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Why are you still in Thailand?


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There's a real difference between choosing Thailand as a place to build wealth in young and middle years than retiring after a lifetime of doing so.

I came to Thailand when I was 23 and there was plainly fewer opportunities to grow professionally and intellectually than the place I had left. Moving back five years ago (I am now 35) was a wise and timely decision.

If I had been 60, wealthy and without ambition, I can see how things might have been different than being young and poor.

I came here to build up experiences and memories, not wealth.

You've clearly failed as the majority of your experiences and memories revolve around this forum as far as I can see.

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There's a real difference between choosing Thailand as a place to build wealth in young and middle years than retiring after a lifetime of doing so.

I came to Thailand when I was 23 and there was plainly fewer opportunities to grow professionally and intellectually than the place I had left. Moving back five years ago (I am now 35) was a wise and timely decision.

If I had been 60, wealthy and without ambition, I can see how things might have been different than being young and poor.

I came here to build up experiences and memories, not wealth.
You've clearly failed as the majority of your experiences and memories revolve around this forum as far as I can see.

That's because you can't see past this forum, and I'm not one of those people who feels the need to spill their whole life onto these pages. But rest assured, I'm having a whale of a time.

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This forum has thrived for years off massive amounts of stories of personal misery.

It is very rare to read a happy or successful story that is truthful and full of verifiable facts. (not counting all the unverified, self-proclaimed keyboard millionaires)

With the last regime change, VISA requirements are getting tougher for many.

Divorce is rife.

Many school teachers finding out they cannot financial make ends meet or are not happy with what little they have.

Many have become professional bar stool sitters.

Many have told so many stories, their own mothers do not believe them.

So why are all the thousand's of "sad sacks" that write 10,000 posts a week of their extreme trials still doing in Thailand?

We have all heard all the stories. "Yeh, I came to Thailand from the UK because I love Asia" when you probably had no idea where on the map Asia is but in fact probably came because you heard a story how easy Thai girls were to get for the old, poor, ugly, you name it types.

So talked yourself into coming to Thailand with a few bucks in your pocket, thinking if the case runs out you can always getting a job teaching English, even though you may not have even finished high school in your own country and have no bonafide education or skills to legally exist in Thailand.

So the dream of the beautiful Thai girl landed you in Thailand and yes, even you were able to find one.

Even with that many have already been divorced from the "easy" Thai girls once or twice or more.

Many have a wife and kids. Kids that will grow up in Thailand with a piss poor education and no possible way to get out of the standard Thai poverty lifestyle (Knowing that Thai graduates from Uni make 15,000 baht a month which will never be enough for a house or car)

Medical insurance? Many have none and will eventually die leaving a financial burden on their poor family left behind.

So what is keeping you in Thailand?

Some strong souls have admitted they have no where to go back to, no education, no job skills in their own country. They probably do not have a choice and you have to respect those that tell the truth.

Others retirees living on a meek pension think they have it made compared to their own country? One really has to question when you compare exact apples to apples whether this is true or not. A 1 room flat is cheap in Thailand but probably can find a 1 room cheap anywhere in the world if you wanted to.

Reading the Thai news, the economy, the politics, the language, the VISA's, not being able to own land, succumbing to lowering yourself to teach English to survive, all the trash, pollution, scams, crime. Then add in no insurance, no SSN, many probably not keeping up with taxes, etc.

With all that going against you, what exactly is going for you after you get the girl and family?

I would be ashamed to admit to anyone if I moved 10,000 miles away and could only make $1,000 a month. Not quite the same as an oil workers salary.

I have a couple of friends that moved to Thailand, married now, have kid/kids. Want to go back to their home countries but have no money and no home to go back to.

Illegal VISA options all but run out. Stressed out knowing their Thai world is closing in on them.

The older you get, the harder it gets

So why are you still in Thailand?

My Situation:

Lived in Thailand for over 10 straight years

Found the Thai wife, have a kid

Moved back to Florida USA - Back to Corporate America, near the beach, climate same although cooler than Thailand, lots of Thai people, numerous Thai restaurants, Thai grocery stores to buy anything Thai and cook your own.

So basically everything is the same as in Thailand except it is much safer and cleaner where I live.

What is not the same:

Have huge income

Nicer house and vehicles

Nicer places to visit on weekends, holidays, cruises, etc. It's Florida!

Kid is in an excellent school, will be able to go on to Uni and actually have a future when he graduates

We even have a Thai temple

As is in Thailand, we have Thai's here working at Walmart just getting by but most appear to prefer it to Thailand

Love it you are so right , that is why I am not that stupid to put all my money in to thailand I aloud so much of my hard earned money to put into thailand not much money for me but that was it no more and me I not live there I just come and go to thailand.

I see it over and over man tell me how they sold the lot to move to thailand and I say how stupid are you but it is there money and there life .

The worst thing is when you get sick it cost shit loads to see a doctor and try and get better but the system is a joke when you are sick the doctors play get the money game from you I seen it over and over again and the doctors do it to the Thais as well .

But it is good fun if you can play the game a lot better then the thai lady just make sure you don't get involved with a thai mole from the bars no good at all .

Have had both and let me tell you the ones that are none bar are just so different it is not funny.

Bar moles are a no no from my experience .

Get a good one if you can and you will be a lot happier on saying that yes sometimes you can get a bad one who has not worked the bars but not a lots of them not like bar moles .


I think you should move here - you'd make a great English language teacher

Ok I will and do a better job then you and you would be a Pom yes who put all your money in to thailand don't have to be smart to teach English in thailand.

Are there no commas on your keyboard ?

Yes but I am lazy like you and not use them but all my money is not in thailand like you

It is not being lazy, where I come from it is called 'being thick', i.e. uneducated.

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still here cuz it's cheap and i love the weather and the food and the easy-going people i deal with every day and my dogs and so on. my life is extremely easy here as i have no financial or emotional burden. all the things i like to do i can do any time (i'm not demanding, gimme a hammock, a book, NO other people and a view and i'm happy). i miss nothing from the homefront although i have no financial or emotional burdens there either.


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There's a real difference between choosing Thailand as a place to build wealth in young and middle years than retiring after a lifetime of doing so.

I came to Thailand when I was 23 and there was plainly fewer opportunities to grow professionally and intellectually than the place I had left. Moving back five years ago (I am now 35) was a wise and timely decision.

If I had been 60, wealthy and without ambition, I can see how things might have been different than being young and poor.

I came here to build up experiences and memories, not wealth.
You've clearly failed as the majority of your experiences and memories revolve around this forum as far as I can see.
That's because you can't see past this forum, and I'm not one of those people who feels the need to spill their whole life onto these pages. But rest assured, I'm having a whale of a time.

I'm glad about that because the majority of your replies and topics often descend into baiting and look at me sort of posts.

Maybe your a decent chap in the flesh,your internet persona comes over as slightly derogatory and uptight.

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There's a real difference between choosing Thailand as a place to build wealth in young and middle years than retiring after a lifetime of doing so.

I came to Thailand when I was 23 and there was plainly fewer opportunities to grow professionally and intellectually than the place I had left. Moving back five years ago (I am now 35) was a wise and timely decision.

If I had been 60, wealthy and without ambition, I can see how things might have been different than being young and poor.

I came here to build up experiences and memories, not wealth.
You've clearly failed as the majority of your experiences and memories revolve around this forum as far as I can see.
That's because you can't see past this forum, and I'm not one of those people who feels the need to spill their whole life onto these pages. But rest assured, I'm having a whale of a time.

I'm glad about that because the majority of your replies and topics often descend into baiting and look at me sort of posts.

Maybe your a decent chap in the flesh,your internet persona comes over as slightly derogatory and uptight.

Dude, I'm just joining in the conversation whilst you're the one having a pop at someone. Take a look in the mirror maybe?

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If I had been 60, wealthy and without ambition, I can see how things might have been different than being young and poor.

At 60 most of your ambition is to live another year.

If you haven't done everything else by then, you're a loser.

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Get a decent salary...

Have a great wife....

Be blessed with a beautiful son( who will attend an international school)...

Like the weather...

Like the beach...

Like my freedom...

No hassle with my visa...

Have a nice house( yes I have just the land is in my wife's name)...

Even like to drive here...

Thought why should I live anywhere else???

Edited by Crazy chef 1
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The OP is obviously happy with the choice he has made and it seems to be working out very well for him and his family.

But we don't all want the same thing, so a little more understanding of others and a little less hubris might give space for the choices and opinions of others to be accepted.

My personal view is I have always had a fabulous life in Thailand, but I also have and I am currently enjoying a fabulous life elsewhere.

I've spent the week since Christmas studying in the library and laboratory of one of Europe's finest universities, long days from early morning to late in the evening - for me, a real privilege, absolute bliss.

For the next man, the same might be a living hell, a torture he could not endure.

Make the choices that make you happy and provide for those for whom you have a responsibility - be happy in that and don't fret over the next guy's choices.

He might just as happy, in which case who are you to deny him that, or he might be trapped with no choices available, in which case where is your humanity? If you are not going to help him, leave the man alone.

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Bringing a Thai women to the USA is like raising a child.

If you like that good for you.

You have to teach them many things.

You also have to show them how to drive (if you dare), get them insurance and medical, the language, teach them a completely different culture.

The job part is huge as I agree it is not easy for them to find one, especially a decent job.

So eventually boredom will settle in.

I think it is easier for a guy from the USA to move to Thailand, then for them to come here.

Not necessarily true,I guess it all depends how supportive the husband is, and on the personality of the wife.

you are right, when bringing a wife to the US there is a learning curve, and an investment must be made toward that goal.

but I think the US is more Immigrant friendly than Thailand

My wife has infinitely more opportunities in the US that I had in Thailand. She has adjusted famously, became a citizen, went to school and got a trade, has a good job and many friends.

In a few years when I retire we will have options. IMO it is all about options

Thailand is great, and we will give it a try, but if things dont , for what ever reason, work out there, we have options.

and the truth of the matter is that I will not live for ever. I am 59 and if I am lucky, I think I have Twenty years ahead of me. Perhaps more who knows, but Twenty years is a realistic estimate I think.

I love my wife , IMO it is not only important for me to have an exit strategy,but for her to also have one.

When I depart this world, she will still be a young woman with plenty of life ahead of her.

If one loves his wife it is important IMO to not only look at his convenience and options, but hers options also.

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Please bear in mind Rule 7:-

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

Three posts removed.

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I have over 10,000 posts on "another forum".

I started posting because I was so miserable in Canada that the forum became my way out... literally to another world.

I was living other people's stories and eventually I decided to get some blz and move myself.

Me posting is a habit. Just like other people do a crossword puzzle or read NY Times in the morning.

What I find sad about you OP is that like most Americans (well Westerners) you are not honest with yourself. Your whole life is a lie.

There is no shame saying that you came to Thailand because you couldn't find a woman in your ole' US of A.

If that's not the case then why did you not move back earlier... before you got yourself a wife?

Certainly you spent a lot of time in Thailand since you built a house and had a business.

You came to Thailand because you were lonely. Period.

But no.... instead you come up with a story to justify your existence by trashing the place you chose to live in and make fun of Thai Visa posters. BTW, these are the same posters I learned a lot from about bad women, money, scams, condos, lies, etc...etc....

I learned a lot from those barstool sitters.

What have you contributed here except troling how USA is great?

BTW, life is not about money. Not at all.

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What have you contributed here except troling how USA is great?

But America is great, I would live there if I was American.

I'd have a trailer with my bicycles on the back, Florida in winter, Oregon in the summer.

I wouldn't live in Canada ..... too cold and wet ...... but OK for ski-ing.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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We've been here for 19+ years to include numerous long trips back to the US. Every time we go back to the US, we think to ourselves, "isn't this better than what we have in Thailand?," to the point that we've considered moving back many times. But when we return to our small home in the jungle, it takes all of a week or two to remind ourselves that what we have here is not attainable in the US, no matter how much money we have. And so we remain.

Different strokes for different folks..........if you're happy in the US, then be happy. But don't deride others who choose to live here....especially when you failed at trying to do so.

And for what it's worth.....I can count the number of Thai/American marriages that are over the 25 year mark on many many more hands than those that have failed. Several nearing the 50 year mark.

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What have you contributed here except troling how USA is great?

But America is great, I would live there if I was American.

I'd have a trailer with my bicycles on the back, Florida in winter, Oregon in the summer.

I wouldn't live in Canada ..... too cold and wet ...... but OK for ski-ing.

Do you think it's different on any other forum?

There is an immigration forum where I help fellow Serbs with advice about immigrating to Canada.

People are delusional in just about every corner of the world.

Every day there is another American whining how life in USA is terrible, how people are unfriendly and how crime is out of control.

These are not stupid people either.

Couples that have US$ 200,000k combined income, but are ready do downgrade because of a "better life in Canada".

These people have no clue that there are no jobs in Canada and that they will spend 5-10 years adjusting because they need the famous "Canadian experience".

People are just delusional all over. Grass is greener......

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whistling.gif As for me personally, I was a communications system repair technician for over 40 years working for the U.S. government.

I worked all over the world and retired at the age of 64 in 2010. as a civilian contracor

When I retired was working for the U.S. Airforce

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America's race relations are dysfunctional.

There is terrible social isolation and alienation there.

People psychoanalyze one another to death endlessly there.

Corporate interests control the government.

There is too much gun violence in America.

The threat of terrorism is lower here.

People are friendlier here.

The cost of living is cheaper here.

My blood pressure is lower here.

I am certain that my wife is happier here than she would be if I dragged her to America.

I am far happier here than I ever was in America.

Edited by Gecko123
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Every day there is another American whining how life in USA is terrible, how people are unfriendly and how crime is out of control.

These are not stupid people either.

Loneliness is a big problem, many people have never learned to socialize properly.

(Even though they are desperate for company)

Doesn't matter where they live, they will always be unhappy.

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I get the impression from your post that you consider money #1.

What is wrong in earning $1,000 per month in Thailand? It is a helluva lot more than most Thais earn.

What is wrong in living/renting a one-room house in Thailand? Can you live in 2 or 3 rooms at the same time?

I agree that one should have suitable medical insurance, but a big house and a big salary (in any country) doesn't always mean a big smile on your face

Well said Simon, I live in a 50m2 house...............................on 15 railaugh.png I have no salary .............the Wife has BIG salarythumbsup.gif

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It is very rare to read a happy or successful story that is truthful and full of verifiable facts.

Those who have done it right and are pleased with their life here in Thailand, have no reason to complain here on TV and content, secure people do not need to brag or advertise their success.

That's why happy, successful stories are rare.

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Every day there is another American whining how life in USA is terrible, how people are unfriendly and how crime is out of control.

These are not stupid people either.

Loneliness is a big problem, many people have never learned to socialize properly.

(Even though they are desperate for company)

Doesn't matter where they live, they will always be unhappy.

Socialising for expats in Thailand is not an easy ride,irrespective of your background,level of spoken Thai,friends one tries to assimilate with and their given level of education it's very difficult to hold a conversation regarding what westerners perceive as general chit chat.

Thais mostly focus on what goes on internally and locally,one only has to watch the news daily to see that the daily happenings of the globe get around 3 minutes air time.

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America's race relations are dysfunctional.

There is terrible social isolation and alienation there.

People psychoanalyze one another to death endlessly there.

Corporate interests control the government.

There is too much gun violence in America.

The threat of terrorism is lower here.

People are friendlier here.

The cost of living is cheaper here.

My blood pressure is lower here.

I am certain that my wife is happier here than she would be if I dragged her to America.

I am far happier here than I ever was in America.

I too am from America and I could have not said it any better.

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What have you contributed here except troling how USA is great?

But America is great, I would live there if I was American.

I'd have a trailer with my bicycles on the back, Florida in winter, Oregon in the summer.

I wouldn't live in Canada ..... too cold and wet ...... but OK for ski-ing.

I agree and infact Iam currently in talks about a job in Texas. Hopefully it comes to fruition.

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Every day there is another American whining how life in USA is terrible, how people are unfriendly and how crime is out of control.

These are not stupid people either.

Loneliness is a big problem, many people have never learned to socialize properly.

(Even though they are desperate for company)

Doesn't matter where they live, they will always be unhappy.

Thailand is far more socially inclusive than America.

In America, parties are distinguished by who's not invited; in Thailand, parties tend to be much more communal events.

In Thailand it is far easier to approach a stranger and strike up a conversation than it is in America. There is absolutely no question in my mind that Thais are more approachable and receptive to social contact than Americans. There is also far less fear of strangers here than in America.

In Thailand you can interact with people outside your own age and/or socioeconomic group far more easily than you can in America.

Edited by Gecko123
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If I had been 60, wealthy and without ambition, I can see how things might have been different than being young and poor.

At 60 most of your ambition is to live another year.

If you haven't done everything else by then, you're a loser.

If your ambition at 60 is living another year, you have failed at life in general.

Today, 60 is still pretty young.

If you have not been a fool and have taken care of yourself, your ambition should be living another 20 years or more...not one!

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You could spend your whole life working for plan B. Plan B always involves money

my 2 Satang smartàrse comments smile.png

-there's no need for a Plan B if you have money,

-that also applies to those who have burned all those proverbial bridges,

-because with money it's rather easy to build new bridges.

Then Money is your Plan B

Plan B give you options, and Money give you options,. Who does not like options?

And who doesn't like having money..those who know they will never have enough to have a plan B and barely have enough to live a decent life here.

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If I had been 60, wealthy and without ambition, I can see how things might have been different than being young and poor.

At 60 most of your ambition is to live another year.

If you haven't done everything else by then, you're a loser.

If your ambition at 60 is living another year, you have failed at life in general.

Today, 60 is still pretty young.

If you have not been a fool and have taken care of yourself, your ambition should be living another 20 years or more...not one!

I think he was being a bit tongue in cheek with that comment.

His basic comment is true if you have not achieved most of your ambitions by 60 then it ain't going to happen as a significant part of your life has passed by, as has your vitality, innocence etc..

60 is still 60, as with any age it feels young when you have passed it.

I have also seen plenty of old fools here..

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