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Trump calls for 'complete shutdown' on Muslims entering US


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Trumps grabbing media attention plays on the American public insecurities and more than likely to radicalise some, if he is fair dinkum (for real) were all in trouble, do we need another saber rattling president in the US?

If there was a ban on muslims before this latest attack then 14 Americans would not be dead. We can already see the results of the open door policy. Maybe something else should be tried. If "moderate" muslims had to pay for these attacks maybe they would put some pressure on their radical freinds.

And how exactly are you going to spot these muslims?

A lot of them look exactly like Jews.

You know, big noses, no foreskin, no bacon in their luggage.

That sort of thing.


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Why because in Europe they've been living in isolated ghetto like communities cut off from their country. They are resented everywhere and have no jobs and no interaction. So they turn to the mosques and radicalize and feel they're not part of the country they live in. They resent the state. They have zero loyalty towards their country. The mullahs tells them the cartoons insult their religion and families and look what happens?

If the Authorities had rounded them up like sheep and put them in ghetto's I would agree with you.

The fact is they created the ghetto's by forcing others out.

The rest of your above statement is bang on the money.

It is ironic that they are still flocking in their millions to the very Countries that they resent.

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I like the Don.

He has the balls to say what the others are afraid to say.

Maybe one step further would be better.....deport all muslims currently in the US.

Where to you ask?

1. Back to where they came from.

2. Europe - bloody liberal <deleted> European governments should take them.

3. If nowhere to go, to the middle of the ocean.

So does a 5 year old child, but what they say is not necessarily the smartest.

How can this man be taken seriously as potential President of the most powerful country in the world? How could he ever meet and do business wth Muslim, Jewish, Hispanic, or female heads of state? Are there any others he hasn't stereotyped and insulted yet?

He is making the Presidential race and the USA the laughing stock of the world.

Edited by dexterm
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I'm not overly worried about one narcissistic psycho (Trump) but rather about all those who would follow his delusional rhetoric and logic to the "Jim Jones kool aid stand"... we are truly in peril when we reject all reason, insight and perspective in lieu of blind reactionary impulses... we become no better than the extremists and follow them entwined together into the abyss of self righteous hate and rage like lemmings on the march... has this happened before? hint... Cambodia, Bosnia, Germany, Russia ...

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Okay but its not very hard to change your religion in a passport is it? You think banning one of the biggest and oldest religions in the World is going to stop them?

it will cause more hatred, more divides and more of a backlash...

They will counter it in some way quite easily... Terrorism will increase, there are also many white Muslims that blend in quite well, and if they are all kicked out of a country they have lived for their entire lives, im guessing they will be more than pissed, and probably armed to the teeth thanks to good old Americas lack of gun laws...

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This is probably the most dangerous time in history, we are more than likely at the brink of a global war.... choosing who rules one of the biggest super powers is not just about keeping a few people in the USA safe, despite the hundreds of murders per day among American people which dont seem to be a problem anymore...

The choice that is made during the next election may well mean the entire World suffers a massive war of biblical proportions, especially if a business man gets into power... Its like Taksin taking over...

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If you guys are going to let yourselves be ruled by fear, you're going to have to give up that 'home of the brave' status.

What you are calling fear is not fear at all. But common sense. Most terrorists are muslim so it makes rational sense to reduce the amount of muslims you are allowing in if you want to lower the chances of terrorist attacks.

In the same way that most countries have immigration and customs restrictions on a whole host of things. It would not make very much sense to allow beef into the US that is from a country that is experiencing an outbreak of foot and mouth disease would it ?

I think there is a big breakout of mouth disease from people that back up DT with his BS.

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Since the issue is a hatred if Americans according to DT rather than America does this mean prevention of US citizens travelling overseas as I would hate to get caught up as collateral damage plus the american who lives round the corner has a rather nice house I wouldn't mind getting at a firesale price.

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Your solution is?????

Trump is no better than the terrorists we all want exterminated. His rhetoric is a disgrace to his nation, and is following the same path of Adolf Hitler prior to world war 2. I have many muslim friends who are as horrified as I am am at the barbaric actions of ISIS. They do not regard these terrorists as muslims but a completely different sect which has abanded the word of the Koran completely.

No solution is better than the Republican solution...which is to piss off as many Muslims as possible, and make sure they have easy access to as many guns as they can buy. Yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense.

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This is probably the most dangerous time in history, we are more than likely at the brink of a global war.... choosing who rules one of the biggest super powers is not just about keeping a few people in the USA safe, despite the hundreds of murders per day among American people which dont seem to be a problem anymore...

The choice that is made during the next election may well mean the entire World suffers a massive war of biblical proportions, especially if a business man gets into power... Its like Taksin taking over...

Don't worry.

Trump might be nominated as the republican but the polls are showing Hillary Clinton will cream him.

Much more so than their other choices.

So bring him on ... and CRUSH HIM.

Yes, he's truly horrible.

He's falling directly into the trap of Daesh.

He's exactly what they want.

Supporting Trump is supporting Deash.

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I bet the majority of Americans agree with him

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And why wouldn't they? You want the 99.9% of Americans to lose their freedom in exchange for making the 0.001% muslims happy there. Its a nonsense, if the muslims in the USA find freedom so oppressive they can all bugger of back to where they or their ancestors came from. Or, is that too simple a concept to grasp?

Trump is exactly correct on this one. No muslims = no problem, why over complicate the issue. Further to that, they had their chance to stop the supposed extremists within their midst but chose not to presumably because they they feel they will benefit from the spread of the caliphate. Look at the family of the SB muslim, he still maintains Israel will be destroyed, why that is not hate speech is beyond me, the whole family need deporting today.

Timothy James McVeigh, Muslim?

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Of course Islamist Jihadist terrorism is a major world problem.

But Trump's approach will make it worse.

It promotes Daesh recruitment and deepens divisions.

I'm not saying be "PC" and burying heads in sand a about Islamist Jihadist terrorism.

But there is a more diplomatic and rational way to address that that doesn't play right into the plans of Daesh!

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I like the Don.

He has the balls to say what the others are afraid to say.

Maybe one step further would be better.....deport all muslims currently in the US.

Where to you ask?

1. Back to where they came from.

2. Europe - bloody liberal <deleted> European governments should take them.

3. If nowhere to go, to the middle of the ocean.

So does a 5 year old child, but what they say is not necessarily the smartest.

How can this man be taken seriously as potential President of the most powerful country in the world? How could he ever meet and do business wth Muslim, Jewish, Hispanic, or female heads of state? Are there any others he hasn't stereotyped and insulted yet?

He is making the Presidential race and the USA the laughing stock of the world.

They are used to it. They had Dubya for 8 years!

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It does piss me off as an American living abroad.

Maybe there is a racist base of about 25 percent of American voters (at most) that seriously would support Trump's various declarations of total fascistic IDIOCY, but people already widely hate Americans.

Now imagine how many will assume any American they met actually supports Trump, when the vast majority don't.

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It does piss me off as an American living abroad.

Maybe there is a racist base of about 25 percent of American voters (at most) that seriously would support Trump's various declarations of total fascistic IDIOCY, but people already widely hate Americans.

Now imagine how many will assume any American they met actually supports Trump, when the vast majority don't.

You're right, it is embarrassing. Most people don't know about the American political system and assume that Trump is leading national polls of all voters, not just Republicans. So for people to assume that 25% of Americans are ignorant racists is infuriating. I'm certain Trump will flame out, so hopefully people have a short memory.

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I'm not overly worried about one narcissistic psycho (Trump) but rather about all those who would follow his delusional rhetoric and logic to the "Jim Jones kool aid stand"... we are truly in peril when we reject all reason, insight and perspective in lieu of blind reactionary impulses... we become no better than the extremists and follow them entwined together into the abyss of self righteous hate and rage like lemmings on the march... has this happened before? hint... Cambodia, Bosnia, Germany, Russia ...

I love this post! Because I find it more than funny that we had to explain which narcissistic psycho you were talking about by putting his name in brackets!! Jeez there are so many of them cheesy.gif

Okay but its not very hard to change your religion in a passport is it? You think banning one of the biggest and oldest religions in the World is going to stop them?

it will cause more hatred, more divides and more of a backlash...

They will counter it in some way quite easily... Terrorism will increase, there are also many white Muslims that blend in quite well, and if they are all kicked out of a country they have lived for their entire lives, im guessing they will be more than pissed, and probably armed to the teeth thanks to good old Americas lack of gun laws...

Is your religion in your passport? really? Do you have a passport? So back to your first line. How hard is it to change your religion in a passport ;)

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What a day of shame for the USA that no less than a Presidential candidate plays the race card to win an election. Demogogues have done it before in history with tragic results.
How low can Trump go?

Not the race card. Islam is not a race.

True enough about history, even the self-proclaimed "enlightned" countries have dabbled in religious stupidity and flagrant disregard for ethnic realities whilst drawing lines on maps and kingmaking in distant lands.

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It will be very easy for a generation that has grown up watching the atrocities caused by Islamic fanatics, to completely accept that all muslims are evil and must be dealt with. Trump is turning out to be far more cunning than anyone would have expected. If there was a new crusade on the horizon, with Donald Trump blowing the call to arms, things could get much worse before or if they ever get better.

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It will be very easy for a generation that has grown up watching the atrocities caused by Islamic fanatics, to completely accept that all muslims are evil and must be dealt with. Trump is turning out to be far more cunning than anyone would have expected. If there was a new crusade on the horizon, with Donald Trump blowing the call to arms, things could get much worse before or if they ever get better.

Or the very specter of such an eventuality might be the catalyst needed to drop PC and drain the swamp of Jihad ideology.
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Unfortunately he's a total liar. Today he posted on his twitter.. he has never seen any muslim sports heroes.. yet his website has photos of him with Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Shaquille O'Neil.

He is interested in two things and two things only: making people afraid of it and telling who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections.

Even my father is now wanting to vote for him. I was stunned. I tried reasoning and asked my dad today who was to blame for the 2008 financial crisis.. he didn't remember and said Obama. Then I asked my dad who took care of him during his CABG surgery (I had taken a month off work to be the primary caretaker) and he didn't remember.. he said he did it himself.

I don't want to go so far as to call my dad a senile old man, but the fear is truly working..

Trump will probably become president. Conservatives rejoice!

Well this is from a guy who has been raised along side Muslims in one of the most heavily populated Muslim towns in the north of England. The truth is that by categorizing Muslims into moderate and radical they are essentially creating a misconception. We all know there are peace loving Muslims out there, yes these are commonly known as moderate Muslims however this is just a smoke screen because in reality, yes a lot of Muslims do not condone the atrocities committed by the likes of ISIS, however what people are not told is that the principles and the causes ISIS are fighting for is inherently agreed to by the majority of these so called moderate Muslims. They are all hard line in their beliefs and this is the reason why blind eyes are turned within their communities. Our governments know that the majority of these Muslims can be radicalized overnight if the balance is tipped in the wrong direction. We are all sitting on a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. I was raised in a predominantly Muslim area and i know first hand what the Muslims believe. I also know that the Asian Councillors when asked this question have the same concerns.

"I know a guy who knows a guy who knows some "Muslims"..........

It's so sad that a sentient human being can actually post this sort of thing in all seriousness........what dark dismal cloud of ignorance e/she must live in........

Well not all of us were raised in a picture post card English setting with thatched roofs and country lanes heading in all directions. Call it boots on the ground if you choose however no matter what you think these are HARD FACTS from people who are living among it. Integration is not about building walls however this is what we have, be it political walls, Religious walls, or cultural walls. This guy is me obviously!! and i was raised within these walls.

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Unfortunately he's a total liar. Today he posted on his twitter.. he has never seen any muslim sports heroes.. yet his website has photos of him with Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Shaquille O'Neil.

He is interested in two things and two things only: making people afraid of it and telling who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections.

Even my father is now wanting to vote for him. I was stunned. I tried reasoning and asked my dad today who was to blame for the 2008 financial crisis.. he didn't remember and said Obama. Then I asked my dad who took care of him during his CABG surgery (I had taken a month off work to be the primary caretaker) and he didn't remember.. he said he did it himself.

I don't want to go so far as to call my dad a senile old man, but the fear is truly working..

Trump will probably become president. Conservatives rejoice!

Well this is from a guy who has been raised along side Muslims in one of the most heavily populated Muslim towns in the north of England. The truth is that by categorizing Muslims into moderate and radical they are essentially creating a misconception. We all know there are peace loving Muslims out there, yes these are commonly known as moderate Muslims however this is just a smoke screen because in reality, yes a lot of Muslims do not condone the atrocities committed by the likes of ISIS, however what people are not told is that the principles and the causes ISIS are fighting for is inherently agreed to by the majority of these so called moderate Muslims. They are all hard line in their beliefs and this is the reason why blind eyes are turned within their communities. Our governments know that the majority of these Muslims can be radicalized overnight if the balance is tipped in the wrong direction. We are all sitting on a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. I was raised in a predominantly Muslim area and i know first hand what the Muslims believe. I also know that the Asian Councillors when asked this question have the same concerns.

"I know a guy who knows a guy who knows some "Muslims"..........

It's so sad that a sentient human being can actually post this sort of thing in all seriousness........what dark dismal cloud of ignorance e/she must live in........

Clearly not his own writing.

Clearly is my writing copied and pasted from another post i sent only yesterday. Thats Ctrl C copy Ctrl V paste FYI.

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Well this is from a guy who has been raised along side Muslims in one of the most heavily populated Muslim towns in the north of England. The truth is that by categorizing Muslims into moderate and radical they are essentially creating a misconception. We all know there are peace loving Muslims out there, yes these are commonly known as moderate Muslims however this is just a smoke screen because in reality, yes a lot of Muslims do not condone the atrocities committed by the likes of ISIS, however what people are not told is that the principles and the causes ISIS are fighting for is inherently agreed to by the majority of these so called moderate Muslims. They are all hard line in their beliefs and this is the reason why blind eyes are turned within their communities. Our governments know that the majority of these Muslims can be radicalized overnight if the balance is tipped in the wrong direction. We are all sitting on a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. I was raised in a predominantly Muslim area and i know first hand what the Muslims believe. I also know that the Asian Councillors when asked this question have the same concerns.

There's a reason ISIS and AQ gets more recruits from the European countries vs USA. There are well over 20000+ muslim extremists born in Europe who true loyalty is to Islam and they openly aid, abet and travel to the middle east to fight for Islam.
Compared to them we have under 500 in the USA.
Why because in Europe they've been living in isolated ghetto like communities cut off from their country. They are resented everywhere and have no jobs and no interaction. So they turn to the mosques and radicalize and feel they're not part of the country they live in. They resent the state. They have zero loyalty towards their country. The mullahs tells them the cartoons insult their religion and families and look what happens?
Here in USA the number of extremists who are radicals are under a 500 and most likely under 400 counting false positives. Why? Because the muslim community feel they are Americans. have a shot at a good life, the American Dream. As a result they are honored to help protect and defend their country. Here's your proof:
If you change the equation and deny them their American status and freedoms, you will change the numbers and more will be radicals. I don't know about you but I'd much rather have The Department of Homeland Security trying to account for the movements and if needed arrest 500 radicalized individuals than over 20000.

Yes and San Bernadino has just thrown that pack of crap right out of the window hasn't it. It is the fundamentals of Islam that allows its followers to become aggressive in its name. You are brainwashed, you think just because the majority of Muslims don't take up arms they do not defend Islam in principle exactly the same as the Muslims who do? This is where you are all making the biggest error in judgement. Also you are wrong. You will find in any predominantly Asian ares new floodlit soccer pitches, The pavements are all new, the areas are heavily invested in for political brown'y points. If you want to see the ghetto's pal come and visit the predominantly white areas within these towns and where there are no new soccer pitches and the roads are full of pot holes.

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Yep, just as one poster said, "If DT expels all Muslims,,,".

It's what is commonly called "redneck". Play to the unthinking great unwashed.

You have no clue what the term "redneck" means, where it came from or what it stood for. If you did you'd admire those people.

You are disparaging some fine, poor, hard working coal miners who wore red bandannas in a show of solidarity to strike against the big corporate coal mine owners in the hills of W. Virginia. Many were murdered by the coal mine owners' goons. Soon 100 years will have passed since that happened.

Call me a redneck and I'll wear it with pride.

In the meantime, just keep spewing your hate...

And as an American you know that NO ONE thinks of coal miners from 100 years ago when they use the term "Redneck". Repeat. No one.

The derivation of a word often has little bearing on its current use. In fact, Merriam-Webster defines a Redneck as "a white person who lives in a small town or in the country especially in the southern U.S., who typically has a working-class job, and who is seen by others as being uneducated and having opinions and attitudes that are offensive"

But hey you can use Wiki to smugly attempt to discount Seastallion if it makes you feel superior.

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Not a Trump fan. A bit too narcissistic and loud for my taste but he does bring up the fact the political left who have been bending over backwards to appease Islam from the day Barack placed his slimy palm on the bible has no clue what to do. So the Donald promotes denying muslims access to the US until someone comes up with a more reasonable solution. Anybody seen the infamous Youtube video of Ayatollah Ahamid Al Hassani Baghdadi explaining what is going to happen to America once he infiltrates enough muslims into America. Under his plan non-muslim American will have 3 choices; 1, convert to islam, 2 those not converting will requiired to pay Jizya (tax) and 3, those who do not convert and refuse to pay the tax will be eliminated... Some times drastic times take drastic measures.

Check out the youtube video... it's quite amusing.

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Hopefully this one will get locked up for a few years and then you can take revoke his US passport.

Cabin crew and passengers overpowered a man who allegedly threatened to open one of the plane's doors during the flight.

The man was restrained as he fumbled with the controls of an emergency exit door as the Lufthansa plane flew from Frankfurt to Belgrade, the German airline said.

Serbian authorities arrested the man, a Jordanian with an American passport, when the plane reached Belgrade.

Passengers told Serbia's public broadcaster RTS that the suspect got up mid-flight, banged on the cockpit door and demanded he be allowed in.

He threatened to bring down the plane and cried out that he wished to join Allah along with all the passengers, according to RTS.


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