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Netanyahu says UN chief Ban Ki-moon 'encouraging terror'


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Netanyahu says UN chief Ban Ki-moon 'encouraging terror'

NEW YORK: -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon of "encouraging terror".

Referring to the Palestinians, Mr Ban said it was human nature for oppressed peoples to react to occupation.

Speaking at the UN Security Council, Mr Ban also condemned recent stabbings of Israelis by Palestinians.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-35414822

-- BBC 2016-01-27

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"Mr Ban condemned the attacks but said Israel's settlement-building programme cast doubt on its commitment to the creation of a Palestinian state."

Stop pussyfooting, Mr Ban. Tell it like it is. Or are you afraid that the truth will bring the inevitable "antisemite" accusation? Don't worry about that as most of the world knows the label is simply a coward's tool to hide behind and to divert away from the truth.

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Israeli PM says UN Secretary General’s words ‘bolster terrorism’


"The words of the Secretary-General only bolster terrorism. There is no justification for terrorism, period"

NEW YORK: -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of bolstering terrorism with comments he made about plans to build more Jewish homes on the West Bank.

On Tuesday Ban said increasing the settler population would further heighten tensions and undermine prospects of a political solution:

“Continued settlement activities are an affront to the Palestinian people and to the international community. I am deeply troubled by reports today that the Israeli government has approved plans for over 150 new homes in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.”

The US Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, said Washington also strongly opposed settlement activity, but Israel has dismissed Ban’s remarks.

“The words of the Secretary-General only bolster terrorism,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “There is no justification for terrorism, period. The Palestinian murderers do not want to build a state. They want to destroy a state as they declare publicly. The UN has long ago lost its neutrality and its moral powers and these words by the Secretary-General don’t help its case.”

Israel has confirmed that it will appropriate another large area of land on the West Bank near to where it already has many settlements on land that “Palestinians seek for a state“http://www.euronews.com/2014/12/17/palestinian-statehood-the-road-ahead/.

Palestinians want their own state on land covered by West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, all areas captured by Israel in the 1967 war.

The last round of peace talks broke down in April 2014.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-27

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What does Netanyahu expect an occupied Palestinian people to do: simply roll over and accept having their land stolen, suffer without a murmur 50 years of daily humiliations at checkpoints in their own land, beatings and murders by illegal colonists and an invading foreign army.

The only one encouraging terrorism is the current Israeli government who do nothing to lessen tensions such as a moratorium on settlement building and a temporary ban on visits to Al Aqsa by ultra nationalist Jewish fanatics intent on stirring up trouble. Concurrently he could initiate serious peace talks with his neighbors.

Ban Ki Moon is quite right and he is in good company.

The US Ambassador to Israel, Daniel Shapiro, said the same thing last week.

"new settler outposts are being legalized despite earlier pledges to the United States not to do so, while routine, administrative demolition of Palestinian structures continues. Again, the question we ask is a simple one: What is Israel’s strategy?.....if [israel] judges a political solution to be out of reach for the time being, then what is its plan for managing and stabilizing the conflict in the short and medium term?”

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Gives a decent potted history with not too many long words.....

The jews have been a damn nuisance ever since we gave them some land

Also Boris Johnson's recent biography of Churchill gives some useful insights into the responsibilities of the Jews at the formation of Israel and how these have been disrespected vis-a-vis the arabs.

As far as terrorism is concerned, I think we Brits know who the terrorists are (and the list does not include that nice Mr Ban)

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What does Netanyahu expect an occupied Palestinian people to do: simply roll over and accept having their land stolen, suffer without a murmur 50 years of daily humiliations at checkpoints in their own land, beatings and murders by illegal colonists and an invading foreign army.
The only one encouraging terrorism is the current Israeli government who do nothing to lessen tensions such as a moratorium on settlement building and a temporary ban on visits to Al Aqsa by ultra nationalist Jewish fanatics intent on stirring up trouble. Concurrently he could initiate serious peace talks with his neighbors.
Ban Ki Moon is quite right and he is in good company.
The US Ambassador to Israel, Daniel Shapiro, said the same thing last week.
"new settler outposts are being legalized despite earlier pledges to the United States not to do so, while routine, administrative demolition of Palestinian structures continues. Again, the question we ask is a simple one: What is Israel’s strategy?.....if [israel] judges a political solution to be out of reach for the time being, then what is its plan for managing and stabilizing the conflict in the short and medium term?”

Isreal, or more specifically Netanyahu, end goal is oil in Syria, bordering Palestine land ... with partners Dick Cheney and Rupert Murdoch ... kill / displace as many Palestinians and Syrians to facilitate ease of theft

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It's all part of Israel. 1 state not 2. Either the separationist Palestinians get on board and become part of the solution rather than continue being the problem.

Israel doesn't want 1 state, otherwise in 2 generations there will be more arabs than jews...and Bibi is quite afraid of that.

Now to have two states you also need to stop stealing the land and settle, and encourage settlements and continue to think you can do that without any problems from the other side.

The fact that so many people criticize Israel is because, as they repeat, they are a democracy and therefore have to power to elect a government which will stop those settlements and land stealing...so far it didn't happen

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Don't let facts get in the way of your usual 24/7 ranting. More settlements were built under Sharon, Barak and Olmert than under Netanyahu. Justifications for Arab terrorism have always been based on disingenuous nonsense rather than face the fact they want Israel gone period and never wanted a two state solution in the first place.


Edited by Steely Dan
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It's all part of Israel. 1 state not 2. Either the separationist Palestinians get on board and become part of the solution rather than continue being the problem.

Israel doesn't want 1 state, otherwise in 2 generations there will be more arabs than jews...and Bibi is quite afraid of that.

Now to have two states you also need to stop stealing the land and settle, and encourage settlements and continue to think you can do that without any problems from the other side.

The fact that so many people criticize Israel is because, as they repeat, they are a democracy and therefore have to power to elect a government which will stop those settlements and land stealing...so far it didn't happen

The voice of the people in a democracy at work. Like I said there is only 1 state.

Do you think that Thailand will let the southern part sucede just because they want to?

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It's all part of Israel. 1 state not 2. Either the separationist Palestinians get on board and become part of the solution rather than continue being the problem.

Israel doesn't want 1 state, otherwise in 2 generations there will be more arabs than jews...and Bibi is quite afraid of that.

Now to have two states you also need to stop stealing the land and settle, and encourage settlements and continue to think you can do that without any problems from the other side.

The fact that so many people criticize Israel is because, as they repeat, they are a democracy and therefore have to power to elect a government which will stop those settlements and land stealing...so far it didn't happen

The voice of the people in a democracy at work. Like I said there is only 1 state.

Do you think that Thailand will let the southern part sucede just because they want to?

Thailand and Israel are completely differents situations

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Don't let facts get in the way of your usual 24/7 ranting. More settlements were built under Sharon, Barak and Olmert than under Netanyahu. Justifications for Arab terrorism have always been based on disingenuous nonsense rather than face the fact they want Israel gone period and never wanted a two state solution in the first place.


Sharon, Barak and Olmert were also wrong and we also see that under their government it was also a mess.

As long as they still think they can settle wherever they want nothing will change...

Ranting is for you being against settlements? well a huge part of the world is ranting now, in fact a vast majority of the world is tired of this middle finger they give each time they settle more and complain about the violence against settlers... Majority of the worldwide countries, by aknoledging Palestine as a state show how they feel...But as usual you prefer to ignore facts...

It is quite difficult to have two states when one state phagocyte the other on daily basis...

Israel is a racist state and its violence equal the one done by Palestinians

Facts are harder for those in favor of illegal settlements than those against, but rant again, dude...

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It's all part of Israel. 1 state not 2. Either the separationist Palestinians get on board and become part of the solution rather than continue being the problem.

Nah. Read the history. I gave links already. (And I don't mean Old Testament fairy stories)

Israel is as much a part of the problem than the Palestinian, the day they will open their eyes will be a great day

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Don't let facts get in the way of your usual 24/7 ranting. More settlements were built under Sharon, Barak and Olmert than under Netanyahu. Justifications for Arab terrorism have always been based on disingenuous nonsense rather than face the fact they want Israel gone period and never wanted a two state solution in the first place.


Sharon, Barak and Olmert were also wrong and we also see that under their government it was also a mess.

As long as they still think they can settle wherever they want nothing will change...

Ranting is for you being against settlements? well a huge part of the world is ranting now, in fact a vast majority of the world is tired of this middle finger they give each time they settle more and complain about the violence against settlers... Majority of the worldwide countries, by aknoledging Palestine as a state show how they feel...But as usual you prefer to ignore facts...

It is quite difficult to have two states when one state phagocyte the other on daily basis...

Israel is a racist state and its violence equal the one done by Palestinians

Facts are harder for those in favor of illegal settlements than those against, but rant again, dude...

Phagocyte? White blood cell?

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Don't let facts get in the way of your usual 24/7 ranting. More settlements were built under Sharon, Barak and Olmert than under Netanyahu. Justifications for Arab terrorism have always been based on disingenuous nonsense rather than face the fact they want Israel gone period and never wanted a two state solution in the first place.


Sharon, Barak and Olmert were also wrong and we also see that under their government it was also a mess.

As long as they still think they can settle wherever they want nothing will change...

Ranting is for you being against settlements? well a huge part of the world is ranting now, in fact a vast majority of the world is tired of this middle finger they give each time they settle more and complain about the violence against settlers... Majority of the worldwide countries, by aknoledging Palestine as a state show how they feel...But as usual you prefer to ignore facts...

It is quite difficult to have two states when one state phagocyte the other on daily basis...

Israel is a racist state and its violence equal the one done by Palestinians

Facts are harder for those in favor of illegal settlements than those against, but rant again, dude...

Phagocyte? White blood cell?

Maybe there is no equivalence and English does not use this word as a verb, but you get the idea...I hope

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That news story is a lie.

The majority of Palestinians want the Jews out of all of Israel.

The settlements in the west bank aren't helpful, but leaving them won't bring peace any more than leaving Gaza brought peace. The Hamas government in Gaza is more honest about this, their charter has clear genocidal intentions towards Jews. No they don't have the capability for that. That's the idea ... don't let them ever get that capability.

Go to any Israel demonization protest anywhere these days and what chant will you hear:

Free Palestine, from the river to the sea.

They know what they're chanting. That's a chant of pro genocide towards Jews, of the end the end of Israel, an Israel with no Jews.

While Israel does include 20 percent Arab citizens, Palestinian leaders have been very clear about their intentions for their state: NO JEWS.
So river to the sea, that's genocide.

It's impossible to separate the Israel demonization movement from racist hatred of Jews ... they are joined at the hip.

Edited by Jingthing
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That news story is a lie.

The majority of Palestinians want the Jews out of all of Israel.

The settlements in the west bank aren't helpful, but leaving them won't bring peace any more than leaving Gaza brought peace. The Hamas government in Gaza is more honest about this, their charter has clear genocidal intentions towards Jews. No they don't have the capability for that. That's the idea ... don't let them ever get that capability.

Go to any Israel demonization protest anywhere these days and what chant will you hear:

Free Palestine, from the river to the sea.

They know what they're chanting. That's a chant of pro genocide towards Jews, of the end the end of Israel, an Israel with no Jews.

While Israel does include 20 percent Arab citizens, Palestinian leaders have been very clear about their intentions for their state: NO JEWS.

So river to the sea, that's genocide.

It's impossible to separate the Israel demonization movement from racist hatred of Jews ... they are joined at the hip.

Well Israel want the same, so with two moronic governments on both sides nothing will help

Yes it is possible to separate Israel critics from racism, only the simple minded can't do that...

So it is ok to criticize the Saudi government, the Britain government, and not being racist but as soon you criticize Israel government you re racist? what a joke...

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That news story is a lie.

The majority of Palestinians want the Jews out of all of Israel.

The settlements in the west bank aren't helpful, but leaving them won't bring peace any more than leaving Gaza brought peace. The Hamas government in Gaza is more honest about this, their charter has clear genocidal intentions towards Jews. No they don't have the capability for that. That's the idea ... don't let them ever get that capability.

Go to any Israel demonization protest anywhere these days and what chant will you hear:

Free Palestine, from the river to the sea.

They know what they're chanting. That's a chant of pro genocide towards Jews, of the end the end of Israel, an Israel with no Jews.

While Israel does include 20 percent Arab citizens, Palestinian leaders have been very clear about their intentions for their state: NO JEWS.

So river to the sea, that's genocide.

It's impossible to separate the Israel demonization movement from racist hatred of Jews ... they are joined at the hip.

Well Israel want the same, so with two moronic governments on both sides nothing will help

Yes it is possible to separate Israel critics from racism, only the simple minded can't do that...

So it is ok to criticize the Saudi government, the Britain government, and not being racist but as soon you criticize Israel government you re racist? what a joke...

No. Wrong. Israel does not want the same. Israel includes 20 percent Arab citizens. Palestinian leadership has been clear, they want a Jew free state, just like the Nazis. No coincidence really as the founder of the Palestinian Arab identity movement collaborated with Hitler in Berlin to help with genocide of European Jews and sought genocide of Jews in the Middle East as well.

Please don't twist my words. It is very annoying and quite sleazy.

I said Israel DEMONIZATION which is a specific thing, it's an ideology actually, I did not say NORMAL criticism of Israeli government policies.

You can call me names, simple minded, but I see right through that tactic. You've played a game of the Israel demonization agenda to suggest that people opposing obsessive and racist Israel demonization think all criticism of Israeli government policies are antisemitism. But that's totally false. They are different things.

Back to the topic, yes I think the Palestinians have a valid gripe to consider the west bank settlements an occupation. They are within their rights to protest. It's the terrorism that's the problem, the stabbing of innocents, the car ramming of innocents, etc. I personally would not call going after armed soldiers terrorism. But if you do go after armed soldiers with violence and end up dead, don't be too surprised and call that murder. Also, if you break into a Jewish house, in the west bank or in Los Angeles and stab a mother to death in front of her children, don't be surprised if you're called a terrorist even if you're own SICK culture gives you a grand "martyr" funeral and names a street after you.

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It's all part of Israel. 1 state not 2. Either the separationist Palestinians get on board and become part of the solution rather than continue being the problem.

The Palestinians would be absolutely delighted to get on board in a one state solution. They would then soon outnumber and outvote Israeli Jews. You don't seem to understand the demographics of the conflict.
Ban Ki Moon said "Israel's settlement-building programme cast doubt on its commitment to the creation of a Palestinian state."
The US Ambassador to Israel, Daniel Shapiro, last week said the same thing.
“We are concerned and perplexed by Israel’s strategy on settlements. This government and previous Israeli governments have repeatedly expressed their support for a negotiated two-state solution — a solution that would involve both mutual recognition and separation. Yet separation will become more and more difficult if Israel plans to continue to expand the footprint of settlements.”
Israel seems to be sleepwalking into a one state solution, where, as Moon said, it can either be Jewish or democratic but not both.
Israel seems to be digging a deeper hole for itself. And when that happens the answer is to stop digging. People like Ban Ki Moon are the best friends that Israel could have, willing to point out the perilous path it is taking.
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It's all part of Israel. 1 state not 2. Either the separationist Palestinians get on board and become part of the solution rather than continue being the problem.

The Palestinians would be absolutely delighted to get on board in a one state solution. They would then soon outnumber and outvote Israeli Jews. You don't seem to understand the demographics of the conflict.
Ban Ki Moon said "Israel's settlement-building programme cast doubt on its commitment to the creation of a Palestinian state."
The US Ambassador to Israel, Daniel Shapiro, last week said the same thing.
“We are concerned and perplexed by Israel’s strategy on settlements. This government and previous Israeli governments have repeatedly expressed their support for a negotiated two-state solution — a solution that would involve both mutual recognition and separation. Yet separation will become more and more difficult if Israel plans to continue to expand the footprint of settlements.”
Israel seems to be sleepwalking into a one state solution, where, as Moon said, it can either be Jewish or democratic but not both.
Israel seems to be digging a deeper hole for itself. And when that happens the answer is to stop digging. People like Ban Ki Moon are the best friends that Israel could have, willing to point out the perilous path it is taking.

"Israel seems to be sleepwalking into a one state solution, where, as Moon said, it can either be Jewish or democratic but not both."

I don't think that's the case. One state or two state solution are both at the moment not an acceptable solution to Israel. One state because they would soon be outnumbered, two states because of the power of the religious right and the settlers, who don't want back to pre 1967 borders, and of their fears of the Palestinians.

So they just keep on doing what they are doing as long as they can get away with it, which is becoming increasingly difficult. Until they are forced into a two state solution they will keep on doing what they're doing now.

Edited by stevenl
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Don't let facts get in the way of your usual 24/7 ranting. More settlements were built under Sharon, Barak and Olmert than under Netanyahu. Justifications for Arab terrorism have always been based on disingenuous nonsense rather than face the fact they want Israel gone period and never wanted a two state solution in the first place.


So 4 wrongs don't make a right. None of them should have built any settlements at all post 67. It's illegal under the geneva Convention.
If the Palestinians are, as you imply, scheming to make Israel disappear in a one state solution, you would think the Israeli government would be ripping off the hands of Palestinian negotiators as they shake them on an agreement for two viable separate states... a predominantly Jewish state, and a predominantly Palestinian state.
You just have to wonder why Netanyahu has this week announced more Jewish only colonies to be built, making the above impossible. Someone is definitely being disingenuous.
Edited by dexterm
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I agree neither side is really serious about a two state solution now but I think the characterization of the reasons it can't work for Israel given above is very simplistic and incomplete. The settlements are a barrier but the biggest barrier is SECURITY. The majority of Israelis, and rightly so, question the wisdom of empowering a militant state dedicated to their non-existence. So the status quo is not great, that's for sure, but to the majority of Israelis it seems the best of some bad choices, and I think they're making a reasonable decision given their neighborhood. Not talking about settlement policy here, that's not the same thing, talking about the lack of political will towards a two state solution. Sure, building more settlements is a SYMPTOM of this lack of political will but if there was that political will, the settlement issue COULD be ... settled.

Edited by Jingthing
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That news story is a lie.

The majority of Palestinians want the Jews out of all of Israel.

The settlements in the west bank aren't helpful, but leaving them won't bring peace any more than leaving Gaza brought peace. The Hamas government in Gaza is more honest about this, their charter has clear genocidal intentions towards Jews. No they don't have the capability for that. That's the idea ... don't let them ever get that capability.

Go to any Israel demonization protest anywhere these days and what chant will you hear:

Free Palestine, from the river to the sea.

They know what they're chanting. That's a chant of pro genocide towards Jews, of the end the end of Israel, an Israel with no Jews.

While Israel does include 20 percent Arab citizens, Palestinian leaders have been very clear about their intentions for their state: NO JEWS.

So river to the sea, that's genocide.

It's impossible to separate the Israel demonization movement from racist hatred of Jews ... they are joined at the hip.

Personally I think that's delusional.

If anyone is trying to ethnically cleanse Israel.....


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It's all part of Israel. 1 state not 2. Either the separationist Palestinians get on board and become part of the solution rather than continue being the problem.

The Palestinians would be absolutely delighted to get on board in a one state solution. They would then soon outnumber and outvote Israeli Jews. You don't seem to understand the demographics of the conflict.
Ban Ki Moon said "Israel's settlement-building programme cast doubt on its commitment to the creation of a Palestinian state."
The US Ambassador to Israel, Daniel Shapiro, last week said the same thing.
“We are concerned and perplexed by Israel’s strategy on settlements. This government and previous Israeli governments have repeatedly expressed their support for a negotiated two-state solution — a solution that would involve both mutual recognition and separation. Yet separation will become more and more difficult if Israel plans to continue to expand the footprint of settlements.”
Israel seems to be sleepwalking into a one state solution, where, as Moon said, it can either be Jewish or democratic but not both.
Israel seems to be digging a deeper hole for itself. And when that happens the answer is to stop digging. People like Ban Ki Moon are the best friends that Israel could have, willing to point out the perilous path it is taking.

"Israel seems to be sleepwalking into a one state solution, where, as Moon said, it can either be Jewish or democratic but not both."

I don't think that's the case. One state or two state solution are both at the moment not an acceptable solution to Israel. One state because they would soon be outnumbered, two states because of the power of the religious right and the settlers, who don't want back to pre 1967 borders, and of their fears of the Palestinians.

So they just keep on doing what they are doing as long as they can get away with it, which is becoming increasingly difficult. Until they are forced into a two state solution they will keep on doing what they're doing now.

You are quite right. Israel wants its cake, and eat it too. Which is exactly what Ban Ki-moon is pointing out. Israel cannot be a Jewish state and democratic, when the majority would be non Jewish. Simple math.

They have solved the equation twice before making themselves the Jewish majority by ethnic cleansing. I think ki Moon and others are concerned that israel is planning a 3rd wave.

But the whole world is watching this time.

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I agree neither side is really serious about a two state solution now but I think the characterization of the reasons it can't work for Israel given above is very simplistic and incomplete. The settlements are a barrier but the biggest barrier is SECURITY. The majority of Israelis, and rightly so, question the wisdom of empowering a militant state dedicated to their non-existence. So the status quo is not great, that's for sure, but to the majority of Israelis it seems the best of some bad choices, and I think they're making a reasonable decision given their neighborhood. Not talking about settlement policy here, that's not the same thing, talking about the lack of political will towards a two state solution.

Simplistic of course, it would lead to many pages of writing for a complete analysis. But incomplete where you give the reason 'security' seems strange to me since fear for Palestinians was mentioned.

Please quote posts you are referring to.

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I agree neither side is really serious about a two state solution now but I think the characterization of the reasons it can't work for Israel given above is very simplistic and incomplete. The settlements are a barrier but the biggest barrier is SECURITY. The majority of Israelis, and rightly so, question the wisdom of empowering a militant state dedicated to their non-existence. So the status quo is not great, that's for sure, but to the majority of Israelis it seems the best of some bad choices, and I think they're making a reasonable decision given their neighborhood. Not talking about settlement policy here, that's not the same thing, talking about the lack of political will towards a two state solution.

Simplistic of course, it would lead to many pages of writing for a complete analysis. But incomplete where you give the reason 'security' seems strange to me since fear for Palestinians was mentioned.

Please quote posts you are referring to.

I find your post incoherent thus can't respond to it.

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