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Trump: My supporters would stick with me through shooting


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"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"

Yeah, but if you missed and the other guy shoots back and blows your wig clean off, surely that would cost you some votes, don't ya think?

Naa He knows that his supporters would jump in front and take a bullet for him. Wouldn't you?

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I'm beginning to think that Trump is trying to blow up his campaign.

6 months ago this all probably seemed like a great way for him to stroke his own ego.

3 months ago I'm sure he was as surprised as anyone by his polling numbers, and he thought it was great.

These days I think he's probably scared to death that he might actually get the nomination. Not only because he knows he would get crushed in the general election are so small, but if by some miracle he does win, he realizes that he has no idea how to do the job.

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The more outrageous Trumps statements are the more embarrassing it will be for the Democrats when he beats whichever shop soiled candidate they put up against him.

It will be embarrassing for the people of the USA if they choose this idiot as there leader
When will the penny drop, you are all being trolled brilliantly. Trump will get the Republican nomination and wipe the floor with either HRC or BS.


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The more outrageous Trumps statements are the more embarrassing it will be for the Democrats when he beats whichever shop soiled candidate they put up against him.

It will be embarrassing for the people of the USA if they choose this idiot as there leader
When will the penny drop, you are all being trolled brilliantly. Trump will get the Republican nomination and wipe the floor with either HRC or BS.


It will be huuuuuge! Amazing!


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The more outrageous Trumps statements are the more embarrassing it will be for the Democrats when he beats whichever shop soiled candidate they put up against him.

It will be embarrassing for the people of the USA if they choose this idiot as there leader
When will the penny drop, you are all being trolled brilliantly. Trump will get the Republican nomination and wipe the floor with either HRC or BS.


what a load of drivel in that link
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Trump never ceases to amaze me. He says, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" If he thinks he can do that as just one of several candidates for the Republican party nomination; I wonder what he thinks he could do as the elected President of the United States?

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You listen to Trump supporters and they're all in on this banning Muslims thing. They're scared. That's a characteristic of a Republican voter. They're fearful of everything but especially Muslims.

The chances of an American being killed in a terrorist attack by a Muslim on American soil are negligible. It's been estimated at 20,000,000 to 1.

The Donald with his xenophobia appeals to the scared and the stupid, the Republican base.

I don't think I quite understand your second paragraph. Perhaps I am missing something, but

what was 9/11 if not a terrorist attack on American soil by Muslims? Nearly 3000 Americans

died in this horrific event.

May I also refer you to the detailed comments on the following link?


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I just scrolled through the first three pages of TV's World News, sorted by recently updated, looking for articles in some connection with the American Presidential Race:

  • Trump: My supporters would stick with me through shooting
  • Trump, Republican leaders realizing they may need each other
  • AP sources: Bloomberg eyeing independent White House bid
  • Hillary Clinton’s emails contained highly classified intelligence – top inspector
  • Palin's re-emergence underscores GOP split
  • Some Democrats fear Clinton's message is failing
  • Trump, Cruz go at each other in Republican debate
  • Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders: 'I am running for president'
  • Jeb Bush will take some family help, but avoid over reliance
  • Donald Trump presidential bid gets Sarah Palin backing
  • British lawmakers debate a ban on Donald Trump entering the country
  • USA: Clinton expresses 'outrage' at Flint water contamination scandal

6 out of these 12 articles are Trump related. Who cares what the "programs" of the contenders are? Who has read them? Who believes them anyway ("no nation building", "closing of Guantanamo", "balanced budget in 30(?) years", ...)?

I admit, I haven't read them but I'm quite sure they are somewhat like this:

- Republicans: Warfare, a little bit less welfare

- Democrats: Welfare, a little bit less warfare

It doesn't matter if you like the symptom Trump or not. The guy is a media genius and makes sure, that all the other candidates don't get too much into the news. I mean, they really have no entertainment value.

Except, of course, if you are interested in the candidates' "programs"... Then maybe.

And yes, ok, maybe Clintons private email server also has some entertainment potential.

To be complete, here is the counting of the articles about the other also-runners:

  • Clinton... 3x
  • Cruz... 1x
  • Sanders... 1x
  • Bush... 1x
  • Bloomberg (maybe)... 1x

If I missed somebody, it honestly wasn't on purpose.

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I admit, I haven't read them but I'm quite sure they are somewhat like this:

- Republicans: Warfare, a little bit less welfare

- Democrats: Welfare, a little bit less warfare

But this perfectly concise overview of the US political system highlights the vast sums of money and time being wasted on the electoral system and its media coverage, which could be used more productively to improve the country.

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The more outrageous Trumps statements are the more embarrassing it will be for the Democrats when he beats whichever shop soiled candidate they put up against him.

It will be embarrassing for the people of the USA if they choose this idiot as there leader
When will the penny drop, you are all being trolled brilliantly. Trump will get the Republican nomination and wipe the floor with either HRC or BS.


what a load of drivel in that link

Ahh, you caught that too! there is a huge pile of drivel in that link! A mountain of drivel! clap2.gif

I would ask the TV teabaggers to please not quote the Fox News conservative echo chamber, that is the fringe media, to us. No Drudge, no Breitbart, and please no Fox News.

We already know why you're crazy.

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I personally think that the average American has underestimated the power of Trump. Yes he may come accross as a complete forrest gump, but is he?

Lets wait for the voting,

Americans have done worse things at the polls on voting day.

Thank God I am not American.

Forrest Gump, as his drill sergeant told him was a " Goddam Genius. "

Please don't insult Forrest by comparing him to Trump. Forrest had a heart of gold. Trump has no heart, all ego.

Indeed and well pointed out.

Forrest Gump has after all endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton....

Tom Hanks supports Hillary Clinton for President 2016


There is also this when Bill and Hillary did a Forrest Gump approach on a park bench during a Gridiron Club Dinner....

Hillary Clinton (Willingly!) Stars in Forrest Gump Parody



Ol' Forrest always seems to come down on the best side of almost everything. Forrest never talked about shooting anyone on the streets of America either.

Forrest would tell Donald Trump exactly what !

Edited by Publicus
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When will the penny drop, you are all being trolled brilliantly. Trump will get the Republican nomination and wipe the floor with either HRC or BS.

I've a vested interest in the Donald taking the nomination and going for POTUS. I'll be happy if he does.

I live in the UK so not usually interested in US politics but it's been entertaining.

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The more outrageous Trumps statements are the more embarrassing it will be for the Democrats when he beats whichever shop soiled candidate they put up against him.

It will be embarrassing for the people of the USA if they choose this idiot as there leader
When will the penny drop, you are all being trolled brilliantly. Trump will get the Republican nomination and wipe the floor with either HRC or BS.


interesting website you link to there. taken from the author's own writings:

From July 5, 2013, to January 7, 2014, he was the victim of Mike Albee and Lura Dold, professional grifters who posed as book publicists and defrauded Wictor of his life’s savings. To do so they took advantage of his post-traumatic stress disorder with secondary psychotic features, as well as the “brain fog” caused by Meniere’s disease.

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you can get whatever agency to shoot, poison, make disappear, arrest, embarrass, make guilty of whatever by using TV, etc.......easily. but he can't, in public, shoot anyone where it isn't 100% in self-defense.

you can spend years of propaganda, use the military and wipe out millions...and unless the USA loses the war/fight, he's not a war criminal.

i am really curious if Trump really does something/anything while in office....most presidents just do a little here and there, and not much changes.....

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Once again,if reported correctly, Trump is showing he has no idea of how to be a leader, let alone President of US!!!

Why/How he's gotten to be main GOP candidate, beggars belief!!

Imagine him dealing with other world leaders, they would see him for what he is....an incompetent buffoon, who's became wealthy at other people's expense,i.e. bankrupted 4 companies!!

Don't understand why GOP leaders & followers haven't realised his inadequacies!!

Well, W was no Einstein and got elected twice! Yee-haw, y'all!
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Donald Trump and his lemming followers present a new perspective of a Grim Reaper brand of humor.

Donald Trump: If I Told My Followers To Drink Poisoned Kool-Aid They Would Do It

This weekend, in an attempt to brag about how loyal his followers are, he maintained that even if he were to commit a cold-blooded murder, his supporters would continue their worshipful admiration.

You really have to wonder if there is something that Trump could do that would go too far for his cultish disciples.

So far, there has been nothing that Trump’s followers find revolting enough to cause them to step back. That, all by itself, considering how grotesque Trump has already been, is a pretty scary thought.


Several posters have expressed this precise concern. It is of an increasingly great matter, i.e., whether the Republican party is going to be seized by these Transformers and their Leader.

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It really must have come to everyone's attention, how biased the media are and how much they are in support of Trump. Meanwhile it completely ignores all the other candidates and their terrific achievements.

Even here, on TV, I didn't find anything, not one word, about the forceful comeback of one of Trump's fellow main competitors who made it back, with a huge drumbeat, into the top tier of the Republican candidates!

I'm sure, nobody knows who I'm referring to - See? That's what I mean. I didn't find even one single article here, which reported about this ground breaking game changer: Jeb! finally picked up a major endorsement, namely, the endorsement from his mom! I ask you: Is there something really more newsworthy than this? Bloody Trump!

Shame on you, Thai Visa, that you omitted - maybe even willfully? - this important news from your dear, trusting readers. I dearly hope, that with this post I am able to bring back a little bit balance into the TV World News section.

Always Trump, Trump and Trump again. Does everybody finally see what I mean? It's so obvious, it's so unfair, it's so biased.

I ask you, my dear fellow TV posters: Let's ignore this Trump guy and let's discuss this important, even for hard core pundits completely unexpected, endorsement!

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I'm beginning to think that Trump is trying to blow up his campaign.

6 months ago this all probably seemed like a great way for him to stroke his own ego.

3 months ago I'm sure he was as surprised as anyone by his polling numbers, and he thought it was great.

These days I think he's probably scared to death that he might actually get the nomination. Not only because he knows he would get crushed in the general election are so small, but if by some miracle he does win, he realizes that he has no idea how to do the job.

I agree. I started thinking that back in September. If he gets defeated in the polls (questionable as they are) he'll go away, but the yokels love him. He pushes hate speech and his numbers strengthen. He talks up Putin and it doesn't hurt.

The man in the rat-hat is a NYC centerist, but he plays a Republican fascist on TV. He's shredding the GOP like no one outside of the party could ever do. Rave on!

When all this is over he'll forever have to wear the mantle of the hate-monger he made of himself during this time but hey, that's his problem and his alone, and he'll make the history books with his open calls for hatred and mass deportations. Never did like him anyway. I hope he sticks around long enough for the NY state primaries: people in The City hate him, and the people upstate hate people from NYC. I'd like to see how the numbers tally.

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Trump is making a big push to win Iowa next week because he wants to run the board of the Republican primaries and caucuses

in the states.

Tough to do but he set out in Iowa to run Cruz out of his lead there and he's doing it. Probably has done it. Trump is all in for the Brass Ring. No one should doubt it. People whose minds might be working overtime on this would be doing it without pay, compensation or reward.

Winning the Brass Ring is quite another matter but no one should doubt Trump is in this with both feet.

And mouth.

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Well, he could come out pro-abortion. Then he could take it up a notch and go full-on Don Rickles. "I would encourage it in some cases, like with ugly hillbillies! This lady here (pointing to someone in the audience), have you ever seen an uglier mug in your life? And then she's going to have kids, and they're going to be as ugly as her? That would be a terrible thing for the kid to have to go through life like that! And brains? Fuggetabou! You people are so stupid you'd vote for me!"

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My Trump Media Challenge:

I challenge anyone to find a link to a recent mainstream media photo of Trump where he doesn't look like a crazed crack addict with a wedgie.

I'm not a fan of the guy, but I've never seen a presidential candidate treated with so much disrespect.

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My Trump Media Challenge:

I challenge anyone to find a link to a recent mainstream media photo of Trump where he doesn't look like a crazed crack addict with a wedgie.

I'm not a fan of the guy, but I've never seen a presidential candidate treated with so much disrespect.

And of course he is so respectful to those with whom he disagrees.


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