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Protesters tell US ambassador to "go home"


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These people are indebted to Thaksin for the 30 baht health scheme without which they could not have afforded their lobotomies.

I disagree, in order to have a lobotomy one must have a forebrain to start with.

Edited by John1012
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Who ?

the protesters? the Americans? the posters in this forum?

or all of the above

My response is in direct reply to the topic title.

Do you think it would be fun and intellectual to have a debate with this group of people, or would it primarily involve them shrieking 'you no good, go home' in response to any point of discussion?

I don't see any difference between this lot and other nationalists, generally a bunch of idiotic sheep with low intelligence, led by individuals that thrive on herding them.

Reminds me of South Park characters in a pitchforks-at-the-ready episode.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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The land of xenophobia? A big word if you know the meaning

Dictionary definitions of xenophobia include: "deep-rooted, fear towards foreigners" (Oxford English Dictionary; OED), and "fear of the unfamiliar" (Webster's).[4] The word comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning "strange", "foreigner", and φόβος (phobos), meaning "fear".[5]

This fear probably comes from a lack of self esteem,confidence, fear of change. Face, loss of. Possible that non-natives can do something better, or have more knowledge or expertise, so must be rebuffed in case of loss of face.

Long live Thainess, until it dissappears up it's own orifice.

Edited by Sheryl
vulgarity remoived by Moderator
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Who ?

the protesters? the Americans? the posters in this forum?

or all of the above

My response is in direct reply to the topic title.

Do you think it would be fun and intellectual to have a debate with this group of people, or would it primarily involve them shrieking 'you no good, go home' in response to any point of discussion?

I don't see any difference between this lot and other nationalists, generally a bunch of idiotic sheep with low intelligence, led by individuals that thrive on herding them.

Reminds me of South Park characters in a pitchforks-at-the-ready episode.

I vote for all of the above

Oh wait a second I am a poster in this forum!... ohhhh what the heck ,, sure,go ahead,

All of the above!!

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So... is he going home?

They tend not to

Usually the 'yankee go home' mantra needs to be augmented with a good few thousand dead US military

then, indeed they do

Yup! And what a memorial scene it was when the US went home from Vietnam...

Not correct. If you think the Army gave up in Vietnam because of casualties, you should read some history before attempting to make comments on it.

They usually go back home when the media concentrate on the stray bombs which killed some civilians and it gets plastered all over the news.

Then the people who they were fighting go back to slaughtering their political or religious enemies by the thousand in the most barbaric manner with nobody to stop them - but those same liberals don't feel any guilt about that for some reason and the media don't report it because they caused it.

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Regardless of how ones feels about this protest, and the insistence on the American to keep needling Thailand in public, this monk Luang Pu Buddha Issara should be removed from the monkshood immediately. He is serving no construction purpose, as he has completely forgotten his role as a monk, and a representative of Buddhism. The man has more than likely not spent a single minute in meditation in the past decade. He is a troublemaker. He is a instigator. He is a freak. He should be arrested, jailed, and sent to prison. If protests are illegal, then an instigator of protests must be a criminal, correct? Send the man away. Or better yet, revoke his passport and deport him to Bahrain.

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I just love the "if you don't agree with everything about us go home" brigade. Hardly original and mature. These are the anti western everything, except for their western mobile phones, western cars and designer western clothes. Hypocrisy at the highest level.

U Forgot the Rev cycle aircon.

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I know English standards in Thailand are bad but if you're going to make a banner to hold up at a protest, you should at least make sure all the words at the spelled correctly.

Since when did <deleted> have an 'e' in it?

Just another day in the Land of Xenophobia.

it's clearly a C (get your eyes CheCked)

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I hope this group has a short attention span. I have to go to the embassy this week and do not relish the thought of shouldering my way through a mass of angry protesters.

Not that they don't deserve to have their voices heard. I just don't want to be there while they do it.

"Not that they don't deserve to have their voices heard."

Well, they're from the "right" side so are allowed a voice. If the reds had been gathering in equal numbers for a demonstrations I think you would have found that the "PM" wouldn't have been as forgiving.

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I hope this group has a short attention span. I have to go to the embassy this week and do not relish the thought of shouldering my way through a mass of angry protesters.

Not that they don't deserve to have their voices heard. I just don't want to be there while they do it.

"Not that they don't deserve to have their voices heard."

Well, they're from the "right" side so are allowed a voice. If the reds had been gathering in equal numbers for a demonstrations I think you would have found that the "PM" wouldn't have been as forgiving.

I try to stay completely out of the politics of it all. Merely in the interest of self preservation, mind you. I have an opinion, but as I'm not Thai, it's wholly irrelevant here.

This is truly a time when I follow the advice of my own avatar. "Not my circus, not my monkeys."

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I know English standards in Thailand are bad but if you're going to make a banner to hold up at a protest, you should at least make sure all the words at the spelled correctly.

Since when did <deleted> have an 'e' in it?

Just another day in the Land of Xenophobia.

It's not an 'e'. It's the way some Thai write - with small curls, same as their script.

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Well it looks like most on here are Americans telling there side, but people like Obamer need soughting out they have there fingers in every pie,just look at Vietnam nobody won and they left there wondering why there was a war in the first place, so many what for?It is all about oil

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Isn't this Luang Pu Buddha Issara fellow the same character that said that for every buddhist killed in the south one mosque should be burned down, or something like that ?

I might have my monks mixed up but there's certainly an uncanny resemblance .

Nevermind, just answered my own question, it was another fellow, Aphichat Promjan : http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/11/02/monk-calls-govt-burn-down-1-mosque-1-dead-buddhist-monk.

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Well it looks like most on here are Americans telling there side, but people like Obamer need soughting out they have there fingers in every pie,just look at Vietnam nobody won and they left there wondering why there was a war in the first place, so many what for?It is all about oil

The war in Vietnam was not all about oil.

It was far more about very questionable political ideologies and the political war hawk mentality at that time and the American military industrial complex doing exactly what President Eisenhower predicted was evolving during his political tenure and would continue to evolve if left unchecked.

He was more than correct in his predictions while all of what is entailed continues to this day


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Lupatria, on 28 Nov 2015 - 09:51, said:

It is time to ban monks from any political activities.

I think the military should also be banned from all political activities in LOS. If so,'democracy' might stand a remote chance of surviving more than a few years before the next coup.

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Regardless of how ones feels about this protest, and the insistence on the American to keep needling Thailand in public, this monk Luang Pu Buddha Issara should be removed from the monkshood immediately. He is serving no construction purpose, as he has completely forgotten his role as a monk, and a representative of Buddhism. The man has more than likely not spent a single minute in meditation in the past decade. He is a troublemaker. He is a instigator. He is a freak. He should be arrested, jailed, and sent to prison. If protests are illegal, then an instigator of protests must be a criminal, correct? Send the man away. Or better yet, revoke his passport and deport him to Bahrain.

I would add to my original post: At the very least, he needs to be slapped around by the head Abbott, or someone in a position of authority. The entire Buddhist establishment is made to look bad by a misbehaving hooligan like this man child. He does appear to know nothing of the higher spirit, his own soul, or the desire of the Great Buddha to promote world peace, nor his desire for his disciples to promote harmony, which this foolish man is definitely not doing, with his silly and inane actions. For a monk, who is supposed to be setting an example for society, he is definitely not doing so, and should be taken to task for that. After all, what is this Burma, where the super ignorant and hateful monks are promoting killing and isolating of their minority, non Buddhists? Where does this kind of intolerance lead to?

Having said all that, I am an American, and I am constantly astonished at my countries desire to speak out, in such a public forum, on all of the things that Thailand is doing wrong. I feel this kind of dialogue is better suited to private meetings, rather than in the press, which Thailand obviously detests. It is called the art of diplomacy after all. Not much of an art, with this administration, which is so over it's head, even with the small stuff. If you are going to speak out, with a consistent and believable, and credibly foreign policy, speak out against the atrocious offenders like Saudi Arabia, Kazakstan, Cuba,China, Bahrain, and others. We are silent, since you have massive oil reserves, or great wealth, but speak against Thailand since you do not have quite the amount of natural resources. The US promotion of democracy is complete nonsense. It is utterly false and disingenuous. Complete, and utter BS. Juvenile drivel, and utterly churlish foreign policy.

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I just love the "if you don't agree with everything about us go home" brigade. Hardly original and mature. These are the anti western everything, except for their western mobile phones, western cars and designer western clothes. Hypocrisy at the highest level.

"Hardly original and mature."

As opposed to the mature responses in this thread.

In a battle between the protesters at the embassy and those protesting the protesters on TV, there's not much to choose from as far as maturity is concerned.

It's a couple of hundred people out of over 65 million. More people on Thai Visa bash Thailand and the Thai government with childish rants everyday.

Edited by Suradit69
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Even the Junta's Milky Bar Kid has more intelligence than this lot and that is saying something.

.......and those 'drains on the economy' rice farmers from the Northern regions are clever, I suppose!!

I notice that one minute you are all screaming about suppression of their rights of freedom and when protesters hit the streets you are up in arms about it. You can't have it both ways. Either you support peaceful protests or you do not.

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