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why they have to stop right on the middle of the street?


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It changed already, there is no obligation to stay in the middle of the road when there is no injury.

But of course Thai will only know it in 100 years !

What IMO is really a traffic stopper are accidents. Even a scratch can create miles of traffic jam because nobody moves until the insurance of BOTH parties arrive. This needs to change..

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I have to go another route now.

The way I used to go had traffic lights with 3 lanes in each direction. Then they opened one of those 7-11 type Tesco stores (Tesco Express?) a little way before the lights. Those 3 lanes are now 1 and because of some drivers obviously slowing and looking for somewhere to stop, less than 10 vehicles can get through each green light.

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A couple of days ago I parked the bike correctly outside the bank. When I finished at the ATM, I saw that the woman behind me in the queue had parked parallel to the kerb, blocking in my bike and two others. To be fair to her, the nearest proper space was nearly three metres away. I was just going to move it a bit, but she'd put the steering lock on. So I waited until her card was in the machine, then wheeled her bike out into the road, blocking one lane, and rode off. A small petty action, but quite satisfying.

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The other amazing attribute of Thai drivers is their lack of spatial awareness. Going down a narrow soi where they have to pass other cars, they will stop halfway through. They have not hit anything on either side, so it's clear they can proceed, but they stop dead in the road and will not move until someone else does despite the fact that there is fully one half to a full meter between them and the nearest object. The only place this does not seem to apply is on the motorway at the toll gates.

Thai driver skills in general are pretty awful. Is this just another example of Thainess ?

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Even the western people are obeying by some laws and it took a hell of a time for them as well. When did we stop littering streets? 10-20 years ago?

Since Thailand is about 60 years back, you'd probably have to wait for many years or let's say till eternity.

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the ex-pat girls have spoken. all came from a perfect world to cry in Thailand.

Surprised you didn't say, well if you don't like it piss off home. I do like it, but I don't like everything, so sorry for voicing an opinion.

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Even the western people are obeying by some laws and it took a hell of a time for them as well. When did we stop littering streets? 10-20 years ago?

Since Thailand is about 60 years back, you'd probably have to wait for many years or let's say till eternity.

I think it's been a lot longer than that. Seen documentaries of the US in the 50's, streets were pretty clean, so that's over 60 years ago.

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What IMO is really a traffic stopper are accidents. Even a scratch can create miles of traffic jam because nobody moves until the insurance of BOTH parties arrive. This needs to change..

It used to be like that in Qatar then they changed the law and said unless there were injured people you move the car to the side of the road. Failing to do this would get you the equivalent of a Baht 10,000 fine

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"While the individual man is an insoluble puzzle, in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty. You can, for example, never foretell what any one man will be up to, but you can say with precision what an average number will be up to. Individuals vary, but percentages remain constant. So says the statistician". ~Arthur Conan Doyle

... In Thailand the 'average number' show very little consideration for anyone else...

... Kraeng-Jai obviously changes this, when in the presence of a family member or known senior Thai's tend to trip over themselves to almost ridiculous levels to assist, kiss ass, help out and show their efforts... But when its someone they don't, the 'average number' simply doesn't care... its almost as if life beyond their immediate circle of awareness is non-existent... there is no world outside their circle, or if there is, it doesn't matter.

... The Wife of a friend of mine stopped her car in the street so she could nip out and buy something... I suggested she pulled over out of the way.. Why? was her reply.. ... because you are making it difficult for others behind to pass us, was my reply... So What ??? was her reply..

And with that So What comment a new insight into the Thai psyche developed.... when generalising, the average persons thought when potentially inconveniencing others is simply "So What !"...

So, why does the car in front stop in the middle of the street ?? because the driver simply doesn't care about anyone else around them... So what if someone else is inconvenienced through their actions.

Quite right, this behaviour is of no consequence to Thai's.

It is in fact generally acceptable, to Thai's.

Tjey are not the only people to behave like this.

Ever been to Spain?

In a small town with a single width, one way main street.

A car will stop at the bank to use the ATM.

Honking only happens when the queue of cars is so long that the ones at the back are not aware that someone needs the ATM!

(or they are not from this town)

The local culture here is that - everyone needs to use an ATM and they will not take too long, so why worry.

The Spanish wilt also block the side walk to hold a conversation - with no regard for others!

It took me a while to understand and accept these various odd behaviours,

I suggest that us Farang start to adapt and accept.

Let go of our "We do it better" attitude, stop being irritated and start to enjoy life.

(Yes, easy for me to say, being retired, I am seldom in a rush)

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They just aren't taught how to handle a car with any skills.

Why do they always attempt to park in a space by going forwards, instead of reversing.

Why do they need to be in the middle lane to turn left or right.

Why do they always have to be in front, only to then slow down.

It's their mind set, no consideration and no skills.

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Although double parking outside shops, banks, etc, not being able to negotiate any sort of corner, and all the above peeves already mentioned, I still find getting in a taxi or minibus for a motorway journey the most annoying.

Apart from every Thai male thinking he's Carlos Sainz and risking everyone's life by tail gating, speeding, and paying absolutely no consideration to road conditions, (when in fact they have the driving skills of a blind clown), what really gets to me are the tight t*ats who think they're saving fuel (and money) by pressing and lifting their foot off the accelerator every 10 seconds, making passengers feel sea sick! Idiots!!

Edited by Woody1
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Although double parking outside shops, banks, etc, not being able to negotiate any sort of corner, and all the above peeves already mentioned, I still find getting in a taxi or minibus for a motorway journey the most annoying.

Apart from every Thai male thinking he's Carlos Sainz and risking everyone's life by tail gating, speeding, and paying absolutely no consideration to road conditions, (when in fact they have the driving skills of a blind clown), what really gets to me are the tight t*ats who think they're saving fuel (and money) by pressing and lifting their foot off the accelerator every 10 seconds, making passengers feel sea sick! Idiots!!

I guess we can be glad that the Thais who fly commercial aircraft don't do that. I wonder why not.

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The one that really irritates me is....a car overtakes you and immediately slams on the brakes because he is turning left for some reason like going down a Soi or into a filling station....one other, a car pulls right out in front of you from a side street and usually you were the last car with absolutely nothing behind you....(I always check) I can usually be heard saying in a loud voice to the Mrs...."did you see that, and not a thing in the world behind me, couldn't wait".

I was once cycling past a filling station when a large bus overtook me and pulled into the filling station before completely passing me, forcing me to go in inside him... A couple of punches and kicks to the side of the bus to stop from being crushed under the rear wheels.. I gave the driver a verbal attack to which he simply laughed... Until I called him a "ling", "kwai", and "hia"... at which point he jumped out of his bus and chased me down the street... LOL

...but perhaps I was lucky he didn't take too much offense, or he may have pulled a gun.!

Many, if not most, Thai drivers (motorbikes or cars) have no respect and give no deference to cyclists and pedestrians...they are are simply invisible to Thai drivers.

I walk 10 kilometers 3 times each week in the neighborhoods and hills near my apartment. Every time there are 3-5 incidents when I am almost hit by a car or motorbike. It doesn't matter that I am walking at the very edge of the roadway and if I am walking facing traffic or walking with traffic. Drivers push me almost off the streets, cut corners right in front of me, pull out right in front of me, back out the same...the list goes on. I am convinced that they simply don't care....and I'm sure if I got hit, it would be my fault because I am the farang.

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Thais Drivers no worse than any other Country,i have driven in ,and thats plenty.Probably close to 50 Countries.You get idiots everywhere .Defensive driving is whats required no matter where you are .

No worse? Is that why they have the second highest road fatalities in the world?

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If ever a country warranted the "I'm alright Jack" label it's Thailand. What about the motorcyclists who hem your car in, front and back, and make it impossible for you to get out of a parking space?

If they ever do that to me they will get the same treatment they got when they hemmed my motorbike in.

Just move the bikes on to the road, and then ride or drive away without putting them back.

I would understand there would be a problem if the car driver was not able bodied.

I had this occur the other night. Went to a local BBQ resturant and was parked in but to my amazement, whilst I was guiding my wife to get out a young male came out and moved the two motorcycles and did exactly that, left them on the roadway. As I left I prayed that a large truck came along and not being able to move over, took the two of them as mascots. One can only wish.

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