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SURVEY: Do you believe terrorists should receive the death penalty?


Should terrorists receive the death penalty  

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What is a terrorist? Recall the Jews were initially called terrorists. Are the Kurds in Turkey terrorists? Ireland? France WW2?

Generally it is someone that violently opposes the established system or government, would the rebels in star wars be terrorists?

Muslims fighting against the US invasion in Iraq, were they terrorists? Were the colonialists fighting the English in the US terrorists?

So do we kill all terrorists or just Muslim terrorists? Seems that what constitutes terrorism will depend which side you happen to be on.

Obviously no one condones murderers killing civilians, but is it the foot soldiers or those providing the training, weapons, financing and issuing the orders the real terrorists and should they be executed?

are you familiar with the Protection Racket run by organised crime?

Do you see any similarities between it and what our governments are doing.

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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

Some bible references regarding Christian culture.



Thai is totally B.S. At least I am not living in the past. 2000 years ago. We are talking about our present time, with present problems and present laws, not about Adam and Eve.

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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

Some bible references regarding Christian culture.



Thai is totally B.S. At least I am not living in the past. 2000 years ago. We are talking about our present time, with present problems and present laws, not about Adam and Eve.

sorry: not THAI but THAT

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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

Your philosophy on this topic will be judged as weakness by any religious extremist. They would laugh at you and then take you and your family down like dogs. If you chose to do so, be my guest. But if anyone threatens or hurts my family, I won't rest until I myself have either shot him dead or beat him to death with my bare hands.

Actually it is your fear and weakens that terrorists are exploiting

Your fear is making you do that which they can't

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What is a terrorist? Recall the Jews were initially called terrorists. Are the Kurds in Turkey terrorists? Ireland? France WW2?

Generally it is someone that violently opposes the established system or government, would the rebels in star wars be terrorists?

Muslims fighting against the US invasion in Iraq, were they terrorists? Were the colonialists fighting the English in the US terrorists?

So do we kill all terrorists or just Muslim terrorists? Seems that what constitutes terrorism will depend which side you happen to be on.

Obviously no one condones murderers killing civilians, but is it the foot soldiers or those providing the training, weapons, financing and issuing the orders the real terrorists and should they be executed?

are you familiar with the Protection Racket run by organised crime?

Do you see any similarities between it and what our governments are doing.

very well explained where the problem is; But many here got only one motto: kill first and ask later

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yes, if we killed all the muslim extremists the world would be alot safer.

Has to be more of a deterrent than death as they seek martyrdom. I suggest burying them with a pigs head might be work.

No its a shame for the pigs to be buried with this trash.

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What is a terrorist? Recall the Jews were initially called terrorists. Are the Kurds in Turkey terrorists? Ireland? France WW2?

Generally it is someone that violently opposes the established system or government, would the rebels in star wars be terrorists?

Muslims fighting against the US invasion in Iraq, were they terrorists? Were the colonialists fighting the English in the US terrorists?

So do we kill all terrorists or just Muslim terrorists? Seems that what constitutes terrorism will depend which side you happen to be on.

Obviously no one condones murderers killing civilians, but is it the foot soldiers or those providing the training, weapons, financing and issuing the orders the real terrorists and should they be executed?

are you familiar with the Protection Racket run by organised crime?

Do you see any similarities between it and what our governments are doing.

very well explained where the problem is; But many here got only one motto: kill first and ask later

The funny thing is that they think we are getting cheap oil out of it.

Factor in the price of securing this "Cheap Oil"

and we are going bankrupt .

We are not only paying it with our money, we are paying it with our liberties, and our children will be paying it with their future.

If you ask me the stupidity of the general public is disgusting.

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I've not got the patience to go through all these posts, so my apologies if i'm stating the same arguments. I think we can safely say its deash in most peoples minds. My view is death to any who kill for political reasons. I also think its about time all islamists of whatever country should stand up and be counted. All should be required to pledge allegiance to whatever country they have chosen to reside in. Shariah law should be outlawed in every country other than a muslim nation. If this is not agreeable they should be assisted by whatever means to go and reside in a muslim country who will accept them.

Best and most sensible, fair post on this subject today!

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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

Your philosophy on this topic will be judged as weakness by any religious extremist. They would laugh at you and then take you and your family down like dogs. If you chose to do so, be my guest. But if anyone threatens or hurts my family, I won't rest until I myself have either shot him dead or beat him to death with my bare hands.

probably you're American. In your country you can see where it leads to if everybody is armed

My guess is you probably believe all Colleges and Universities should provide "safe spaces" for their little butterflies.

Life ain't like that.

Yes...I am American.

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I've not got the patience to go through all these posts, so my apologies if i'm stating the same arguments. I think we can safely say its deash in most peoples minds. My view is death to any who kill for political reasons. I also think its about time all islamists of whatever country should stand up and be counted. All should be required to pledge allegiance to whatever country they have chosen to reside in. Shariah law should be outlawed in every country other than a muslim nation. If this is not agreeable they should be assisted by whatever means to go and reside in a muslim country who will accept them.

"My view is death to any who kill for political reasons."

That would eliminate half our governments

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I ask myself "Would I be willing to pull the trigger, flip the switch, what ever to kill another person, even if convicted of horrible crime?". The answer is no. Unless you are honestly willing to do that step, and not just bluster about it or leave dirty work to someone else, I would hope you would be against death penalty.

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Define terrorist.

It's a slippery slope when you put convenient labels on people.

If it is someone who knowingly kills innocent civilians, how about the drone controller sitting in an air con office miles away who deliberately fires a missile at an apartment block supposedly targeting a "terrorist", but who knows he will kill dozens of innocent families in the process. Or his superiors who gave him the order, or his government's politicians who approved the policy.

An almost excellent deflection.

The ones being targeted in the building are TERRORISTS. They are hiding behind human shields.

I note that the latest country to enter the ME mayhem seems to have even less concern for the civilians.

I am not a fan of the death penalty, but if it is going to be used at all, these people are probably as deserving as any.

Not a deflection at all. I am demonstating how difficult it is to define terrorist.

So, is the drone controller who knowingly kills innocent "human shields" just as bad as the so called terrorist.

Is he a terrorist too?

We must kill them before they kill us . Terrorist is forcing his beliefs on others with use of force and terror.

Should they not be any No one would be pushing any button They do a job to avoid more deaths. Any how too many humans ,too much hate . By the way how do you define "stupidity"

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for the dogooders out there ..... here is an example of the Islam nutters and what they breed ....

A gang of youths who torched a Christmas tree in Brussels on New Year's Eve not far from the scene of another serious crime have sparked outrage in the city, which is already living under the pall of a potential terrorist attack.

Video of the brazen act, which occurred in a square in Anderlecht, shows the youngsters ignite a petrol bomb at the foot of a large Christmas tree which quickly goes up in flames as the gang runs away, shouting a well-known Arabic phrase.

Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/world/2016/01/03/14/02/teens-torch-christmas-tree-during-brussels-rampage#Qvet52GVRDiefUMK.99
Edited by steven100
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I would fire the bullet, flick the switch, pull the cord or whatever to execute terrorists and without losing sleep over it.

We are talking about people teaching seven year old boys to behead people, cut off ears to prove how many they killed, to behead journalists and reporters simply because they regard them as infidels in their outdated nonsensical religion.

We are talking about bombing civilians, not in war zones, but in classrooms at school. Kidnapping, brutalising and rape of children. Throwing men off high buildings and accusing them of being gay, when the truth is they just didn't like them.

We are talking about religions that have failed in their own countries miserably but they now wish to export to ours. We have women repressed and denied education, denied even being allowed to drive a car, where to follow a different path or change religion is punishable by death.

And they call this a ' righteous religion ? '

Criticism of the West, I agree and accept there are scum there as well, especially the likes of Bush and Blair. What is also no better, are the despotic regimes and states that sponsor terrorism covertly such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Iran to mention a few.

Edited by Scouse123
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it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

It is a practical and necessary solution, particularly where fanaticism is involved. Would you rather they were freed to do it again?

they have same rights as any criminal.

A criminal has forfeited his rights and should not be regarded anymore as a part of the community until he has served his sentence or is been put down.

the community created him becoming a murderer.

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MAN is not the problem! Religion is the problem! The world will be a safer and happier place when Islam (to start with) is eradicated (executed)

Man doesn't need religion as an excuse to kill. Stalin, Mao, and other various atheist-commies are responsible for more deaths in a few decades than all religious wars throughout world history combined.

That said, organized religion is still a problem mankind could do without.

Terrorists should all receive the death penalty - either on the spot or soon after they have been literally squeezed of all the intel they can provide. If anyone is needed to determine who is a "terrorist" or not, I will gladly volunteer my services.

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Another survey that will reflect the TVF demographic. An overwhelming Yes vote will continue to feed the self-delusion of a marginal sub-set of society. Thankfully, these people have entirely no influence on policy but just add to the noise and chaos that real decision makers have to deal with in the real world.

I prefer the position taken by the International Red Cross decades ago in 1958 that every person in enemy hands should be covered by the Geneva Convention. This allows only two options; they are treated as a Prisoner of War under the Third Convention; or, they are a civilian and so covered by the Fourth Convention and are tried under the domestic law of the State detaining them.

US domestic law has created a legal category of 'non-combatant' which is not mentioned in the Geneva Convention. Such domestic law invests the President with certain power but such powers are not covered by international treaty. Practices such as detention at Guantanamo Bay, Military Trials and drone strikes can be easily interpreted as equally unlawful according to international law.

Unilateral action by any State can be reciprocated in the future. The world would be far safer if States worked under the provisions of multilateral treaties and comply with the law.

So what you are saying is we have our hands tied behind our backs and we honour the geniva convention. Whilst the terrorist have there hands free to do as they please and kill whoever they like with no come back on them even though they do not follow the afore mentioned convention. Plus as we have our hand tied already were easy to behead. The Geneva conventions by the way are for wars and conflicts not terrorists in any form.

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I would fire the bullet, flick the switch, pull the cord or whatever to execute terrorists and without losing sleep over it.

We are talking about people teaching seven year old boys to behead people, cut off ears to prove how many they killed, to behead journalists and reporters simply because they regard them as infidels in their outdated nonsensical religion.

We are talking about bombing civilians, not in war zones, but in classrooms at school. Kidnapping, brutalising and rape of children. Throwing men off high buildings and accusing them of being gay, when the truth is they just didn't like them.

I just don't understand what is so difficult about "pulling the switch" on people who commit heinous, violent murders. I'd pull the switch, fire the bullet all day long on these ISIS characters and go have a sandwich afterwards.

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Islamic Terrorism is a plague on the whole planet. The death penalty for every single one of them.

Spoken like a true red neck. Why should there be a death penalty for one murderer and not another. Is the life of say a policeman or child of more value than that of say a middle aged woman? If your country is barbaric enough to have the death penalty then it should be applied to all those that intentionally take life.

Ulysses is far from being a "red neck." He is well read and has basic common sense.

As far as the death penalty, it isn't barbaric the way Americans administrate it. There are some people who simply shouldn't be allowed to stay on this planet any longer, due to what they have done to others.

Islamic terrorism is a plague. I'm beginning to think liberalism may fall in that category as well.

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A society does not have the moral authority to execute a human being for ANY reason. A Nation that executes a criminal is acting from an uneducated, uncivilised reaction of revenge, fear and weak mindedness. Barbaric, savages without a shred of courage. Each and every individual becomes complicit and no better than the criminal they collectively agree to murder. In fact the cold blooded murder of the criminal may be considered more heinous than the act the criminal has been found guilty of. The only recourse a society has against a convicted criminal is to remove them from that society until they are deemed fit to safely rejoin that society. There is absolutely no evidence that a death penalty reduces murders and absolutely no evidence that the state sanctioned murder of a criminal brings any solace to grieving relatives and friends or any redeeming retribution felt by the community. It simply adds more inhumanity and horror.

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Islamic Terrorism is a plague on the whole planet. The death penalty for every single one of them.

Spoken like a true red neck. Why should there be a death penalty for one murderer and not another. Is the life of say a policeman or child of more value than that of say a middle aged woman? If your country is barbaric enough to have the death penalty then it should be applied to all those that intentionally take life.

Ulysses is far from being a "red neck." He is well read and has basic common sense.

As far as the death penalty, it isn't barbaric the way Americans administrate it. There are some people who simply shouldn't be allowed to stay on this planet any longer, due to what they have done to others.

Islamic terrorism is a plague. I'm beginning to think liberalism may fall in that category as well.

Red Neck is a state of mind. Both Hitler and Mao were well read, even wrote their own books didn't stop them from being nutters. It's not how you execute the people that is barbaric but the fact that you believe the taking of life is permissible under any circumstances. Back to your NRA meeting for you I guess.
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The koran states that all non believers must be eliminated so it is Islam vs the rest of world. Infidels shall be killed.

I have never known of such a barbaric race with intent to kill innocent people. They are very devious and by stealth, intend

to control countries by multiplying like rabbits. They do not associate or integrate with non believers. In some countries like Sweden, England,

Canada, etc. there will eventually be so many of them that they will form their own political party. Japan has the right idea. They do not allow

muslims to immigrate there; the few that are there now are not permitted to practice their religion for if they do, deported same day. And no

muslim violence in Japan !!!!

Their violent and barbaric acts deserve death penalty every time.

Edited by metisdead
Bold font removed.
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