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Someone suggest anything for Sleep !


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Its getting ridiculous to the extent of the last 3 days of a 2 month trip just completed I slept not one single hour. On the aircraft coming home not surprising I'm shaking heart racing sweating hot and cold etc etc (not from alcohol withdrawal)

My blood pressure must have been off the scale. I dont know what crap Pattaya Inter dispense but 1700 Baht wasted utterly useless.

Any suggestions OTC....??

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Problems sleeping, exercise more.

Almost all sleeping problems are caused by not being tired.

You're having a larf. I spend at least 2 hours every day exercising whilst in Pattaya. I have no money worries. I have no problems either.

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Problems sleeping, exercise more.

Almost all sleeping problems are caused by not being tired.

You're having a larf. I spend at least 2 hours every day exercising whilst in Pattaya. I have no money worries. I have no problems either.

Have sex. Lots of it.

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I'm in Bangkok and I don't think it's otc. But it was 6 baht per pill from a private hospital, so I'm guessing it can be had much cheaper.

It's certainly over the counter in Chiang Mai, 10mg 2 baht pill and 25 mg 3 baht a pill, some pharmacies will sell you a bucket load. The only problem with amitryptyline or any other tricyclic compound is that they leave you drowsy the next day (until you get used to them) and give you a dry mouth.

No question they can help a person sleep.

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I'm in Bangkok and I don't think it's otc. But it was 6 baht per pill from a private hospital, so I'm guessing it can be had much cheaper.

It's certainly over the counter in Chiang Mai, 10mg 2 baht pill and 25 mg 3 baht a pill, some pharmacies will sell you a bucket load. The only problem with amitryptyline or any other tricyclic compound is that they leave you drowsy the next day (until you get used to them) and give you a dry mouth.

No question they can help a person sleep.

Tried this one years ago before Prozac came out. It sure does make you feel lousy in the morning.

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What are you eating / drinking?

Lots of sugar, caffeine, MSG perhaps?

Check the ingredients of whatever you eat habitually as sometimes there are things in prepared food that you might not expect (ie, Thai food usually has more MSG and sugar than you might expect) I find fruit late at night hampers my sleep a little - even the natural sugars in fruit create a sugar "high".

Edited by VBF
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Get off the pills. Trying to sleep by self-medication is putting you out of control. Sounds like you are willing to experiment with drugging yourself to sleep. Best advice I was given, when I had a similar problem...was to toss out all the sleeping drugs. Your system might even have built up a tolerance to high doses of this crap.

Once you trash the drugs, get yourself the most comfortable reclining chair you can find. Laying down flat and trying to force yourself to sleep is torture (for me it is). Get a very large screen, and youtube yourself to sleep. There are several sleeping aids/relaxation technique programs....and some are so good that they just knock me out, before I am even aware of it.

I have breathing difficulties...laying flat...and sometimes a type of claustrophobia, while in bed. The chair fools me into thinking I am not going to sleep (and wake up gasping for air). 4 or 5 hours of great sleep in the chair sure beats 8 hours of discomfort in bed.

Anyways....meds are supposed to be short term only....a few weeks (to get over the hump). They are not a permanent solution. I would even go for some "pot", if allowed in your home...rather than the prescription drugs.

Edited by slipperylobster
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It's a farkin nightmare when you can't sleep for days on end..I know because I've suffered it. I wahat the point where I could take 4 or 5 Alepam (30mg) and still couldn't sleep. After taking them for more that 5 years I also realised that when I took Alepam I became really depressed and I only realised this when I stopped taking them and then re- started a few times, so I wouldn't advise taking them.

I found that for me it is important to not try and get too much sleep each night, so I aim to get 5 or 6 hours only I.e. Don't try to go to bed early to try and makeup for lost sleep.

I also keep the room as cold as possible.

Don't drink too much liquids at night...as soon as I have to get up to go for a slash I'm buggered cos I've broken my sleep.

I wake up about 5 am everyday and go and do some exercise, not because I really needed the exercise but I wanted a habit to help me to rise early each day as a pattern.

Alcohol definitely affects my sleep so I avoid it

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Exercise, healthy diet and a positive mind.

After your evening meal (not too late), eat some fresh pineapple.

Do not sleep in too cold a room, (don't need air con at the moment).

Warm feet and a cool head promotes good deep sleep.

Sugar, caffeine and anxiety all disturb good sleep.

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The antihistamine Xyzal puts me to sleep. It's OTC in Bangkok. If you have underlying anxiety, some Lorazepam might help. You can experiment with behavioral techniques and drugs to see what works for you. Try Googling sleep problems. Good luck.

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A cup of Hot Milk before you Sleep .thumbsup.gif

And add a half spoon / one spoon of sugar. The reason milk induces sleep is that it contains tryptofan (spelling?) which is a natural sedative, it's in the milk to make calves slow down when they drink from the cow.

Trytofan is more effective when hot (in nature it's hot from the cow when the calf drinks it), and it's even more effective when a little sugar is added.

I had serious problems with repeat nasty nightmares after the war in Vietnam and I my mind tried to stop me from going to sleep to avoid the nightmares, drugs didn't help then someone suggested hot milk with sugar, been using this remedy for 45+ years, it works.

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I am in the process of going through Chemo and because of the steroids i am having massive problems sleeping., so my doctor prescribed Ciradin (melatonin) . seems to work but i also have chamomile tea or Sleepy time tea as well .

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Healthy lifestyle is your best bet. Your body is telling you something is wrong....listen to it. don't gag it with drugs....whatever is wrong will not go away you will just mask it and it will manifest itself later down the road.

The questions you need to ask yourself ;

1) About when did this start ? 1 week ago, 1 month, 1 year ?

2) what changes in your life happened around the time when it started ?

3) Any changes in diet or daily routine ?

4) Any other meds ?

5) any changes in physical well being ? Did you have an illness or a psychological trauma (ex Gf or new GF ?)

Many reasons for sleeping problems...but don't cover them up....must get to the root cause

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