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Heavy rainfall in January , whats going on ?

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I have not misunderstood. The OP concerns January rain in Thailand! You have digressed from this mainly into the different problem of radiation leakage and I have not instantly dismissed anything. The Fukushima problem is unfortunate but any sea-level temperature rise is not purely due to this. Look at the graph in your later post and take a good look at the trend of Pacific Ocean temperature rise since the mid 1980's and then tell me if it so sudden?? You have just conveniently marked one of the troughs (2011). The other pic shows 137Cs levels not temperature! The website you refer to is one of many alarmist projects. Try a proper scientific source.


( a ) I didn’t digress - I simply mentioned it was a question that more and more people are asking- i.e. is it possible there is a link between the two? You obviously firmly believe there isn’t. Others disagree with you.

( b ) you instantly dismissed even a SLIGHT POSSIBILITY that radiation decay which causes heat could contribute to the Pacific warming up because you referred to it as " twaddle " and insinuated that anyone that even considered this as a possibility was empty headed.

(c ) the second picture wasn’t meant to show temperature. It was meant to show the extent of dispersal of the material flowing into the Pacific

I submit even the proper scientific sources that you advocate wouldn’t dismiss any possibility unless it can be firmly disproved with evidence

Well it looks like you are stuck with your own dubious theory. I just hope that others don't buy it!! Not much sign of that at least on here is there?.

You are taking a very narrow view (with Fukushima as the focus) and refuse to look at other data before 2011 - I won't waste time explaining again.

And within the latest post you can't even respond to my single question, so I will leave you to it! Enjoy!

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I have not misunderstood. The OP concerns January rain in Thailand! You have digressed from this mainly into the different problem of radiation leakage and I have not instantly dismissed anything. The Fukushima problem is unfortunate but any sea-level temperature rise is not purely due to this. Look at the graph in your later post and take a good look at the trend of Pacific Ocean temperature rise since the mid 1980's and then tell me if it so sudden?? You have just conveniently marked one of the troughs (2011). The other pic shows 137Cs levels not temperature! The website you refer to is one of many alarmist projects. Try a proper scientific source.


( a ) I didn’t digress - I simply mentioned it was a question that more and more people are asking- i.e. is it possible there is a link between the two? You obviously firmly believe there isn’t. Others disagree with you.

( b ) you instantly dismissed even a SLIGHT POSSIBILITY that radiation decay which causes heat could contribute to the Pacific warming up because you referred to it as " twaddle " and insinuated that anyone that even considered this as a possibility was empty headed.

(c ) the second picture wasn’t meant to show temperature. It was meant to show the extent of dispersal of the material flowing into the Pacific

I submit even the proper scientific sources that you advocate wouldn’t dismiss any possibility unless it can be firmly disproved with evidence

Well it looks like you are stuck with your own dubious theory. I just hope that others don't buy it!! Not much sign of that at least on here is there?.

You are taking a very narrow view (with Fukushima as the focus) and refuse to look at other data before 2011 - I won't waste time explaining again.

And within the latest post you can't even respond to my single question, so I will leave you to it! Enjoy!

It’s pretty sad and pathetic that you feel the need in the first instance to launch an insult and now rely on misrepresentations to try to win your argument by describing this as being " my theory " .bah.gif How can it be my own dubious theory when there are at least other contributors to the website you instantly dismissed as alarmist that also asked the same questions?

Regarding your own question anyone with half a brain can see in that graph that there has been a significant spike in temperature in 2015 and there is no explanation for this. So I have no idea why you are waffling on about before 2011 because it’s irrelevant.

Perhaps you are connected to the nuclear industry yourself because I can’t think of any other reason you would be so closed minded.

Anyway it doesn’t bother me because ultimately time will tell won’t it or as soi biker correctly says someone will carry out a study.


I'm sure someone smarter than me could figure out the likelihood of it being a factor, considering that the energy required to raise the temperature of the pacific ocean should be calculable.

I rather suspect it would be similar to what would happen if I boiled a litre of water and then went outside and poured it into the swimming pool.

but after you have poured your 1 L of boiling water into the swimming pool there is no further energy to prevent it from cooling rapidly when it mixes with the cool water in the rest of the swimming pool?tongue.png

This is not the case with this 300 tonnes per day of radioactive waste that is being dumped and which will keep giving off heat for years.

giving your analogy further thought SoiBiker wouldn't it be more like dropping the equivalent source of heat of an electric element ( from the jug you used to boil your 1 L of water) into the swimming pool and continuing to leave it switched on and then gradually week by week adding more and more electric elements to the swimming pool and measuring how long it takes for there to be any significant variation in the temperature? How about that one?smile.png


I'm sure someone smarter than me could figure out the likelihood of it being a factor, considering that the energy required to raise the temperature of the pacific ocean should be calculable.

I rather suspect it would be similar to what would happen if I boiled a litre of water and then went outside and poured it into the swimming pool.

but after you have poured your 1 L of boiling water into the swimming pool there is no further energy to prevent it from cooling rapidly when it mixes with the cool water in the rest of the swimming pool?tongue.png

This is not the case with this 300 tonnes per day of radioactive waste that is being dumped and which will keep giving off heat for years.

giving your analogy further thought SoiBiker wouldn't it be more like dropping the equivalent source of heat of an electric element ( from the jug you used to boil your 1 L of water) into the swimming pool and continuing to leave it switched on and then gradually week by week adding more and more electric elements to the swimming pool and measuring how long it takes for there to be any significant variation in the temperature? How about that one?smile.png

It would take forever - any extra heat generated would dissipate into the atmosphere!


diagram showing how abnormally warm Pacific waters can affect Thailand

Link does not open a web page and this is a very generalized pic of main ocean currents anyway. Do you know where Thailand is. Not even close to any of these pretty coloured arrows! Proves nothing as usual.

Get a new bone, please!



giving your analogy further thought SoiBiker wouldn't it be more like dropping the equivalent source of heat of an electric element ( from the jug you used to boil your 1 L of water) into the swimming pool and continuing to leave it switched on and then gradually week by week adding more and more electric elements to the swimming pool and measuring how long it takes for there to be any significant variation in the temperature? How about that one?smile.png

But, but, but... if SoiBiker left his electric kettle in the pool--switched on--he couldn't use the pool (electrocution and all that)

Plus his energy bill would skyrocket

And, he probably has a built-in pool heater anyway...


diagram showing how abnormally warm Pacific waters can affect Thailand

Link does not open a web page and this is a very generalized pic of main ocean currents anyway. Do you know where Thailand is. Not even close to any of these pretty coloured arrows! Proves nothing as usual.

Get a new bone, please!


Oh ! Quote from another one of those alarmist websites….ohmy.png

By the way isn’t it about time you came up with something substantial to refute your dubious theory that there is no connection whatsoever instead of your endless boring denials?saai.gif

Pacific Ocean is Warming

SFGate quotes Nate Mantua, a NOAA climatologist, “ocean warming has been observed in the past, but rarely do these conditions last as long as this trend … It usually doesn’t stick around for a whole year … I don’t understand it. The take on it now is it’s a mystery. I don’t know where it’s coming from … It is the third deadly winter for the [sea lion pups].” Some mystery! Anyone care to guess what happened four years ago?

Another contributor to warmer water may well be the inordinate amount of radionuclides being washed into the ocean from the ailing Fukushima power plants. After all, water is used to cool operating power plants where the amount of heat is regulated. Now we have uncontrolled amounts of over-heated and unregulated radionuclides from three power plants pouring into the ocean.



Hey nauseus look what this guy wrote. facepalm.gif Does it remind you of anyone?giggle.gif it certainly reminds me of someone

Why is there so much death and disease among sea life living near the west coast of North America right now? Could the hundreds of tons of highly radioactive water that are being released into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima every single day have anything to do with it? When I wrote my last article about Fukushima, I got a lot of heat for being “alarmist” and for supposedly “scaring” people unnecessarily. I didn’t think that an article about Fukushima would touch such a nerve, but apparently there are some people out there that really do not want anyone writing about this stuff



giving your analogy further thought SoiBiker wouldn't it be more like dropping the equivalent source of heat of an electric element ( from the jug you used to boil your 1 L of water) into the swimming pool and continuing to leave it switched on and then gradually week by week adding more and more electric elements to the swimming pool and measuring how long it takes for there to be any significant variation in the temperature? How about that one?smile.png

But, but, but... if SoiBiker left his electric kettle in the pool--switched on--he couldn't use the pool (electrocution and all that)

Plus his energy bill would skyrocket

And, he probably has a built-in pool heater anyway...

" dropping the equivalent source of heat of an electric element " whistling.gif


OK That's enough with electric kettles, global warming theories and Fukushima, . The topic is, Heavy rainfall in January

If you wish to continue this as a personal discussion please use the PM system as other members might like to get a word in occasionally, thank you.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


It's been raining hard the past few days in various spots. We had a very heavy rain yesterday in Naklua, and barely a drop at our house south of Jomtien.

I can't remember ever having 3 days of rain in a row in January. December, yes. January, no. But my garden is very happy! LOL

Exactly. I have been in this area every January for the last 17 years and it is certainly not normal.

I think Chonburi province is the driest in Thailand so people from other parts may have a different experience.

The comment regarding temperatures is also valid. This is the first winter in the 8 years I have lived here that I have not put a tee shirt on first thing in the morning. Overnight temperatures have been higher, but I am about 5 miles inland so that may not apply in Pattaya.

We are due the Pattaya rain in a couple of hours.


Off topic troll posts removed. Please see the previous public warning

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Heavy rain 3 days ago, light rain yesterday and a drizzle again today. Incredible. And it's relatively warm! I hope this isn't a forecast of how hot it will be come April!!


Still waiting for the cooler, dry weather, maybe February......? I try to sleep without the aircon on like I did last year, but still too hot for me.


And it's not only on the east coast.

Significant rain yesterday late afternoon in the midst of Isan.

Dark clouds all day.

And if you trust the weather report from Sunday on temperatures will drop.

Monday: 27 / 17 (!) Celsius in Pattaya. Brr.

Will have to pack a sweater.


Just finished raining cats and dogs. At least 1.5 inches in about an hour. I thought it was September/October again! LOL

We had heavy rain here in Muang Chonburi yesterday evening and now again this afternoon. Started about half an hour ago, that is now the last 5 days.

Normally wouldn't expect to see rain from end Nov till around April.


And it's not only on the east coast.

Significant rain yesterday late afternoon in the midst of Isan.

Dark clouds all day.

And if you trust the weather report from Sunday on temperatures will drop.

Monday: 27 / 17 (!) Celsius in Pattaya. Brr.

Will have to pack a sweater.

Daily rainshowers is nothing you'd expect in January , I can understand maybe 2-3 showers during the month but not like this. Today it lasted for about 45 minutes and it was quite heavy.

If the weather forecast is correct this time I can't wait for a big drop in temperatures.. clap2.gif


And it's not only on the east coast.

Significant rain yesterday late afternoon in the midst of Isan.

Dark clouds all day.

And if you trust the weather report from Sunday on temperatures will drop.

Monday: 27 / 17 (!) Celsius in Pattaya. Brr.

Will have to pack a sweater.

Daily rainshowers is nothing you'd expect in January , I can understand maybe 2-3 showers during the month but not like this. Today it lasted for about 45 minutes and it was quite heavy.

If the weather forecast is correct this time I can't wait for a big drop in temperatures.. clap2.gif

don't get too excited because according to this 2 week forecast the cooler temperature starts on Monday 25th and starts slowly climbing the next day Tuesday the 26th until Saturdaythe 30th when we're back into 30° temperaturesblink.png



Whether it's because I'm getting older, but it's the humidity this 'winter' that I find difficult. I've been here 9 years and accept the high humidity in April/May etc, which I accept as part of the cycle, but this last couple of weeks have been difficult to cope with.


Whether it's because I'm getting older, but it's the humidity this 'winter' that I find difficult. I've been here 9 years and accept the high humidity in April/May etc, which I accept as part of the cycle, but this last couple of weeks have been difficult to cope with.

No , it's not only you , the humidity is higher than normal , it feels more like October .

I have lived in Thailand since 2010, my first years in Bangkok , and I still remember the "freezing" temperatures we had in 2011 and 2012 , down to 17 degrees and low humidity , think it lasted for a week. And of course not a drop of rain in January .


Whether it's because I'm getting older, but it's the humidity this 'winter' that I find difficult. I've been here 9 years and accept the high humidity in April/May etc, which I accept as part of the cycle, but this last couple of weeks have been difficult to cope with.

No , it's not only you , the humidity is higher than normal , it feels more like October .

I have lived in Thailand since 2010, my first years in Bangkok , and I still remember the "freezing" temperatures we had in 2011 and 2012 , down to 17 degrees and low humidity , think it lasted for a week. And of course not a drop of rain in January .

Like you said before, we're use to not running the AC's at night in January. Or, maybe running it in the bedroom for a few hours. Not now. Just too hot!

As Emily says, the hot weather and humidity gets tougher and tougher each year! Maybe we'll head north in April for a few months....LOL


I was looking forward to using the evaporative cooler fan this 'winter' on the couple of days it was dry it works great.... but most of the other days... with humidity 40% and up, it just made the humidity in the room worse, even with doors and windows open I'm surprised they're still selling well with most homepros has loads of models on display... Inside the airconditioned shopping malls these evaporative fans seem great.... bring them home and into the humid climate and they're just expensive fan that you can only use the cooling functions once or twice a month


And if you trust the weather report from Sunday on temperatures will drop.

Monday: 27 / 17 (!) Celsius in Pattaya. Brr.

Will have to pack a sweater.

Spot on. First day this winter have felt the need for a T shirt in the morning.

Certainly the coldest day for the last week of January I have known, supposed to be 26 degrees but the wind made it feel much cooler, bit like a UK summer.


I enjoyed it so much today , suddenly temperature drops to 20 degrees tonight. Thais around me are freezing and I love every minute of it. I think tomorrow will be the coldest day of the year. Enjoy it while it last .

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