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Nude statues covered in Rome so as not to offend Iranian president


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Nude statues covered in Rome so as not to offend Iranian president


ROME: -- Boxed up so as not to offend … Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has come under fire after ancient nude statutes in Rome’s Capitoline museum were covered up during a visit by Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani.

Politicians across the spectrum said it was a step too far to please a guest and that business had come before Italy’s cultural identity.

Italy and Iran will sign up to 17 billion euros of business deals during the two day visit of the Iranian delegation which began on Monday,

“Respect for other cultures cannot and must not mean negating our own,” said Luca Squeri, a lawmaker in former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s centre-right Forza Italia party. “This isn’t respect, it’s canceling out differences and it’s a kind of surrender.”

At Iran’s request Italy also kept wine off the menu at a ceremonial dinner on Monday evening.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-27

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Disgraceful......not the statues..the cover up.

And if he will not eat where wine is served let him go hungry. He has the right to not drink it which I would support but not to stop others.

Edited by harrry
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In 2002 under religious fanatic US Attorney General John Ashcroft $8000 of my tax money was spent to cover "breasts" and "loins" on some Art Deco statues that had stood for decades.

That I can't forgive.

Edited by arunsakda
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If he doesn't want to see the exhibits in the museum, then don't force him to visit the museum.

If he doesn't want to see people drinking wine at a dinner, then don't force him to attend a dinner.

I would prefer that the word "ask" be substituted for "force", but I did give your post a "Like"!

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Is anybody else getting fed up of seeing these "so as not to offend" decisions, usually in reference to people from a particular religious denomination?

And I have yet to see any decision taken "so as not to offend Christians"

P.S. I'm an atheist!

Edited by sambum
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Its ART and now we start to cover up our european art and lifestyle for a muslim desport and oppressor of human rights

Are we Europeans not getting crazy! Shame on that!!!!!!

Exactly. Stand up and stand proud for Western civilization and indeed all civilization, that is indeed threatened by Islamist extremism.

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