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British man found dead on Koh Tao

Jonathan Fairfield

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There seems to be a surprising lack of details on this incident.

At 27 one would not suspect a health incident.


Considering his country of origin, age and gender, suicide is the most likely cause of death (26% of deaths of British males between 20-34 were from suicide).

I'm sure the Koh Tao police will use this statistic to argue that he shot himself in the head twice.

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the problem is the rtp come out with a story about a young persons demise and as we have seen lots of times there are injuries and wounds that do not

conform to the accident/suicide story the coroner does not mention or explain how these things occurred the thai courts totally ignore them so people

get fed up with the Thailand habit of trying to make sure Thailand does not look bad at any cost.

my first time in Thailand 18 years ago and I was shocked to find even the hotel staff were attempting to convince people a murder was a suicide and

even though it was physically impossible for the victim to of killed herself it was spread by the press and staff and police that it was suicide.

thankfully there was some thai people who totally dismissed the made up nonsense and I heard that it was eventually classed as a murder.

Thailand needs more of those people.

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His family are already starting to talk about that this is a cover up. Check out the Facebook page about Luke and read the comments.


You can see the texts messages with a Thai contact on Koh Tao who claims that, conveniently, not one of the CCTV cameras were working at the Sunset Bar (that old chestnut).

It looks like they have info that will blow this all open. Let's wait and see what it is...

Edited by KunMatt
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I speculate that he was attacked and knocked unconscious and dumped in the pool where he drowned. Why? Because the photos of his injuries taken by his friends were not in line with the rtp assertions.

I hope the family raise bloody hell IF this is accurate.

If I may ask, have these photos been posted any where? Have you actually seen them? If they have been posted then I would say it is quite insensitive toward the family, that is unless they family condoned their publication. A couple on here are talking about these so called markings, yet no one has been able to indicate what these alleged injuries are and why they are not in line with RTP assertions.

if some one, who has knowledge, without being insensitive, was able to indicate, factually, why they are not in line, then maybe it would save a lot of bickering and speculating as to what the cause of death was, and why it differs from that listed in the autopsy report. I'd rather wait for the results of the UK autopsy and then hopefully, after that, the matter can be put to rest and the family's suspicions will either be classed as unfounded or in fact, substantiated. Hopefully they will get closure one way or another.

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I speculate that he was attacked and knocked unconscious and dumped in the pool where he drowned. Why? Because the photos of his injuries taken by his friends were not in line with the rtp assertions.

I hope the family raise bloody hell IF this is accurate.

If I may ask, have these photos been posted any where? Have you actually seen them? If they have been posted then I would say it is quite insensitive toward the family, that is unless they family condoned their publication. A couple on here are talking about these so called markings, yet no one has been able to indicate what these alleged injuries are and why they are not in line with RTP assertions.

if some one, who has knowledge, without being insensitive, was able to indicate, factually, why they are not in line, then maybe it would save a lot of bickering and speculating as to what the cause of death was, and why it differs from that listed in the autopsy report. I'd rather wait for the results of the UK autopsy and then hopefully, after that, the matter can be put to rest and the family's suspicions will either be classed as unfounded or in fact, substantiated. Hopefully they will get closure one way or another.

His body has literally just arrived in the UK. Get ready for the family to speak what they know from now on.

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So you are justifying smashing someone's face in for "flipping a finger" -- really?

A hand gesture deserves an attack by multiple people - stamping the man into the ground - but hey that's ok a the law is upheld with a 10,000 baht fine ?

Do you not see anything wrong here?

I wonder if you'll be so supportive when it's was your child or your face, or your lovers face that is being smashed in.

the guy was pissed flipped the bird, if the account was at all true i would imagine there was more to it than just that, but he got a slap (by 2 girls)..i guess he learnt a lesson and will probably now think twice....but the last paragraphs are more like a tao bashing form someone other than a tourist thats friend got beaten up. thing is anyone post stuff on there internet without any verification.

i see so many clueless and disrespectful 'kids' on their gap year or first time away from home 'travelling', i am amazed how some of them even made it here in the first place.. but some think they are the DB's and the first to travel to thailand ever...the wanna be gangsters!!

and when people here say it was the staff attacked them...err.... doormen/bouncers scrapping with drunk customers was a weekly sighting when i was growing up....but if its against tao then its gotta be true.... just run with it!!

Not Justified. But very predictable.

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so what happens if the uk say it was drowning, will you accept that?? or will you deny it and say they are 'in on it'....

the british government....


down to a tiny gypsy family island so called mafia...or will you just accept that he died from misadventure?? you really think that every death is suspicious ?? 2 guys drowned on 25th december...1 was western 61 and died, the other was chinese and was revived by the good deeds done by the volunteer rescue team....both had an accident while snorkelling.....nothing suspicious....or because there was witness's and it was in the daytime it wasn't reported in samui news it wasn't news worthy??

Edited by frank83628
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so what happens if the uk say it was drowning, will you accept that?? or will you deny it and say they are 'in on it'....

the british government....


down to a tiny gypsy family island so called mafia...or will you just accept that he died from misadventure?? you really think that every death is suspicious ?? 2 guys drowned on 25th december...1 was western 61 and died, the other was chinese and was revived by the good deeds done by the volunteer rescue team....both had an accident while snorkelling.....nothing suspicious....or because there was witness's and it was in the daytime it wasn't reported in samui news it wasn't news worthy??

I know that you have to defend everything bad that anyone says about Koh Tao, but the family think that somebody else threw his body in the pool. Let's wait and find out why they believe this.

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"but the family think that somebody else threw his body in the pool. Let's wait and find out why they believe this."

I know why.

Because they're confused after reading Andrew Drummond. That guy couldn't write his way out of a wet paper bag with a machette dipped in ink.

Hard to believe his native language was English.

For example:

"Hanks had made multiple complaints"

What he MEANT to say was "Hanks had multiple complaints made against him"

Which has an entirely different meaning.

If the family depended on AD as a source of "facts", no wonder they are confused.

You know, sometimes the facts disagree with the family's preferred narrative: this wasn't a troubled young drug addict who committed suicide.

As someone noted, this is the #1 cause of death of British 20-something men...

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I would think they believe what they hear , rumors are spreading fast on a small island and social media, but I am surprised we do not have any CCTV footage as was mentioned in the very first news report.

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threw his body. into the pool??...now thats a new one..has that guy ADAM MICHAEL MURPHY been spreading his anti thai BS again...(ps admins...i name him from Facebook..not here, i do not know if he is a member on TV , i use his real name from his Facebook page ) so no need to delete my post

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<insert name> Bar is one of the most popular places to party on Koh <insert name of mythical paradise>.

Kids, it's called due diligence.

Due diligence is the detailed ​examination of a ​company/location/business and ​its ​financial ​records/reputation, done before ​becoming ​involved in a ​business ​arrangement with it.

OK, you spend 30 seconds googling KT and find that there has been a long string of grisley "suicides" and "mysterious" deaths of young people, much like yourself, in the past few years.

Do you:

A. Ignore it, because you think you are invincible and you deserve to get "sloppy drunk" in a location where the slightest mistake could find you beaten like "a dog who stole meat"?

B. Plan to go somewhere else that's safer.

It's up to you as the Thai people would say, 555

Edited by SiSePuede419
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I would think they believe what they hear , rumors are spreading fast on a small island and social media, but I am surprised we do not have any CCTV footage as was mentioned in the very first news report.

Me too, where is the CCTV footage? again?

Much nonsense posted on this forum so far. Let's see what comes out of the UK now.

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Just stay cool you guise.

Jai yen yen..

So far nothing has been substantiated other than a young man died,..

personally, what ever RPT say I am inclined to believe the exact opposite.. which doesn't mean they are wrong., just that I do not trust trust them.

If his friends have photos, or evidence that Luke's death was anything other than an unfortunate incident then I am sure they will want to make that public.. and the sooner the better

Just chill, refrain from having a pop,..
what will be will be.!

Instead of childishly calling each other names - we'd be more effective, as a community, in supporting Luke's Folks and friends in helping them to find out what happened to him. Or at least being supportive to them.

Edited by MrTee
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There seems to be a surprising lack of details on this incident.

At 27 one would not suspect a health incident.


Considering his country of origin, age and gender, suicide is the most likely cause of death (26% of deaths of British males between 20-34 were from suicide).

I'm sure the Koh Tao police will use this statistic to argue that he shot himself in the head twice.

Well since then more has been learned and over indulgence is suspected.

Found in the pool.

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threw his body. into the pool??...now thats a new one..has that guy ADAM MICHAEL MURPHY been spreading his anti thai BS again...(ps admins...i name him from Facebook..not here, i do not know if he is a member on TV , i use his real name from his Facebook page ) so no need to delete my post

Well he either jumped or was thrown in there, neither you or anyone else knows presently. The family is being very vocal so I'm certain when facts come out we will hear them from there first

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I speculate that he was attacked and knocked unconscious and dumped in the pool where he drowned. Why? Because the photos of his injuries taken by his friends were not in line with the rtp assertions.

I hope the family raise bloody hell IF this is accurate.

Are these the same friends that may or may not have been with him the night he met his untimely death?

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I speculate that he was attacked and knocked unconscious and dumped in the pool where he drowned. Why? Because the photos of his injuries taken by his friends were not in line with the rtp assertions.

I hope the family raise bloody hell IF this is accurate.

Are these the same friends that may or may not have been with him the night he met his untimely death?

I wonder if you will get an answer. I asked some legimate questions a number of posts back in relation to the photos and additional injuries that are allegedly not in line with the RTP report and to date haven't received a response.

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The trouble in Thailand is that young Westerners get a false sense of security .

Warm climate, generally nice soft local people, on holiday, rich , carefree .

They do not realise that some Thai people are criminals, villains, gangsters .

If the youngsters were in the Bronx in New York or Medellin in Columbia , they wouldnt act obnoxiously towards locals

Kao Tao doesnt look like a tough violent inner city . but some of the locals are of the same ilk

That is what young Westerners dont understand and that is why problens can arise

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I speculate that he was attacked and knocked unconscious and dumped in the pool where he drowned. Why? Because the photos of his injuries taken by his friends were not in line with the rtp assertions.

I hope the family raise bloody hell IF this is accurate.

Are these the same friends that may or may not have been with him the night he met his untimely death?

I wonder if you will get an answer. I asked some legimate questions a number of posts back in relation to the photos and additional injuries that are allegedly not in line with the RTP report and to date haven't received a response.

and you are asking these questions here ? why is that exactly ?

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The trouble in Thailand is that young Westerners get a false sense of security .

Warm climate, generally nice soft local people, on holiday, rich , carefree .

They do not realise that some Thai people are criminals, villains, gangsters .

If the youngsters were in the Bronx in New York or Medellin in Columbia , they wouldnt act obnoxiously towards locals

Kao Tao doesnt look like a tough violent inner city . but some of the locals are of the same ilk

That is what young Westerners dont understand and that is why problens can arise

and you sir are exactly right

add to that the fact that on these Islands you have Thais and farangs mixing in a social environment and certain Thais are waiting to seize an opportunity, it makes for a very dangerous and volatile situation, these scum have a dog mentality and operate in packs

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I speculate that he was attacked and knocked unconscious and dumped in the pool where he drowned. Why? Because the photos of his injuries taken by his friends were not in line with the rtp assertions.

I hope the family raise bloody hell IF this is accurate.

Are these the same friends that may or may not have been with him the night he met his untimely death?

I wonder if you will get an answer. I asked some legimate questions a number of posts back in relation to the photos and additional injuries that are allegedly not in line with the RTP report and to date haven't received a response.

and you are asking these questions here ? why is that exactly ?

Why does anyone ask questions and why do you need to know? If you cannot work it out, then what can one say.

Edited by Si Thea01
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The Reef Bar in Koh Tao is getting some abuse on Luke's Justice facebook page. Apparently the Reef Bar posted some sick comments. Shame they hide behind a business page and not use their real facebook page to slag off Luke's family.

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Are these the same friends that may or may not have been with him the night he met his untimely death?

I wonder if you will get an answer. I asked some legimate questions a number of posts back in relation to the photos and additional injuries that are allegedly not in line with the RTP report and to date haven't received a response.

and you are asking these questions here ? why is that exactly ?

Why does anyone ask questions and why do you need to know? If you cannot work it out, then what can one say.

seems I am going to have to explain it for you, nobody on this forum has made the statements you seek answers for, only the victims family and friends, so go ask them and report back here and let us know what answers you got.

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