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Sweden: masked men threaten to attack migrant children


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Sweden: masked men threaten to attack migrant children


STOCKHOLM: -- Amid growing tensions over immigration in Sweden, pro and anti demonstrators have taken to the streets of Stockholm.

The country of 10 million received 163,000 asylum seekers last year, as the migrant crisis gripped Europe.

Saturday’s demonstrations – which faced off in the same area of the city – came just days after a 22-year-old worker was stabbed to death in an asylum centre in southwestern Sweden.

Police say three arrests were made on Saturday for assault, but refused to confirm media reports that they were all Polish citizens.

On Friday night, a gang of masked men rampaged through the streets of Stockholm after handing out leaflets, threatening to attack migrant street youths.

Police said in a statement that one man had been arrested for punching a plain clothes police officer in the face and another for carrying a brass knuckleduster, but the extent of any assaults against immigrants was not clear.

Swedish dailies said that, according to witnesses, a number of people had been attacked by the men who were thought to belong to “firms” of hooligans associated with local soccer teams.

A recent poll showed support for Sweden’s ruling centre-left Social Democrats hit its lowest level in nearly 50 years, mainly because of a sense the government has been overwhelmed by the influx of asylum seekers.

To try and boost confidence, the Swedish government says it is likely to deport up to 80-thousand of last year’s asylum seekers.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-01
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Children, mainly six feet tall with beards, or heavy stubble. I've seen plenty of videos of them and would not describe them as children. Media lies flowing thick and fast. Good to finally see some notion of justice returning to Sweden.

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Children, mainly six feet tall with beards, or heavy stubble. I've seen plenty of videos of them and would not describe them as children. Media lies flowing thick and fast. Good to finally see some notion of justice returning to Sweden.

'Children' in the headline

'Youths' in the story.

Correct one or the other then we can decide the sentiment in the replies.

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Children, mainly six feet tall with beards, or heavy stubble. I've seen plenty of videos of them and would not describe them as children. Media lies flowing thick and fast. Good to finally see some notion of justice returning to Sweden.

'Children' in the headline

'Youths' in the story.

Correct one or the other then we can decide the sentiment in the replies.

The problem is when they are desrcibed as being children it makes them sound like a vulnerable group. Nothing could be further from the truth. These are bullies and criminals living on theft and fraud, rape and violence for amusement, and they and their ilk have made many places in Sweden virtual no-go zones for non muslim males. Lies like this caused the vigilante reactions we are now seeing, continued lies will only fan the flames of hatred towards them. Not many people are buying the "children" story any more.

can a tech savvy poster put up an image of one of these children so we can all see?. Swedens fastest 14 year old runner is an example of one of them. Saud Alsaud if you want to Google an image. Or a 16yr old Ahmad Farid. Prepare to be stunned at what the Swedish left call children.

Edited by jaidam
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Masked man threatening to attack migrant children - that's one of the most disturbing headlines I have read in a while. And you talk about "justice" returning to Sweden? You should be ashamed of yourself.

Children, mainly six feet tall with beards, or heavy stubble. I've seen plenty of videos of them and would not describe them as children. Media lies flowing thick and fast. Good to finally see some notion of justice returning to Sweden.

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I've been looking at the same news reports out of Sweden as Jaidam and others. If true, it looks like there are many young men (and women?), some looking like late-teens, early-20's who are saying they're children. They don't have ID, and they know that being officially labelled 'children' will make it easier to get free meals and free lodging. Some of those 'children' are thieves and/or rapists and/or con-artists. Some of those 'children' have been moved to be housed in old peoples' houses, and big troubles ensue. And yes, there have been some rapes and murders reported in those scenarios (not necessarily with elders, but with younger social workers)

Sweden: Take care of Swedes. Don't allow a flood of economic migrants to despoil your good country. If a migrant (any age) is turned down for asylum, make sure they're shipped back to (or near to) their country of origin. If you don't, you'll get what Germany has: groups of migrants milling around all over the place.

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Another gentle spirit,

May I suggest you study the cause of this humanitarian tragedy? You could start with studying the overthrow of the first democratically elected government of Iran by Churchill and Eisenhower (and the birth of the "Seven Sisters"), and work your way up to the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Lastly, count the number of Islam countries invaded, bombed or semi-occupied by the West and compare it to the number of "Christian" countries invaded, bombed or semi-occupied by Islamic countries. It's simply arithmetic, even for poorly informed Islamophobes.

I've been looking at the same news reports out of Sweden as Jaidam and others. If true, it looks like there are many young men (and women?), some looking like late-teens, early-20's who are saying they're children. They don't have ID, and they know that being officially labelled 'children' will make it easier to get free meals and free lodging. Some of those 'children' are thieves and/or rapists and/or con-artists. Some of those 'children' have been moved to be housed in old peoples' houses, and big troubles ensue. And yes, there have been some rapes and murders reported in those scenarios (not necessarily with elders, but with younger social workers)

Sweden: Take care of Swedes. Don't allow a flood of economic migrants to despoil your good country. If a migrant (any age) is turned down for asylum, make sure they're shipped back to (or near to) their country of origin. If you don't, you'll get what Germany has: groups of migrants milling around all over the place.

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Any attack by any masked men on anyone is despicable!

But for sure, TVF's finest will find a way to justify all kinds of violence against "Muslim- Jihadists" or simple "economic- refugees", taking away "work, living space" or "women" from them!

It's a truly sad affair!

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Masked man threatening to attack migrant children - that's one of the most disturbing headlines I have read in a while. And you talk about "justice" returning to Sweden? You should be ashamed of yourself.

Children, mainly six feet tall with beards, or heavy stubble. I've seen plenty of videos of them and would not describe them as children. Media lies flowing thick and fast. Good to finally see some notion of justice returning to Sweden.

Yes the headline is an alarming one for sure but you need to look deeper into this. These kids are mainly young men.

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Masked man threatening to attack migrant children - that's one of the most disturbing headlines I have read in a while. And you talk about "justice" returning to Sweden? You should be ashamed of yourself.

Children, mainly six feet tall with beards, or heavy stubble. I've seen plenty of videos of them and would not describe them as children. Media lies flowing thick and fast. Good to finally see some notion of justice returning to Sweden.

Do you always believe news headlines and what the media say?

Do some research and the "children" suddenly become "youths" - and not even young small youths at that.

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Any attack by any masked men on anyone is despicable!

But for sure, TVF's finest will find a way to justify all kinds of violence against "Muslim- Jihadists" or simple "economic- refugees", taking away "work, living space" or "women" from them!

It's a truly sad affair!

What is really sad is the environment created by pc politicians and neutered police that allows thousands of illegal immigrants to break laws whilst being looked after by the state.

There wouldn't be masked men attacking people if the laws were enforced in the first place.

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Children, mainly six feet tall with beards, or heavy stubble. I've seen plenty of videos of them and would not describe them as children. Media lies flowing thick and fast. Good to finally see some notion of justice returning to Sweden.

'Children' in the headline

'Youths' in the story.

Correct one or the other then we can decide the sentiment in the replies.

Men in real life
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Usually, the standard for calling some one an unaccompanied minor is determined by the laws of the country and in some cases by the UNHCR. Usually, it is someone under 18 years of age at the time of their arrival. Sixteen and 17 year old youth can be pretty physically mature.

When I worked with unaccompanied minors in the refugee camps quite a few years ago, the determination of the age of those who were arguably older was made by medical professionals. It included bone x-rays and dental examinations, to help to determine the age.

As a very general rule, unaccompanied minors should be screened first and unless they have a good claim to refugee status they should be re-united with their families and in most cases that means returning to their home country.

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Any attack by any masked men on anyone is despicable!

But for sure, TVF's finest will find a way to justify all kinds of violence against "Muslim- Jihadists" or simple "economic- refugees", taking away "work, living space" or "women" from them!

It's a truly sad affair!

What is really sad is the environment created by pc politicians and neutered police that allows thousands of illegal immigrants to break laws whilst being looked after by the state.

There wouldn't be masked men attacking people if the laws were enforced in the first place.

What is really sad, is the climate of WAR in places, where these people come from and that is often fought in "our" interests!

What is really sad, that all and every excuse will be found by the uber- right, to justify all acts of violence against refugees!

"There wouldn't be masked men attacking people if the laws were enforced in the first place."


Vigilante justice?

That is what you are justifying?


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Usually, the standard for calling some one an unaccompanied minor is determined by the laws of the country and in some cases by the UNHCR. Usually, it is someone under 18 years of age at the time of their arrival. Sixteen and 17 year old youth can be pretty physically mature.

When I worked with unaccompanied minors in the refugee camps quite a few years ago, the determination of the age of those who were arguably older was made by medical professionals. It included bone x-rays and dental examinations, to help to determine the age.

As a very general rule, unaccompanied minors should be screened first and unless they have a good claim to refugee status they should be re-united with their families and in most cases that means returning to their home country.

Your prior experience of assessing children still applicable.


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Another gentle spirit,

May I suggest you study the cause of this humanitarian tragedy? You could start with studying the overthrow of the first democratically elected government of Iran by Churchill and Eisenhower (and the birth of the "Seven Sisters"), and work your way up to the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Lastly, count the number of Islam countries invaded, bombed or semi-occupied by the West and compare it to the number of "Christian" countries invaded, bombed or semi-occupied by Islamic countries. It's simply arithmetic, even for poorly informed Islamophobes.

I've been looking at the same news reports out of Sweden as Jaidam and others. If true, it looks like there are many young men (and women?), some looking like late-teens, early-20's who are saying they're children. They don't have ID, and they know that being officially labelled 'children' will make it easier to get free meals and free lodging. Some of those 'children' are thieves and/or rapists and/or con-artists. Some of those 'children' have been moved to be housed in old peoples' houses, and big troubles ensue. And yes, there have been some rapes and murders reported in those scenarios (not necessarily with elders, but with younger social workers)

Sweden: Take care of Swedes. Don't allow a flood of economic migrants to despoil your good country. If a migrant (any age) is turned down for asylum, make sure they're shipped back to (or near to) their country of origin. If you don't, you'll get what Germany has: groups of migrants milling around all over the place.

How far back in history do you want to go?

All of North and east Africa was "Christian" and invaded and permanently occupied by Muslims. Iraq, the Levant, Turkey, eastern European countries now with "stan" as their name. Essentially other than Saudi, Afghanistan, Muslim occupied India, and Malaysia/Indonesia everywhere Islam is.

And let's not get into the atrocities committed in those invaded countries.

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Another gentle spirit,

May I suggest you study the cause of this humanitarian tragedy? You could start with studying the overthrow of the first democratically elected government of Iran by Churchill and Eisenhower (and the birth of the "Seven Sisters"), and work your way up to the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Lastly, count the number of Islam countries invaded, bombed or semi-occupied by the West and compare it to the number of "Christian" countries invaded, bombed or semi-occupied by Islamic countries. It's simply arithmetic, even for poorly informed Islamophobes.

I've been looking at the same news reports out of Sweden as Jaidam and others. If true, it looks like there are many young men (and women?), some looking like late-teens, early-20's who are saying they're children. They don't have ID, and they know that being officially labelled 'children' will make it easier to get free meals and free lodging. Some of those 'children' are thieves and/or rapists and/or con-artists. Some of those 'children' have been moved to be housed in old peoples' houses, and big troubles ensue. And yes, there have been some rapes and murders reported in those scenarios (not necessarily with elders, but with younger social workers)

Sweden: Take care of Swedes. Don't allow a flood of economic migrants to despoil your good country. If a migrant (any age) is turned down for asylum, make sure they're shipped back to (or near to) their country of origin. If you don't, you'll get what Germany has: groups of migrants milling around all over the place.

How far back in history do you want to go?

All of North and east Africa was "Christian" and invaded and permanently occupied by Muslims. Iraq, the Levant, Turkey, eastern European countries now with "stan" as their name. Essentially other than Saudi, Afghanistan, Muslim occupied India, and Malaysia/Indonesia everywhere Islam is.

And let's not get into the atrocities committed in those invaded countries.

Good reply. History is a continuum, yet people tend to go back only far enough to frame whatever narrative they're pushing.

Regardless, what happened in Iran in 1953 doesn't preclude Swedes from protecting themselves and their loved ones at a time when many see the government as unable or simply unwilling to do so.

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Usually, the standard for calling some one an unaccompanied minor is determined by the laws of the country and in some cases by the UNHCR. Usually, it is someone under 18 years of age at the time of their arrival. Sixteen and 17 year old youth can be pretty physically mature.

When I worked with unaccompanied minors in the refugee camps quite a few years ago, the determination of the age of those who were arguably older was made by medical professionals. It included bone x-rays and dental examinations, to help to determine the age.

As a very general rule, unaccompanied minors should be screened first and unless they have a good claim to refugee status they should be re-united with their families and in most cases that means returning to their home country.

Your prior experience of assessing children still applicable.


Thanks for the link and the update. Europe has a bigger problem because of the immense diversity of the people coming and the differences in development as children pass from childhood to young adulthood. Most, but not all of my experience, was with populations that were relatively homogeneous, so it was a little easier. Even the diet of people coming from specific areas was well enough known that they could determine if dietary deficiencies led to developmental delays.

We also dealt with refugees who were isolated and interviewed immediately after arrival. Most were not quite quick enough to figure out how to lie about their birth date. Some tried, but they couldn't quite remember what they said in the initial interview as opposed to later interviews.

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Here's more on those poor little Children....


Swedish police warns that Stockholm's main train station has become unsafe after being ‘taken over’ by dozens of Moroccan street children.

The all-male migrant teen gangs are spreading terror in the centre of the Swedish capital, stealing, groping girls and assaulting security guards, according to Stockholm police.

Members of the gangs, some as young as nine, roam central Stockholm day and night, refusing help provided by the Swedish authorities.

Edited by metisdead
Edited as per fair use policy.
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Masked men threaten to attack migrant children - there is nothing unclear about that headline to me. It means that masked men threated to attack migrant children.

Whether these children are 5 or 15, the article doesn't say, but either way, masked men attacking children reminds me of Nazi tactics.

Masked man threatening to attack migrant children - that's one of the most disturbing headlines I have read in a while. And you talk about "justice" returning to Sweden? You should be ashamed of yourself.

Children, mainly six feet tall with beards, or heavy stubble. I've seen plenty of videos of them and would not describe them as children. Media lies flowing thick and fast. Good to finally see some notion of justice returning to Sweden.

Yes the headline is an alarming one for sure but you need to look deeper into this. These kids are mainly young men.

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Any attack by any masked men on anyone is despicable!

But for sure, TVF's finest will find a way to justify all kinds of violence against "Muslim- Jihadists" or simple "economic- refugees", taking away "work, living space" or "women" from them!

It's a truly sad affair!

What is really sad is the environment created by pc politicians and neutered police that allows thousands of illegal immigrants to break laws whilst being looked after by the state.

There wouldn't be masked men attacking people if the laws were enforced in the first place.

What is really sad, is the climate of WAR in places, where these people come from and that is often fought in "our" interests!

What is really sad, that all and every excuse will be found by the uber- right, to justify all acts of violence against refugees!

"There wouldn't be masked men attacking people if the laws were enforced in the first place."


Vigilante justice?

That is what you are justifying?


Do you have comprehension or reading difficulties?

If the laws were enforced properly, illegal immigrants wouldn't have been allowed to swamp the genuine refugees and trek unregistered through Europe. Migrants, whether refugees or illegal economic migrants are subject to the law of the country they are in. Not their law, Sharia law, their cultural norms or above the laws.

Softly softly biased policing inevitable creates problems from those who associate themselves with the victims or feel they are witnessing a multi-tier legal system with one law for some and a different one for others.

It just shows how out of touch some pc politicians are in believing they can apply the law to suit political agendas, and instruct the police not to reveal pertinent information. These ill behaved illegal immigrants flooding into Europe and acting outside the law, with apparent impunity, are likely to be the last straw.

If they went to a rich Arab country and acted like that, guess what would happen?

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I do not always believe headlines, but if the media reports that "masked men" threaten to attack children (and see that many TV readers applaud it) if feel rather nauseated.

Please guide me to a source showing that the "children" are "youth", explain why the headline doesn't use the word youth, and explain to me why it makes any difference whether masked men threaten to attack children or "youth".

Masked man threatening to attack migrant children - that's one of the most disturbing headlines I have read in a while. And you talk about "justice" returning to Sweden? You should be ashamed of yourself.

Children, mainly six feet tall with beards, or heavy stubble. I've seen plenty of videos of them and would not describe them as children. Media lies flowing thick and fast. Good to finally see some notion of justice returning to Sweden.

Do you always believe news headlines and what the media say?

Do some research and the "children" suddenly become "youths" - and not even young small youths at that.

Edited by does
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Shall we stick to the Post-War, Post-Colonial era? The era of the Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations, the right of self-determination, you know, our current, "modern" age within current human memory?

Another gentle spirit,

May I suggest you study the cause of this humanitarian tragedy? You could start with studying the overthrow of the first democratically elected government of Iran by Churchill and Eisenhower (and the birth of the "Seven Sisters"), and work your way up to the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Lastly, count the number of Islam countries invaded, bombed or semi-occupied by the West and compare it to the number of "Christian" countries invaded, bombed or semi-occupied by Islamic countries. It's simply arithmetic, even for poorly informed Islamophobes.

I've been looking at the same news reports out of Sweden as Jaidam and others. If true, it looks like there are many young men (and women?), some looking like late-teens, early-20's who are saying they're children. They don't have ID, and they know that being officially labelled 'children' will make it easier to get free meals and free lodging. Some of those 'children' are thieves and/or rapists and/or con-artists. Some of those 'children' have been moved to be housed in old peoples' houses, and big troubles ensue. And yes, there have been some rapes and murders reported in those scenarios (not necessarily with elders, but with younger social workers)

Sweden: Take care of Swedes. Don't allow a flood of economic migrants to despoil your good country. If a migrant (any age) is turned down for asylum, make sure they're shipped back to (or near to) their country of origin. If you don't, you'll get what Germany has: groups of migrants milling around all over the place.

How far back in history do you want to go?

All of North and east Africa was "Christian" and invaded and permanently occupied by Muslims. Iraq, the Levant, Turkey, eastern European countries now with "stan" as their name. Essentially other than Saudi, Afghanistan, Muslim occupied India, and Malaysia/Indonesia everywhere Islam is.

And let's not get into the atrocities committed in those invaded countries.
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Shall we stick to the Post-War, Post-Colonial era? The era of the Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations, the right of self-determination, you know, our current, "modern" age within current human memory?

Another gentle spirit,

May I suggest you study the cause of this humanitarian tragedy? You could start with studying the overthrow of the first democratically elected government of Iran by Churchill and Eisenhower (and the birth of the "Seven Sisters"), and work your way up to the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Lastly, count the number of Islam countries invaded, bombed or semi-occupied by the West and compare it to the number of "Christian" countries invaded, bombed or semi-occupied by Islamic countries. It's simply arithmetic, even for poorly informed Islamophobes.

I've been looking at the same news reports out of Sweden as Jaidam and others. If true, it looks like there are many young men (and women?), some looking like late-teens, early-20's who are saying they're children. They don't have ID, and they know that being officially labelled 'children' will make it easier to get free meals and free lodging. Some of those 'children' are thieves and/or rapists and/or con-artists. Some of those 'children' have been moved to be housed in old peoples' houses, and big troubles ensue. And yes, there have been some rapes and murders reported in those scenarios (not necessarily with elders, but with younger social workers)

Sweden: Take care of Swedes. Don't allow a flood of economic migrants to despoil your good country. If a migrant (any age) is turned down for asylum, make sure they're shipped back to (or near to) their country of origin. If you don't, you'll get what Germany has: groups of migrants milling around all over the place.

How far back in history do you want to go?

All of North and east Africa was "Christian" and invaded and permanently occupied by Muslims. Iraq, the Levant, Turkey, eastern European countries now with "stan" as their name. Essentially other than Saudi, Afghanistan, Muslim occupied India, and Malaysia/Indonesia everywhere Islam is.

And let's not get into the atrocities committed in those invaded countries.

These posts above suggest the Gordian Knot of this issue. It is suggested there are injunctions/behavioral requirements required of the West relative to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights yet nearly all of these "migrants" come from countries in which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was soundly rejected, and later only signed on to but subjected to sharia in the Cairo Declaration when pressure from the West was brought to bear. To clarify whereas lip service is paid to "human rights" and at first glance appears similar to the UN Declaration the Cairo Declaration caveats this by noting in all cases such rights are only in accordance with sharia law.

The reason that nearly all or all islamic countries (OIC) refused to sign on to the UN Declaration is because their choice represented their constituents, their values. These are the very peoples who are coming to EU today. This gross disconnect from anything remotely resembling the West is the very reason these bylines appear daily reflecting the damage and friction such diametrically opposed values reflect. Of course there would be no imperative to fold into host values. EU countries have bent over backwards to accommodate all manner of peoples without protest for a generation. Its actually an outrage to indict them now for protesting their own abuse.

Of course there are many children. It is equally true this status is abused by numerous pretenders who are clearly not, demonstrating at best mercenary motive. Want sources? Do your own homework; its everywhere.

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Usually, the standard for calling some one an unaccompanied minor is determined by the laws of the country and in some cases by the UNHCR. Usually, it is someone under 18 years of age at the time of their arrival. Sixteen and 17 year old youth can be pretty physically mature.

When I worked with unaccompanied minors in the refugee camps quite a few years ago, the determination of the age of those who were arguably older was made by medical professionals. It included bone x-rays and dental examinations, to help to determine the age.

As a very general rule, unaccompanied minors should be screened first and unless they have a good claim to refugee status they should be re-united with their families and in most cases that means returning to their home country.

Your prior experience of assessing children still applicable.


Thanks for the link and the update. Europe has a bigger problem because of the immense diversity of the people coming and the differences in development as children pass from childhood to young adulthood. Most, but not all of my experience, was with populations that were relatively homogeneous, so it was a little easier. Even the diet of people coming from specific areas was well enough known that they could determine if dietary deficiencies led to developmental delays.

We also dealt with refugees who were isolated and interviewed immediately after arrival. Most were not quite quick enough to figure out how to lie about their birth date. Some tried, but they couldn't quite remember what they said in the initial interview as opposed to later interviews.

Police reports indicate many children were petty street criminals in their home countries. My assumption is many of the children from countries such as Morocco, engaged in street crime in EU countries, were aided by human trafficking gangs. If similar to events in some Asian countries would not be surprised to read at a time in the future majority of the children were sold to gangs, managed by organised crime groups in countries of destination and so on.

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