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Mexico: Sikh actor barred from flying to US 'because of turban'


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Mexico: Sikh actor barred from flying to US 'because of turban'

(BBC)A Sikh actor has claimed he was barred from boarding an Aeromexico plane because of his turban.

Indian-American Waris Ahluwalia, who is also a designer, said he was prevented from boarding after he refused to remove his turban in public.

The incident happened during additional security checks before a flight from Mexico City to New York.

b]Full story: [/b]http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-35528196

-- BBC 2016-02-09

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One thing about Mexico and Mexicans. They are unapologetic about defending their interests and advancing their nation's and its citizens' wellbeing.

And just how exactly does this particular incident fall into the bounds of the statement you give above. How have they advanced their nations culture and wellbeing? How does the annual drug fuelled gangland murders of 30 000-40 000 murders of Mexican citizens advance their nations and cultures well being. Sounds like poppy cock.

Man in a turban who they could have put through the body scanner but being in that part of Ummmerica they probably don't even know what a Sikh is and thought he was a Muslim. If they would have known they could of course have arranged a private inspection of said Turban so the man was not taking it off in public view.

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One thing about Mexico and Mexicans. They are unapologetic about defending their interests and advancing their nation's and its citizens' wellbeing.

And just how exactly does this particular incident fall into the bounds of the statement you give above. How have they advanced their nations culture and wellbeing? How does the annual drug fuelled gangland murders of 30 000-40 000 murders of Mexican citizens advance their nations and cultures well being. Sounds like poppy cock.

Man in a turban who they could have put through the body scanner but being in that part of Ummmerica they probably don't even know what a Sikh is and thought he was a Muslim. If they would have known they could of course have arranged a private inspection of said Turban so the man was not taking it off in public view.

Nobody in Mexico will apologize for defending their culture. And they have one, unlike some other countries, which have become multicultural zoos without any sense of nationhood. It's the same way Mexico is unapologetic about interfering in US politics and immigration policy. I don't blame Mexico for doing so. It makes them wealthier and unloads their social debris on the US. I blame the US for not having the spine to stop it. And, yes, Mexico doesn't care if it steps on the toes of Sikhs, Moslems, or gringos (although you may get a half snorting, half mocking "regret" from them). Just like they don't care if anybody dislikes Memin Pinguin or not.

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One thing about Mexico and Mexicans. They are unapologetic about defending their interests and advancing their nation's and its citizens' wellbeing.

And just how exactly does this particular incident fall into the bounds of the statement you give above. How have they advanced their nations culture and wellbeing? How does the annual drug fuelled gangland murders of 30 000-40 000 murders of Mexican citizens advance their nations and cultures well being. Sounds like poppy cock.

Man in a turban who they could have put through the body scanner but being in that part of Ummmerica they probably don't even know what a Sikh is and thought he was a Muslim. If they would have known they could of course have arranged a private inspection of said Turban so the man was not taking it off in public view.

Nobody in Mexico will apologize for defending their culture. And they have one, unlike some other countries, which have become multicultural zoos without any sense of nationhood. It's the same way Mexico is unapologetic about interfering in US politics and immigration policy. I don't blame Mexico for doing so. It makes them wealthier and unloads their social debris on the US. I blame the US for not having the spine to stop it. And, yes, Mexico doesn't care if it steps on the toes of Sikhs, Moslems, or gringos (although you may get a half snorting, half mocking "regret" from them). Just like they don't care if anybody dislikes Memin Pinguin or not.

OK, lets stop as I simply do not get the point of your post. How on earth is someone at airport security being stopped with a turban on defending Mexican culture. Regardless of nationality, a security risk is a security risk, if you want to look under the turban then arrange a private inspection in a room. Finished. Seems the Mexicans are just being contaminated by the totally unnecessary rudeness of their neighbours TSA and immigration control.

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One thing about Mexico and Mexicans. They are unapologetic about defending their interests and advancing their nation's and its citizens' wellbeing.

And just how exactly does this particular incident fall into the bounds of the statement you give above. How have they advanced their nations culture and wellbeing? How does the annual drug fuelled gangland murders of 30 000-40 000 murders of Mexican citizens advance their nations and cultures well being. Sounds like poppy cock.

Man in a turban who they could have put through the body scanner but being in that part of Ummmerica they probably don't even know what a Sikh is and thought he was a Muslim. If they would have known they could of course have arranged a private inspection of said Turban so the man was not taking it off in public view.

Nobody in Mexico will apologize for defending their culture. And they have one, unlike some other countries, which have become multicultural zoos without any sense of nationhood. It's the same way Mexico is unapologetic about interfering in US politics and immigration policy. I don't blame Mexico for doing so. It makes them wealthier and unloads their social debris on the US. I blame the US for not having the spine to stop it. And, yes, Mexico doesn't care if it steps on the toes of Sikhs, Moslems, or gringos (although you may get a half snorting, half mocking "regret" from them). Just like they don't care if anybody dislikes Memin Pinguin or not.

OK, lets stop as I simply do not get the point of your post. How on earth is someone at airport security being stopped with a turban on defending Mexican culture. Regardless of nationality, a security risk is a security risk, if you want to look under the turban then arrange a private inspection in a room. Finished. Seems the Mexicans are just being contaminated by the totally unnecessary rudeness of their neighbours TSA and immigration control.

You'd probably understand it a lot more if you understood the keyboard warrior code.

Everything is a culture war.

It's all 'us against them'

Paranoid delusions of threat and smug self superiority.


Scared of a bloke with a bit of cloth on his head.

Ignorant of other security measures which need not humiliate


Expectant of everyone to 'fit in' while they type their keyboard warrior keyboards in Thailand, unable to rub two words of Thai together with their other keyboard warrior mates online.

Essentially - all tip and no iceberg.

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One thing about Mexico and Mexicans. They are unapologetic about defending their interests and advancing their nation's and its citizens' wellbeing.

"advancing their nation's and its citizens' wellbeing" by barring a Sikh to board a plane heading for the U.S.?


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One thing about Mexico and Mexicans. They are unapologetic about defending their interests and advancing their nation's and its citizens' wellbeing.

And just how exactly does this particular incident fall into the bounds of the statement you give above. How have they advanced their nations culture and wellbeing? How does the annual drug fuelled gangland murders of 30 000-40 000 murders of Mexican citizens advance their nations and cultures well being. Sounds like poppy cock.

Man in a turban who they could have put through the body scanner but being in that part of Ummmerica they probably don't even know what a Sikh is and thought he was a Muslim. If they would have known they could of course have arranged a private inspection of said Turban so the man was not taking it off in public view.

Nobody in Mexico will apologize for defending their culture. And they have one, unlike some other countries, which have become multicultural zoos without any sense of nationhood. It's the same way Mexico is unapologetic about interfering in US politics and immigration policy. I don't blame Mexico for doing so. It makes them wealthier and unloads their social debris on the US. I blame the US for not having the spine to stop it. And, yes, Mexico doesn't care if it steps on the toes of Sikhs, Moslems, or gringos (although you may get a half snorting, half mocking "regret" from them). Just like they don't care if anybody dislikes Memin Pinguin or not.

Do you actually believe what you're writing? You make it sound as if Mexico is a bastion of security, cultural purity, wealth, and progressive intellectual thinking. It's largely none of these things. Mexico is a mess. It's a dangerous place full of dangerous people with an incredibly impotent and corrupt government. There's a reason why millions of Mexicans have fled to the US, legal or not. Why you're defending Mexico when they've clearly made a mistake is beyond me.

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Back to the facts (sorry to interrupt the cultural baloney). The guy was asked to take off his turban when going through security....no different than security asking people to take off a hat or whatever. He refused and wasn't allowed to go further. No news here as far as I'm concerned.

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One thing about Mexico and Mexicans. They are unapologetic about defending their interests and advancing their nation's and its citizens' wellbeing.

And just how exactly does this particular incident fall into the bounds of the statement you give above. How have they advanced their nations culture and wellbeing? How does the annual drug fuelled gangland murders of 30 000-40 000 murders of Mexican citizens advance their nations and cultures well being. Sounds like poppy cock.

Man in a turban who they could have put through the body scanner but being in that part of Ummmerica they probably don't even know what a Sikh is and thought he was a Muslim. If they would have known they could of course have arranged a private inspection of said Turban so the man was not taking it off in public view.

Nobody in Mexico will apologize for defending their culture. And they have one, unlike some other countries, which have become multicultural zoos without any sense of nationhood. It's the same way Mexico is unapologetic about interfering in US politics and immigration policy. I don't blame Mexico for doing so. It makes them wealthier and unloads their social debris on the US. I blame the US for not having the spine to stop it. And, yes, Mexico doesn't care if it steps on the toes of Sikhs, Moslems, or gringos (although you may get a half snorting, half mocking "regret" from them). Just like they don't care if anybody dislikes Memin Pinguin or not.

Do you actually believe what you're writing? You make it sound as if Mexico is a bastion of security, cultural purity, wealth, and progressive intellectual thinking. It's largely none of these things. Mexico is a mess. It's a dangerous place full of dangerous people with an incredibly impotent and corrupt government. There's a reason why millions of Mexicans have fled to the US, legal or not. Why you're defending Mexico when they've clearly made a mistake is beyond me.

An "impotent and corrupt government" that has managed to get its own ID card, the matricula consular, to be an acceptable document for US driver's licenses, city services, and other state services. The mexican consul generals even interfere in American courts and in the congress, something that would never be tolerated in Mexico. Mexico barks and the chihuahuas in the two political parties establishments wag their tails and ask how high.

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The issue not whether he should have had his turban inspected. The issue is that the Mexican authorities did not realize or did not care that the turban and hair have a religious connotation and to the Sikh it was an insult. He could have been taken to a private room and searched. Instead he was humiliated out of ignorance or arrogance. The TSA in America and some police departments have also been ignorant and arrogant in the past. The Mexicans need a lesson in both culture and manners.

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One thing about Mexico and Mexicans. They are unapologetic about defending their interests and advancing their nation's and its citizens' wellbeing.

It seems that he was trying to board a plane to the US. The "additional screening" would most likely have involved US Homeland Security (have been through it before...you get through regular security and US agents work in a special area you pass through before you board US bound planes).

I would assume he stayed in Mexico...so, not following your line of logic.

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One thing about Mexico and Mexicans. They are unapologetic about defending their interests and advancing their nation's and its citizens' wellbeing.

Then again, they are unapologetic about letting drug cartels infiltrate the government and letting key cartel leaders walk out of jail unimpeded to resume running drugs into the USA.

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The issue not whether he should have had his turban inspected. The issue is that the Mexican authorities did not realize or did not care that the turban and hair have a religious connotation and to the Sikh it was an insult. He could have been taken to a private room and searched. Instead he was humiliated out of ignorance or arrogance. The TSA in America and some police departments have also been ignorant and arrogant in the past. The Mexicans need a lesson in both culture and manners.

People get insulted by all sorts of strange stuff.

I say "<deleted!> em" - if you don't like it, don't fly.

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Good for Mexico... often Sikh's are the most dangerous Muslim's of all.

Sikhs are neither Hindus or Muslims...

And apparently he was never stopped for security reasons (read : his turban) when he came in Mexico.

It's not a good time to walk in Punjab with even a small sombrero...

This is because security checks occur BEFORE you get on a plane and not afterwards. Generally speaking terrorists take bombs onto planes and not off them.

This was a flight into the US and that means more stringent checks are required.

All that happened here

- man was asked to take off headwear at security - it is their right to ask that

- man refused - it was his right to refuse

- security refused to let him on the plane in light of not being able to do a full check - as is their right to do so

- man pulls out his 'race card' and claims on “This morning in Mexico City I was told I could not board my @aeromexico flight to NYC because of my turban,”

It was his decision not to board the flight. It was in his hands. It was not because of his turban. Any traveller with any sort of headgear would be refused a flight if they did not remove it.

Bottom line is that we are all subject to these checks. I expect no better or worse treatment than my fellow man. If I am asked to take my hat off I will. If this guy doesn't like that, then he is free to not fly.

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One thing about Mexico and Mexicans. They are unapologetic about defending their interests and advancing their nation's and its citizens' wellbeing.

And just how exactly does this particular incident fall into the bounds of the statement you give above. How have they advanced their nations culture and wellbeing? How does the annual drug fuelled gangland murders of 30 000-40 000 murders of Mexican citizens advance their nations and cultures well being. Sounds like poppy cock.

Man in a turban who they could have put through the body scanner but being in that part of Ummmerica they probably don't even know what a Sikh is and thought he was a Muslim. If they would have known they could of course have arranged a private inspection of said Turban so the man was not taking it off in public view.

What part of America? He was flying FROM Mexico...

I'm not even going to say it.

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