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They got me again


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Does the retailer control the size of the packaging?

Seriously, a soap-powder scam?

It cracks me up how the same people that think the Thais are all stupid continually often claim they are constantly being cheated by them.

It has been my experience that it is generally cheaters that worry about being cheated.

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Sure it's a scam but it seems the Thai can't see through it.

What about this one: (forgive me if i mention wrong prices).

a 700cc bottle of Red label is 800 baht.

a 1000 cc bottle Red is 1000 baht.

Which one would you buy? The Thai take the cheap one though.

Same with Coca cola. 24 baht for 1.5 litre and 25 for a 2 litre.....

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We like the kurubota porksteaks from CP. They cost 80 or 90 baht a piece.

Many times they are in sale , 2 for the price of 1...then i always buy 10 of them.

Last week went to CP to buy steaks and looked for the sticker, no sticker so no discount....so i bought a few (not 10) and at the cashier my wife asked if they were in sale. Yes she said, 2 for 1....so we bought 10 again. But nowhere could we see they were in sale again, or maybe they are always in sale but you just have to ask it.

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Sure it's a scam but it seems the Thai can't see through it.

What about this one: (forgive me if i mention wrong prices).

a 700cc bottle of Red label is 800 baht.

a 1000 cc bottle Red is 1000 baht.

Which one would you buy? The Thai take the cheap one though.

Same with Coca cola. 24 baht for 1.5 litre and 25 for a 2 litre.....

Things getting cheaper when you buy more isn't a scam - that's how shopping generally works.

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there are many products which constitute much less than the container they're in. Both food and non-food. Here are a few:

yogurt: about 45% of the container is air

white glue: it comes in a hard plastic tub with a lid. Inside, the glue is in a plastic bag. When you squeeze the glue from the bag into the tub, it fills about half.

teflon tape: You think you're getting a lot of tape, but you're just getting a bit wrapped around a large diameter false inner part.

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Sure it's a scam but it seems the Thai can't see through it.

What about this one: (forgive me if i mention wrong prices).

a 700cc bottle of Red label is 800 baht.

a 1000 cc bottle Red is 1000 baht.

Which one would you buy? The Thai take the cheap one though.

Same with Coca cola. 24 baht for 1.5 litre and 25 for a 2 litre.....

Things getting cheaper when you buy more isn't a scam - that's how shopping generally works.

I know that is how it works in the civilized world, but I'm sure Thian made a honest mistake when posting, because in Thailand that isn't the case.

I'm sure every member can give plenty of examples, but let us just start with the one from Red Label as Thian quoted, and proof that your opinion isn't how it works in Thailand.

Red label 70 Cl = 609 Baht at big C or 8.07 per unit


Red label 1 liter is 999 Baht at the same shop or 9.99 Baht per unit.


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Well, here in the USA, it took several months before I noticed the cartons of Orange juice that I buy literally weekly had been reduced in size from 64 to 59 ounces.

But did the 59 ounce package also carry a sticker that said you were getting a promotion, because the smaller size was previously priced like the 64 ounce package?

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You are comparing the new packet size from the 'dodgy' supermarket with the previous package size from Makro? If not, maybe you need to revert to using Makro again or at least check their packaging sizes/prices. Eventually the old/bigger stock will run out so interesting to see what Makro does to their prices once that happens.

Good to note that this soap powder manufacturer joined the band of companies that are doing incremental downsizing of products. I share your disappointment that transparency in sizing/pricing is not enforced here. In the UK and other countries, the 'unit cost' is also mandated on price labels for even better consumer judgement on best value for money. Generally, I don't think they do that here but I could be wrong.

I wouldn't call one of the largest supermarket chains in Thailand a dodgy supermarket.

A manufacturer of washing detergents doesn't make a particular size of package for a particular supermarket, as that would cost more to produce, so we can be assured that the size at Makro now also is 800 gram.

The only difference will be that at Makro it will now also be priced lower as previously, but it will not be displayed as a temprorary promotion. The supermarket in question even had the guts to write that the promotion will end on 14 january.

If the " PROMOTION " hadn't caught my eye I wouldn't have bought the detergent, since I know it is 5% cheaper at Makro and I still hadn't run out of detergent, so would just have picked it up on my next visit to Makro.

Note I said 'dodgy' as you are the one calling the supermarket on their suspicious pricing regime, not me.

I never suggested that they make different packaging for different vendors. You still haven't clarified if you are comparing 2 purchases from the 'dodgy' place or one from the 'dodgy' place and one from Makro.

If you bought TWICE from the 'dodgy' place then your contention that you usually purchase from Makro is somewhat challenged. Unless you are a sucker for 'promotions'.

If you bought the packages from the 'dodgy' place and then Makro, then any comparisons are totally irrelevant and there's nothing at all assured about product size or cost.

Since they are brazenly continuing this 'promotion' to mid-month, you should bring this up with store management at the 'dodgy' supermarket. Thanks for the alert (for what it's worth).

Let us know how you get on.

<removed> I never said I bought from this supermarket before, you don't need to purchase to see the price label you know.

Since I use this particular powder for years already, not just 2 times because there are not many detergents available for front loading machines, over time I know the price of this product at every supermarket I visit frequently.

Outside promotions, it is priced the same in every supermarket but Makro, where it is always 5% cheaper.So I always buy from Makro, since you don't need this article daily, and I visit Makro at least once a month.

I haven't been in Makro recently, but will have to go there anyway tonight, so will report about the current situation there.

I have really no urge to bring this up with the store management, as we all know that it will be a waste of time, but in case you still don't get it my thread was to point out that supermarkets in this country still get away with this kind of practices which are banned in the civilized world

So I've been to Makro this evening and the detergent is there now also reduced to 800 grams, which i think were no doubts about that it would be.

It was priced at the same price as at the "dodgy" supermarket, so the usual 5% discount didn't apply today, but at least there wasn't a label that tried to fool the customers in believing that the new price was a temporary promotion.

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there are many products which constitute much less than the container they're in. Both food and non-food. Here are a few:

yogurt: about 45% of the container is air

white glue: it comes in a hard plastic tub with a lid. Inside, the glue is in a plastic bag. When you squeeze the glue from the bag into the tub, it fills about half.

teflon tape: You think you're getting a lot of tape, but you're just getting a bit wrapped around a large diameter false inner part.

These items are measured in weight (first two) and lenth. Not mis-leading at all.

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I can't be bothered reading all the posts. So if no one else mentioned it, it is not a Thailand 'scam' but a worldwide marketing strategy. Maybe it's time you went home to discover the supermarket 'scams' in your own country.Thailand won't seem so bad after all!

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Sure it's a scam but it seems the Thai can't see through it.

What about this one: (forgive me if i mention wrong prices).

a 700cc bottle of Red label is 800 baht.

a 1000 cc bottle Red is 1000 baht.

Which one would you buy? The Thai take the cheap one though.

Same with Coca cola. 24 baht for 1.5 litre and 25 for a 2 litre.....

Things getting cheaper when you buy more isn't a scam - that's how shopping generally works.

I didn't say that my examples are a scam, it's just an example of how Thai can't see through things. Or maybe Thai have other reasons to buy the small bottle of Red.

Calculating is not their strongest point, yesterday in a shop 1 product was 56 baht, i ordered 10 of them and the guy had to look for the calculator...I put 560 on his desk and he was astonished that i got it right gigglem.gifgigglem.gifgigglem.gif

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I can't be bothered reading all the posts. So if no one else mentioned it, it is not a Thailand 'scam' but a worldwide marketing strategy. Maybe it's time you went home to discover the supermarket 'scams' in your own country.Thailand won't seem so bad after all!

No it's not the same worldwide.

In other countries packages are also reduced in size to cover a price increase, but there are clear written and enforced consumer laws over there, that they can not falsely announce that the same size of package was previously sold at a higher price.

Edited by TheCruncher
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They nearly got me a while back with my favourite Shogun orange juice.

Buy 2 cartons at a special discount price. Instead I bought 2 single cartons for 15 Baht less than the special offer.

Yes that is some thing I have noticed here in Thailand. Often if you break the price down it is cheaper to buy the smaller size. That is at there normal price no sale either way.

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They nearly got me a while back with my favourite Shogun orange juice.

Buy 2 cartons at a special discount price. Instead I bought 2 single cartons for 15 Baht less than the special offer.

Yes that is some thing I have noticed here in Thailand. Often if you break the price down it is cheaper to buy the smaller size. That is at there normal price no sale either way.

Not only here happens all over morris ons in uk does the same thing 2 for xx amount but buying two single wrapped same item cheaper. It all about confusing the brain it sees special offer so it must be good
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They did the same with beer some time ago. You just have to suck it up.

or NOT!

In Thai I cry - How much? Pang! And walk away.

My wife looks on, slightly embarrassed and says her husband not understand - this is Thailand!

At least, then a few folks start to read the "small print"!

As another poster mentioned, it is a shameful deception and it should be stopped.

Just sayin....

Edited by laislica
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They did the same with beer some time ago. You just have to suck it up.

or NOT!

In Thai I cry - How much? Pang! And walk away.

My wife looks on, slightly embarrassed and says her husband not understand - this is Thailand!

At least, then a few folks start to read the "small print"!

As another poster mentioned, it is a shameful deception and it should be stopped.

Just sayin....

Right, stop it, good man. In the meanwhile, refuse to buy beer. Great strategy.

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They did the same with beer some time ago. You just have to suck it up.

or NOT!

In Thai I cry - How much? Pang! And walk away.

My wife looks on, slightly embarrassed and says her husband not understand - this is Thailand!

At least, then a few folks start to read the "small print"!

As another poster mentioned, it is a shameful deception and it should be stopped.

Just sayin....

Right, stop it, good man. In the meanwhile, refuse to buy beer. Great strategy.

So Hong Thong then?

Good man!

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Not too different to the scams UK supermarkets in the UK pull off.
Eg stick a bottle of wine on the shelf with an inflated the price for a few days with no real intention of selling it then reduce it to the normal selling price and claim it is 1/2 price.

Edited by Geordie59
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In al fairness, this is an invention from outside Thailand and applies to literally any and all household items like tooth paste, carbonated soft drinks (Coke is sold meanwhile in 285ml bottles compared to 330ml before), detergent, UHT-milk (946ml instead of 1 litre) and so fort.
Some shops show the price per comparable unit, i.e. fabric softener per 1ltr on the price tag affixed to the shelf. Otherwise use the little grey cells and work out the better deal. Result is better deal and the brain keeps trained gigglem.gif

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It always amuses me that Tesco sell a triple pack of Heinz Tomato sauce which is more expensive than buying 3 individual bottles!

I guess that's why Aldi and Lidl are growing so fast, they don't use dirty tactics like that.

Where i come from such tactics would cost the supermarket their reputation and customers. But we all learn how to calculate at a young age. Maybe that's why we don't have Tesco.

But i'm always amazed how often my wife needs new washingpowder or softener and how expensive it is here in Thailand. And even then the softener doesn't work well.

I told her many times to buy large quantity's of it because that's cheaper but they don't sell that she claims.

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