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Redshirt leader Jatuporn detained at army barracks


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North Korea style Constitution ? Nobody likes it of course. The true Constitution of Thailand is that of 1997, the legitimate one which was illegalaly cancelled by the 2006 coup, which, by own admission of Sondhi, it was illegal. So the only way to reconciliation is to restore the legitimate 1997 Constitution.

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This terrorist and hate monger Jutaporn should have been behind a long time ago. Best news of the day.

If Thailand is ever going to see peace and happiness then many more people like him should be locked up too.....and yes, I mean both yellow and reds, so don't even get started you red apologists.

People need to be shown that they will be held accountable for their wrongdoings in this country.

This is something that is lacking in Thailand both in, and out of politics. Too many people get away with murder here, literally.

red, yellow and above all....black....

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Wow... it seems that you lot simply accept the fact that the junta takes away anybody who disagrees with them.

It does not matter if you hate the guy who is being put away or who he represents, it is about the fact that the junta simply puts away anybody who disagrees with them and this of course should never ever be allowed, no matter what.

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If ever there was an example of a individual being born to a fitting station in life

this man demonstrates it. Born incompentent, went thru the physical stages of becoming a grown up /adult, but has remained incompentent throughout his life and shows no indication of doing more than improving on his achievements to date.

Otherwise expect absolutly nothing good nor productive from him nor any product from his loins. Its too bad they do not make rubbers big enough for a pri... of the size of this man and his kind. It would make a great tourist attraction.

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that handbag really suits him, always thought he was a bit of a girl. Pity they dont just stick him behind bars where he belongs, he has instigated & been responsible for much of the red shirt terrorism and deaths yet is still walking free. Anyone that would actually listen to what he says and acts on it would have to be pretty stupid but then he only hangs out with the uneducated morons in the red brigade, you know, you show me your gun and I'll show you mine........

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If ever there was an example of a individual being born to a fitting station in life

this man demonstrates it. Born incompentent, went thru the physical stages of becoming a grown up /adult, but has remained incompentent throughout his life and shows no indication of doing more than improving on his achievements to date.

Otherwise expect absolutly nothing good nor productive from him nor any product from his loins. Its too bad they do not make rubbers big enough for a pri... of the size of this man and his kind. It would make a great tourist attraction.

"Born incompentent, went thru the physical stages of becoming a grown up /adult, but has remained incompentent throughout his life and shows no indication of doing more than improving on his achievements to date."

And that is rather common here in LOS for people in power, don't you think?

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How does a person boycott a draft constitution?

We can boycott by not going to an event, or by not buying an item or service.

I think what they are getting at is that the reds are going to actively oppose it and urge others to the same which is a different thing entirely

There is no way Thaksin wants this new charter and agencies it empowers as it will effectively end any aspirations he has of coming to Thailand under an amnesty deal, it closes all the doors, he will never be able to return without facing the remaining charges and going to jail, it also makes it harder for people like him to buy elections - so basically he is shafted and the redshirt movement is left without a sponsor, bye bye to the lot of them

".. it also makes it harder for people like him to buy elections."

Well, they international community disagrees with you but I guess you have heard differently, right? Same old drivel from the naivety bunch.

Hey smedley. Will the new constitution make it harder for your army friends to overthrow elected governments? Oh wait, I forgot. After the new constitution is in place there won't be any need for a coup since the army will have final say anyway.

Great isn't it

My preference over Thaksin any day lol

The sad thing (for you) is that I think you mean it.

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While I do detest the heavy handed nature of this junta I find Jatuporn to be an absolute cretin.

The thing is both sides will need to break bread for true reconciliation but it will just never happen.

He is not stupid, he is a politician ( OK stupid then) he is just keeping his name in the news, suffering for the good of the people.

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While I do detest the heavy handed nature of this junta I find Jatuporn to be an absolute cretin.

The thing is both sides will need to break bread for true reconciliation but it will just never happen.

break bread!!! more like "share the honey pot" which is what it really boils down to

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I agree with many of his statement for voting against the new draft. Pm not elected and appoints all his powerful army and police to office that they were not elected to serve in. He built himself a powerful amount of safety with his current non elected office appointments. Sound to me that he like the power and does not want to leave it any time soon!

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Things may change slowly in Thailand but they could also change quickly.

In the meantime please note that the populations of the Thai Isaan and the Thai Lanna have the numbers when the day of reckoning finally arrives.

There is not a country in history where the numbers did not win out when push came to shove.

The next coup, based on Thai history, is now only months away.

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is it only me that finds it exceedingly funny when leaders of the Redshirts PTP and Thaksin affilliates point the finger at something being undemocratic..........seriously, these are the people that resort to murder and terroism when things aren't going their way (including the murder of children and gloating about it on stage)

I have a spare screwdriver if you want to tighten those blinkers any tighter. Both sides have resorted to violence and none of it is acceptable. Sadly, by championing the demise of the democratic process in Thailand (which at least has a chance if governments are allowed to go full term and suffer the judgement of the electorate (remember the international community repeatedly said the last two elections were clean)) you are just guaranteeing further bloodshed.

This really is going to get very, very ugly and no amount of taking people away for "talks" will change that.

Edit: I think he's a loudmouthed buffoon too - but then, so is Trump. The democratic process accepts such and has to, to exist.

Remind us again please, when was he elected Chairman of the Red shirts?

The Shins, their owned political parties, and their private militia have not the slightest interest in democracy, a fair society, morals or the truth. Simply a strong extended family clan and their mates vying for control which they will use in their own interests.

The violence of 2010 was instigated at the behest and instruction of one man, to further his agenda, and again in 2013/4 violence was instigated to protect his agenda.

In 2010 agreement was reached, which the boss scuppered, knowing it would provoke violence. In 2013/4 violence was used to try to persuade people not to oppose his amnesty which his government voted 314-0 for, despite the people making their feelings known. Remember Chalerm and Tarit saying they couldn't guarantee to protect protesters, and never managing to prosecute one single perp? Then guaranteeing to protect red shirts a few weeks later?

Thailand was far from perfect before Thaksin and will continue to be after Thaksin. But the lie that he isn't the worst, just does what others did before, cares for any but himself, and has never done anything wrong in his life, never ever, is just that, a lie.

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While I do detest the heavy handed nature of this junta I find Jatuporn to be an absolute cretin.

The thing is both sides will need to break bread for true reconciliation but it will just never happen.

They are all cretins. Nothing to choose between any of them. The only competition is who can keep their snouts in the trough for longest.

Being going on for decades and not likely to change anytime soon.

As happened during the unrest in Bangkok, pre junta days, when one leader decides to go in disguise into an opponent's camp to effect an arrest, and the opponent suggests a fist fight to decide matters, then your opening statement is bang on!

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The wife once heard him say "burn......".


We will mobilise an army........


We will divide the country.......

In her view enough to lock him up for quite a long time.

He is still on bail on his terrorism charges case.

But, like many of his friends, still believes he is above and beyond the law.

Wonder if all those admirers still give him expensive gifts which explains his sudden wealth?

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Any idea yet, on what (probably trumped up) charges, he was "invited"?

Wonder if he's breached his bail conditions, again?

He obviously wants to be a martyr. Inciting people to riot, burn things down, - clearly politically motivated, case dismissed.

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How does a person boycott a draft constitution?

We can boycott by not going to an event, or by not buying an item or service.

I think what they are getting at is that the reds are going to actively oppose it and urge others to the same which is a different thing entirely

There is no way Thaksin wants this new charter and agencies it empowers as it will effectively end any aspirations he has of coming to Thailand under an amnesty deal, it closes all the doors, he will never be able to return without facing the remaining charges and going to jail, it also makes it harder for people like him to buy elections - so basically he is shafted and the redshirt movement is left without a sponsor, bye bye to the lot of them

".. it also makes it harder for people like him to buy elections."

Well, they international community disagrees with you but I guess you have heard differently, right? Same old drivel from the naivety bunch.

Hey smedley. Will the new constitution make it harder for your army friends to overthrow elected governments? Oh wait, I forgot. After the new constitution is in place there won't be any need for a coup since the army will have final say anyway.

Great isn't it

My preference over Thaksin any day lol

lol? another ignorant post obsessed with Thaksin

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is it only me that finds it exceedingly funny when leaders of the Redshirts PTP and Thaksin affilliates point the finger at something being undemocratic..........seriously, these are the people that resort to murder and terroism when things aren't going their way (including the murder of children and gloating about it on stage)

You mean like, when Suthep said he loved the murdering popcorn gunner & his yellow sycophants cheered, hollered & clapped?

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This terrorist and hate monger Jutaporn should have been behind a long time ago. Best news of the day.

If Thailand is ever going to see peace and happiness then many more people like him should be locked up too.....and yes, I mean both yellow and reds, so don't even get started you red apologists.

People need to be shown that they will be held accountable for their wrongdoings in this country.

This is something that is lacking in Thailand both in, and out of politics. Too many people get away with murder here, literally.

There is certainly one murdering wrongdoer who needs to be held accountable, but unfortunately he has written himself an amnesty.

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Or when the green shirts opened fire on unarmed civilians? Here is an interesting quote: “The Commander of the Thai Army has ordered every division of the army to help promote a right understanding [about the draft constitution] among communities on a regular basis to keep people informed and updated,” said Sirichan.

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While I do detest the heavy handed nature of this junta I find Jatuporn to be an absolute cretin.

The thing is both sides will need to break bread for true reconciliation but it will just never happen.

I thought Suthep goes by this name...

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