as to south Africa , post apertheid , not the best choice in the world ,it is now not exactly a shinning beacon of peace ,love and wealth is it? in fact a friend of mines Daughter has just left there because of the state of the country and the daily violence .

I Claudius,

What South Africa is today is irrelevant to the point I made. I agree that it's a mess, but that doesn't mean that the hideous apartheid regime should have been kept in power.

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Palestinians ,like most Of their faith seem to have nothing but hate in their hearts ,and they prove it day after day after day . They will never be happy until we all worship in their name, evil is as evil does

Complete and utter rubbish.

MOST of the Muslim faith do not have hate, but are just like .....I was going to say "you and me, normal people", but that would be incorrect as you do seem to have hate in your heart for an entire religion.

To say that these posters have hate in their hearts is an oversimplification.

It is calculated propaganda to further an agenda.

Whereas all posters proclaiming unequivocal support for the Palestinian cause or those who seemingly hold that Islam is indeed the religion of peace, exhibit nothing but righteousness, brotherly love and moderation? All those endless posts are not driven by agenda and do not include one bit of propaganda, then?


Don't include me in your "unequivocal support". I don't support Islamist jihadists at all. However, I do think the Palestinians should be allowed to have their own state to live in, and Israel is preventing that, therefore, they are being a bully, and I despise bullies. So when it comes to Israel vs Palestine, I support Palestine's right to exist, and Israel should return to their legal borders as defined by the 1948 UN resolution. If that is unsafe for Israel, it is their own fault for being a bully for the past many years and PO a lot of people on the planet, and certainly many countries.

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