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Car insurance renewal trouble (since i don't speak thai)

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Since im now single, and usually my better half took care of these things, i ran into a bit of problem renewing my car license.

Sorry for this stupid question, but last couple of weeks i have been talking with agents/brokers without result

The story so far:

The car is 1 year old and all i want was to use same company, but

i tried call the car insurance company a few times, they have some English language agents/service people, and after a long time i understand that they don't sell directly, but only by using agents/re-sellers.

a broker (referred by my current insurance company) then contacted me. i had a hard time getting any information out of her, other than a price and an account number, which isn't sufficient enough for me.

Then my thai friend tried call the agent they use, and after a couple of days, she seem to be still confused about what to do, and are currently waiting they are going to call back (which i suspect will never happen)


How do you guys renew your insurance, not talking about when your wife/partner take care, but how would you do it, if you had to do it on your own?

I would prefer some office i can go talk/pay and get it sorted, but don't know where to find one.

I was thinking of driving to pattaya, since there must be a lot of farang oriented brokers around that place.

Or maybe a normal car dealer? If they get commission, maybe they can help?

Ps. insurance is due in a few days, so any suggestion that could sort my insurance fast, would be highly appreciated.



You did not state where you live or did you?

I would prefer some office i can go talk/pay and get it sorted, but don't know where to find one.

Go to the street where the next DLT (Departement of Land Transport) is.

I garantuee you that in the close vicinity (walking distance) there will be multiple insurance agents.

Just walk in with your passport, the blue car book and ask them for 1st class insurance for another year.

(not sure whether passport is necessary)

They will take care of paying compulsary insurance and tax at DLT as well as prolonging the complementary insurance at the company.

You have to handin the book and pick it up some two days later together with the new sticker.

Some fee for the agent might be required.

(I assumed that you will also need help for the handling at DLT)

With knowing your location and the name of the insurance company you might also get an office address close by.

Presumably all insurance offices will also do the DLT handling for a small fee.


There is a DLT in Bang chak i think.. but its a bit inside a big area, but maybe on the streets outside, on sukhomvit close to the BTS. not sure.. never been to much on that BTS (since i drive :) >)


google thailand online vehicle insurance,all info you want/need is there including multiple quotes,coverage limits etc..there are a number of website to checkout-good luck.you can buy online.



Not sure why you are trying to do this on your own. Because you are Farang; you you either get ripped off ( higher price) or not understand

what you are buying> Then if you need to claim, you may find that you are not covered. Go with a Thai person, that you trust.

Most Thai people that speak English; only understand 50-60 percent of what you are saying. They always say they understand so as to not lose face.


Office outside the vehicle tax office.

You chuck your previous insurance document and car book on the table and say, 'ow eek cap'

Then sit there while they type out the document.

Or any other Insurance company office in Thailand.


Not sure why you are trying to do this on your own. Because you are Farang; you you either get ripped off ( higher price) or not understand

what you are buying> Then if you need to claim, you may find that you are not covered. Go with a Thai person, that you trust.

Most Thai people that speak English; only understand 50-60 percent of what you are saying. They always say they understand so as to not lose face.

Just ignore this post.


Here is something to try when you are desperate. Find a first class hotel with a staff who speaks proper English. It should not be that hard to do. Make an arrangement to hire a staff member when they are not working or on their day off. Have them assist you with your negotiations over almost any matter.


This company has internet and I've dealt with them entirely this way over the past four years.

They also handle house and contents insurance as well as travel.

No need to go to Pattya!


Hope I'm not offending protocol by asking a related question. My insurance will be due for renewal on my one year old pickup which came with free first class insurance via Isuzu dealer in Korat. Is it advisable to just renew with existing Muang Thai insurer or shop around? Everything in wife's name who says renew but doesn't explain why. Would there be no claims discount? I paid 923000 baht for car but notice on schedule that the apparent limit "own damage" is only 750000;is that normal? There aren't any named drivers either,might doing that help as only wife and I drive? We've had a renewal reminder (I think via dealer?) but no quote. I notice on the schedule the basic premium is 23363baht plus 1510 baht additional cover for other benefits including bail bond,medical and then shows 9650 discount for fleet,experience and "others" looking like a net premium of 16355 after vat/stamps. What can I expect,and should I try to renew via dealer. I want as comprehensive,full value cover as possible given the idiots on the road so grateful for some pointers.


Although my Thai may be sufficient to handle this I have similar issues as I deal with my broker through e-mail and her English is weak, my written Thai is non-existent.

But, she understands enough to send me the following:

A Range of Quotes (prices) along with the value of the Car.

I then choose a couple of Quotes and ask for the Insurance Sheet (which has all the details) and then choose the cover / company.

IF the company has changed, she then arranges for the Insurance company to come and take photos of my car.

I receive a digital copy of the Insurance Documents by e-mail.

I make the payment online.

I receive the Final Insurance Documents by messenger.

It's never perfectly smooth, there is a little back and forth and it takes a few days - But, it gets done.


If you are already insured didnt you get a reminder that your insurance is shortly due for renewal together with the cost? I live in Bangkok and a renewal reminder arrives every year.


DELETED. I have been with him for almost 20 years, not only is he English but all his charming girls speak exvellent English and you won't find a more helpful bunch of people that work really hard for you in the event of a claim.clap2.gif


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If you are already insured didnt you get a reminder that your insurance is shortly due for renewal together with the cost? I live in Bangkok and a renewal reminder arrives every year.

I moved and notice properly got lost in the mail, sent to the old address or something. not sure... they also called me twice, both times they hang up the phone, when they see i dont speak any thai (or very little)


I paid 923000 baht for car but notice on schedule that the apparent limit "own damage" is only 750000;is that normal?

I have the same on my car, "own damage" is lower than my purchase price


Honestly, i had the same issue before but i managed to get a company name Direct Asia visited their website and interned my car details and my details and what type of insurance i need and then everything was done and i had my insurance policy delivered to my home address wherever you are located.

check them and they speak a good English .. I think !!smile.png


Office outside the vehicle tax office.

You chuck your previous insurance document and car book on the table and say, 'ow eek cap'

Then sit there while they type out the document.

Or any other Insurance company office in Thailand.

Pretty good advise. He could also walk into any bar show a picture of his ex and say the same thing and get a new "better half".


Pretty good advise. He could also walk into any bar show a picture of his ex and say the same thing and get a new "better half".

Off topic,

Nobody in their right mind would show a picture of my ex ......... let alone ask for more of the same!


Not sure why you are trying to do this on your own. Because you are Farang; you you either get ripped off ( higher price) or not understand

what you are buying> Then if you need to claim, you may find that you are not covered. Go with a Thai person, that you trust.

Most Thai people that speak English; only understand 50-60 percent of what you are saying. They always say they understand so as to not lose face.

Just ignore this post.

"Most Thai people that speak English; only understand 50-60 percent of what you are saying. They always say they understand so as to not lose face."

Ah yes, in order to save face, every time some farang is lost and clueless,, he will invoke the urban myth that Thais spend all their time worried about losing face.

Fortunately Thais are too polite to continually point out to farang that they only understand 0-5% of the Thai language ... since they know that farang don't handle loss of face very well.


As a married man, never and I say never ever just let you wife do all the buying. You need to get off your ass whether you are single or not and do some foot work yourself. There are a number of Expat clubs in Bangkok and Pattaya that you can go to and get referrals that the company or agent speaks Thai and English. Sorry but not bashing but a Thai wife or GF, never even heard about real insurance until regarding a car until you came around. Thai just buy do not ask what is being purchased nor do they even have a cue as to what really needs to be covered.. To them in general coverage is coverage and if one does the foot work they will find out differently big difference in price and coverage.

Simply think if your got into a accident... if you can't speak to one now and purchase what the hell you going to do when you get into a accident? call you ex-wfie? I've been there go with a company that can speak... Try AA Insurance in Pattaya might have a office in Bangkok?

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