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Mahidol University: Ex-dentistry lecturer must repay scholarship loan


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Mahidol University: Ex-dentistry lecturer must repay scholarship loan

BANGKOK, 3 February 2016 (NNT) – Mahidol University has reaffirmed that its former dentistry lecturer who defaulted on her scholarship loan is still required to repay the overdue amount, including the fine, although her guarantors have paid back a portion of it.

Prof Dr Banchong Mahaisavariya, Vice President of Mahidol University, was joined by Assoc Prof Passiri Nisalak, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, at a press conference in relation to the case of Dr Dolrudee Jumlongras, a former instructor who refused to pay her 30-million-baht scholarship debt. The Vice President expressed disappointment over such a behavior, citing that it could become more difficult for future candidates to get the scholarship.

Dr Dolrudee earlier secured the scholarship to pursue her master’s and doctorate degrees in the United States, with the consent of four guarantors. However, after graduation, she did not return to teach at Mahidol University as required and refused to pay back the loan and the fine, leaving the guarantors accountable for repayment.

After being given leniency and allowed to repay in installments without interest, the four guarantors have recently completed their total payment of 8 million baht. Nonetheless, the university insisted that Dr Dolrudee by no means has been cleared of her debt as she remains legally obligated to pay back in full. The university is now in talks with the Office of the Higher Education Commission regarding measures to be taken.

-- NNT 2016-02-03 footer_n.gif

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So this is the amazing conclusion? Woman who owes money must pay money back. Getting a bit desperate with wishful thinking.

If the stories are true, this woman is bad and 'should' pay the money back. I love how this story has become so big and everyone is so disappointed with her behavior. Yet if you're a politician or policeman who's stolen money through corruption, well 'mai pen rai'. This is what politicians and police do. We for some reason hold dentists to a higher standard.

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30-million-baht scholarship to pursue her master’s and

doctorate degrees in the United States.

30-million-baht ............

8M was the original amount to be paid back if she didn't return. I think she's been in the US 20 years now. 30M baht is the accrued interest on the loan since that time. The deal is that if she spends 3 years in the US she needs to come back and work for 3x that time = 9 years (or repay the loan). I don't see any way to make her repay it and Harvard thinks it's a personal issue.

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Funny how it comes to head when the Guarantors have finished paying the 8 million as they agreed to debt. .

Maybe the powers to be should remember they have gotten payment as they agreed,

Seems 20 years is long time to expect payment from a person who made no payments at all. It is called bad debt and just ask the government to buy it like so many banks seem to have had done in the past with properties that the loaned more on than they were worth. Or a soft loan for rice farmers or rubber farms or milk producers or whoever comes next with their handout. Guess dentists votes cost to much or don'r vote if they don't live here.

I just wonder is she is even a Thai citizen anymore. By action maybe by passport who knows.

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And what exactly will happen if she doesn't?

Head over to the BP and read what Mahidol are trying to do. Statute of Limitations runs out 14 February and the Uni is trying to have her declared bankrupt before then so they can cease her assets.

I am not sure how this would affect her assets in the USA.

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Funny how it comes to head when the Guarantors have finished paying the 8 million as they agreed to debt. .

Maybe the powers to be should remember they have gotten payment as they agreed,

Seems 20 years is long time to expect payment from a person who made no payments at all. It is called bad debt and just ask the government to buy it like so many banks seem to have had done in the past with properties that the loaned more on than they were worth. Or a soft loan for rice farmers or rubber farms or milk producers or whoever comes next with their handout. Guess dentists votes cost to much or don'r vote if they don't live here.

I just wonder is she is even a Thai citizen anymore. By action maybe by passport who knows.

The original loan was for 10M but the Mahidol Univ loan had a condition in that it included a 200% payback penalty. Kinda like how you borrow money from some loan sharks who don't set an interest level but just set a repay amount which must be repaid by day X. Such as borrow 1,000 baht and you must repay 3,000 baht by the end of the year.

And if below Nation article is correct (yea, I know it;s a Nation article) the 10M basic loan was covered by the govt. The other 20M would just be the extra required for payback which would be used to support Mahidol Univ programs/scholarships. Seems Mahidol has a pretty tough loan contract...tries to make a very nice profit off it's loans.


The former lecturer violated the scholarship loan agreement with Mahidol as per which she was required to pay back the Bt10 million expenses borne by the government plus a 200-per-cent penalty, amounting to a total of Bt30 million. However, the lecturer, who currently works at Harvard University, has not made any attempt to repay the loan and penalty. As a result, the university approached the four guarantors, including Padet, to cover the expenses incurred by the government on her.
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let he/she who hath not sinned cast the first stone

well i have never reneged on a loan deal I have signed up to and i would certainly, never, ever, abuse people who were my guarantors in good faith

it's the PITS so don't even try to defend this 'Thainess' as it's despicable deceit

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If any of the people who loaned her money read this send me a message. I will have friends in legal collection business go after her for full amount. You need to file a judgement against her in the State of Mass. then send the collectors after her, no problem much more efficient than Thailand. She will be happy to return to Thailand after U.S. collectors get hold of her.

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Funny how it comes to head when the Guarantors have finished paying the 8 million as they agreed to debt. .

Maybe the powers to be should remember they have gotten payment as they agreed,

Seems 20 years is long time to expect payment from a person who made no payments at all. It is called bad debt and just ask the government to buy it like so many banks seem to have had done in the past with properties that the loaned more on than they were worth. Or a soft loan for rice farmers or rubber farms or milk producers or whoever comes next with their handout. Guess dentists votes cost to much or don'r vote if they don't live here.

I just wonder is she is even a Thai citizen anymore. By action maybe by passport who knows.

The original loan was for 10M but the Mahidol Univ loan had a condition in that it included a 200% payback penalty. Kinda like how you borrow money from some loan sharks who don't set an interest level but just set a repay amount which must be repaid by day X. Such as borrow 1,000 baht and you must repay 3,000 baht by the end of the year.

And if below Nation article is correct (yea, I know it;s a Nation article) the 10M basic loan was covered by the govt. The other 20M would just be the extra required for payback which would be used to support Mahidol Univ programs/scholarships. Seems Mahidol has a pretty tough loan contract...tries to make a very nice profit off it's loans.


The former lecturer violated the scholarship loan agreement with Mahidol as per which she was required to pay back the Bt10 million expenses borne by the government plus a 200-per-cent penalty, amounting to a total of Bt30 million. However, the lecturer, who currently works at Harvard University, has not made any attempt to repay the loan and penalty. As a result, the university approached the four guarantors, including Padet, to cover the expenses incurred by the government on her.

20 years of accruing interest is not insignificant.

the penalty in such a scholarship contract is not designed to make money for the school but rather as a strong deterrent for the student to to come back and provide the needed teaching

the dentist would have drawn a salary while teaching and will have received the usa training at no out of pocket cost

in many contracts its more the penalties that keep the parties in line. example; you rent an apartment and the lease states "no smoking" but does not state the penalty for breech thereof. if you write significant monetary penalties and criteria to effect it the tenant is much more likely to not smoke.

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Funny how it comes to head when the Guarantors have finished paying the 8 million as they agreed to debt. .

Maybe the powers to be should remember they have gotten payment as they agreed,

Seems 20 years is long time to expect payment from a person who made no payments at all. It is called bad debt and just ask the government to buy it like so many banks seem to have had done in the past with properties that the loaned more on than they were worth. Or a soft loan for rice farmers or rubber farms or milk producers or whoever comes next with their handout. Guess dentists votes cost to much or don'r vote if they don't live here.

I just wonder is she is even a Thai citizen anymore. By action maybe by passport who knows.

The original loan was for 10M but the Mahidol Univ loan had a condition in that it included a 200% payback penalty. Kinda like how you borrow money from some loan sharks who don't set an interest level but just set a repay amount which must be repaid by day X. Such as borrow 1,000 baht and you must repay 3,000 baht by the end of the year.

And if below Nation article is correct (yea, I know it;s a Nation article) the 10M basic loan was covered by the govt. The other 20M would just be the extra required for payback which would be used to support Mahidol Univ programs/scholarships. Seems Mahidol has a pretty tough loan contract...tries to make a very nice profit off it's loans.


The former lecturer violated the scholarship loan agreement with Mahidol as per which she was required to pay back the Bt10 million expenses borne by the government plus a 200-per-cent penalty, amounting to a total of Bt30 million. However, the lecturer, who currently works at Harvard University, has not made any attempt to repay the loan and penalty. As a result, the university approached the four guarantors, including Padet, to cover the expenses incurred by the government on her.

There is no profit if the terms of contract are adhered to, get your degree and return to your university for the set period to teach and pass on your knowledge - why else would the university or government fund you, it certainly isn't because they are big hearted and like giving money away - - pretty simple and can't understand why supposedly intelligent people in TV can't see the simple facts involved....

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let he/she who hath not sinned cast the first stone

Are you saying sinners don't pay back loans?

Might be saying that he/she skipped on a

government education loan in his/her home

country wink.png

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So this is the amazing conclusion? Woman who owes money must pay money back. Getting a bit desperate with wishful thinking.

If the stories are true, this woman is bad and 'should' pay the money back. I love how this story has become so big and everyone is so disappointed with her behavior. Yet if you're a politician or policeman who's stolen money through corruption, well 'mai pen rai'. This is what politicians and police do. We for some reason hold dentists to a higher standard.

The only thing these Thais are upset about is that she has made negative press for Thais and the country. Rest assured they have no interest in the principles of right and wrong.
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this was on the front page of both english papers 2 days in a row and is al over facebook, if you scroll down the harvard univ. facebook page you can see angry posts from Thai people demanding that thay fire this btch.

I dont blame them for being pissed, this woman gets a free ride to study at Harvard and live near it's (im assuming as i never been there) beutiful campus in new england, she has recently purchased a house for more than a $million and drives an expensive car , is married to a wealthy american professor, and yet she claims she doesn't have the money to pay back the loan, then she insults her guaranteeors by offering to'help' by paying back some didly amount like 1million baht so that they are only stuck with 7 million baht for her stupid shit. Then she has the nerve to suggest that the arrangement she SIGNED up for was somehow'unfair'.. all this bitch had to do was comeback here and go thru the motions for a few years pretending that she is enlightening the Thai dental world with her advanced knowledge that she obtained from harvard, but no... she has to do whatever is convenient for her.

This is a case of a Thai woman who is enluenced by the genral ThaiGirl thinking which is i am a stupid bitch so i take money and of cource i dont pay it back because i am a woman and shouldn't be expected to pay money back.

In the decades that i have been here i have heard stories of non-prostitute Thai women that work normal jobs ask farang guys to 'borrow' money and then they drop the subject as soon as they get the cash..its a mentality here that women should not be expected to act responsibly when it comes to money.

Harvard should fire this woman immediatly, a college professor , especially at a so called prestigious institution like harvard is required to act ethically..this is not a personal matter as theMONEY that Harvard received in tuition payments was scammed from the coffers of a developing country, which means that they profetted from STOLEN money, the least they can do is fire her.

BTW if I stole money from a bank of america and used it to pay harvard , the us government has the right to seize that money from Harvard.. but now they are saying this is a 'personal matter'

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I am pretty shocked at Harvard's stance as there will be a clause in her contract like 'do not bring Harvard into disrepute' so why is Harvard not challenging her for unethically abusing her guarantors? surely they have Corporate Governance and an Ethics Committee?

Is Harvard twinned with any Thai Unis? hospitals? WHY hasn't a complaint with the Ethics Committee been filed? HOW can Harvard justify retaining this teacher? it make a mockery of ALL the inter-training agreements.

That she is happy to drop her guarantors in the s**t shows what and WHO she is and Harvard should call her to account for the their reputation and drop the 'it's a private matter' BS

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And what exactly will happen if she doesn't?


I've been a dental technician in the UK for over 45 years. In that time the number of competent dental surgeons has dropped considerably. It's not that there aren't good ones out there it's just they are getting more difficult to find.

There are many reasons for this. I've never witnessed their training but I've heard from those who've gone through it and in respect of dentures at least it seems there isn't sufficient training given.

Some years back there was a shortage of NHS dentists but that was dealt with. It looks to me as if that was achieved by lowering standards. There are also big companies who buy up surgeries from retiring surgeons and then fill them with young surgeons who aren't paid that much and are under strict financial limits. These dentists would appear not to be of the best quality.

There are also a lot of surgeons who are prepared to go to great lengths to make money. All sorts of dubious methods are used to achieve this and they change to fit the regulations at the time. I've known some who would make some of the scams in Thailand look tame.

As far as her getting dentures is concerned she won't be making them herself but even if she gets a really good technician to make them if she performs her part of the procedure to the standard I'm familiar with they may well not fit too well.

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Two good articles in today's Nation newspaper on the subject....seems the good doctor is feeling the heat and it appears the govt is now beginning to take action "just before the stature of limitations kicks in." I expect the govt just wanted all of this to slide under the stature of limitations law which would have left the co-signers definitely holding the repayment bag but all the media attention has changed their minds. First article below includes a letter from the good doctor explaining the situation.



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There was no appreciable delay in Porsche answering letters from the Nation (31 Jan and 1 Feb; her reply 3 Feb). Reading her letter to The Nation she clearly states that she obtained a personal loan of USD50k (~ 1.5 million baht) and sent it to her guarantors last April (2015). So what happened to this money? Why has this not been disclosed previously by either her guarantors or the University? Who is being economical with the truth here? If she in fact sent it to her guarantors she should easily be able to provide proof and if she makes this proof public it would go a long way to believing the rest of her letter.

IMHO there is a lot more going on here than what we have been told. The only thing for sure is that social media will jump to conclusions based on hearsay.

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all this bitch had to do was comeback here and go thru the motions for a few years pretending that she is enlightening the Thai dental world with her advanced knowledge that she obtained from harvard

"A few years", which in her case means about 20 years!

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