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Walking Street & Khaosan Road believed to be targets of ISIS in Thailand


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Khaosan Road and Walking St, really? Did the Erawan Shrine bombers get lost?

And if the "Authorities aware of Islamic State terrorist arrivals in Phuket since October" why have they not been apprehended?

Are these "statements/claims" for the political agenda benefit of the current authorities? Just wondering. whistling.gif

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"...Walking Street & Khaosan Road believed to be targets of ISIS in Thailand..."

Not anymore they aren't. Plenty of alternate targets.

"...and that Immigration will be stepping up the screening of foreigners at all border checkpoints..."

Haven't you heard. They are supposedly already in the country.

Edited by oneday
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"...Walking Street & Khaosan Road believed to be targets of ISIS in Thailand..."

Not anymore they aren't. Plenty of alternate targets.

"...and that Immigration will be stepping up the screening of foreigners at all border checkpoints..."

Haven't you heard. They are supposedly already in the country.

So, you don't figure there's any chance these would be the recon guys, identifying targets, arranging logistics and prepping weapons and explosives (and looking for virgins) for the actual terrorists to follow on?

I'd like to think they're tightening up borders just a wee bit. 10 bad guys in country is better than 11 and a lot better than 100.

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So they have warning of a threat to the main tourist areas in Thailand. This surely will spark travel advisories.

I guess it will be quiet for Xmas.

A mate rang me Australia yesterday & they already have travel warnings. High risk destination.

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South Thailand: Resistance to perceived occupation of ancestral lands and to corruption on the part of the occupiers who use their BKK connections to steal land and resources.

ISIS: Planning to take over the world and kill everyone that stands in their way.

I work with hundreds of S. Thailand Muslims. Delightful people on the whole. Don't know if I'd have the same experience with the ISIS guys.

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I get the impression some people are excited to think they might be a target. I guess we take validation wherever we can get it.

I'll answer that.

I'm certainly not excited but I know I'm a target of any flavor of Islamic Jihadists. I'm a "triple play" for them. Nothing new about tha

here are

Queen, Drama Queen and what would the other be ??

Lady-in-waiting ?

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^^ agree , but their target isnt Thailand more the nationalties of the people in the areas they would attack I guess

Agreed. I just watched an article about it on Aljazeera News and they say the report says the target is Russian tourists. Don't know how bright it is to target bars at night if it's Russians they're after, surely better targeting somewhere they are going to be

I would hate to live my life by that sort of thinking - terrorists will strike anywhere, regardless of who is there. And why do they do it - because they can sad.png

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There is no psychological fear factor for the west in bombing westerners in Thailand, it's too far away, too exotic, too unimportant. The real targets have got to be London, Berlin, Brussels, Moscow, where their real enemy lives and works, in the west's own backyard so to speak. If the Ali Baba's have come to Thailand it will be R and R before they blow themselves up in a target worthwhile.

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There is an awful lot of wilful denial and wishful thinking reasoning being posted about this threat.

There clearly has been a warning given and it is being taken seriously (as far as the BIB and security services here take anything seriously).

Is there a real danger? I don't know and I really hope not, but to say "Thailand is too far away'', "it's just media hype" and worst of all "people just want to be considered a threat for their own sense of self importance" (as one poster has implied) is avoiding reality.

Terrorist scum exist and their warped views on faith/society/politics/whatever their so called "cause" is leads them to do terrible things. To not take the threat seriously is to invite the kind of attrocity Paris suffered.

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I'm taking this one with a pinch of salt. I find it hard to believe that ISIS gives half a toss about Thailand.

ever heard of "soft" target? The Thai's can't even control the insurrection in the south much less a co-ordinated terror attack in any city. they will close the door AFTER the damage has been done. and as for tourist? they pay their baht and take their chances.

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Nothing new as far as I am concerned.

Walking St is an obvious target and has been for a very long time.

Imagine what damage a bomb could do at peak time in Walking St?

Frightening really.

I guess Central would also be a target but if you are looking for mass casualties Walking St is the biggest one.

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I would not panic too much however, the last thing ISIS will do is target a neutral country irrespective of the amount of foreigners. The idea is to kill the infidel of enemy territory. Thailand is not exactly top of the pile is this respect. They have the whole western world to target for this.

Let me guess….you run a bar, a restaurant or a gogo…..right?

No i dont run any of them and what on earth has that got to do with my post anyway

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So they have warning of a threat to the main tourist areas in Thailand. This surely will spark travel advisories.

I guess it will be quiet for Xmas.

A mate rang me Australia yesterday & they already have travel warnings. High risk destination.

Been in place for a long time & not related to the specific threat of Daesh

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The PR Department of IS at work? Or did a man with a beard arrive?

The chances of getting killed in the traffic compared to those of getting killed in a terrorist attack in Thailand are probably in the thousands to one. Still, much more money is spent on weapons than on traffic safety. Fear works, and fear is the business of IS and of the generals.

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Is I.S. targeting hipsters, alternatives and ageing unrecovered hippies now ?

KSR has a very high number of Israeli's and it could be a target but also Nana, Cowboy or even Patpong could be a target.

Nana is heavily populATED outside. I f Nana were to be hit it would need to be from a car or tank.

By the time a terrorist got inside NaNa he would have unloaded all his ammo .

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yep, just a matter of time, so many other very busy targets that could be hit too and you only have to look at how the cops handled the last incident here eg giving themselves the reward a week after one person was caught etc. The difference between the Paris incident and here and how the police handled it was like night and day

This is not a local issue, this is a global issues that affects the world. Stop blaming and start taking some initiative to see beyond your resentments to what can be done.

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I'm taking this one with a pinch of salt. I find it hard to believe that ISIS gives half a toss about Thailand.

Its not the Thais ISIS is after. Its the Russians and where do you find a big bunch of Russians outside of Russia? Thailand.

Remember Bali and the Ozzies?

"An audio-cassette purportedly carrying a recorded voice message from Osama Bin Laden stated that the Bali bombings were in direct retaliation for support of the United States' war on terror and Australia's role in the liberation of East Timor."

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Khaosan Road and Walking St, really? Did the Erawan Shrine bombers get lost?

And if the "Authorities aware of Islamic State terrorist arrivals in Phuket since October" why have they not been apprehended?

Are these "statements/claims" for the political agenda benefit of the current authorities? Just wondering. whistling.gif

TM30 will get themgiggle.gif

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