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Trump: My supporters would stick with me through shooting


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Trump: My supporters would stick with me through shooting

JILL COLVIN, Associated Press

SIOUX CENTER, Iowa (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says his supporters are so loyal they would stick with him even if he shot somebody.

The comment came as Trump contrasted himself with rivals such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, his most serious challenger in the state, with just nine days to go before the Iowa caucuses open voting in the 2016 campaign.

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump told an enthusiastic audience at a Christian school, Dordt College. "It's like incredible."

In addition to criticizing his rivals, Trump went after conservative radio host Glenn Beck, who will be appearing at two rallies with Cruz. He bashed Beck as a "loser" and "sad sack" and said former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's endorsement, secured for Trump a few days earlier, is more important than if Beck had backed him.

Beck is among nearly two dozen conservative thinkers who penned anti-Trump essays for National Review magazine — a hit Trump to referred to repeatedly at the rally.

Another Republican candidate, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, started a dash to the caucuses at Iowa State University in Ames, where he stressed that he represents the next generation of conservative leadership.

"Complaining and being frustrated alone will not be enough," Rubio said. "It has to be someone who tells you exactly what they are going to do as president."

Polls show Cruz and Trump leading in the state, but Rubio recently stepped up his Iowa campaign appearances in hopes of breaking into the top tier of candidates and putting himself in a stronger position for New Hampshire's Feb. 9 primary.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-24

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The piss has gone to his head thinking that no matter what he will say people will continue

to support him... no wonder whey Bloomberg has decided to try his luck seeing that a buffoon

and a liar are leading the polls.... surely he can't do worse....

Edited by ezzra
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You listen to Trump supporters and they're all in on this banning Muslims thing. They're scared. That's a characteristic of a Republican voter. They're fearful of everything but especially Muslims.

The chances of an American being killed in a terrorist attack by a Muslim on American soil are negligible. It's been estimated at 20,000,000 to 1.

The Donald with his xenophobia appeals to the scared and the stupid, the Republican base.

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Once again,if reported correctly, Trump is showing he has no idea of how to be a leader, let alone President of US!!!

Why/How he's gotten to be main GOP candidate, beggars belief!!

Imagine him dealing with other world leaders, they would see him for what he is....an incompetent buffoon, who's became wealthy at other people's expense,i.e. bankrupted 4 companies!!

Don't understand why GOP leaders & followers haven't realised his inadequacies!!

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great just what usa needs....a repub that wants to make "jokes" about shooting people down in the street....i'm sure all the families of gun violence are rolling on the floor laughing....i seem to recall trump was outraged over the girl that got shot in San Francisco in his tirade about illegals....

maybe some day if one of trumps good friends or family members gets shot down on the street he might not find it so funny to joke about...

.there are many things that you can joke about as a candidate but shooting people down and being "applauded" by your supporters isn't one of them...unless your supporters are as dumb as a box of rocks...or maybe as donald says THEY ARE LOSERS.

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"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"

Yeah, but if you missed and the other guy shoots back and blows your wig clean off, surely that would cost you some votes, don't ya think?

Thanx Claus for the laugh.

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I personally think that the average American has underestimated the power of Trump. Yes he may come accross as a complete forrest gump, but is he?

Lets wait for the voting,

Americans have done worse things at the polls on voting day.

Thank God I am not American.

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You listen to Trump supporters and they're all in on this banning Muslims thing. They're scared. That's a characteristic of a Republican voter. They're fearful of everything but especially Muslims.

The chances of an American being killed in a terrorist attack by a Muslim on American soil are negligible. It's been estimated at 20,000,000 to 1.

The Donald with his xenophobia appeals to the scared and the stupid, the Republican base.

Agree .....Trump supporters seem to be distracted and paranoid. They should be more concerned about anyone expressing nauseating condescension and a delusional sense of superiority.

Elect us so we can run your lives. And if you don’t want us to, that only proves how stupid you are.

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You listen to Trump supporters and they're all in on this banning Muslims thing. They're scared. That's a characteristic of a Republican voter. They're fearful of everything but especially Muslims.

The chances of an American being killed in a terrorist attack by a Muslim on American soil are negligible. It's been estimated at 20,000,000 to 1.

The Donald with his xenophobia appeals to the scared and the stupid, the Republican base.

So we should expect 17 or so ?

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I am not a Trump fan and have never been a Trump fan.

But if he shakes up the single party (with 2 teams) political system in the USA, he's done the country a great service whether he gets elected or not.

Give him credit for one thing- the guy knows how to negotiate and get what he wants. If he can parlay that into not letting the USA get walked all over by China (et.al.) and multi-national big business, he won't be the worst president we've had in the last 50 years.

In the meantime, it's fun to watch...

Go Donald, Go!

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I personally think that the average American has underestimated the power of Trump. Yes he may come accross as a complete forrest gump, but is he?

Lets wait for the voting,

Americans have done worse things at the polls on voting day.

Thank God I am not American.

Forrest Gump, as his drill sergeant told him was a " Goddam Genius. "

Please don't insult Forrest by comparing him to Trump. Forrest had a heart of gold. Trump has no heart, all ego.

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