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Swiss man arrested with bullets at Phuket airport

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OMG please stop with these ridiculous bullets and flack vest stories they just make Thailand look stupid and stop many people from coming to a country with ridiculous laws... Very few visitors coming as it is.. What they guy going to do throw the damn bullets at the police... Just stop. please....lol...You look ridiculous in the eyes of the world....

Rubbish mate! The guy broke the law. Thailand is a real country with real laws. Traveling <deleted> with stupid shit in their suitcases, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Uncle Bob

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OMG please stop with these ridiculous bullets and flack vest stories they just make Thailand look stupid and stop many people from coming to a country with ridiculous laws... Very few visitors coming as it is.. What they guy going to do throw the damn bullets at the police... Just stop. please....lol...You look ridiculous in the eyes of the world....

your mirror image


OMG please stop with these ridiculous bullets and flack vest stories they just make Thailand look stupid and stop many people from coming to a country with ridiculous laws... Very few visitors coming as it is.. What they guy going to do throw the damn bullets at the police... Just stop. please....lol...You look ridiculous in the eyes of the world....

your mirror image

If ya cannot respect the laws of the country you are in, maybe you should drag up and leave!

Or do you suppose they should remake the law in your image?



There’s more going on than at face value. Why does the Swiss guy and some of the staff look happy and it can’t have taken 9 of them to ‘nab’ him. They’ll all want a piece of the action, to claim credit, looking for a boost in self-esteem or ego, to make a good show, …..What's missing is the pointing. It’s all about ‘appearance’ again


Rubbish mate! The guy broke the law. Thailand is a real country with real laws. Traveling <deleted> with stupid shit in their suitcases, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Uncle Bob

Waoo Uncle Bob,

Might not be the best comment on this tread but for sure, the funniest one. clap2.gif

You're not working for the comedy show, are you?

Next you will tell us, they have real law enforcement too cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Keep up the good work, you might get a job in the circus thumbsup.gif


Did they really need 9 people for the photo-shoot?

I'm guessing they would need a wide angle lens to get all the cops in the photo if he actually had a gun!


Why is it that woman in the back smiling? Doesn't she know why she's there? Why IS she there? Why does it look like a holiday party photo? Holiday party photo except for the silly men in tight brown uniforms.


Did he admit it was his ammunition?

Or is the year old Philippine Scam getting a foot hold in Thailand?

Rather odd how often this happen in the last few months here in

Thailand, whilst before we never heard about, it apart from the

scam in the Philippines.

Did you happen to see the word, "magazine", in the article?

In the Philippine scam, it is usually a small-caliber cartridge, slipped in to one of the victim's bags. Slipping in a couple of bullets PLUS a clip seems a bit risky for the scamsters, as it is generally done in the inspection line, in plain view.

Also, the scam generally never gets as far as a police station, being carried out by airport police and employees, who demand immediate payment to avoid getting the cops involved. The couple of well-reported cases were about people rejecting the scam, and yelling bloody murder...

Looks like this guy got legitimately pinched.


Gets a bit stupid after awhile, doesn't it ? Eight coppers getting their photo taken with one guy who got nabbed at the airport. What did all 8 tackle him and bring him to his knees ? Or was there 8 bullets, one copper per bullet. No that can't be it, there was only 2 bullets

This is nothing more than a cop-shop selfie. Even the secretary wanted in. Great joke.

Word for the day guys: VANITY


We had a Swiss man deliver blanks for starting pistols from Omega. He said despite carrying paperwork and them being blanks he had numerous problems.


I hope the BiB etc did not handle the mag as finger prints will tell all. If his are on it, the guy is a tool, if not then questions/research must be done.

When asked by police if he had a permit to carry the ammunition, Mr Andre said that he did, so he was taken to Tha Chachat Tourist police station where he was given a TP volunteer uniform, together with a certificate showing the legal possession of ammunition.

A real smart arse if guilty.


Why is it that woman in the back smiling? Doesn't she know why she's there? Why IS she there? Why does it look like a holiday party photo? Holiday party photo except for the silly men in tight brown uniforms.

Another very questionable comment. Have you ever heard that the TP also employs women?

Is it not allowed to smile when you're later using the photo on your farcebook page?

But hey, I know the truth. They're just making this up and the photo's actually an advertisement for the TAT. coffee1.gif


What a jolly,relaxed picture! So nicely arranged and, coincidently, conveniently timed to highlight the increased safety measures currently being touted. Airport extension ceremony coming up soon and an increase in airport tax imminent.

This guy is a PR officer's dream, regardless of whether he was just plain stupid, set-up, or even party to it!



oh foreigner with two bullets.....dangerous man....xenophobia..... my neighbour have a full loaded gun + two magazins in the car and a shotgun home and when they go shopping his wife carry the gun in here purse.


There are some quite reasonable rules to follow if you really have to carry explosive devices on to a plane;


Ammunition - Check with your airline or travel agent to see if ammunition is permitted in checked baggage on the airline you are flying. If ammunition is permitted, it must be declared to the airline at check-in. Small arms ammunitions for personal use must be securely packed in fiber, wood or metal boxes or other packaging specifically designed to carry small amounts of ammunition. Ask about limitations or fees, if any, that apply.

Carry-on No. Checked Yes

If you have trouble with these simple guideline no sympathy from me.


oh foreigner with two bullets.....dangerous man....xenophobia..... my neighbour have a full loaded gun + two magazins in the car and a shotgun home and when they go shopping his wife carry the gun in here purse.

So what, is an airline and it's passengers they take care of involved with your chums..

I stand corrected, I thought he was arriving and then it would have been a bit late for whatever airline he arrived with first time around, but after what I have read now he was departing.


Did he admit it was his ammunition?

Or is the year old Philippine Scam getting a foot hold in Thailand?

Rather odd how often this happen in the last few months here in

Thailand, whilst before we never heard about, it apart from the

scam in the Philippines.

Yeah, "laglag bala". Another reason to avoid NAIA (as if anyone needed one....).

Did this guy deny the ammo was his or claim it had been planted?


Look at the bright side, they found the bullets. No harm to anyone on any aircraft. Just because he is Swiss doesn't guarantee that he would not use them.


Did he admit it was his ammunition?

Or is the year old Philippine Scam getting a foot hold in Thailand?

Rather odd how often this happen in the last few months here in

Thailand, whilst before we never heard about, it apart from the

scam in the Philippines.

Yeah, "laglag bala". Another reason to avoid NAIA (as if anyone needed one....).

Did this guy deny the ammo was his or claim it had been planted?

As you see from my postings, that's exactly what's my point.

Did this guy geny or admited it was his ammo?

Did he say he bought it, where or why?

Did he claim it was planted?

As you might recognise on the sentencing and the question marks,

I don't know.

I wonder, I asked, I'm contemplating as there is no reference to it in

that article.

All it says, he doesn't have a licence to carry ammunition but

sure, you might enlighten us or are you just posting, to exercise

your fingers?


Did he admit it was his ammunition?

Or is the year old Philippine Scam getting a foot hold in Thailand?

Rather odd how often this happen in the last few months here in

Thailand, whilst before we never heard about, it apart from the

scam in the Philippines.

Yeah, "laglag bala". Another reason to avoid NAIA (as if anyone needed one....).

Did this guy deny the ammo was his or claim it had been planted?

As you see from my postings, that's exactly what's my point.

Did this guy geny or admited it was his ammo?

Did he say he bought it, where or why?

Did he claim it was planted?

As you might recognise on the sentencing and the question marks,

I don't know.

I wonder, I asked, I'm contemplating as there is no reference to it in

that article.

All it says, he doesn't have a licence to carry ammunition but

sure, you might enlighten us or are you just posting, to exercise

your fingers?



A Norwegian policeman who forgot that he had bullets in his bag was also stopped in Bangkok a few weeks ago , he admitted it , no scam here.

We should be happy that the security is very strict at the airports here, imagine if it was a terrorist.


"We should be happy that the security is very strict at the airports here, imagine if it was a terrorist."

Are you saying there's never, at any time in history, has there been acts of terrorism (in Switzerland) committed by Caucasian Christian Swiss men?

You must either be Naive or has Fox News implented their propaganda in Swiss-German?



"We should be happy that the security is very strict at the airports here, imagine if it was a terrorist."

Are you saying there's never, at any time in history, has there been acts of terrorism (in Switzerland) committed by Caucasian Christian Swiss men?

You must either be Naive or has Fox News implented their propaganda in Swiss-German?


Well, from what I remember there was only 5 terrorist attacks committed by

Caucasian Christian Swiss men.

One was in 1492 by some Swiss Caucasian Swiss people called the CH group.

Seams they started slaughtering government officials after they refused to

bow to some emblems of the establishment. gigglem.gif

Late 1970's there was two very dangerous Caucasian Christian terror groups,

who kept the Swiss people in fear. ermm.gif

The JLF group, consisting of 3 members with the huge support of around 10 people,

terrorised the population by painting some walls with political slogans

The other group, the Group Belier a militant terror group made the news in 1984 when

they stole the Unspunnen Stone" and in 1986, when they destroyed the historical

"Fountain of Justice" in Bern. facepalm.gif

Early 1970 there was some Caucasian Christian Swiss terror activities in a Restaurant

called the Lion in Nottiswill. During the reenactment of Willhelm Tell, several people got

injured and had to attend hospital with alcohol overdoses. drunk.gif

Lets not forget the massacre of 14 members of parliament in Zug by a deranged individual

but im sure, that was not an act of terrorism. Americans would call that "everyday life" coffee1.gif

Now there was some serious terror cases in 1955, 1969 and 1970 but none of them

where caused by "Caucasian Christian Swiss Men" not even by other religeous Swiss Groups.

The first one was some Romanian activists who killed the driver of the Romanian

Embassy. Then in 1969 and 1970 there was two terrorist attacks on an ELAL flight and a

Swissair Flight committed by Palestinian Militants. sad.png

Now, as you're obviously not as naive as the rest of us, I'm sure you can quote many,

more Terrorist activities by Caucasion Christian Swiss men. whistling.gif

BTW - are you sure you don't confuse Switzerland with Sweden as soo many do.

Let me give a hint should you not know how to differentiate. Switzerland is the place

with the beautiful cows, Sweden the one with the beautiful girls crazy.gif


That news story does not say he admitted to packing the ammunition

This wording sounds like he did (to me):

When asked by police if he had a permit to carry the ammunition, Mr Andre said that he didn’t

My conspiracy theory:

they all look so relaxed as if they agreed to make a nice story to demonstrate the effectiveness of the "ramped up security".

The Swiss got a free escort to his hotel for the photo biggrin.png

No Swiss is so dumb to carry ammunition to Thailand.

I know because I am Swiss tongue.png

I had a .44 Magum round on my key ring for 20 years...Spent primer, hole in the casing for the key ring, obviously no powder, I was taken to one side. Tried to show them it was an ornament from my past life...NO, in the bin.......sad.png

That would have cost you 5 years in the slammer in Brunei.

Could be worse now as they have gone full Sharia.

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