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Thailand's govt pressures Facebook, Line to censor online posts


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Personally I dont like sites such as Facebook but I do respect the opinion of those that do. Some people suggest banning Facebook worldwide; kind of stupid to think that. If people want to share photos of lunch let them I dont have to be a part of it

Precisely. I am not remotely interested in the motoring forum here on TV, so I don't look at it. Problem solved.
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It seems someone has come to realize, that in the modern world one can get away with stuff that was not possible during the colonial era (pre-world wars), in those days some stuff would be considered uncivilized and would be a pre-cursor to invasion and colonization. But now that North Korea, Cuba and even Putin and all the -stan countries can get away with it, why not Thailand?

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Personally I dont like sites such as Facebook but I do respect the opinion of those that do. Some people suggest banning Facebook worldwide; kind of stupid to think that. If people want to share photos of lunch let them I dont have to be a part of it

If Thai people only shared pics of som tam and plates of phad kapow on Facebook the Junta would not be pushing for more control.

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This government under the rule of the junta just want to show a face that Thailand not have!!!!!!!!!!

And to pressure to show that face around the world they do anything they can! And not step off violating human rights: i know this from the former communist countries and the countries now under the pressure of ruling despots!!!!!!

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I'm still confused about how they judge what content they could justifiably consider as harmful to the country. If I post about having to pay off a.policeman bribe or how I got forced to pay three times the fee or cost or if I post about how bad my trip in Thailand was or send a vdo of a chinaman pissing or shitting on the street doesn't that hurt Thailand's tourism, hence, damaging the country?

Or, if I posted a vdo of someone getting kidnapped by the army or of a business using slave Labour or even a girl on walking Street offering sex for money. All would.damage people view of Thailand in the gov viewpoint. So I guess my point is, if the line and fb jump to remove your content posted just because Thailand thinks it damages how they want people to think about them then all freedoms are gone and for anyone and in any country.

You are hitting it on the head here!

If you study the new libel / internet laws passed, you can actually be arrested for writing anything remotely close to making someone loose face.

I am still surprised that TV has "survived" as long as it has.

Guess we should be happy that the level of English is not up to understanding half the sarcasm posted......


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Personally I dont like sites such as Facebook but I do respect the opinion of those that do. Some people suggest banning Facebook worldwide; kind of stupid to think that. If people want to share photos of lunch let them I dont have to be a part of it

If Thai people only shared pics of som tam and plates of phad kapow on Facebook the Junta would not be pushing for more control.
Pushing for more control? No, pushing for complete control, the results of which you won't like...
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1984.........................just running late,not just thailand,its the decade big brother came into its own.True,free speech down the drain.you'll know its 'really on' when gatherings of more than 5 people are outlawed and when financial incentives are given for people to report on other people.

the aussies call it "dob in a neighbour"

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Wonder why the junta supporters are fewer and fewer on TVF.....coffee1.gif

Come on, EJ, djjamie and other stalwarts, spin this one if you can. No wait, I'll do it for you; THAKSIN!

I liked the junta at first.. now I like them a lot less because of stuff like this. I still dislike the PTP too.. so not much choice for me now. If the laws that they are going to make keeps the PTP in line next election (forcing them to play by the rules and no secret votes at 3.00am or amnesties for Thanksin) then this has all been worth it. Otherwise it was all for nothing.

Don't forget who gave them the perfect excuse for street protests and the coup, (no amnesty for Thaksin and all of a sudden there was, just as bad as that stupid internet gateway the government is pushing for now U turns seem to be the norm here)

There is not one party to blame here, they all are. Anyway disliking more and more plans of the junta.

G'day robblok, Good to see that your opinions are changing and seeing the junta for what there are (in part), I say in part because you have a real problem with the amnesty for Thaksin, ok cool fair enough your opinion, no worries, now legit question, has the PM granted himself and others amnesty for past present and future??? A fair question mate.

Do you believe laws are for all or laws are selective? do you believe amnesty for all or only for a select few?

Are laws applied impartially or yet again selective? (case in point) students on a train asking for independent investigation into corruption is deemed political and a crime and warrants/charged detained etc, and family members harassed, A (monk) leading a group (unsure of numbers) to protest at the US embassy is ok.

Consistency is key here. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

I believe the amnesty for Thaksin is the catalyst and it was.. too many people did not want it. I could not care less if they prosecuted the general for the coup. I have no love for the man, but he is far less a catalyst to an uprising as Thaksin. (coup might have been planned.. but without the amnesty for Thaksin the people would never have rallied) The guy is a convicted criminal with many more serious cases waiting for him. YL wanted those and 25.000 other corruption cases amnestied.. says enough I think. Compared with that a coup is nothing. (still would not mind if they went after the army for that)

As for select enforcement, I can give those to you too of your beloved PTP so don't act like the junta is only doing that PTP did the same. If you want I can come up with a list.

Ahhh man,,,, Robblok, you missed the whole thing. Not a single answer to a question, Not one....facepalm.gif

I was asking a few questions and interested in your answers, but instead of answers you try to justify your point of view, I didn't say PTP didn't do anything wrong, I didn't say Thaksin should or should not be given amnesty, I simply asked few questions and unfortunately you have not answered at all but had a rant instead.

As for your last comment (select enforcement) still no answer, just aaahhh he did it first, he started it, your beloved PTP.

Ok better luck next time

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The government has picked a fight they can't win. Try to stifle free speech in the cyber world we live in, impossible. Win hearts and minds by arresting folks for sharing their thoughts, reprehensible.

Unfortunately, you are wrong! Just look at what goes into and out of N. Korea. Nothing!

Fortunately, you are wrong! People get info on the Chinese border by using cell phones.

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Wonder why the junta supporters are fewer and fewer on TVF.....coffee1.gif

Come on, EJ, djjamie and other stalwarts, spin this one if you can. No wait, I'll do it for you; THAKSIN!

I liked the junta at first.. now I like them a lot less because of stuff like this. I still dislike the PTP too.. so not much choice for me now. If the laws that they are going to make keeps the PTP in line next election (forcing them to play by the rules and no secret votes at 3.00am or amnesties for Thanksin) then this has all been worth it. Otherwise it was all for nothing.

Don't forget who gave them the perfect excuse for street protests and the coup, (no amnesty for Thaksin and all of a sudden there was, just as bad as that stupid internet gateway the government is pushing for now U turns seem to be the norm here)

There is not one party to blame here, they all are. Anyway disliking more and more plans of the junta.

G'day robblok, Good to see that your opinions are changing and seeing the junta for what there are (in part), I say in part because you have a real problem with the amnesty for Thaksin, ok cool fair enough your opinion, no worries, now legit question, has the PM granted himself and others amnesty for past present and future??? A fair question mate.

Do you believe laws are for all or laws are selective? do you believe amnesty for all or only for a select few?

Are laws applied impartially or yet again selective? (case in point) students on a train asking for independent investigation into corruption is deemed political and a crime and warrants/charged detained etc, and family members harassed, A (monk) leading a group (unsure of numbers) to protest at the US embassy is ok.

Consistency is key here. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

I believe the amnesty for Thaksin is the catalyst and it was.. too many people did not want it. I could not care less if they prosecuted the general for the coup. I have no love for the man, but he is far less a catalyst to an uprising as Thaksin. (coup might have been planned.. but without the amnesty for Thaksin the people would never have rallied) The guy is a convicted criminal with many more serious cases waiting for him. YL wanted those and 25.000 other corruption cases amnestied.. says enough I think. Compared with that a coup is nothing. (still would not mind if they went after the army for that)

As for select enforcement, I can give those to you too of your beloved PTP so don't act like the junta is only doing that PTP did the same. If you want I can come up with a list.

You seem to be avoiding answering any questions he asked you and instead parroting the "but Thaksin" nonsense of avowed yellows. You aren't one of them are you?

Whatever we all may think of Thaksin, he was elected twice by the vast majority of Thai people (and before you start, vote buying was not a determining factor - a fact agreed by even the Dems!).

So, to compare a popularly elected PM with an abrogator of the Constitution who took control because he controlled those with guns is to compare apples with non-apples.

That aside, how about you address the reasonable questions asked without resorting to "but Thaksin"?

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If they only spent half as much time actually working to solve the serious problems the country has, as they do chasing after Facebook, Line, etc. over censorship, then Thailand would very quickly become a worlds better place.

But instead of trying to solve problems and resolve disputes, they're simply trying to crush any mention or discussion of them.

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First the "The Great Firewall" and now Facebook! Should be interesting to see what impact this will have on business! Money talks and especially in this town! Tourists and Corporations can't talk to the outside world ... not good. Slow down in the Global economy ... not good. Lots of countries out there willing to relieve Thailand of their Tourist dollars ... not good. Lots of countries in the South East Asia region with cheap labor that can manufacture ... not good.

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Facebook and all the other social media sites, including should be outlawed on a global scale

. Anti social,you should start your own site.5555

I have been living in the Kingdom for 3 decades now and subsequently my wife and I have family and friends (not acquaintances) all over Thailand, and overseas as well. I use Facebook and find it a great way of passing on primarily current photos to the family, plus information on what my wife and I are currently doing. Other family members and friends reciprocate.

I use the security measures Facebook provides to ensure that the material I post ONLY goes to family and friends. And often I separate the two. I choose my friends carefully whom I have allowed access.

I do not post anything of a political or offensive nature. It's family business always. Anything that maybe posted by family (sometimes by the younger members), I will remove and tell them I'm not interested. If they persist I un-friend them, and to a Thai that is equivalent to losing face.

I find Facebook to be an enjoyable medium so that I and others know what the family are up to. What Mr. FourAces is suggesting is that I be denied this. Well I suggest you keep your doors locked and your shades drawn.

Edited by Mot Dang
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I don't think either LINE or FACEBOOK will follow the General. Even he is PM at present he is only one of those in Thailand's history. The next govt. could change everything and the following change the changes.

So why to follow a General for 2 or 3 years...?

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G'day robblok, Good to see that your opinions are changing and seeing the junta for what there are (in part), I say in part because you have a real problem with the amnesty for Thaksin, ok cool fair enough your opinion, no worries, now legit question, has the PM granted himself and others amnesty for past present and future??? A fair question mate.

Do you believe laws are for all or laws are selective? do you believe amnesty for all or only for a select few?

Are laws applied impartially or yet again selective? (case in point) students on a train asking for independent investigation into corruption is deemed political and a crime and warrants/charged detained etc, and family members harassed, A (monk) leading a group (unsure of numbers) to protest at the US embassy is ok.

Consistency is key here. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

I believe the amnesty for Thaksin is the catalyst and it was.. too many people did not want it. I could not care less if they prosecuted the general for the coup. I have no love for the man, but he is far less a catalyst to an uprising as Thaksin. (coup might have been planned.. but without the amnesty for Thaksin the people would never have rallied) The guy is a convicted criminal with many more serious cases waiting for him. YL wanted those and 25.000 other corruption cases amnestied.. says enough I think. Compared with that a coup is nothing. (still would not mind if they went after the army for that)

As for select enforcement, I can give those to you too of your beloved PTP so don't act like the junta is only doing that PTP did the same. If you want I can come up with a list.

You seem to be avoiding answering any questions he asked you and instead parroting the "but Thaksin" nonsense of avowed yellows. You aren't one of them are you?

Whatever we all may think of Thaksin, he was elected twice by the vast majority of Thai people (and before you start, vote buying was not a determining factor - a fact agreed by even the Dems!).

So, to compare a popularly elected PM with an abrogator of the Constitution who took control because he controlled those with guns is to compare apples with non-apples.

That aside, how about you address the reasonable questions asked without resorting to "but Thaksin"?

No I am comparing a convicted criminal who paid people to rebel and who is sought in many serious corruption cases like the bank scandal to a general who is so far convicted of nothing and not on the run.

And yes laws are now enforced selectively but so were they when PTP was in power so nothing has changed. In a way I like it that sides change because its the only way for crimes and corruption to get punished. (because of the selective enforcing of laws on both sides). They will never investigate their own (though I must say more democrat corruption has been convicted under the junta as PTP corruption has ever been under the PTP) So in a way the junta is doing more against corruption. That being said the park corruption is of course a disgrace how its being handled and the PM is a walking PR disaster.

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This is a little different to an article I read yesterday.

The government have been requesting that content be removed from Google and other social media sites without a court order on a case by case basis. The reasoning is that it takes too long to go through the legal proceedings required to obtain such orders.

Yes, good example how the junta spins the international media.

Compare and contrast:



Edited by Morakot
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