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SURVEY: Do you believe terrorists should receive the death penalty?


Should terrorists receive the death penalty  

266 members have voted

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Another survey that will reflect the TVF demographic. An overwhelming Yes vote will continue to feed the self-delusion of a marginal sub-set of society. Thankfully, these people have entirely no influence on policy but just add to the noise and chaos that real decision makers have to deal with in the real world.

I prefer the position taken by the International Red Cross decades ago in 1958 that every person in enemy hands should be covered by the Geneva Convention. This allows only two options; they are treated as a Prisoner of War under the Third Convention; or, they are a civilian and so covered by the Fourth Convention and are tried under the domestic law of the State detaining them.

US domestic law has created a legal category of 'non-combatant' which is not mentioned in the Geneva Convention. Such domestic law invests the President with certain power but such powers are not covered by international treaty. Practices such as detention at Guantanamo Bay, Military Trials and drone strikes can be easily interpreted as equally unlawful according to international law.

Unilateral action by any State can be reciprocated in the future. The world would be far safer if States worked under the provisions of multilateral treaties and comply with the law.

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But people always say after someone dies, "They are in a better place."

so keep them alive to be kept in a worse place???

and you think hell___ exists, can you be 100% sure they go there???

on the flip side, blame the parents as well and lock them up forever if son/daughter is terrorist....

soon it's going to get way out of control........WW3 in next 5 years likely.....

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It really depends on how you define terrorist and who is doing the defining… one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist… it can get way too complex.

I would guess that most combatants on either side would say that there is a war going on - - if it is war, is that terrorism?

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Yes, I would vote for the death penalty for terrorists, but only if they are caught in the act, or the authorities

are absolutely sure that the terrorists are really terrorists.

The same would apply to any murderer who commits 1st degree murder.

Would those "authorities" include Thai authorities?

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Too easy is an immedaite death sentence and let's them off the hook too quickly. A bullet or hangman's noose and it's over in seconds.

The American system is better in this regard as death row makes them have a sub human existance for years and years before the execution takes place. For pre mediated murder ia all forms that are proven beyond reasonable doubt this would be my ideal method.

However, this then brings another can of worms, you then must look at each and every country and how they implement justice and how reliable is their judicial system.

Do they have judge and jury? What is that country's record on human rights? Is it biaised towards certain groups or opponents, Is it an autocratic regime, how independent is the justice system etc etc

so many different factors.

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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

Edited by metisdead
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Define terrorist.
It's a slippery slope when you put convenient labels on people.
If it is someone who knowingly kills innocent civilians, how about the drone controller sitting in an air con office miles away who deliberately fires a missile at an apartment block supposedly targeting a "terrorist", but who knows he will kill dozens of innocent families in the process. Or his superiors who gave him the order, or his government's politicians who approved the policy.

An almost excellent deflection.

The ones being targeted in the building are TERRORISTS. They are hiding behind human shields.

I note that the latest country to enter the ME mayhem seems to have even less concern for the civilians.

I am not a fan of the death penalty, but if it is going to be used at all, these people are probably as deserving as any.

Not a deflection at all. I am demonstating how difficult it is to define terrorist.

So, is the drone controller who knowingly kills innocent "human shields" just as bad as the so called terrorist.

Is he a terrorist too?


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Define terrorist.
It's a slippery slope when you put convenient labels on people.
If it is someone who knowingly kills innocent civilians, how about the drone controller sitting in an air con office miles away who deliberately fires a missile at an apartment block supposedly targeting a "terrorist", but who knows he will kill dozens of innocent families in the process. Or his superiors who gave him the order, or his government's politicians who approved the policy.

Good points. Lets hear from the operators.


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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

They are scared

Frightened people will do anything

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Whether they "cause death" or just intend to do so they should be executed as they still present a risk when in jail, particularly when their accomplices want them free. It also needs to be done quickly with no opportunity for the HR lawyers to get involved. In my view these and similar people voluntarily give up their "human rights" through their actions.

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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

Would it be so disgusting if it were your wife/partner and/or children that were murdered. Would you be happy to see them sentenced to 15 years and out in 5 to carry on with their lives as if nothing had happened?

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Murder is murder, whether under the guise of terrorism or not. Provided there is undoubted proof of guilt, all pre-meditated murderers should be executed.

Hopefully this will include Irish terrorist.

Why not ,are they any different , a terrorist is a terrorist , white ,black muslim Christian ,

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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

It is a practical and necessary solution, particularly where fanaticism is involved. Would you rather they were freed to do it again?

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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

They are scared

Frightened people will do anything

yeah, that might be right. (interesting whre the "yes" voter are coming from. Most of US?)

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Death penalty also for all politicians and weapons manufacturers dealing with or supporting Muslim extremists/terrorists or extremism/terrorism countries.

Oooops, realized what I just did - that would mean a world with 99% of politicians and leaders on death row... Now I know what they need all the FEMA camps for... :)

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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

Some bible references regarding Christian culture.



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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

Would it be so disgusting if it were your wife/partner and/or children that were murdered. Would you be happy to see them sentenced to 15 years and out in 5 to carry on with their lives as if nothing had happened?

I believe some of the "terrorists" feel the same way when they see their " wife/partner and/or children." murdered by "western liberating forces"

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What is a terrorist? Recall the Jews were initially called terrorists. Are the Kurds in Turkey terrorists? Ireland? France WW2?

Generally it is someone that violently opposes the established system or government, would the rebels in star wars be terrorists?

Muslims fighting against the US invasion in Iraq, were they terrorists? Were the colonialists fighting the English in the US terrorists?

So do we kill all terrorists or just Muslim terrorists? Seems that what constitutes terrorism will depend which side you happen to be on.

Obviously no one condones murderers killing civilians, but is it the foot soldiers or those providing the training, weapons, financing and issuing the orders the real terrorists and should they be executed?

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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

Your philosophy on this topic will be judged as weakness by any religious extremist. They would laugh at you and then take you and your family down like dogs. If you chose to do so, be my guest. But if anyone threatens or hurts my family, I won't rest until I myself have either shot him dead or beat him to death with my bare hands.

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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

It is a practical and necessary solution, particularly where fanaticism is involved. Would you rather they were freed to do it again?

they have same rights as any criminal.

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I've not got the patience to go through all these posts, so my apologies if i'm stating the same arguments. I think we can safely say its deash in most peoples minds. My view is death to any who kill for political reasons. I also think its about time all islamists of whatever country should stand up and be counted. All should be required to pledge allegiance to whatever country they have chosen to reside in. Shariah law should be outlawed in every country other than a muslim nation. If this is not agreeable they should be assisted by whatever means to go and reside in a muslim country who will accept them.

Edited by metisdead
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Yes, I would vote for the death penalty for terrorists, but only if they are caught in the act, or the authorities

are absolutely sure that the terrorists are really terrorists.

The same would apply to any murderer who commits 1st degree murder.

Would those "authorities" include Thai authorities?

That is a really good question, "or the authorities are absolutely sure that the terrorists

are really terrorists".

The answer would still be yes, but I see where you are coming from. Just remember the words "are absolutely sure". If not then no.

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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

It is a practical and necessary solution, particularly where fanaticism is involved. Would you rather they were freed to do it again?

they have same rights as any criminal.

A criminal has forfeited his rights and should not be regarded anymore as a part of the community until he has served his sentence or is been put down.

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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

Would it be so disgusting if it were your wife/partner and/or children that were murdered. Would you be happy to see them sentenced to 15 years and out in 5 to carry on with their lives as if nothing had happened?

you mean justice means killing? So every war is justified, even with killings thousands of people? I think we had overcome these dark centuries already.

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In the case of Islamic terrorists they seek death in the delusion of the rewards of martyrdom. With other convicted terrorists if sentenced to death they become cause celebrities. I agree with the poster who advocates life in prison, with no release.

Edited by simple1
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