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Have you or one of your friends and family fallen for the old gas fill up trick

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The pumps at the gas station display how many liters were pumped and how many Bht that costs.


wow have you got that wrong , the pump measures units , the operator decides what size a unit is . it happens everywhere displayed price and unit are what the operator wants them to be . liter and unit are not the same = a liter can be 4/5 of a liter but register as a full liter = one unit . the volume per unit is set by the operator as well as the price per unit ....

Legally units are relative to bht per litre. If you want to test a retailer take a 5 litre container and ask it be filled.wink.png

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Had a friend borrow rent a motorcycle and he had to fill the tank. Tourist that he was thought nothing of the 500 baht charge for the gas until I told him those small bikes only need about 100 baht to fill. I figure they only put 50 baht and made him think the extra 000 was included


I don't think it's lpg it's NGV natural gas.and small cars will fill the tank for 400 baht.impossible on benzene,regardless what yanks call it.


I know I'm going to sound like the 'gas tank half empty sort of guy', have you given thought to the possibility that your gf's sister took your 400 baht, asked the attendant to fill 100 baht, pocketed the balance and then cried wolf.

Wouldn't be the first time it's been done whistling.gif

After 6 years of living here I'd say that sounds just about right... maybe even Baht 200 for fuel and 200 for herself... 50/50 so to say.


The pumps at the gas station display how many liters were pumped and how many Bht that costs.


wow have you got that wrong , the pump measures units , the operator decides what size a unit is . it happens everywhere displayed price and unit are what the operator wants them to be . liter and unit are not the same = a liter can be 4/5 of a liter but register as a full liter = one unit . the volume per unit is set by the operator as well as the price per unit ....

I LOVE this!! "a liter can be 4/5 of a liter"... A liter is a liter is a liter... a liter can't be 4/5 of a liter!


Never had it happen to me here as when I lived in USA when gas was almost $4 a gallon and you would need like $60 + to fill the tank it was known that some gas attendants might short the fill by a dollar. Not much to notice on gage but if the did that to 100 cars thats a $100 tip at the end of the day. I always watch the meter and sometimes get out to "stretch " my legs if I can't see it from inside the car.

Do not know where you lived, but most gas stations that I have shopped are self-serve pumps and have been for well over 25 years.


They do a similar scam all the time in Zihuatanejo, Mexico. Their angle is not to "zero out" the pump, so you pay for the previous fill as well as your own. 24 hours from now, I will be getting the hell OUT of this mud hole and transitioning back to Thailand. LOS has issues but they're NOTHING compared to this 4th world, suck @$$ thieving pit from hell.


My g/f just told me her sister went to fill up the gas tank it was almost empty. She said 400 bahts please and paid after the fill up. On her way home she noticed the gas gauge had hardly moved. Rather than turn around and complain she continued home fuming. My g/f tells me this has also happened to a friend twice on a fairly new car and the gas station attendant claims her gas gauge must be malfunctioning. She threatened the gas station owner that she would contact the police and he seemed unfazed. Anyone have a similar experience? Is this one method of theft one should watch out for? I know when I drove a car and filled up with gas I always watched the needle climb before leaving even when I did self serve.

Everybody in the country laughs when someone says we are calling the police. It means absolutely nothing. Less than zero. Not exactly a threat. Now, if you were to threaten to call a Samoan, that would be a completely different story.


My g/f just told me her sister went to fill up the gas tank it was almost empty. She said 400 bahts please and paid after the fill up. On her way home she noticed the gas gauge had hardly moved. Rather than turn around and complain she continued home fuming. My g/f tells me this has also happened to a friend twice on a fairly new car and the gas station attendant claims her gas gauge must be malfunctioning. She threatened the gas station owner that she would contact the police and he seemed unfazed. Anyone have a similar experience? Is this one method of theft one should watch out for? I know when I drove a car and filled up with gas I always watched the needle climb before leaving even when I did self serve.

Everybody in the country laughs when someone says we are calling the police. It means absolutely nothing. Less than zero. Not exactly a threat. Now, if you were to threaten to call a Samoan, that would be a completely different story.

That's funny but not 100% correct. Most people still don't really want you to call the police and many will change their attitude and story substantially when you threaten to do so. Of course, there are those that really don't care or are willing to blag it but on the whole the threat remains very viable.


I always get out of the car and watch the pump as they fill the tank. NEVER trust a filling station. And always give them the exact money so they can't short change you.


Have the opposite problem....One car can take 4-8 liters after the pump clicks off on a fill....They don't like to/won't top it off and it makes a big difference in kpt and changes things on a road trip....It holds 92 liters so sometimes the volume surprises them - but it can be frustrating...

Thats an impressive tank size, what vehicle is it ?

That one is a Pajero .... Even at that size some of the serious Aussie guys retank them for over 200 liters....Apparently stations are far apart down under....

I never new for sure except for specs until one day they mistakenly started putting petrol in → they drained the tank and refilled = 92 liters.....


A misunderstanding? Alration. I think it's you that misunderstood. The op said gas,not petrol,400 bht will fill a gas tank.

You think that it's me that misunderstood, willr? His response was''...

"She has a small Mitsubichi 400 bahts usually fills it."

No, it's definitely you that didn't understand. "Gas" is petrol to Americans. If he'd meant to say LPG in the OP he would have mentioned it in that reply or to clarify all the other posts since, don't you think?

DELETED. He made a few quick posts and then disappeared and watched the confusion . He must have known unless he is a DELETED that stating filling his gas tank anyone in asia would assume petrol and not lpg or propane . I am from uk but since in asia i call petrol gas as its what the thais understand with naman


A misunderstanding? Alration. I think it's you that misunderstood. The op said gas,not petrol,400 bht will fill a gas tank.

You think that it's me that misunderstood, willr? His response was''...

"She has a small Mitsubichi 400 bahts usually fills it."

No, it's definitely you that didn't understand. "Gas" is petrol to Americans. If he'd meant to say LPG in the OP he would have mentioned it in that reply or to clarify all the other posts since, don't you think?

. He made a few quick posts and then disappeared and watched the confusion . He must have known unless he is a that stating filling his gas tank anyone in asia would assume petrol and not lpg or propane . I am from uk but since in asia i call petrol gas as its what the thais understand with naman

Yes your right I am a troll a person with over 4,000 posts trolling for answers. The question was not mathematical like tank size etc. it was just plain and simple has any else ever been scammed at a gas station. I do appreciate all your calculator answers it provides insight for me. In my eyes everybody's response is valued. I have always gone through life learning by picking other peoples brains and it works fine for me. This keeps me out of the DELETED category. The above poster is assuming it was my gas tank it was not I do not own or wish to own a vehicle here. There are a lot of brains out there smarter than mine. It was not one of those is the glass half full or half empty questions trick questions in order to create "confusions". She my g/f's sister asked for 400 bahts of Gasahol 95. There was no indication of how full or empty the tank was. I presume she knew the tank would take that amount. DELETED


I don't think it;s you he;s accusing of being a troll EG,

Quote I think the guy is just a troll unquote. Could not be much plainer than this or am I missing something???


I don't think it;s you he;s accusing of being a troll EG,

Quote I think the guy is just a troll unquote. Could not be much plainer than this or am I missing something???
Yes, you're missing something.

Happened to me once. Just after a petrol price hike. My tank was almost empty and I paid for 800B. Two attendants involved in the scam. One of my absent-minded days, one of them stood blocking my view of the pump amount while the other put in petrol. I thought at the time that the time used for the amount i asked for seemed short but i paid. When driving off down the road i noticed the gauge was well below what it should have been, price hike or not. So went back to the garage and caused a stink, demanded to speak with the manager and told him he had 2 thieving bastards working for him. I estimated I had received about half what I paid for. I couldnt prove anything on the spot but the manager agreed to let me bring the car back when almost empty and prove what the gauge should show. I did that a few days later and i was proved right. The 2 thieves were nowhere in sight and i threatened to call in the tourist plods. The manager apologised and offered to let me have a full tank for free if i left it alone. He assured me the thieves would not work there again. I agreed to this.

Not long after this the garage was completely shut down and is now cemented-over parking area. Never found out if the scam forced them to shut down or not. I like to think so.

  • 2 weeks later...

Agree that this kind of tjing always happen to the same kind of people...

Lol not once have I had this problem in all my years driving around this country. Its pretty simple. Tell them full tank and check the gauge before you leave the station. How hard is it?

Normally I fill up at PTT stations since they almost always have 7/11 or Jiffy. Maybe its a thing at smaller comapny stations. Dunno..

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