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Report: Israeli windsurfers denied visas to go to Malaysia


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I imagine there was very little "anti-Jewish" sentiment in Malaysia before 1949, so if there is today, I would characterize it as anti-Zionism and not anti-Semitism. Being subject to British colonial rule beforeindependence, the Malaysians can recognize racist colonial ideologies when they see it.

As to these athletes not competing in Malaysia, the simple fact that the two countries don't maintain diplomatic relations would make such participation problematic at best.

When someone 'imagines' something it invariably means that they are going to make something up to fit inside their pre-existing narrative. Those who are prepared to put in a little legwork and just for example look at the speeches of the old prime minister Mahathir Mohamad will discover that he had absolutely zero compunction spouting anti-Semitic vitriol and hardly bothering at all dressing it up in anti-Zionist dress. The history of independent Malaysia (and by the way origination of Singapore) is intimately tied up with institutional discrimination through UMNO. The usual drab left crowd conveniently turn a blind eye to the internal politics of Malaysia but when they do and in the above case try to line up behind the antics of the Malaysian government as their heroes of the week, their ridiculous politics are exposed for the embarrassment they are. Imagine that.

Being an officially Islamic state, I could see where a Malaysian Prime Minister, after seeing thousands of innocent fellow muslims killed and maimed at the hands of the Zionist State, would have some strong sentiments regarding Jews. What he may have said, and if it was true or not, I don't know. Yes, there is also allot of garden variety ethnic and religious discrimination against minority groups in Malaysia and maybe Jews get get some of that too, not because they're Jews per se but because they're not Malay muslims.

It would probably be best if athletes from the Zionist State confined their participation in international sporting events to venues wherein their government has diplomatic relations with the host country government.

As ever facts disprove your nonsense. Since 1948 the number of Muslims killed in all the hostilities against the Israelis amounts to a tiny 0.3% of the total. So to somehow blame Israel for these deaths and not blame other states responsible for killing far more Muslims demonstrates how selective an argument this is.


Actually, your facts show his "thousands" was quite an understatement. Your facts state Israel has killed 35 000.

Who is talking about Muslims elsewhere? What's that diversion for?

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What I would love to happen is someone with enough tenacity causes Anti-Israel discrimination to have a cost, as happened with the scuppering of two code sharing agreements involving Arab airlines who refused to accept Israeli passengers.

Had other countries with contestants in the windsurfing championships threatened to pull out that would have perhaps caused enough bad publicity to force Malaysian officials to change their minds.


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Far too much hate, prejudice and paranoia ....

Last week it was the US issuing and then withdrawing denying a UK family visas to visit family and take the kids to DisneyLand. Australia just did the same, refused visa for UK family to visit dying student son. In all these cases, the families are made to bear the cost of the lost air ticket fares.

Our species is sure to end, long before we destroy the planet.

Sporting is intended to be a place where politics and reservations are checked at the door and men and women compete honorably for sport alone. Borders and immigration have no such pretense, nor obligation- for any nation, nor should they. Nations policing their borders will be the last death sighs of the west. Look for more of it, but not for long. For those of you appalled that a nation can arbitrarily deny certain people rest assured it cannot last long. The "we are the worlders" will prevail and the ill fruit of such suicidal policies will be front and center soon enough.

I agree. There's a great headline article in the Economist last week about the politics of fear; Trump, LePen and others. What I miss is the contemporary artists, who could counter the drift we are seeing. But they seem to have lost their way. From the Beatles, right up to the Plack Eyed Peas, musically, there was a sense of compassion for all creeds and colours. Films like Good Kill and tv series like Generation Kill force us to look at the 'bad' that the 'good guys' do on our behalf We have to hope for better leaders.

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What I would love to happen is someone with enough tenacity causes Anti-Israel discrimination to have a cost, as happened with the scuppering of two code sharing agreements involving Arab airlines who refused to accept Israeli passengers.

Had other countries with contestants in the windsurfing championships threatened to pull out that would have perhaps caused enough bad publicity to force Malaysian officials to change their minds.


I think you will be disappointed.

Anti-Israeli sentiments on a national scale are to be applauded. Just as anti- South African sentiments on national levels spread and worked to eventually bring an end to the appalling apartheid.

Nations should, and will be, supporting BDS, and rightly so.

But back to the OP: The athletes and their association CHOSE to refuse the Malaysian conditions for their visas. The Malaysian stance may not have been anti-Israeli per se, and I would say it wasn't, but simple common sense. Malaysia said they could come with a few sensible conditions.

I dare you to visit an Islamic country draped in a Star of David. That would be as silly as visiting an Orthodox Jew neighburhood draped in a Palestinian flag, or walking through back-of-town US ghetto draped in a confederate flag..

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What I would love to happen is someone with enough tenacity causes Anti-Israel discrimination to have a cost, as happened with the scuppering of two code sharing agreements involving Arab airlines who refused to accept Israeli passengers.

Had other countries with contestants in the windsurfing championships threatened to pull out that would have perhaps caused enough bad publicity to force Malaysian officials to change their minds.


Dream on. What western country is going to pull out because Israel got binned? Perhaps the USA, but I doubt anyone else cares. People just don't support Israel anymore, and it's been self inflicted.

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What I would love to happen is someone with enough tenacity causes Anti-Israel discrimination to have a cost, as happened with the scuppering of two code sharing agreements involving Arab airlines who refused to accept Israeli passengers.

Had other countries with contestants in the windsurfing championships threatened to pull out that would have perhaps caused enough bad publicity to force Malaysian officials to change their minds.


I think you will be disappointed.

Anti-Israeli sentiments on a national scale are to be applauded. Just as anti- South African sentiments on national levels spread and worked to eventually bring an end to the appalling apartheid.

Nations should, and will be, supporting BDS, and rightly so.

But back to the OP: The athletes and their association CHOSE to refuse the Malaysian conditions for their visas. The Malaysian stance may not have been anti-Israeli per se, and I would say it wasn't, but simple common sense. Malaysia said they could come with a few sensible conditions.

I dare you to visit an Islamic country draped in a Star of David. That would be as silly as visiting an Orthodox Jew neighburhood draped in a Palestinian flag, or walking through back-of-town US ghetto draped in a confederate flag..

There you go with the same sloppy, lazy and dishonest canard that Israel is an apartheid state. I could expand to objectively demonstrate how such a label applies far more to much of the Muslim world than it does to Israel, but that would be straying off topic. So based on your defense of Malaysia would you expect ANY Country in the world to tolerate its national flag to not be used in an international event? The answer is a definite NO. It goes far beyond aspiring for a Palestinian state in effect denying recognition of the worlds sole Jewish state and is thus racist in its very nature. That in a nutshell is BDS, the highest court in France concluded exactly that recently. Edited by Steely Dan
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What I would love to happen is someone with enough tenacity causes Anti-Israel discrimination to have a cost, as happened with the scuppering of two code sharing agreements involving Arab airlines who refused to accept Israeli passengers.

Had other countries with contestants in the windsurfing championships threatened to pull out that would have perhaps caused enough bad publicity to force Malaysian officials to change their minds.


I think you will be disappointed.

Anti-Israeli sentiments on a national scale are to be applauded. Just as anti- South African sentiments on national levels spread and worked to eventually bring an end to the appalling apartheid.

Nations should, and will be, supporting BDS, and rightly so.

But back to the OP: The athletes and their association CHOSE to refuse the Malaysian conditions for their visas. The Malaysian stance may not have been anti-Israeli per se, and I would say it wasn't, but simple common sense. Malaysia said they could come with a few sensible conditions.

I dare you to visit an Islamic country draped in a Star of David. That would be as silly as visiting an Orthodox Jew neighburhood draped in a Palestinian flag, or walking through back-of-town US ghetto draped in a confederate flag..

There you go with the same sloppy, lazy and dishonest canard that Israel is an apartheid state. I could expand to objectively demonstrate how such a label applies far more to much of the Muslim world than it does to Israe

Please at least try to comprehend what you read before commenting.

I did not say Israel is an apartheid state, I said South Africa's apartheid was brought down by the boycotts.

If I had said it, it would have been accurate, anyway.

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So if you don't believe Israel to be an apartheid state how can you conclude any boycott of it is defensible on the grounds that it is? If you do believe BDS not to be racist or discriminatory then you are to the left of a very left wing French government.


You are tying yourself in pretzels here, again supporting something discriminatory to defend something discriminatory.

P.s Anyway enough until this damn internet connection improves.

Edited by Steely Dan
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So if you don't believe Israel to be an apartheid state how can you conclude any boycott of it is defensible on the grounds that it is? You are tying yourself in pretzels here, again.

Wow....do you read every word or just a random selection of words?

I did not say I don't believe Israel is an apartheid state. On the contrary, I said I would be right if I did say it.

I also did not say the justification of BDS was because of apartheid.

Please....really really please, make an effort to comprehend what you read so I don't have to correct you every time, and I DO have to correct you every time you misrepresent my words.

Before you go again saying I am tying myself up in pretzels, have a look in the mirror.

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I am in favor of boycotting Israel economically and at all sporting, academic, and artistic events. It is only external pressure that will bring Israel to its senses.

When Israel decides to join the family of civilized nations the OP situation won't happen.

Just as South Africa had to make itself acceptable to the world community, so must Israel.

But the OP was not even a boycott, it was an attempt by Israel to embarrass the host nation.

Ironic isn't it that Israel is complaining about not being able to display their flag when only a few years ago they were imprisoning Palestinians for displaying theirs.

Well done, Malaysia, for sticking to your principles and common sense.

Edited by dexterm
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Can't fault Malaysia for that.

Palestinian sport clubs have been often banned from going overseas and no exit permits have been provided for Palestinian athletes.

I find both the Malaysian and Israeli government a bit narrow minded.

Actually, it's simpler and more straightforward than looking at the Palestinian issue. Malaysia has not done a boycott type action. They have said the athletes can go. But obviously in an Islamic country, waving the Star of David around is asking for trouble, so the Malay authorities have said no Israeli flag. Athletes, yes, Israeli logos no. Simple, sensible, and as fair as they can be in the interests of security.

It's the Israelis trying to make it into something that it is not....victim card being played YET AGAIN.

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Can't fault Malaysia for that.

Palestinian sport clubs have been often banned from going overseas and no exit permits have been provided for Palestinian athletes.

I find both the Malaysian and Israeli government a bit narrow minded.

Actually, it's simpler and more straightforward than looking at the Palestinian issue. Malaysia has not done a boycott type action. They have said the athletes can go. But obviously in an Islamic country, waving the Star of David around is asking for trouble, so the Malay authorities have said no Israeli flag. Athletes, yes, Israeli logos no. Simple, sensible, and as fair as they can be in the interests of security.

It's the Israelis trying to make it into something that it is not....victim card being played YET AGAIN.

If it is to be believed, the Minister for Sports for Malaysia has claimed the situation is related to Malaysian government diplomatic policy, no mention of security related matters.

“We accept the decision by the Israeli Youth Team to withdraw from participating in ISAF YWC 2015. As this is a diplomatic issue, we are guided by the existing policy of the Malaysian Government,” - See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/malaysia-guided-by-diplomatic-policy-khairy-says-after-israel-quits-surfing#sthash.CrRtA04z.dpuf
Edited by simple1
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Can't fault Malaysia for that.

Palestinian sport clubs have been often banned from going overseas and no exit permits have been provided for Palestinian athletes.

I find both the Malaysian and Israeli government a bit narrow minded.

Actually, it's simpler and more straightforward than looking at the Palestinian issue. Malaysia has not done a boycott type action. They have said the athletes can go. But obviously in an Islamic country, waving the Star of David around is asking for trouble, so the Malay authorities have said no Israeli flag. Athletes, yes, Israeli logos no. Simple, sensible, and as fair as they can be in the interests of security.

It's the Israelis trying to make it into something that it is not....victim card being played YET AGAIN.

But the Muslims get to wave their religion at the rest of the world all the time. Talk about playing the victim card.

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Can't fault Malaysia for that.

Palestinian sport clubs have been often banned from going overseas and no exit permits have been provided for Palestinian athletes.

I find both the Malaysian and Israeli government a bit narrow minded.

Actually, it's simpler and more straightforward than looking at the Palestinian issue. Malaysia has not done a boycott type action. They have said the athletes can go. But obviously in an Islamic country, waving the Star of David around is asking for trouble, so the Malay authorities have said no Israeli flag. Athletes, yes, Israeli logos no. Simple, sensible, and as fair as they can be in the interests of security.

It's the Israelis trying to make it into something that it is not....victim card being played YET AGAIN.

But the Muslims get to wave their religion at the rest of the world all the time. Talk about playing the victim card.

Since when is waving a flag playing the victim card/

I don't follow your reasoning at all.

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The visas were never issued. That's a fact.

The athletes or the Israeli surfing association refused to go. That's a fact.

Have you considered that the visas were not issued because the Israelis refused to comply with the conditions of the visas?

Of course you haven't. That would make it harder to play the victim card by vilifying Malaysia.

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It seems to me it's the Zionists and their fellow-travelers who glorify Nazi ideology...at least the parts about violence against defenseless civilians and ethnic cleansing and colonial genocide of people in conquered territories.

I'm unaware of Malaysia having committed such acts in recent history or having been censured by the United Nations and most of the nations of the world for decades for various international crimes and misdemeanors.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Some more info about the obsessive racist Jew hating in Malaysia. I say racist Jew hating because they explicitly admire Hitler ... and Hitler's brand of Jew hating was definitely racist.


Thailand is mentioned as well as being a "victim" of the Jews. Think about that during your next visa run. Yes, Malaysia is great place to visit (but you can't if you're Israeli) but there is a sickness there.

Edited by seedy
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<snip rubbish>

Thailand is mentioned as well as being a "victim" of the Jews. Think about that during your next visa run. Yes, Malaysia is great place to visit (but you can't if you're Israeli) but there is a sickness there.

When will the words "Israelis refused to go" get through your head. They, the Israelis, would have been issued visas, but CHOSE not to go because they CHOSE not to comply with the visa conditions.

If you choose not to comply with Thai visa conditions and thus don't get your visa, would you say Thailand refuses US citizens entry? No, of course not, so why the blatant spin?

I note, too that now you talk (more accurately) about Israelis, instead of Jews.

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Sailing News media speaks out strongly against Malaysian anti-Jewish racism.

Malaysia ... never again. Not more international sports events for you. I hope they enjoy this one because it should be their LAST. I say that because obviously they won't change. The obsessive anti-Jewish racism of their government is that deeply ingrained.
BTW, I have already provided an abundance of good evidence, from Malaysia leadership voices themselves, that is not a narrow thing about disagreement with Israeli government policies. Rather, it is mostly about racist Jew hating in the tradition of Adolph Hitler. Imagine how Hitler would have loved a gold medalist waving a Star of David national flag singing the incredibly beautiful and inspiring national anthem of Israel.

Learning from this disgraceful occurrence, World Sailing must add to its contracts a severe monetary penalty, of say US$500,000 to events that discriminate against countries in this manner. If events bid for World Sailing championships, without written assurances from their national governments that Visas will be issued to all potential country participants then they should incur that penalty.

If that means that countries like Malaysia do not bid for World Sailing events, tough!!


Edited by Jingthing
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Some more info about the obsessive racist Jew hating in Malaysia. I say racist Jew hating because they explicitly admire Hitler ... and Hitler's brand of Jew hating was definitely racist.


KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 23 — Malaysia is one of the few countries free from the threat of the Jews because of Umno’s leadership, a party division chief said today.

Kepong Umno division chief Datuk Ridhuan Abdul Hamid said Malaysia has been spared the same fate of other countries in the region, which he said have been infiltrated by the Jews.

“Umno is one of the few governments that fight the Jews… other Asian countries have already been defeated by the Jews; Singapore is done, Thailand is done, Phillipines is done, Indonesia is almost done for, but Malaysia has been protected by Datuk Seri Najib (Razak),” he said during the launching of the Kepong Umno delegates meeting today.

He added that Najib’s steadfast opposition to Jewish influence led to the RM2.6 billion reward that was donated from the Middle East into the prime minister’s accounts.

Thailand is mentioned as well as being a "victim" of the Jews. Think about that during your next visa run. Yes, Malaysia is great place to visit (but you can't if you're Israeli) but there is a sickness there.

I recall you posting enjoying some experiences in Malaysia, during your time there did you encounter Jew hating Malaysians?

Edited by simple1
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One Post in Violation of the following forum Rule removed -

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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In that case the only thing to consider is the special treatment reserved to athletes from Israel.

- Whether the prohibition flag and national emblem of all participants. In this case Israel is wrong.

- Either the ban only concerns Israel. In this case Malaysia is wrong and should be excluded from any international event open.

It would be interesting to have accurate information.

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Sailing News media speaks out strongly against Malaysian anti-Jewish racism.

Malaysia ... never again. Not more international sports events for you. I hope they enjoy this one because it should be their LAST. I say that because obviously they won't change. The obsessive anti-Jewish racism of their government is that deeply ingrained.
BTW, I have already provided an abundance of good evidence, from Malaysia leadership voices themselves, that is not a narrow thing about disagreement with Israeli government policies. Rather, it is mostly about racist Jew hating in the tradition of Adolph Hitler. Imagine how Hitler would have loved a gold medalist waving a Star of David national flag singing the incredibly beautiful and inspiring national anthem of Israel.

Learning from this disgraceful occurrence, World Sailing must add to its contracts a severe monetary penalty, of say US$500,000 to events that discriminate against countries in this manner. If events bid for World Sailing championships, without written assurances from their national governments that Visas will be issued to all potential country participants then they should incur that penalty.

If that means that countries like Malaysia do not bid for World Sailing events, tough!!


So it's back to Jews again now, not Israelis.

The OP is about Israeli logos, specifically. Why do you persist in the spin?

Again...and I know you read my posts because you replied to one recently,.... the Israelis CHOSE not to go because they did not like the conditions.

The conditions were actually quite sensible. Unfortunate, but sensible.

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In that case the only thing to consider is the special treatment reserved to athletes from Israel.

- Whether the prohibition flag and national emblem of all participants. In this case Israel is wrong.

- Either the ban only concerns Israel. In this case Malaysia is wrong and should be excluded from any international event open.

It would be interesting to have accurate information.

Only targeted to Israel. Obviously. Also no national anthem for gold only for Israel.

So this is unfair discrimination targeted only at Israel. The one country in the world with a Star of David flag by the most Jew hating nation in Asia. Malaysia.


Next ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Sailing News media speaks out strongly against Malaysian anti-Jewish racism.

Malaysia ... never again. Not more international sports events for you. I hope they enjoy this one because it should be their LAST. I say that because obviously they won't change. The obsessive anti-Jewish racism of their government is that deeply ingrained.
BTW, I have already provided an abundance of good evidence, from Malaysia leadership voices themselves, that is not a narrow thing about disagreement with Israeli government policies. Rather, it is mostly about racist Jew hating in the tradition of Adolph Hitler. Imagine how Hitler would have loved a gold medalist waving a Star of David national flag singing the incredibly beautiful and inspiring national anthem of Israel.

Learning from this disgraceful occurrence, World Sailing must add to its contracts a severe monetary penalty, of say US$500,000 to events that discriminate against countries in this manner. If events bid for World Sailing championships, without written assurances from their national governments that Visas will be issued to all potential country participants then they should incur that penalty.

If that means that countries like Malaysia do not bid for World Sailing events, tough!!


I really wish you wouldn't keep calling Israel Jewish. There are Muslim Arab Israelis as well, so to call Israel Jewish is to ignore the Arab Israelis. If you think Malaysia is preventing Israelis going because they are Jewish, they could train some Arab Israelis to wind surf and they could go to represent Israel.

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