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America's bizarre reaction to mass shootings


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America’s bizarre reaction to mass shootings
Liz Burke

IN the wake of the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, which until yesterday was considered the worst mass shooting of the decade in the US, Americans did a few things.

They mourned, they prayed, they digested their shock, and they bought guns, lots and lots of guns.

The shooting left the nation on edge, and it now finds itself in the same position following the slaughter of 14 people when married couple Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik entered a Christmas party armed with legally purchased guns and sprayed the room with legally obtained bullets.

A separate shooting at a Planned Parenthood building in Colorado last week prompted President Barack Obama to share hope the crime would spur more Americans “to do something” to support tighter gun sale controls.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/finance/business/americas-bizarre-reaction-to-mass-shootings/news-story/8ff3a468c777b8add5feebcdc93156ca

-- News.com.au 2015-12-04

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Yes we know.. it's just another Wednesday. Nothing to be afraid of. Carry on everyone. Oh and don't forget to buy guns to protect yourself.. the only thing to protect you from bad people with a gun is you with a gun.


Edited by JakeSully
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The guys responsible for the San Bernadino massacre didn't have to go through background checks before buying guns. Americans start throthing at the mouth when you start to talk about 'gun control', that is to say restricting ownership of guns to people that have a good reason for needing one.

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The guys responsible for the San Bernadino massacre didn't have to go through background checks before buying guns. Americans start throthing at the mouth when you start to talk about 'gun control', that is to say restricting ownership of guns to people that have a good reason for needing one.

They owned the guns legally. Did they legally get them without background checks?

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In the UK, firearms officers are psychologically-profiled before they are accepted for that role (during the time on the job they are also very closely supervised/controlled).

".....Candidates are required to gain approval from their superiors before embarking on a series of interviews, psychological and physical fitness tests, medical examinations and assessment days, before permission to commence firearms training is given".

Why on earth would one not require Joe public to do the same?!

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When you have influential people saying to the redneck ignorant masses, "You can take my gun....from my cold dead hand", what do you expect?

The catch-cries of "But I'm a responsible owner" and "disarm the honest people and the criminals are still armed" just add to the idiocy.

Perhaps it's mass karma. The US contributes to most of the world's "collateral damage" deaths, and so amongst US citizens otherwise avoidable deaths occur.

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I asked this on another thread:

I am baffled, how easy it obviously is, to buy all kinds of guns and ammo!

Of course you have the nutwings, who need to protect themselves from everything from burglars, government takeover, Muslims, the zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion. Blabbering about "guerilla warfare" and other BS.

Then you have the "hunters", who need guns to protect their land from too many deer or just shoot some animals for "sports"!

I would follow this argumentation much easier that the "defend"- hogwash...if someone would tell me, why you need an AK47 to shoot a deer or armor- piercing amo to shoot bears!

But HOW, WHY and WHERE does one purchase kevlar- vests?

Unless you are an US- Marine, a cop or at the very least working for a security- company: why in the name of sweet baby Jeeeezus would you need a kevlar- vest!

If someone strolls into your kevlar- vest shop and can not indentify himself as one of the above...why would he wont to buy a kevlar- vest, unless, he is looking to protect himself from someone shooting and him in a planned confrontation!

You don't sleep with these things, in case a "burglar" breaks into your home!

I have so far not heard about bears, shooting back on a hunt!

So how come, "normal" "citizens", get to stock up, like they are going to Iraq?

Body- armor, armor piercing bullets and assault riffles?

>end of rant<

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In the case of he San Bernardino massacre, the alleged terrorist purchased his guns 4 years ago. He was reportedly a law abiding, educated US born citizen. Nothing in his background suggested he was dangerous. Nothing at the time of the purchase would have given just cause to stop him from purchasing the weapons, even if there were lengthy waiting periods, or more intensive screenings.

He was in Saudi Arabia a year ago where he allegedly became radicalized. One could say that he should have been investigated at the time and had his guns seized.

Well, many of the people now whinging about his guns would have been up in arms if this religious muslim had been profiled and singled out. He had legal rights. Don't tell me that the gun control lobby now embraces Trump's totalitarian approach to muslims?

In respect to the Planned Parenthood killer, he too owned firearms dating back some time. Although odd, he had done nothing to suggest that he was dangerous. Had someone singled him out to take away his guns because he was an alleged wacko, we'd have seen claims of discrimination. The fact is, that this man would have found another way to kill, most likely with a vehicle where he would have run people down.

The issue has gone way beyond easy access to guns. It's now an issue of selfishness and moral collapse. All the taboos of rational society have been ruptured. We are witnessing Sodom & Gomorah on speed. This will not end nicely.

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The guys responsible for the San Bernadino massacre didn't have to go through background checks before buying guns. Americans start throthing at the mouth when you start to talk about 'gun control', that is to say restricting ownership of guns to people that have a good reason for needing one.

They owned the guns legally. Did they legally get them without background checks?

Yes they did.

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I asked this on another thread:

I am baffled, how easy it obviously is, to buy all kinds of guns and ammo!

Of course you have the nutwings, who need to protect themselves from everything from burglars, government takeover, Muslims, the zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion. Blabbering about "guerilla warfare" and other BS.

Then you have the "hunters", who need guns to protect their land from too many deer or just shoot some animals for "sports"!

I would follow this argumentation much easier that the "defend"- hogwash...if someone would tell me, why you need an AK47 to shoot a deer or armor- piercing amo to shoot bears!

But HOW, WHY and WHERE does one purchase kevlar- vests?

Unless you are an US- Marine, a cop or at the very least working for a security- company: why in the name of sweet baby Jeeeezus would you need a kevlar- vest!

If someone strolls into your kevlar- vest shop and can not indentify himself as one of the above...why would he wont to buy a kevlar- vest, unless, he is looking to protect himself from someone shooting and him in a planned confrontation!

You don't sleep with these things, in case a "burglar" breaks into your home!

I have so far not heard about bears, shooting back on a hunt!

So how come, "normal" "citizens", get to stock up, like they are going to Iraq?

Body- armor, armor piercing bullets and assault riffles?

>end of rant<

Your "rant" has been answered earlier.


Try alibaba for the kevlar vests.

Edited by chuckd
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"America's bizarre reaction to mass shootings"..............and the ThaiVisa gun haters immature responses to America's mass shootings. You people need to get a life.

18 people within the last 5 days can't get a life anymore, because they are now dead!

Thanks to a country were every Tom, Dick and Harry is allowed to own an arsenal in the basement!

Including people on the terror watchlist, as we are finding out!

Get some empathy!

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I have a point to make.. they had pipe bombs and other explosives all of which are illegal to own. Did laws against the manufacture and possession of explosives deter these fanatics? Not in the least.


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"America's bizarre reaction to mass shootings"..............and the ThaiVisa gun haters immature responses to America's mass shootings. You people need to get a life.

18 people within the last 5 days can't get a life anymore, because they are now dead!

Thanks to a country were every Tom, Dick and Harry is allowed to own an arsenal in the basement!

Including people on the terror watchlist, as we are finding out!

Get some empathy!

Those "terror" watchlists are complete garbage...anyone can end up on one for looking cross-eyed at a flight attendant. No reason at all to deny one their constitutional rights.

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When you have influential people saying to the redneck ignorant masses, "You can take my gun....from my cold dead hand", what do you expect?

The catch-cries of "But I'm a responsible owner" and "disarm the honest people and the criminals are still armed" just add to the idiocy.

Perhaps it's mass karma. The US contributes to most of the world's "collateral damage" deaths, and so amongst US citizens otherwise avoidable deaths occur.

What's ignorant is using extremist slurs like that. Part of the problem, not the solution.

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I asked this on another thread:

I am baffled, how easy it obviously is, to buy all kinds of guns and ammo!

Of course you have the nutwings, who need to protect themselves from everything from burglars, government takeover, Muslims, the zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion. Blabbering about "guerilla warfare" and other BS.

Then you have the "hunters", who need guns to protect their land from too many deer or just shoot some animals for "sports"!

I would follow this argumentation much easier that the "defend"- hogwash...if someone would tell me, why you need an AK47 to shoot a deer or armor- piercing amo to shoot bears!

But HOW, WHY and WHERE does one purchase kevlar- vests?

Unless you are an US- Marine, a cop or at the very least working for a security- company: why in the name of sweet baby Jeeeezus would you need a kevlar- vest!

If someone strolls into your kevlar- vest shop and can not indentify himself as one of the above...why would he wont to buy a kevlar- vest, unless, he is looking to protect himself from someone shooting and him in a planned confrontation!

You don't sleep with these things, in case a "burglar" breaks into your home!

I have so far not heard about bears, shooting back on a hunt!

So how come, "normal" "citizens", get to stock up, like they are going to Iraq?

Body- armor, armor piercing bullets and assault riffles?

>end of rant<

Your "rant" has been answered earlier.


Try alibaba for the kevlar vests.

So, what you are saying: also no control, no checks, no balances!

You want it, you got it!

Okay, got it now!

Free enterprise, huh?!

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I asked this on another thread:

I am baffled, how easy it obviously is, to buy all kinds of guns and ammo!

Of course you have the nutwings, who need to protect themselves from everything from burglars, government takeover, Muslims, the zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion. Blabbering about "guerilla warfare" and other BS.

Then you have the "hunters", who need guns to protect their land from too many deer or just shoot some animals for "sports"!

I would follow this argumentation much easier that the "defend"- hogwash...if someone would tell me, why you need an AK47 to shoot a deer or armor- piercing amo to shoot bears!

But HOW, WHY and WHERE does one purchase kevlar- vests?

Unless you are an US- Marine, a cop or at the very least working for a security- company: why in the name of sweet baby Jeeeezus would you need a kevlar- vest!

If someone strolls into your kevlar- vest shop and can not indentify himself as one of the above...why would he wont to buy a kevlar- vest, unless, he is looking to protect himself from someone shooting and him in a planned confrontation!

You don't sleep with these things, in case a "burglar" breaks into your home!

I have so far not heard about bears, shooting back on a hunt!

So how come, "normal" "citizens", get to stock up, like they are going to Iraq?

Body- armor, armor piercing bullets and assault riffles?

>end of rant<

Your "rant" has been answered earlier.


Try alibaba for the kevlar vests.

So, what you are saying: also no control, no checks, no balances!

You want it, you got it!

Okay, got it now!

Free enterprise, huh?!

I had a friend that was shot by mistake while on a deer hunt. Luckily it was in the leg but if it had been a chest shot, he would probably have died. Many hunters wear body armor just in case.

Military tanks are a no-no, as are old F-5s and most USN battleships. They are generally decommissioned.

Now a simple request,

If you don't mind, please stop re-phrasing my posts into what you want them to say. It's impolite and not very sanitary.

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Speaking of reaction, it's not lost on many that the GOP folks react much differently to a run-of-the-mill mass shooting and one involving possible Islamic terrorist.


In summary, if it's a mass shooting by a certifiable American, offer prayers and avoid any discussion of gun control.

But if the shooter happens to be a Muslim, go absolutely ape-shit about security, and borders, and radical Islamic terrorist, and of course, attack the President for not protecting Americans.

So predictable.

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I asked this on another thread:

I am baffled, how easy it obviously is, to buy all kinds of guns and ammo!

Of course you have the nutwings, who need to protect themselves from everything from burglars, government takeover, Muslims, the zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion. Blabbering about "guerilla warfare" and other BS.

Then you have the "hunters", who need guns to protect their land from too many deer or just shoot some animals for "sports"!

I would follow this argumentation much easier that the "defend"- hogwash...if someone would tell me, why you need an AK47 to shoot a deer or armor- piercing amo to shoot bears!

But HOW, WHY and WHERE does one purchase kevlar- vests?

Unless you are an US- Marine, a cop or at the very least working for a security- company: why in the name of sweet baby Jeeeezus would you need a kevlar- vest!

If someone strolls into your kevlar- vest shop and can not indentify himself as one of the above...why would he wont to buy a kevlar- vest, unless, he is looking to protect himself from someone shooting and him in a planned confrontation!

You don't sleep with these things, in case a "burglar" breaks into your home!

I have so far not heard about bears, shooting back on a hunt!

So how come, "normal" "citizens", get to stock up, like they are going to Iraq?

Body- armor, armor piercing bullets and assault riffles?

>end of rant<

Your "rant" has been answered earlier.


Try alibaba for the kevlar vests.

So, what you are saying: also no control, no checks, no balances!

You want it, you got it!

Okay, got it now!

Free enterprise, huh?!

I clicked through on the UK body armour sales website. There were no restrictions. They would even deliver it to me in Thailand (which we've seen recently would be illegal to possess).

Free enterprise indeed. UK is just one of the many scum bag nations selling thier military hardware and weapons around the world.

Still baffled, or just a bit of the Nanny State Selective Memory Syndrome? biggrin.png

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Speaking of reaction, it's not lost on many that the GOP folks react much differently to a run-of-the-mill mass shooting and one involving possible Islamic terrorist.


In summary, if it's a mass shooting by a certifiable American, offer prayers and avoid any discussion of gun control.

But if the shooter happens to be a Muslim, go absolutely ape-shit about security, and borders, and radical Islamic terrorist, and of course, attack the President for not protecting Americans.

So predictable.

Yes, these long primary/campaigns are starved for crisis action material. It's worse than Christmas music before Harvest Day.

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