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'Merkel needs to go,' chant LEGIDA protesters in march through Leipzig


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'Merkel needs to go,' chant LEGIDA protesters in march through Leipzig


LEIPZIG: -- An estimated 2,000 far-right LEGIDA supporters have taken to the streets of Leipzig to protest against the New Year’s Eve attacks in Cologne.

Members of its sister-group, the anti-Islam PEGIDA movement, joined the march.

The acronym PEGIDA in German stands for patriots against the Islamisation of the western world. Local branches usually substitute the initial of their own town at the beginning.

Brandishing signs with expressions such as “Merkel, take your Muslims with you and get lost,” many chanted “Merkel needs to go,” the main slogan of the event.

While Chancellor Angela Merkel has recently toughened her stance on migrant arrivals, she has repeatedly refused demands to put a cap on the number entering Germany.

One protester spoke about why he had attended the march:
“What has been making us angry in the last few weeks and months is the whole situation with the foreigners and how the authorities are handling it. Me and many others too think this will come to a bad end.”

Counter protest

A similar number of counter-protesters also gathered, officials confirmed.

One marcher said:
“It is important not to generalise, but it’s also important that we all participate in making integration work. We must not take it lightly, but at the same time, we shouldn’t tar everyone with the same brush.”

Arrests elsewhere

A police spokesperson said elsewhere in Leipzig some 250 right-wingers had been arrested for setting off fireworks, setting bins on fire and damaging property.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-12

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An estimated 2,000 far-right LEGIDA supporters have taken to the streets...

When concerned citizens demonstrate against the sheer stupidity of Merkel, they are accused of being far-right.

How is it that so many politicians in the EU countries cannot (or refuse to admit) the problem that they have created?

Until the politicians stop trying to kid themselves, the problem will only get worse.

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An estimated 2,000 far-right LEGIDA supporters have taken to the streets...

When concerned citizens demonstrate against the sheer stupidity of Merkel, they are accused of being far-right.

How is it that so many politicians in the EU countries cannot (or refuse to admit) the problem that they have created?

Until the politicians stop trying to kid themselves, the problem will only get worse.

You probably don't get a handle on the nature and scale of things when problems are something you flash past in your heavily guarded armoured limousine on your way to a black tie function or home to your sealed off community...
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The Merkel government fights agins its own German people.

Why is not provided in the Parliament's the question of confidence?

Why is not carried out a referendum on such an important issue?

Now you get a feeling about what's really going on, behind the mask of "freedom and democracy"...bah.gif

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Merkel has created a humanitarian mess that Germany will be paying for for the next 20 years ....

how can one woman's silly decision be allowed to happen just like that ? absolutely ridiculous !!

Why didn't someone gag the woman months ago?

She is still gushing her "if we're nice to them, they'll be nice to us" nonsense.

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An estimated 2,000 far-right LEGIDA supporters have taken to the streets...

When concerned citizens demonstrate against the sheer stupidity of Merkel, they are accused of being far-right.

How is it that so many politicians in the EU countries cannot (or refuse to admit) the problem that they have created?

Until the politicians stop trying to kid themselves, the problem will only get worse.

No, they are being "accused" of being far right, because that is EXACTLY what they are!

LEGIDA or PEGIDA consists of a swamp of neo- nazis, conspiracy theorists and a bunch of other idiots!

If you don't know, what you are talking about...

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An estimated 2,000 far-right LEGIDA supporters have taken to the streets...

When concerned citizens demonstrate against the sheer stupidity of Merkel, they are accused of being far-right.

How is it that so many politicians in the EU countries cannot (or refuse to admit) the problem that they have created?

Until the politicians stop trying to kid themselves, the problem will only get worse.

I don't think they kid themselves. They know exactly what they're doing, and why. But it's easier to lie about it as they certainly don't want to share that with the electorate.

Arrogant <deleted> who think they are there to lead and rule, not serve and implement the people's wishes. When a senior German politician states that elections must not be allowed to change things, you know the writings on the wall.

They know what's best for the people. It just happens that they're more equal.

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She does look rather fetching in that head fashion.

You know, right wing political movements are one thing, but GERMAN right wing political movements... watch out! w00t.gif

Sorry, Germans, haven't forgotten yet.

Edited by Jingthing
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An estimated 2,000 far-right LEGIDA supporters have taken to the streets...

When concerned citizens demonstrate against the sheer stupidity of Merkel, they are accused of being far-right.

How is it that so many politicians in the EU countries cannot (or refuse to admit) the problem that they have created?

Until the politicians stop trying to kid themselves, the problem will only get worse.

No, they are being "accused" of being far right, because that is EXACTLY what they are!

LEGIDA or PEGIDA consists of a swamp of neo- nazis, conspiracy theorists and a bunch of other idiots!

If you don't know, what you are talking about...

Yes, yes, any who disagree with the plan to flood Europe full of radical illegal migrant aggressive militant young Muslims, intent on imposing their culture and Sharia law; then use that as an excuse for much much more central "federal" EU control, must be conspiracy nut jobs and neo- Nazis.

That nice former communist leader and now Christian (haha) Democrat and all her federalist pals who despise traditional European values would never do such a thing. They just work tirelessly to implement the multicultural federal utopia, with all that wonderful central planning and control they dream of.

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Merkel's ousting would not solve the problems.

Europe is quite devided (50/50) on the issue. It becomes a war between the hardliners and the softliners, left and right wingers.

I would hate to think of it.

For now better here in Thailand, allthough ........

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An estimated 2,000 far-right LEGIDA supporters have taken to the streets...

When concerned citizens demonstrate against the sheer stupidity of Merkel, they are accused of being far-right.

How is it that so many politicians in the EU countries cannot (or refuse to admit) the problem that they have created?

Until the politicians stop trying to kid themselves, the problem will only get worse.

No, they are being "accused" of being far right, because that is EXACTLY what they are!

LEGIDA or PEGIDA consists of a swamp of neo- nazis, conspiracy theorists and a bunch of other idiots!

If you don't know, what you are talking about...

Yes, yes, any who disagree with the plan to flood Europe full of radical illegal migrant aggressive militant young Muslims, intent on imposing their culture and Sharia law; then use that as an excuse for much much more central "federal" EU control, must be conspiracy nut jobs and neo- Nazis.

That nice former communist leader and now Christian (haha) Democrat and all her federalist pals who despise traditional European values would never do such a thing. They just work tirelessly to implement the multicultural federal utopia, with all that wonderful central planning and control they dream of.

Maybe you shoukld try to inform yourself, instead of talking out of the lower end of your digestive system!

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She does look rather fetching in that head fashion.

You know, right wing political movements are one thing, but GERMAN right wing political movements... watch out! w00t.gif

Sorry, Germans, haven't forgotten yet.

Yes, but they may just be Europe's saviour.

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An estimated 2,000 far-right LEGIDA supporters have taken to the streets...

When concerned citizens demonstrate against the sheer stupidity of Merkel, they are accused of being far-right.

How is it that so many politicians in the EU countries cannot (or refuse to admit) the problem that they have created?

Until the politicians stop trying to kid themselves, the problem will only get worse.

No, they are being "accused" of being far right, because that is EXACTLY what they are!

LEGIDA or PEGIDA consists of a swamp of neo- nazis, conspiracy theorists and a bunch of other idiots!

If you don't know, what you are talking about...

you got no idea what you are talking about..so a 70 year old woman walking with Pegida is a Nazi????

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When concerned citizens demonstrate against the sheer stupidity of Merkel, they are accused of being far-right.

How is it that so many politicians in the EU countries cannot (or refuse to admit) the problem that they have created?

Until the politicians stop trying to kid themselves, the problem will only get worse.

No, they are being "accused" of being far right, because that is EXACTLY what they are!

LEGIDA or PEGIDA consists of a swamp of neo- nazis, conspiracy theorists and a bunch of other idiots!

If you don't know, what you are talking about...

you got no idea what you are talking about..so a 70 year old woman walking with Pegida is a Nazi????

I don't agree with the "Nazi" label, but age has nothing to do with it:

A 91-year-old woman who worked at Auschwitz has been charged with complicity in the murders of at least 260,000 Jews during the second world war


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I think I've found my new avatar...

You are also a prophet (If I am not mistaken, some of your earlier posts also pretty much predicted what is happening).

This was not only predictable this was predicted right here on TV. Myself and others explained how this would unfold. Again, I don't want kudos. I want people who are undecided to pay attention: This has just begun, this is not the result. The next phases will be far worse with the government increasingly allying with the newcomers.

When the governing authorities refuse to define a thing for what it is, or insist a thing is something else, at a certain point the population, unable to reconcile the cognitive dissonance with what they see and are being told by government, will begin reaching conclusions and taking actions independently. When this happens it will result in organizations, political and speech blowback, often vigilante blowback, and even violence, discriminate and indiscriminate. It will result in exactly what happened is Leizpeg but this OP failed to mention.

Governments will apply far more pressure doubling down on their social engineering not by making the problem go away but by alienating, ostracizing, socially labeling, and brutalizing those who protest their own cultural and real rape by police and military oppression. Myself and others expressly mapped out these current events over the past months.

What this sterilized OP here does not tell you is the following:

"Hundreds of anti-refugee rioters have gone on the rampage."

"...they called for asylum seekers to be departed and their nation's borders closed."

"Doner Kebab fast food stalls were destroyed, cars set ablaze and shop windows smashed by around 250 hooligans of LEGIDA."

"Police said they have identified and arrested 211 of the crowd of right-wing hooligans."

"'This was a serious breach of the peace,; said a police spokesman."





This is exactly how we warned events would unfold. The news you read in this OP is selective as to not give legitimacy to those who are opposed to their own rape. No reason to permit people in the privacy of their own homes to conclude other people who have similar views have left the privacy of their own homes to take action into their own hands. In news reports masses of migrants once raping and massing and mobbing are still refereed to in the news as "migrants," "asylum seekers," "refugees," etc. However, citizens protesting their literal and real rape are "anti-refugee rioters," "hooligans," and "right-wing hooligans."

The police devote more resources to arrest more citizens then the simultaneous invasion/rape riots of the hoardes. "This was a serious breach of the peace," but the brutal rape of their citizens was covered up. This is how it will evolve from here: resources will be marshaled against citizens forcing them further into the real and imagined Right. The lines are being formed entirely by the Government, not even the invaders. Government is the problem. Social engineering is the problem. Muslim invaders/refugees, etc., are only the hammer. European populations are the nail. These [people] are doing no more or less than what is expected they would do.

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All the Brits have soon the opportunity to join or not to join an Islamistic Europe. So go and vote at your Embassy.

You are probably an American and assume that the Brits have the opportunity to vote in our elections at our embassy. Unfortunately this is not the case. If you cannot vote personnelly,another option is to request a postal vote, This results in our obtaining the paperwork from the UK, with no time to post it back in time for it to be counted. It's called British democracy.

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All the Brits have soon the opportunity to join or not to join an Islamistic Europe. So go and vote at your Embassy.

You are probably an American and assume that the Brits have the opportunity to vote in our elections at our embassy. Unfortunately this is not the case. If you cannot vote personnelly,another option is to request a postal vote, This results in our obtaining the paperwork from the UK, with no time to post it back in time for it to be counted. It's called British democracy.

Or... you don't even get the postal voting papers even though the email confirming your postal voting application arrived from your local council months earlier and confirming your correct address in Thailand.

It's call British useless <deleted> <deleted>s.

[insert own expletive for each <deleted>]

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