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British man found dead on Koh Tao

Jonathan Fairfield

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I rest my case

She seems like a silly middle class girl who thinks she can travel to 3rd world countries and enjoy the lawlessness and then when things get ugly thinks the police are going to act like Juliet Bravo.

I think people the world over should be allowed to go about their business without getting their face smashed in by some crazy scumbag..

The police, whether Juliet Bravo, SomChai, Poon, Dixon, Harry or what ever they are called should be upholding the law of the land, not upholding the rights of those that want to cause harm to others. .

Not much to ask is it ..

Does that make me "middle class" or silly?

In general you are right but in this case someone wasn't "going about their business", he was giving the finger to a local in a bar. Your description "crazy scumbag" could probably be applied to him also.

According to the girl's story (which,remember, was actually the story related by the drunk lad who flipped-off the female bar tender, the girl did not witness the initial event) the police did uphold the law, she said the attacker was fined 10,000 baht. What part of that is upholding the rights of those who want to harm others?

So you are justifying smashing someone's face in for "flipping a finger" -- really?

A hand gesture deserves an attack by multiple people - stamping the man into the ground - but hey that's ok a the law is upheld with a 10,000 baht fine ?

Do you not see anything wrong here?

I wonder if you'll be so supportive when it's was your child or your face, or your lovers face that is being smashed in.

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I think people the world over should be allowed to go about their business without getting their face smashed in by some crazy scumbag..

The police, whether Juliet Bravo, SomChai, Poon, Dixon, Harry or what ever they are called should be upholding the law of the land, not upholding the rights of those that want to cause harm to others. .

Not much to ask is it ..

Does that make me "middle class" or silly?

In general you are right but in this case someone wasn't "going about their business", he was giving the finger to a local in a bar. Your description "crazy scumbag" could probably be applied to him also.

According to the girl's story (which,remember, was actually the story related by the drunk lad who flipped-off the female bar tender, the girl did not witness the initial event) the police did uphold the law, she said the attacker was fined 10,000 baht. What part of that is upholding the rights of those who want to harm others?

So you are justifying smashing someone's face in for "flipping a finger" -- really?

A hand gesture deserves an attack by multiple people - stamping the man into the ground - but hey that's ok a the law is upheld with a 10,000 baht fine ?

Do you not see anything wrong here?

I wonder if you'll be so supportive when it's was your child or your face, or your lovers face that is being smashed in.

No one is saying sticking your finger up deserves a hiding, are you a woman only a woman could twist things around in such a way.

What is being said and has been spelt out to you very clearly is that when you go to strange lands don't expect the same reactions you'd get back in suburbia.

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I rest my case

She seems like a silly middle class girl who thinks she can travel to 3rd world countries and enjoy the lawlessness and then when things get ugly thinks the police are going to act like Juliet Bravo.

I think people the world over should be allowed to go about their business without getting their face smashed in by some crazy scumbag..

The police, whether Juliet Bravo, SomChai, Poon, Dixon, Harry or what ever they are called should be upholding the law of the land, not upholding the rights of those that want to cause harm to others. .

Not much to ask is it ..

Does that make me "middle class" or silly?

I also agree with you that people should be able to go about their business without getting their face smashed in. But that is not the point i was trying to get across.

If you want and expect first world justice and police systems then you would best to avoid 3rd world banana republics with world famous corrupt police forces and justice systems. Comprende?

Comprende? please tell me you are being factitious..

Comprende? are we back at school.. get me? capiche? grow up!

Clearly you support this sort of violence, over a gesture - are you a such bitter little man?

These kids are lured here with promises of wonderful beaches, parties, and fun. It's not like they signed up to fight in WW3 is it..

Can't believe you are trying to justify this and because they are "Silly middle class... ", and this the so called 3rd World so that somehow makes it ok.

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No one is saying sticking your finger up deserves a hiding, are you a woman only a woman could twist things around in such a way.

You made your self clear right there.

good luck with all your futures sunshine. wai2.gif

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phuketandsee, on 14 Jan 2016 - 08:40, said:
Chicog, on 14 Jan 2016 - 08:27, said:
Stick the finger up to a Thai bird in a bar full of drunk Thais? Idiot.

True, not the best thing to do but it shows the pent up rage prevalent here hidden behind all the LOS BS.

Especially if they're tanked up on Ya Ba.

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are you a woman only a woman could twist things around in such a way.

Stay classy, quality tourist.

Your description "crazy scumbag" could probably be applied to him also.

No it could not probably be applied to him also. A remotely intelligent person would be able to differentiate descriptions for potentially murderous thugs and someone being rude with their fingers.

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"Does that make me "middle class" or silly?"

IMHO, if anyone goes to Koh Tao without doing 30 seconds of research on Google to find out the past history of fellow travelers there....

Then they are stupid, ignorant and negligent for not having done "due diligence".

Doesn't matter if they are University students or your typical Cockney workman with an inheritance, anyone that fails to do research on their foreign destination in a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY is unimaginably stupid and deserves everything they get.

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From the above 27 DEC2015 posting:

A few tall male customers see what is happening and try to get the aggressive people away from Davy.

This is a photo of the late Mr. Miller on the left:

and the guy on the right is taller...so it must of been him she was writing about?....is this what you're trying to imply? i don't get it?

Unless the gent on the right is exceedingly tall, the late Mr. Miller is not likely one of the "tall male customers" who came to Davy's rescue as speculated in a post above.

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Yet again coming to the defense of Thais no matter what the circumstance. Apologist confirmed.

Anyone else notice the pattern with all of the Koh Tao shills and the stance they take on every other assault and murder against foreigners? They never put the blame on Thailand for anything no matter how far it goes therefore they cannot be trusted for an unbiased discussion on any crimes that happen in Thailand.

They have a point. If the foreigners didn't go there in the first place, the local hoodlums wouldn't have anyone to stab, stomp and bloody apart from each other.

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are you a woman only a woman could twist things around in such a way.

Stay classy, quality tourist.

Last time i went to Thailand was with my 5 year old kid so she could see part of her heritage, i stayed in 5 star hotels throughout, most days we visited tourist attractions that a child would enjoy and i drank about 5 bottles of beer in 2.5 weeks. I never once visited the kind of establishment you are no doubt bored of and meet your partners in.

So by ones actions i am what the TAT would deem a "quality tourist", bet you can't hand on heart say the same.

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I found this report on Rachael Gissing's facebook page, shes the one that organized the appeal for funds to get Luke back home:

This report was just before Luke's untimely death and is dated 27th Dec 2015

Yesterday night my friend Davy got beaten up in ‘The Sunset Beach Bar’ on Ko Tao. What happened is unacceptable. Here is the story.

This all happened so quickly. I was – and still am – so shocked about this event. I could see it was not a fight with other tourists, but that it were people from the staff. Whatever my friend did, I was thinking at that moment, no one ever deserves to be beaten up like this. I talked to other customers afterwards, and they too were shocked by the severe cruel approach. It really looked like they wanted to kill my friend. Not just one push or one punch on the nose, but they were continuously hitting my poor friend who was sitting on the floor like a foetus, his hands on his head, trying to protect his face.

You can read the full report here, scary............


I rest my case

She seems like a silly middle class girl who thinks she can travel to 3rd world countries and enjoy the lawlessness and then when things get ugly thinks the police are going to act like Juliet Bravo.

I honestly cannot figure out why you made that post, I am from the west and I am not silly in any way and I will gladly meet you and do my utmost to ruin your day with polite conversation

we are talking about kids on holiday wanting to party and have fun - some of them never made it home

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I think people the world over should be allowed to go about their business without getting their face smashed in by some crazy scumbag..

The police, whether Juliet Bravo, SomChai, Poon, Dixon, Harry or what ever they are called should be upholding the law of the land, not upholding the rights of those that want to cause harm to others. .

Not much to ask is it ..

Does that make me "middle class" or silly?

In general you are right but in this case someone wasn't "going about their business", he was giving the finger to a local in a bar. Your description "crazy scumbag" could probably be applied to him also.

According to the girl's story (which,remember, was actually the story related by the drunk lad who flipped-off the female bar tender, the girl did not witness the initial event) the police did uphold the law, she said the attacker was fined 10,000 baht. What part of that is upholding the rights of those who want to harm others?

yes no murder took place so no need for a cover up, everybody walked away alive in this instance

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phuketandsee, on 14 Jan 2016 - 08:40, said:
Chicog, on 14 Jan 2016 - 08:27, said:
Stick the finger up to a Thai bird in a bar full of drunk Thais? Idiot.

True, not the best thing to do but it shows the pent up rage prevalent here hidden behind all the LOS BS.

Especially if they're tanked up on Ya Ba.

the finger is on the trigger in Thailand, they are waiting for some innocent farang to step out of line then 8-15 of the small people with little provocation will swarm and beat someone to a pulp - and by the way they have the weapons hidden ready to use at the slightest finger,

I honestly believe the mentality is that they as a country and a people have never actually done a lot in terms of conflict and war, they bent over when Japan moved in during the 2nd world war and have since relied on the US over the years to cover their hub of everything ass, I honestly believe that the mentality would change if they actually had to get involved in any real conflict, there is something very wrong in this country, we have a Nation of self importance and yet they have achieved absolutely nothing on their own - they keep telling Asia and the world that they are a hub of something (not so much now) who started that HUB nonsense, although it seems they are a hub of not taking care of tourists who come here to spend money and the hub of not dealing with scumbags that abuse tourists and give the country a bad name

The point I am making is a very simple one, there is a general inferior mentality here - they have never actually done anything as a people to prove themselves, the sordid history is quite frankly an embarrassment, there is no national pride and that goes right down to the "HUB" of the problem at a very primitive level, Thais need to express something and the easiest way to do that it seems is for a gang of them to beat some foreigner to a pulp as soon as the opportunity presents, I once asked a motorbike taxi driver that I know - are farangs important for your business, he said no not really we have many Thai lady we take everywhere ......ahem

anyway rant over

The government need to step in now and sort this stuff out with a very heavy hand, it needs urgent attention

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From the above 27 DEC2015 posting:

A few tall male customers see what is happening and try to get the aggressive people away from Davy.

This is a photo of the late Mr. Miller on the left:

and the guy on the right is taller...so it must of been him she was writing about?....is this what you're trying to imply? i don't get it?

Unless the gent on the right is exceedingly tall, the late Mr. Miller is not likely one of the "tall male customers" who came to Davy's rescue as speculated in a post above.

honestly - tall people in Thailand generally means farangs, we are taller than the average Asian, why is this even a discussion ....seriously

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Yet again coming to the defense of Thais no matter what the circumstance. Apologist confirmed.

Anyone else notice the pattern with all of the Koh Tao shills and the stance they take on every other assault and murder against foreigners? They never put the blame on Thailand for anything no matter how far it goes therefore they cannot be trusted for an unbiased discussion on any crimes that happen in Thailand.

They have a point. If the foreigners didn't go there in the first place, the local hoodlums wouldn't have anyone to stab, stomp and bloody apart from each other.

well that is also a good point, stomp stab shoot attack murder rape bludgeon beat to a pulp, club punch stiff (in large numbers) the very people that put money in your pocket, anyone want to explain the mentality.............see my post above

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"Does that make me "middle class" or silly?"

IMHO, if anyone goes to Koh Tao without doing 30 seconds of research on Google to find out the past history of fellow travelers there....

Then they are stupid, ignorant and negligent for not having done "due diligence".

Doesn't matter if they are University students or your typical Cockney workman with an inheritance, anyone that fails to do research on their foreign destination in a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY is unimaginably stupid and deserves everything they get.

That's a simplistic view from a simple person, your at it again mister Mexican.

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Andrew Drummond reporting Luke's sister and friend took pictures of the body which show injuries differing from those claimed by the RTP. This will get interesting once the body is returned to the UK.

yes it will, but don't expect transparency, it hasn't been forthcoming yet..

well there is nothing new here, as I said in an earlier post and many topics before the injuries to David Miller - puncture wounds on several places on his body were not explained and basically ignored by likely the same coroner that examined Lukes body, yes they both drowned - right ?, if you look at the Hannah rape and murder which the court ruled on .......and then David's murder which was actually a separate crime - it actually remains unsolved, even if you believed the DNA evidence ever existed it still doesn't account for David's murder - supposedly he got whacked on the head by a little man half his size with a hoe - I will lay money on that this little man would have difficulty lifting the hoe let alone using it as a weapon in a fight - and then .....well he drowned, forget about the numerous weird puncture wounds on his arms face and neck


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"Does that make me "middle class" or silly?"

IMHO, if anyone goes to Koh Tao without doing 30 seconds of research on Google to find out the past history of fellow travelers there....

Then they are stupid, ignorant and negligent for not having done "due diligence".

Doesn't matter if they are University students or your typical Cockney workman with an inheritance, anyone that fails to do research on their foreign destination in a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY is unimaginably stupid and deserves everything they get.

That's a simplistic view from a simple person, your at it again mister Mexican.

it is very obvious that nobody does the 30 sec research, because if they did they would be going somewhere else, in saying that - the sinister dangers in Thailand are not obvious until you really dig a little deeper, don't forget - most of the sinister incidents are passed off as accidents......until now

but hey Turkey Malaysia Indonisia Egypt France all look good, or the numerous other places on this planet that have now become infested with the crazies ....where is safe

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So you are justifying smashing someone's face in for "flipping a finger" -- really?

A hand gesture deserves an attack by multiple people - stamping the man into the ground - but hey that's ok a the law is upheld with a 10,000 baht fine ?

Do you not see anything wrong here?

I wonder if you'll be so supportive when it's was your child or your face, or your lovers face that is being smashed in.

the guy was pissed flipped the bird, if the account was at all true i would imagine there was more to it than just that, but he got a slap (by 2 girls)..i guess he learnt a lesson and will probably now think twice....but the last paragraphs are more like a tao bashing form someone other than a tourist thats friend got beaten up. thing is anyone post stuff on there internet without any verification.

i see so many clueless and disrespectful 'kids' on their gap year or first time away from home 'travelling', i am amazed how some of them even made it here in the first place.. but some think they are the DB's and the first to travel to thailand ever...the wanna be gangsters!!
and when people here say it was the staff attacked them...err.... doormen/bouncers scrapping with drunk customers was a weekly sighting when i was growing up....but if its against tao then its gotta be true.... just run with it!!
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Yet again coming to the defense of Thais no matter what the circumstance. Apologist confirmed.

Anyone else notice the pattern with all of the Koh Tao shills and the stance they take on every other assault and murder against foreigners? They never put the blame on Thailand for anything no matter how far it goes therefore they cannot be trusted for an unbiased discussion on any crimes that happen in Thailand.

They have a point. If the foreigners didn't go there in the first place, the local hoodlums wouldn't have anyone to stab, stomp and bloody apart from each other.

well that is also a good point, stomp stab shoot attack murder rape bludgeon beat to a pulp, club punch stiff (in large numbers) the very people that put money in your pocket, anyone want to explain the mentality.............see my post above

It's nothing to do with mentality. It's cultural.

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... we are talking about kids on holiday wanting to party and have fun - some of them never made it home

Darwinism!... It's not just for the Thai's.

what ?

Typically when some foreigner posts here about a Thai persons misfortune due to ignoring basic safety precautions such as electrocution while working with live wires, getting wiped out on the their motorbike without lights at night or jumping in the waterfall when they can't swim, their misfortune is greeted with the inevitable 'Darwinism at work' comment.

Pretty much every youth loves to party and have fun but not all youths like to 'enhance' the experience with excess alcohol and illegal drugs that inevitably lead to excessive risk combined with impaired judgement.

For every unfortunate one that loses the plot on Koh Tao or anywhere else in the world, there's hundreds of thousands that get home safe and get on with their lives with only great memories of their adventures... well, maybe some with a few scars.

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