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At least 14 people are reported dead in shooting at disabled centre in Southern California


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Farouk was born in the US, county employee for five years. Both suspects had assault rifles and handguns.

Hope they get hold of whover gave them the guns and string them up.

Nope. Too easy. Take away the guns and terrorism disappears? No chemicals/bombs/hatchets/vehicles (driven into a crowd) or booby traps?

Hope so...but too good to be true.

No guns..no deaths ??? what a simple solution. Tell those europeans to crack down on gun control as well.

So if they were illegaly supplied weapons you think its ok?

If legally supplied you think the checks and balances were enough?

It would seem obvious that these lunatics should not have accessbto guns one way or the other.

If people still think there should not be more controls then they no right to offer condolenses, they are part of the problem.

Not to forget this was the second mass shooting in the US today.

Where they got the weapons is of no import at the moment, but I'm sure it will come out as part of the investigation.

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The US does seem to have a lot of these tragedies. Is it gun ownership or something else?

I was reading that anti-depressant use has risen dramatically in the US and Big Pharma is of course doing very nicely now these are also prescribed to children.

However it does seem there could be a link between those really nasty drugs and violent psychotic behaviour. Not that those profiting or regulating will ever look too closely.

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On Black Friday alone the FBI did 144,758 gun background checks. How many will find their way into the hands of nut cases as in the above shooting. America forget fighting wars abroad and start fighting the one at home.

Can easily be said for many other countries as well...

Clearly, some folks (elsewhere) would agree.

Terrorism is not specific for the USA ... just a matter of time before Russia, France, uk, Australia, Malia, Syria, Israel, Egypt,.....oh krapo...too many to list.

This is an international problem....

A good start is to read newspapers.

.....As for fighting ISIS....I think we are in the right places..just waiting for the rest of the world to wake up as well.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Comments follow from Syed's father:


EXCLUSIVE: Father of San Bernardino shooting suspect Syed Farook says son worked as health tech inspecting restaurants, hotels
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Updated: Thursday, December 3, 2015, 12:20 AM
One of the suspects in Wednesday’s mass shooting in California was identified as a young father who worked for the county agency that had been holding a holiday party when the carnage unfolded.
Syed Farook, believed to be 30, was linked to the horrific slaughter that left 14 dead at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press.
Farook’s father was shocked to learn of his son’s possible involvement in the attack.
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The US does seem to have a lot of these tragedies. Is it gun ownership or something else?

I was reading that anti-depressant use has risen dramatically in the US and Big Pharma is of course doing very nicely now these are also prescribed to children.

However it does seem there could be a link between those really nasty drugs and violent psychotic behaviour. Not that those profiting or regulating will ever look too closely.

Could be, those are the popular culprits now.

15 years ago, mas o menos, it was video games and hollywood violence.

Could be piss poor parenting skills. Possibly religious convinctions.

The gunman and woman are dead so it'll take more time to flesh this one out.

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Farouk was born in the US, county employee for five years. Both suspects had assault rifles and handguns.

Hope they get hold of whover gave them the guns and string them up.

Nope. Too easy. Take away the guns and terrorism disappears? No chemicals/bombs/hatchets/vehicles (driven into a crowd) or booby traps?

Hope so...but too good to be true.

No guns..no deaths ??? what a simple solution. Tell those europeans to crack down on gun control as well.

So if they were illegaly supplied weapons you think its ok?

If legally supplied you think the checks and balances were enough?

It would seem obvious that these lunatics should not have accessbto guns one way or the other.

If people still think there should not be more controls then they no right to offer condolenses, they are part of the problem.

Not to forget this was the second mass shooting in the US today.

Terrorists will acquire weapons whenever, and wherever they please. Permits or no permits. In San Bernandino or elsewhere. My statement was one of irony (Paris is no safer/regardless of gun laws....case in point). It just amazes me that people want to turn this into a gun control situation. Regulation does not fit. Terrorists work outside the law...(for those that do not realize this)

I think we are both in agreement.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Two suspects die is shootout with police after California gun attack


SAN BERNARDINO: -- A man and a woman suspected of taking part in a gun attack at a social services agency in California, died in a shootout with police, several hours later. A third person was detained running away, it’s not clear if they were involved in the attack

Fourteen people died in the shooting, 17 more were injured. Police immediately launched a massive manhunt which led them to the town of Redlands where they found the SUV vehicle used by the suspects to flee the shooting scene.

The attack took place in San Bernardino on the campus of the Inland Regional Center – it’s a facility run by non-profit organisations for people with developmental disabilities. Around 600 people are employed at the site, which provides community care facilities for 30,000 people in the local community.

The injured were taken to local hospitals. Their condition is unclear, a number some are said to be in a critical but stable condition. Others are being treated for minor injuries sustained in the crush as they had tried to escape.

Witnesseses said the attackers appeared to have been well prepared. They wore assault dress and were heavily armed. NBC news has reported that one of the suspects has been identified as Syed Farook but this is as yet unconfirmed.

Police will not comment on whether this was a terrorist attack. However the bomb squad is investigating suspected packages at the disability centre which they believe may by explosive devices.

Responding to the attack Democratic presidential candidate Hilary Clinton took to social media to call for more gun regulation. Billionaire Donald Trump commended the bravery of the California police, while fellow Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush has expressed his condolences to the victims’ families.

The US has experienced numerous mass shootings – this latest comes comes less than a week after a gunman killed three people and wounded nine in a shooting rampage at a planed Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-03

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- Sayid Farook is NOT a "Muslim" name! It is a name of Arabic Heritage! There are no "Muslim"- names!

- as long as they did not carry out the killing in the name of Allah or Mohammed, it is NOT Muslim- terrorism or Jihad, no matter what their names are, what religion they hold or where they were born! It is terrorism, yes! But not Muslim- terrorism!

- things like these would NOT happen, if not every John, Dick and Harry would have access to guns and it would NOT have ended better, if the whole center would have been stacked with guns!

- the bodies of the last mass- shooting have not yet been burried...but here we go again! 355 so far this year! "...but ...but ...but...an occassional shooting here and there..." When will you redneck gunlovers finally admit, that there is a problem IN THE US?

- and again: they have Arabic names: Muslim- terror! He was a god fearing Christian who said "no more bay- parts"...just a coincidence!

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Hope they get hold of whover gave them the guns and string them up.

Nope. Too easy. Take away the guns and terrorism disappears? No chemicals/bombs/hatchets/vehicles (driven into a crowd) or booby traps?

Hope so...but too good to be true.

No guns..no deaths ??? what a simple solution. Tell those europeans to crack down on gun control as well.

So if they were illegaly supplied weapons you think its ok?

If legally supplied you think the checks and balances were enough?

It would seem obvious that these lunatics should not have accessbto guns one way or the other.

If people still think there should not be more controls then they no right to offer condolenses, they are part of the problem.

Not to forget this was the second mass shooting in the US today.

Terrorists will acquire weapons whenever, and wherever they please. Permits or no permits. In San Bernandino or elsewhere. My statement was one of irony (Paris is no safer/regardless of gun laws....case in point). It just amazes me that people want to turn this into a gun control situation. Regulation does not fit. Terrorists work outside the law...(for those that do not realize this)

I think we are both in agreement.

Stricter gun legislation and checks would make it a lot harder to get hold of weapons. There is a reason these things happen time and time again only in the USA.

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Ah. I see hopes of a white supremacist Republican have been dashed. Multiple attackers, so no lone wolf. Explosives, guns, preparations in advance, Arab names. Stinks of Islamic terrorism so the regressives change horses mid stream to attempt to turn the discourse into one of gun control. They are nothing if not predictable. I look forward to the evasions, gaslighting and diversionary straw man attacks from Obama, Kerry and co.

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Ah. I see hopes of a white supremacist Republican have been dashed. Multiple attackers, so no lone wolf. Explosives, guns, preparations in advance, Arab names. Stinks of Islamic terrorism so the regressives change horses mid stream to attempt to turn the discourse into one of gun control. They are nothing if not predictable. I look forward to the evasions, gaslighting and diversionary straw man attacks from Obama, Kerry and co.

So you are now happy with situation?

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- Sayid Farook is NOT a "Muslim" name! It is a name of Arabic Heritage! There are no "Muslim"- names!

- as long as they did not carry out the killing in the name of Allah or Mohammed, it is NOT Muslim- terrorism or Jihad, no matter what their names are, what religion they hold or where they were born! It is terrorism, yes! But not Muslim- terrorism!

- things like these would NOT happen, if not every John, Dick and Harry would have access to guns and it would NOT have ended better, if the whole center would have been stacked with guns!

- the bodies of the last mass- shooting have not yet been burried...but here we go again! 355 so far this year! "...but ...but ...but...an occassional shooting here and there..." When will you redneck gunlovers finally admit, that there is a problem IN THE US?

- and again: they have Arabic names: Muslim- terror! He was a god fearing Christian who said "no more bay- parts"...just a coincidence!

Whatever dude, they were dressed for jihad, his neighbor and dad said he had become fervently mussie in the last year and started wearing a Paki style mussie costume, the loving couple left their baby to do this... can you think of a more logical explanation? smells like jihad to me.

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- Sayid Farook is NOT a "Muslim" name! It is a name of Arabic Heritage! There are no "Muslim"- names!

- as long as they did not carry out the killing in the name of Allah or Mohammed, it is NOT Muslim- terrorism or Jihad, no matter what their names are, what religion they hold or where they were born! It is terrorism, yes! But not Muslim- terrorism!

- things like these would NOT happen, if not every John, Dick and Harry would have access to guns and it would NOT have ended better, if the whole center would have been stacked with guns!

- the bodies of the last mass- shooting have not yet been burried...but here we go again! 355 so far this year! "...but ...but ...but...an occassional shooting here and there..." When will you redneck gunlovers finally admit, that there is a problem IN THE US?

- and again: they have Arabic names: Muslim- terror! He was a god fearing Christian who said "no more bay- parts"...just a coincidence!

Links are provided for our readers to gain additional information. They are useless if people refuse to read them.

Check out this post... http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/875612-at-least-14-people-are-reported-dead-in-shooting-at-disabled-centre-in-southern-california/page-5#entry10148572

Due to Fair Use, only the first three sentences of a link might be posted. Following are the next four sentences of the above link:

"“I haven’t heard anything,” the elder Syed Farook told the Daily News. “He was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”

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Plenty of social media posts putting forward "Arabic" names for the suspects.

I hate Islamic terrorism as much as the next guy. But they don't generally target a banquet at a center for the developmentally disabled.

I hate Arab terrorism as much as the next guy. But they don't generally target a banquet at a center for the developmentally disabled. This is the territory of right-wing wing nuts who live in a fantasy world with weird personal and/or anti-government grievances and high powered assault rifles with huge clips. And you can't take those assault weapons away because that would be taking away their substitute manhood - even if it would also deprive potential foreign terrorists of said weapons

I hate Arab terrorism as much as the next guy. But they don't generally target a banquet at a center for the developmentally disabled. This is the territory of right-wing wing nuts who live in a fantasy world with weird personal and/or anti-government grievances and high powered assault rifles with huge clips. And you can't take those assault weapons away because that would be taking away their substitute manhood - even if it would also deprive potential foreign terrorists of said weaponsI hate Arab terrorism as much as the next guy. But they don't generally target a banquet at a center for the developmentally disabled. This is the territory of right-wing wing nuts who live in a fantasy world with weird personal and/or anti-government grievances and high powered assault rifles with huge clips. And you can't take those assault weapons away because that would be taking away their substitute manhood - even if it would also deprive potential foreign terrorists of said weapons

Perhaps they do on Wednesdays. Just another of your suppositions, eh Jake?

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Apparently he was a US born citizen who was normal in every way till he fell in love with a Saudi girl on the internet, went over married and brought her back into the USA. Maybe forced to do this by her..

How about giving us a link to this information;

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In any other country this would be a national tragedy -- in the US it's called "Wednesday"

And everyone continues to worry about international terrorists when most of the time in the US it's the domestic nut cases who are causing all the bloodshed.

Yes, the reports and I agree with you, too -- "Farook, who was born in the US, worked for the county as an environmental health specialist, police said. They had no information on whether he had a criminal record, nor further details on Malik. Colleagues told the Los Angeles Times that Farook had travelled to Saudi Arabia and returned with a new wife. The couple had a young baby, they said."


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- Sayid Farook is NOT a "Muslim" name! It is a name of Arabic Heritage! There are no "Muslim"- names!

- as long as they did not carry out the killing in the name of Allah or Mohammed, it is NOT Muslim- terrorism or Jihad, no matter what their names are, what religion they hold or where they were born! It is terrorism, yes! But not Muslim- terrorism!

- things like these would NOT happen, if not every John, Dick and Harry would have access to guns and it would NOT have ended better, if the whole center would have been stacked with guns!

- the bodies of the last mass- shooting have not yet been burried...but here we go again! 355 so far this year! "...but ...but ...but...an occassional shooting here and there..." When will you redneck gunlovers finally admit, that there is a problem IN THE US?

- and again: they have Arabic names: Muslim- terror! He was a god fearing Christian who said "no more bay- parts"...just a coincidence!

Links are provided for our readers to gain additional information. They are useless if people refuse to read them.

Check out this post... http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/875612-at-least-14-people-are-reported-dead-in-shooting-at-disabled-centre-in-southern-california/page-5#entry10148572

Due to Fair Use, only the first three sentences of a link might be posted. Following are the next four sentences of the above link:

"“I haven’t heard anything,” the elder Syed Farook told the Daily News. “He was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”

“He was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”


That complete rules out, that anything else but him being Muslim, was responsible for what he did?

Even if his name was Allah Mohamed Bin Jihad and the only book he ever read was the Q'ran...that still doesn't make him a Muslim- terrorist!

By the way: the wife of the PP- shooter, said he was very religious!

Care to appologize in the name of all Christians?

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- Sayid Farook is NOT a "Muslim" name! It is a name of Arabic Heritage! There are no "Muslim"- names!

- as long as they did not carry out the killing in the name of Allah or Mohammed, it is NOT Muslim- terrorism or Jihad, no matter what their names are, what religion they hold or where they were born! It is terrorism, yes! But not Muslim- terrorism!

- things like these would NOT happen, if not every John, Dick and Harry would have access to guns and it would NOT have ended better, if the whole center would have been stacked with guns!

- the bodies of the last mass- shooting have not yet been burried...but here we go again! 355 so far this year! "...but ...but ...but...an occassional shooting here and there..." When will you redneck gunlovers finally admit, that there is a problem IN THE US?

- and again: they have Arabic names: Muslim- terror! He was a god fearing Christian who said "no more bay- parts"...just a coincidence!

Links are provided for our readers to gain additional information. They are useless if people refuse to read them.

Check out this post... http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/875612-at-least-14-people-are-reported-dead-in-shooting-at-disabled-centre-in-southern-california/page-5#entry10148572

Due to Fair Use, only the first three sentences of a link might be posted. Following are the next four sentences of the above link:

"“I haven’t heard anything,” the elder Syed Farook told the Daily News. “He was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”

Seem to recall one of your posts that had given you a link and your reply was I don't read that crap.

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- Sayid Farook is NOT a "Muslim" name! It is a name of Arabic Heritage! There are no "Muslim"- names!

- as long as they did not carry out the killing in the name of Allah or Mohammed, it is NOT Muslim- terrorism or Jihad, no matter what their names are, what religion they hold or where they were born! It is terrorism, yes! But not Muslim- terrorism!

- things like these would NOT happen, if not every John, Dick and Harry would have access to guns and it would NOT have ended better, if the whole center would have been stacked with guns!

- the bodies of the last mass- shooting have not yet been burried...but here we go again! 355 so far this year! "...but ...but ...but...an occassional shooting here and there..." When will you redneck gunlovers finally admit, that there is a problem IN THE US?

- and again: they have Arabic names: Muslim- terror! He was a god fearing Christian who said "no more bay- parts"...just a coincidence!

1) Muslims would disagree with the last assertion in your first bullet. Especially the ones who name their kids after characters in their religious story book or significant personalities heralded by a particular sub-sect's beliefs. This is true even in my christian-laden country where religious people name their kids after bible characters. They consider it a "good christian name".

2) The two shooters are dead. Waiting for living witness/vicitm statements to start coming out to hear if the shooter yelled anything just before/as he started shooting. Maybe it was "God Save the Queen!" You never know.

3) I agree 100% with the undeniable logic that fewer mass shootings would happen if weapons were banned. That would make them harder for the average joe schmoe to acquire.

3a) Firearms are "banned" on airlines. A group of terrorists took over 3 planes with box cutters instead. What ever will they think of next.

4) The bodies in this attack were still seeping blood on the floor when you eurotrash lot started your predictable, worthless drivel. Don't get upset if you aren't eurotrash. I'm not a red neck either, but that didn't stop you from you generalizing while you lecture us about the dangers of generalizing about muslims. Hypocrite.

5) Americans know there is a gun violence problem. They certainly don't need the likes of you to blather on about it endlessly, and in such a crude, disingenuous way.

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The fact they had assault weapons, that it was a joint effort, that there were possible explosives thrown from a vehicle point to this being premeditated and NOT the result of a guy having a bad day at the office.

Let's have a closer look at the timeline :

The attacks started at 11.00 AM.

At 03.25 a SUV was intercepted by the police, just a few miles from the center, and a few miles from his domicile.

What happened in these +4 hours while the whole area was blocked from entry and exit ?


Edited by Thorgal
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So if they were illegaly supplied weapons you think its ok?

If legally supplied you think the checks and balances were enough?

It would seem obvious that these lunatics should not have accessbto guns one way or the other.

If people still think there should not be more controls then they no right to offer condolenses, they are part of the problem.

Not to forget this was the second mass shooting in the US today.

Terrorists will acquire weapons whenever, and wherever they please. Permits or no permits. In San Bernandino or elsewhere. My statement was one of irony (Paris is no safer/regardless of gun laws....case in point). It just amazes me that people want to turn this into a gun control situation. Regulation does not fit. Terrorists work outside the law...(for those that do not realize this)

I think we are both in agreement.

Stricter gun legislation and checks would make it a lot harder to get hold of weapons. There is a reason these things happen time and time again only in the USA.

Only in the USA....??? wow.....I guess all that news I have been reading about terrorism and ISIS is not true. We are the only victims. Thanks for pointing this out, and you are the first one to have said this. I am sure the grieving relatives in Paris would disagree with you....

and gun control never helped them a bit. Russia has it's own problems (bombing of aircraft and such) a bit behind ..are you? If it is not a gun..it's a bomb or something else. I stand fast that this is not a gun control issue...it is a terrorist issue.

Edited by Scott
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Ah. I see hopes of a white supremacist Republican have been dashed. Multiple attackers, so no lone wolf. Explosives, guns, preparations in advance, Arab names. Stinks of Islamic terrorism so the regressives change horses mid stream to attempt to turn the discourse into one of gun control. They are nothing if not predictable. I look forward to the evasions, gaslighting and diversionary straw man attacks from Obama, Kerry and co.

So you are now happy with situation?

It certainly seems so. When it isnt a muslim he seems to go quiet and blame it on anything else but easy access to guns.

What was the cause of the other mass shooting today in Georgia?

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