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Rumors that bar owners are getting in trouble for letting customers sit with laptop? Is it true?


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Is it ok to sit in a coffee shop or bar with a laptop?

Can the army or police suddenly seize your laptop or do a search of your hard disk without a warrant?

I'm asking because I have a friend that is overly paranoid, he sells stuff on ecommerce sites from West to West, nothing to do about Thailand. He also has a business in the USA that he controls from over here, again, nothing to do with Thailand.

Some bar owners claim that they are in danger and don't want him to bring the laptop....

Is he over reacting?

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Maybe they are afraid he is not drinking fast enough with all that Internet stuff going on ?

I never heard of that...and how would that be different than the people who stare into their phones 24 x 7 in every hole in the wall around ?

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"I'm asking because I have a friend that is overly paranoid, he sells stuff on ecommerce sites from West to West, nothing to do about Thailand. He also has a business in the USA that he controls from over here, again, nothing to do with Thailand."

Actually, it has everything to do with Thailand, because that is where your "friend" is when he works.

So, as he is, (according to the letter of the law), working illegally, I would think that the RTP do have the powers to seize his laptop and any other evidence.

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Maybe as said sat on lap top using free WiFi (which is not secure so if and that's a big if, he is looking after his businesses back in West! !!! And USA he won't have them long when hackers get him!!which bar????) Not drinking like any owner of coffe/bar he is not a worthwhile customer so feed him the story described and hey presto vacant seat. I suppose technically he is working illegally which will bring out the throw him out of Thailand brigade on here.

Edited by Sutty
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I hear a lot of incredulous comments doubting the truth about his work not being related to Thailand, but I assure you , it is NOT related to Thailand.

I can't give any details because he wants to remain anonymous.

But let's say it would be analogous to running a contruction business in North America, delegating tasks to staff, doing business paper work, taxes, renting equipment, calling customers and vendors ect...

NOTHING to do with Thailand.

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He also has a business in the USA that he controls from over here, again, nothing to do with Thailand."


This subject has been discussed many times on the appropriate Thai visa forum topic.

In fact, as he is performing the action in Thailand ,he IS working in Thailand if he is really controlling his business from Thailand.

And to do that he technically is doing something illegal unless he has a work permit.

Which h almost certainly doesn't. unless he works for Thai employer,, or has his own legally registered Thai company

However, t is very unlikely he will get in trouble for it, as the Thais don't seem to enforce the rules about working on the internet.

What he is doing is technically illegal however.

Edited by metisdead
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I hear a lot of incredulous comments doubting the truth about his work not being related to Thailand, but I assure you , it is NOT related to Thailand.

I can't give any details because he wants to remain anonymous.

But let's say it would be analogous to running a contruction business in North America, delegating tasks to staff, doing business paper work, taxes, renting equipment, calling customers and vendors ect...

NOTHING to do with Thailand.

Then your friend is silly all wifi bar conceptions are open to easy hacking I could be into his personal stuff tax returns banking ect in minutes and I'm no hacker think what a serious hacker could do to his businesses.

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Tell your friend to buy more lady drinks, every thing will be fine.

I think you are about right with that. Someone tapping away on a notepad is not exactly the image that a bar needs. Customers that join conversations and basically spend some money are. Sitting and sipping a soda water while using the wifi isn't going to pay the bills

I find the whole idea of working here without an Internet connection in your home quite ridiculous. Or perhaps the guy does have Internet but doesn't want to be traced to his home. Either way I'm with the bar owner, notepads are not welcome.

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Tell your friend to buy more lady drinks, every thing will be fine.

I think you are about right with that. Someone tapping away on a notepad is not exactly the image that a bar needs. Customers that join conversations and basically spend some money are. Sitting and sipping a soda water while using the wifi isn't going to pay the bills

I find the whole idea of working here without an Internet connection in your home quite ridiculous. Or perhaps the guy does have Internet but doesn't want to be traced to his home. Either way I'm with the bar owner, notepads are not welcome.

Yeah all that and the girls aren't making any money and are probably complaining to the owner about the kinnneow farang who comes in everyday.

Pretty stupid anyways to conduct your biz on an open connection everyday in the same place, just setting himself up for hacking or spying, he ought to at least move arouund to different locarions

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I hear a lot of incredulous comments doubting the truth about his work not being related to Thailand, but I assure you , it is NOT related to Thailand.

I can't give any details because he wants to remain anonymous.

But let's say it would be analogous to running a contruction business in North America, delegating tasks to staff, doing business paper work, taxes, renting equipment, calling customers and vendors ect...

NOTHING to do with Thailand.

Why would your friend be running a business from a coffee shop or a bar? I don't understand anything logical about connecting to a semi-open (communial password protected) network to conduct business.

Even if he doesn't have wi-fi available at his place of residence, 3G or 4G mobile networks are available almost everywhere. If he can't afford to get an internet connection IMO it doesn't say much for his business model.

As for the warnings he is being given from owners, they either don't trust him or he is taking up space which could be used by a paying customer/customers.

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Yesterday, I watched and regularly watch the cricket over a few pints at my local here with no hassle at all.......

Sounds to me like some 'Digital Nomad' who, despite their claims to be 'living the dream' isn't maybe doing as well as the 'bloggers' think they do......

LOL so watching someone trying to hit a little red ball whilst living in Thailand is living the dream then 5555555555.

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Yesterday, I watched and regularly watch the cricket over a few pints at my local here with no hassle at all.......

Sounds to me like some 'Digital Nomad' who, despite their claims to be 'living the dream' isn't maybe doing as well as the 'bloggers' think they do......

LOL so watching someone trying to hit a little red ball whilst living in Thailand is living the dream then 5555555555.

It was yestreen my friend, seeing them saffers trying to get hold of Stuart Broad while my quarterly bonus burned a hole in my arse pocket......

I hope you get a few clicks on your site and make enough to keep you in Mama Nooden tomorrow.....

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Yesterday, I watched and regularly watch the cricket over a few pints at my local here with no hassle at all.......

Sounds to me like some 'Digital Nomad' who, despite their claims to be 'living the dream' isn't maybe doing as well as the 'bloggers' think they do......

LOL so watching someone trying to hit a little red ball whilst living in Thailand is living the dream then 5555555555.

It was yestreen my friend, seeing them saffers trying to get hold of Stuart Broad while my quarterly bonus burned a hole in my arse pocket......

I hope you get a few clicks on your site and make enough to keep you in Mama Nooden tomorrow.....

It's ok don't worry about me I pay your little bonus my friend oh and I own Mama Noodle.
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The bar-manager/coffeeshop-people just are very bored with the people who sip on a beverage for hours, using the house wifi.

Regarding the coffee-shop, especially the chain who's logo is similar to "Tom Tom Coffee"; this specific shop is more and more an attraction instead of a place where coffee can be enjoyed.

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There is a fairly common notion that bars and restaurants "need" free WiFi to draw customers.

At first glance, this seems reasonable.

On further thought, it would not be a good business decision.

Consider the stories about McDonalds being clogged with students who come in, order a drink, and sit for hours using the WiFi.

If I am a restaurant owner, I want the people to sit, order, eat, and vacate the table...unless they want to sit a while and have some after-dinner drinks.

If my place is a bar, I want those plonkers in the seats paying attention to my waitstaff and building up a bar bill, not staring at the their screen whilst nursing a draft beer or glass of water.

Other than putting a few butts in the seats to make the place look busier during slow traffic times, there is no upside to having free WiFi in a bar/restaurant.

All that said, I highly doubt that bar owners are getting in trouble for someone sitting in their place with a laptop open. That is the likely story they can tell the laptop user, to pass the "blame" to some (faceless and non-present) other entity.

Edited by mgjackson69
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