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Donald Trump presidential bid gets Sarah Palin backing


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Well, while we Americans are watching Trump freeze out illegals and send them packing, we'll be glued to our TV sets watching the jihadists burn Europe.

How can people who've already allowed their countries to get overrun by countless and unknown Muslims be so gdddaammm smug? Americans are going to watch the European carnage on the six o'clock news while we drink a cold one and clean our M 16 rifles.

See ya Europe. It's been nice knowing you.

PS I doubt if Trump wants to go to Englandistan anyway... bah.gif

Always go with hate and fear. It's a proven winner for Republicans. Don't underestimate hate and fear. When the Republican base is an open sewer of bigots, imbeciles and fascists, hate and fear RULE!!! With a base that wallows in hate and fear, if you're not pants-wetting paranoid every time you see a Muslim...then you support terrorism. The Republicans have no discernible ideology or policy agenda. All they present the electorate with is hate and fear.

Enter stage right, America's permanent stain, Sarah Palin. In what can only be described as a 20 minute, unhinged, word salad speech which sounded like it was written by a retarded 3-year old, the "Quitta from Wasilla" endorsed Trump. That had to hurt poor Cruz. Those two were BFF's forever before this.

How can anyone in the country who calls themselves Republican not be deeply blushing or openly weeping?

The beauty of seeing these two idiots finding one another on a national stage is magnificent in it's splendor. Only missing a Kardashian to make the Three Stooges complete.

The Trump campaign believes Palin campaigning for him would be as good as Bill Clinton campaigning for Hillary. Really, they said that.

The circle of Republican life is now complete. The hatred and fear mongering Palin brought to the 2008 election, now gives us Donald Trump in 2016 who inturn gives us back Palin again.

You know what I'm hoping? Sarah accepts the VP nomination. A Trump/Palin ticket would be simply orgasmic. clap2.gif

Best election ever!

The most hate and fear is being spread by liberals.

It's ironic that you accuse Trump of generating hate and fear and basically write a post encouraging people to hate and fear Trump.

What a load of hogwash. You know what Americans "hate and fear" (?) that we end up with another Bush 2 government run by conservative morons who again completely ruin the nation.

Yes - see what i mean - you did it again.

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Iowa is the Republican Party rightwingnutosphere Bible Belt.

In six of the past seven elections the Democrat for POTUS has won Iowa. Since 1988 only John Kerry failed to win Iowa, in 2004.

The evangelical Christian Bible Thumper vote is determinant to the Republican party in the Iowa state presidential preference party caucuses. The Democratic candidates don't face any religious litmus tests in Iowa. The Republican candidates who don't satisfy the Iowa Bible Belt Republicans that get politically crucified in the caucuses.

Trump is well ahead in the South Carolina Republican primary polling even though the Republicans there are also Bible Thumpers, however, they certainly are not the Bible Belt. SC Republicans are rightwhingers first and foremost. Hence their stampede to Trump.

Hard to foresee any probability of a Trump-Palin ticket but that would be a dream ticket for the Democrats. Each one of 'em speak to "real America ." laugh.png

Edited by Publicus
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I am a US citizen and slightly right of center politically: socially liberal, fiscally conservative. I wish there was a viable political party that represents my view.

About these two:

- Donald Trump is *not* presidential material

- Sarah Palin is dumber than a sack of hammers

Post reported - for cruelty to hammers....

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Well, while we Americans are watching Trump freeze out illegals and send them packing, we'll be glued to our TV sets watching the jihadists burn Europe.

How can people who've already allowed their countries to get overrun by countless and unknown Muslims be so gdddaammm smug? Americans are going to watch the European carnage on the six o'clock news while we drink a cold one and clean our M 16 rifles.

See ya Europe. It's been nice knowing you.

PS I doubt if Trump wants to go to Englandistan anyway... bah.gif

Always go with hate and fear. It's a proven winner for Republicans. Don't underestimate hate and fear. When the Republican base is an open sewer of bigots, imbeciles and fascists, hate and fear RULE!!! With a base that wallows in hate and fear, if you're not pants-wetting paranoid every time you see a Muslim...then you support terrorism. The Republicans have no discernible ideology or policy agenda. All they present the electorate with is hate and fear.

Enter stage right, America's permanent stain, Sarah Palin. In what can only be described as a 20 minute, unhinged, word salad speech which sounded like it was written by a retarded 3-year old, the "Quitta from Wasilla" endorsed Trump. That had to hurt poor Cruz. Those two were BFF's forever before this.

How can anyone in the country who calls themselves Republican not be deeply blushing or openly weeping?

The beauty of seeing these two idiots finding one another on a national stage is magnificent in it's splendor. Only missing a Kardashian to make the Three Stooges complete.

The Trump campaign believes Palin campaigning for him would be as good as Bill Clinton campaigning for Hillary. Really, they said that.

The circle of Republican life is now complete. The hatred and fear mongering Palin brought to the 2008 election, now gives us Donald Trump in 2016 who inturn gives us back Palin again.

You know what I'm hoping? Sarah accepts the VP nomination. A Trump/Palin ticket would be simply orgasmic. clap2.gif

Best election ever!

The most hate and fear is being spread by liberals.

It's ironic that you accuse Trump of generating hate and fear and basically write a post encouraging people to hate and fear Trump.

Left? Right? Hate Palin? Love Palin? Consider yourself objective and impartial? Read this post above again. This post on Palin is an object lesson in Leftist mechanics. Label, indict, ridicule, negative association, and repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.

Few words are required to elaborate a shocking manifesto as the one above, excerpted below; but as I have said, it is the entire Leftist playbook. At best Sarah Palin is annoying, irritating, and comical. But below? Insinuating her disabled child into the formula under the banner of indicting her and those who support her? Does any believe the diatribe of rage against Palin and the serial talking points hate paragraph do not clear tell us who the "retarded" child is? Just search "Palin retard or retarded child."

I have constantly said Leftist/Progressivism thrives on hate and co-opting word meaning; to wit. Under the banner of indicting others for "hate" have any of us really seen so much hatred and vitriol on display in a single short post? I have not. This is evidence of the unguarded nature of ego permitting the subconscious to run a muck on the keyboard. This entire mental (and leftist) playbook is on display. Hate? Who uses a disabled child as fulcrum to injure others with? (He is 7, not 3 any longer; the majority of leftist internet venom on Trig Palin is 3-4 years old). Who interjects children into political discourse? Who indicts entire swaths of the population only to target the subject of this OP- Palin? The post I reference makes my argument against Leftist/Progressivism far better than I ever could.

I have never seen an example of Leftist venom that so aptly proves the points I constantly try to make- the real hatred- the hatred that is destroying America- comes from the left in a nonstop assault on the social and intellectual fabric of the world. Thanks for this view of the Left's inner playbook.

"Always go with hate and fear. It's a proven winner for Republicans. Don't underestimate hate and fear. When the Republican base is an open sewer of bigots, imbeciles and fascists, hate and fear RULE!!! With a base that wallows in hate and fear, if you're not pants-wetting paranoid every time you see a Muslim...then you support terrorism. The Republicans have no discernible ideology or policy agenda. All they present the electorate with is hate and fear.

Enter stage right, America's permanent stain, Sarah Palin. In what can only be described as a 20 minute, unhinged, word salad speech which sounded like it was written by a retarded 3-year old, the "Quitta from Wasilla" endorsed Trump." "...The hatred and fear mongering Palin..."

Intellectual dishonesty is a failure to apply standards of rational evaluation that one is aware of, usually in a self-serving fashion. If one judges others more critically than oneself, that is intellectually dishonest. This explanation came from google and a more extensive discussion on the concept is here http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?IntellectualDishonesty

Just 24 hours ago, I read a post by one of your fellow travellers that spent an inordinate amount of time discussing Hillary Clinton's thighs. Actually not just her thighs but also her general girth but the term 'Your Royal Thighness' was used. Unfortunately that post is off with the fairies somewhere. But tell me, how is that any different from what you accuse the Left of doing or that poster whom you attack so vigorously?

The Left as emotional, the Left as purveyors of hate, the Left playbook - this trend that you have been following is as much polemic as the text that you attack.

Your reference to the use of a disabled child to attack Palin is something that I personally agree with you on but where are the standards in polemic? How much is too much? The blogger comments on financial incentives for 'shock jocks' to, well, shock. I checked a number of times and I saw no reference in Pinot's post to Palin's disabled son. None at all. What is the relevance then? In your polemic, you have deployed strategies to facilitate hate and fear in response to Pinot's post through asking the reader to judge that post by the standard of the speech that you highlight in the VDO clip.

When you judge yourself and your fellow travellers by the same standards that you apply to others, specifically those on what you call the Left, then I will stop accusing you of intellectual dishonesty. For the record, I do not like Palin. I would even say that I 'hate' her in the same way that certain people on TVF hate Hillary. I watched as McCain introduced her in 2008. I thought 'interesting' that he chose a female running mate. That interest lasted seconds. As soon as she opened her mouth and that high pitched whine came out with all the tea bag talking points, I dismissed her. The idea of hate in polemic is not equivalent to the idea of hate in terms of interpersonal relations. Similarly with the other intense emotions that are applied in such speech. I think your whole Left is emotional tack is way off course but the is nothing to the unethical application of different standards to those with whom you disagree. I think you get down and dirty just as much as the rest of us.

Edited by lostboy
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That must be embarrassing even for Trump.

I watched her debut. She's even madder than I remembered, doing a rap-type sputtering of words and no real message. Trump appeared to be grimacing at times, probably thinking "I think I made a mistake..."

All in all, I don't think bringing her in brought any new supporters, he had already attracted the wingnuts. People watch her to see how much of a fool she's going to make this time. She appears to be getting stale, same prattle for years now. I think she's doing edible cannabis; it's legal in Alaska now, I wouldn't be surprised to find out she was investing in a business of that sort.

Edited by bendejo
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I saw it live on CNN today.

She looked and sounded like a carnival side show.

Even Trump looked embarrassed and like he regretted being on stage with her.

Am I glad?

You betcha!cheesy.gif

Agreed. She reminded me of a carnival barker. I cringed.

Yes. Exactly. Hilarious!


Who is this nutter and do people really consider her a leader or endorser of anything?

She appears to be a heavily medicated (as most are) middle aged psycho.

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I'd suggest the Trump campaign had better keep Sarah on a very tight leash because allowed out on her own and allowed to speak ... !

Both love the limelight but the campaign can only handle one over-inflated ego and if she runs off at the mouth and drops howlers it won't do Trump any good if he has to reel her in even drop her.

This could be a major mistake as she could cause serious damage by forgetting she's not the candidate but at least the media will love it.

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I saw it live on CNN today.

She looked and sounded like a carnival side show.

Even Trump looked embarrassed and like he regretted being on stage with her.

Am I glad?

You betcha!cheesy.gif

Agreed. She reminded me of a carnival barker. I cringed.

Yes. Exactly. Hilarious!


Who is this nutter and do people really consider her a leader or endorser of anything?

She appears to be a heavily medicated (as most are) middle aged psycho.

She's a former Governor of Alaska (she quit), foreign relations expert on visualizing Russia from her porch, former candidate for VICE president, reality t.v. star, etc.

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I saw it live on CNN today.

She looked and sounded like a carnival side show.

Even Trump looked embarrassed and like he regretted being on stage with her.

Am I glad?

You betcha!cheesy.gif

Agreed. She reminded me of a carnival barker. I cringed.

Yes. Exactly. Hilarious!


Who is this nutter and do people really consider her a leader or endorser of anything?

She appears to be a heavily medicated (as most are) middle aged psycho.

She's a former Governor of Alaska (she quit), foreign relations expert on visualizing Russia from her porch, former candidate for VICE president, reality t.v. star, etc.

Didn't The Donald say he did not like quitters and quitters were losers?

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Donald Trump presidential bid gets Sarah Palin backing

WASHINGTON: -- Donald Trump's Republican presidential bid has received the backing of Sarah Palin, the populist ex-governor of Alaska who was the Republican vice-presidential candidate in 2008.

Mrs Palin said she was "proud" to endorse the billionaire, in a statement released by his campaign team.

She and running mate John McCain were defeated by Barack Obama in 2008. Despite retiring from politics in favour of a media career, she remains an influential conservative voice.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35358209


-- BBC 2016-01-20

Now all he needs is George W Bush to endorse him.

compared to her Dubyah seems to be a genius.

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The Don made may have made a big mistake here. As others have commented, that voice and the cliche splattered verbal diarrhoea was indeed cringe worthy. She may have cemented a few of the far right as supporters of Trump and that may just have been a calculated play but he needs to put here back in her box now.

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I saw it live on CNN today.

She looked and sounded like a carnival side show.

Even Trump looked embarrassed and like he regretted being on stage with her.

Am I glad?

You betcha!cheesy.gif

Agreed. She reminded me of a carnival barker. I cringed.

Yes. Exactly. Hilarious!


Who is this nutter and do people really consider her a leader or endorser of anything?

She appears to be a heavily medicated (as most are) middle aged psycho.

It seems her medication needs to be increased or changed.

If he thinks this is going to help him, the Donalds needs his medication adjusted as well.

This show was a great help to his competition in the GOP and to the Democrats.

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Well, while we Americans are watching Trump freeze out illegals and send them packing, we'll be glued to our TV sets watching the jihadists burn Europe.

How can people who've already allowed their countries to get overrun by countless and unknown Muslims be so gdddaammm smug? Americans are going to watch the European carnage on the six o'clock news while we drink a cold one and clean our M 16 rifles.

See ya Europe. It's been nice knowing you.

PS I doubt if Trump wants to go to Englandistan anyway... bah.gif

Always go with hate and fear. It's a proven winner for Republicans. Don't underestimate hate and fear. When the Republican base is an open sewer of bigots, imbeciles and fascists, hate and fear RULE!!! With a base that wallows in hate and fear, if you're not pants-wetting paranoid every time you see a Muslim...then you support terrorism. The Republicans have no discernible ideology or policy agenda. All they present the electorate with is hate and fear.

Enter stage right, America's permanent stain, Sarah Palin. In what can only be described as a 20 minute, unhinged, word salad speech which sounded like it was written by a retarded 3-year old, the "Quitta from Wasilla" endorsed Trump. That had to hurt poor Cruz. Those two were BFF's forever before this.

How can anyone in the country who calls themselves Republican not be deeply blushing or openly weeping?

The beauty of seeing these two idiots finding one another on a national stage is magnificent in it's splendor. Only missing a Kardashian to make the Three Stooges complete.

The Trump campaign believes Palin campaigning for him would be as good as Bill Clinton campaigning for Hillary. Really, they said that.

The circle of Republican life is now complete. The hatred and fear mongering Palin brought to the 2008 election, now gives us Donald Trump in 2016 who inturn gives us back Palin again.

You know what I'm hoping? Sarah accepts the VP nomination. A Trump/Palin ticket would be simply orgasmic.

Best election ever!

The most hate and fear is being spread by liberals.

It's ironic that you accuse Trump of generating hate and fear and basically write a post encouraging people to hate and fear Trump.

Every single post he writes is packed with hate and fear and name calling. Apparently, HE is a Republican.

Ouch! Please don't call me a Republican. That's hurtful.

I'm going for truth and snarky sarcasm. I didn't realize that was so scary. My bad.

I'm actually hoping that Trump gets the nomination. I want him on the ticket. Please don't hate Trump, everybody (any of them will do).

Ever notice the wingnuts have no sense of humor? Hate and fear doesn't lend itself to comedy, I guess.

Sarah Palin is comedy gold. clap2.gif I'm so glad she's back.

Sorry about the hate and fear reference. I'll try and do better.

Edited by Pinot
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Well, while we Americans are watching Trump freeze out illegals and send them packing, we'll be glued to our TV sets watching the jihadists burn Europe.

How can people who've already allowed their countries to get overrun by countless and unknown Muslims be so gdddaammm smug? Americans are going to watch the European carnage on the six o'clock news while we drink a cold one and clean our M 16 rifles.

See ya Europe. It's been nice knowing you.

PS I doubt if Trump wants to go to Englandistan anyway... bah.gif

Always go with hate and fear. It's a proven winner for Republicans. Don't underestimate hate and fear. When the Republican base is an open sewer of bigots, imbeciles and fascists, hate and fear RULE!!! With a base that wallows in hate and fear, if you're not pants-wetting paranoid every time you see a Muslim...then you support terrorism. The Republicans have no discernible ideology or policy agenda. All they present the electorate with is hate and fear.

Enter stage right, America's permanent stain, Sarah Palin. In what can only be described as a 20 minute, unhinged, word salad speech which sounded like it was written by a retarded 3-year old, the "Quitta from Wasilla" endorsed Trump. That had to hurt poor Cruz. Those two were BFF's forever before this.

How can anyone in the country who calls themselves Republican not be deeply blushing or openly weeping?

The beauty of seeing these two idiots finding one another on a national stage is magnificent in it's splendor. Only missing a Kardashian to make the Three Stooges complete.

The Trump campaign believes Palin campaigning for him would be as good as Bill Clinton campaigning for Hillary. Really, they said that.

The circle of Republican life is now complete. The hatred and fear mongering Palin brought to the 2008 election, now gives us Donald Trump in 2016 who inturn gives us back Palin again.

You know what I'm hoping? Sarah accepts the VP nomination. A Trump/Palin ticket would be simply orgasmic. clap2.gif

Best election ever!

The most hate and fear is being spread by liberals.

It's ironic that you accuse Trump of generating hate and fear and basically write a post encouraging people to hate and fear Trump.

Left? Right? Hate Palin? Love Palin? Consider yourself objective and impartial? Read this post above again. This post on Palin is an object lesson in Leftist mechanics. Label, indict, ridicule, negative association, and repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.

Few words are required to elaborate a shocking manifesto as the one above, excerpted below; but as I have said, it is the entire Leftist playbook. At best Sarah Palin is annoying, irritating, and comical. But below? Insinuating her disabled child into the formula under the banner of indicting her and those who support her? Does any believe the diatribe of rage against Palin and the serial talking points hate paragraph do not clear tell us who the "retarded" child is? Just search "Palin retard or retarded child."

I have constantly said Leftist/Progressivism thrives on hate and co-opting word meaning; to wit. Under the banner of indicting others for "hate" have any of us really seen so much hatred and vitriol on display in a single short post? I have not. This is evidence of the unguarded nature of ego permitting the subconscious to run a muck on the keyboard. This entire mental (and leftist) playbook is on display. Hate? Who uses a disabled child as fulcrum to injure others with? (He is 7, not 3 any longer; the majority of leftist internet venom on Trig Palin is 3-4 years old). Who interjects children into political discourse? Who indicts entire swaths of the population only to target the subject of this OP- Palin? The post I reference makes my argument against Leftist/Progressivism far better than I ever could.

I have never seen an example of Leftist venom that so aptly proves the points I constantly try to make- the real hatred- the hatred that is destroying America- comes from the left in a nonstop assault on the social and intellectual fabric of the world. Thanks for this view of the Left's inner playbook.

"Always go with hate and fear. It's a proven winner for Republicans. Don't underestimate hate and fear. When the Republican base is an open sewer of bigots, imbeciles and fascists, hate and fear RULE!!! With a base that wallows in hate and fear, if you're not pants-wetting paranoid every time you see a Muslim...then you support terrorism. The Republicans have no discernible ideology or policy agenda. All they present the electorate with is hate and fear.

Enter stage right, America's permanent stain, Sarah Palin. In what can only be described as a 20 minute, unhinged, word salad speech which sounded like it was written by a retarded 3-year old, the "Quitta from Wasilla" endorsed Trump." "...The hatred and fear mongering Palin..."



I didn't say it was HER retarded kid. Leftist mechanics indeed.

I really appreciate the outrage though, nice job. Have you ever considered writing speeches? You have a gift.

This diatribe can be summed up "I know you are but what am I". Yeah, Democrats are known for spreading hate and fear. Okay, got it.

Never admit when you're wrong. Double down on lies or you look weak. That's the tac I'm taking...right out of the Republican play book.

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Back to the topic --> Donald Trump presidential bid gets Sarah Palin backing

Trump's reality show must go on. Ehm .... did I say "reality"?

That's the Rep's and Trump's problem. They are unable to differentiate between reality and show. Maybe he is a god show-master, the reason why he feels "honored" to have the support of the pretty woman Palin. Because the show-master Trump is mainly fascinated by her outward appearence and not by her childish brain, it is a reflection on Trump's character and on his own brain. I guess, once looking together out of Trump's Condo in NY both will be dead sure to see Scotland on the oppositesite of the Atlantic.

Palin's "show" of wisdom:

"He (Trump) is beholden to no one but 'we, the people'. He is perfectly positioned to let you make America great again."

And the reality (in Scotland):


...Locals opposed the construction of the course, which was built partially on a local Site of Special Scientific Interest, a legal designation designed to protect conservation areas.

Residents, including David Milne, a landowner who refused to sell to Trump, accuse the organization of "ongoing harassment and intimidation" toward the farmers living on the land, including the building of high fences and earth berms around properties to restrict their views. ...

I read such a highly intelligent woman should get a minister job. Yes, that will make the USA great again cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

Edited by puck2
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The comedic gift that just keeps on giving:

Sarah Palin Somehow Links Son's Domestic Violence Arrest To Obama


The Thai military has a massive rate of suicides from people serving or that have served.

PTSD is no joke and the problem is largely being ignored.

So whilst you might find the problem amusing, it is actually very real.

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The comedic gift that just keeps on giving:

Sarah Palin Somehow Links Son's Domestic Violence Arrest To Obama


The Thai military has a massive rate of suicides from people serving or that have served.

PTSD is no joke and the problem is largely being ignored.

So whilst you might find the problem amusing, it is actually very real.

Of course that is a serious problem and not at all amusing. What is amusing is that Palin would pull that Obama card at this time. I'm not defending Obama, whom I have little use for...

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The comedic gift that just keeps on giving:

Sarah Palin Somehow Links Son's Domestic Violence Arrest To Obama


Palin Endorsement Widens Trump’s Lead Among Idiots


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The IDIOT VOTE is a rich vein in American politics.

The average American voter can never be underestimated, it's one of the prices one pays for democracy.As Churchill so aptly put it,''The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with an average voter''.

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It's funny how many people consider people with a different opinion from their own as "idiots".

The fact that they can't see how dumb that assertion is, makes you realize they wouldn't recognize stupidity if it was staring at them in the mirror.

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