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Ding, ding, the gloves are off! Clinton and Sanders battle it out in Milwaukee


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Ding, ding, the gloves are off! Clinton and Sanders battle it out in Milwaukee


NEW HAMPSHIRE, USA -- US Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton had a fiery first meeting following the New Hampshire primary.

“Once I’m in The White House,” she said at one point.

“Secretary Clinton, you are not in the White House yet,” came the retort, followed by jeers from the audience.

And so it continued…
Minority support

Historically, Clinton has excelled at the debate format. She was looking to gain back lost ground after a discouraging 20-point defeat in New Hampshire.

As the campaign moves to racially diverse states, both used the Milwaukee debate to seek and strengthen support from minority populations.

Clinton sought to build on the strong support she has amassed among minority voters. She vowed to “tackle the barriers standing in the way of too many Americans right now,” adding:

“African-Americans who face discrimination in the job market, education, housing, and the criminal justice system. Hardworking immigrant families living in fear, who should be brought out of the shadows so they and their children can have a better future.”

Her opponent blasted the US legal system which, he said was unfairly stacked towards the rich and powerful.

Sanders argued that race relations would be better under an administration run by him, than under current President Barack Obama – the nation’s first black leader.

He sought to build on his popularity among young people, liberals and some working-class white voters:

“What we will do is say, instead of giving tax breaks to billionaires, we are going to create millions of jobs for low-income kids so they’re not hanging out on street corners.”
Towing the political line

Sanders, whose focus was on introducing himself to new voters in this the sixth Democratic debate, didn’t greatly expand on his political message. He concentrated on the economy, campaign finance and health care.

“I have fought my entire life to make sure that healthcare is a right for all people. We’re not going to dismantle everything. In my view healthcare is a right of all people, not a privilege and I will fight for that,” he said.
On the offensive

Democrats are becoming increasingly concerned about the stamina of Clinton’s candidacy. However, there are also concerns about Sanders’ electability, should he become the Democratic presidential nominee in July.

Both, then, were aiming to prove themselves to both the people and the party.

They entered into a heated debate about foreign policy. Clinton drew attention to her opponent’s minimal experience in the area, with the disparaging comment: “It’s a big, complicated world out there.”

She has long been seeking to consolidate the argument that she has what it takes to become commander-in-chief.
‘Low blow’

Sanders got in his own jibe when Clinton alluded to his criticism of fellow Democrat, Obama.

“The kind of criticism that we’ve heard from Senator Sanders about our president, I expect from Republicans,” said Clinton. “I do not expect from someone running for the Democratic nomination.”

He told her it was a “low blow,” pointing out that he didn’t need to agree with Obama on everything in the Senate, but adding that the president is a friend.
What does the electorate think?

At the New Hampshire primary, Clinton garnered little support in key areas of the Democratic electorate. She lost to Sanders on a majority of the women who voted, as well as in the youth vote, many of whom said they distrusted her campaign trail.

On the other side, Sanders is seen by some Democrats as too liberal. His proposed tax increases are considered too harmful to win a general election, some voters say.
A first, whoever wins

He was questioned on whether he thinks that by going up against Clinton he would be potentially blocking a milestone for women. A Clinton victory in the party and later in the general election, would see the first female president in The White House.

Sanders, who would be the first Jewish president if elected, responded:

“I think a Sanders victory would be of some historical importance, as well.”

The next big event in the Democratic calendar will be the Nevada caucus on February 20.

Source: http://www.euronews.com/2016/02/12/ding-ding-the-gloves-are-off-clinton-and-sanders-battle-it-out-in-milwaukee/

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-12

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Although I don't agree with much of Bernie's 'free stuff for everyone' outlook, I have to admit I sort of like the guy.

Maybe because he seems like the only candidate who actually seems to believe in anything.

Or...maybe that he just comes across as less deceitful than everyone else.

But mostly because he appears to be the only Democrat not intimidated by the Clinton machine...and has the courage to point out that the empress has no clothes.

All qualities that ensure he doesn't have a chance.

Edited by Hayduke
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Check and you will see that Sanders didn't actually win New Hampshire. Even though Sanders got over 20% more popular votes than Hillary, she got more delegates. In 1972 the Democratic party rigged the system by creating what they call "super delegates", a system were the party elites appoint "super delegates" that can vote any way they want regardless of what the people want.....and they gave it to Hillary. Hillary is the choice of the establishment global corporate/banking elite [ on the Democratic side of their coin ] and basically own her as well as the mainstream media so you can expect to see all possible dirty tricks used to give her the nomination including outright fraud .

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The Clinton hatred oozes out of the wingnuts.

The pundits say she won the last debate. She is battle tested and will make a great President, but so would Bernie.

A pleasure to see the Democrats debate. Two candidates respectful of each other discussing real issues and solutions.

Then there are the Republicans, where debate is ridiculous spectacle, a tragic comedy. Every candidate displaying their conservative bonafides for the far right base. Attacking each other for incompetence cheesy.gif , and led by a hemorrhoid of a candidate, Donald (I want to do my daughter) Trump.

Get use to "Madam President".

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The Clinton hatred oozes out of the wingnuts.

The pundits say she won the last debate. She is battle tested and will make a great President, but so would Bernie.

A pleasure to see the Democrats debate. Two candidates respectful of each other discussing real issues and solutions.

Then there are the Republicans, where debate is ridiculous spectacle, a tragic comedy. Every candidate displaying their conservative bonafides for the far right base. Attacking each other for incompetence cheesy.gif , and led by a hemorrhoid of a candidate, Donald (I want to do my daughter) Trump.

Get use to "Madam President".

Will you promise to leave TFV when Trump wins the presidency? I'm more than just a little bit tired of your excessive name calling. thumbsup.gif

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Although I don't agree with much of Bernie's 'free stuff for everyone' outlook, I have to admit I sort of like the guy.

Maybe because he seems like the only candidate who actually seems to believe in anything.

Or...maybe that he just comes across as less deceitful than everyone else.

But mostly because he appears to be the only Democrat not intimidated by the Clinton machine...and has the courage to point out that the empress has no clothes.

All qualities that ensure he doesn't have a chance.

I agree. I don't like Bernie's ideas and even if he did win, neither the Dems or Reps in Congress would support his ideas. But he must be honest because no American politician would lie about being a Socialist. There is something to admire about a politician being truthful, refreshing too.

People forget that he is not a Democrat. He is an Independent running on the Democrat ticket. That is likely because all other potential Democrat contenders were told by the party leadership not to run against Hillary...it is her turn after all. BTW - the reason I stated in 1996 for not voting for Dole was because I felt he was the nominee because "it was his turn" and I thought that was a lame reason to vote for someone.

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Clinton is self-serving out to be the first madame president. She does not give a rats ass about mostly poor minorities as blacks and latinos. She is a product of the so called "elite" and (unfortunately) powerful. I wished George Carlin would do a number on her.

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“African-Americans who face discrimination in the job market, education, housing, and the criminal justice system. Hardworking immigrant families living in fear, who should be brought out of the shadows so they and their children can have a better future.”

​If an african-american president who's had two terms couldn't ensure this, what makes this harridan think she could.

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The gloves aren't off until debate moderators & Sanders start asking Hillary about her scandals...including the latest bit about the Clinton Foundation. Until then, it is a pillow fight.

That might be a long time coming as there are moderators of the Democratic debates that are Clinton donors.

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The Clinton hatred oozes out of the wingnuts.

The pundits say she won the last debate. She is battle tested and will make a great President, but so would Bernie.

A pleasure to see the Democrats debate. Two candidates respectful of each other discussing real issues and solutions.

Then there are the Republicans, where debate is ridiculous spectacle, a tragic comedy. Every candidate displaying their conservative bonafides for the far right base. Attacking each other for incompetence cheesy.gif , and led by a hemorrhoid of a candidate, Donald (I want to do my daughter) Trump.

Get use to "Madam President".

Applauds Democrats for being respectful.

The calls someone on the other side a 'hemorrhoid' .

How ironic.

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It's absolutely telling and a sad commentary that the best the Democrat party can muster for

presidential candidates is Free Goodies vs Bull Puckey , the Socialist vs the Serial Liar. This looks like

it could be a tight race for the nomination.

On the Republican side it looks like Trump vs whomever gets the most traction. If Trump wins in South

Carolina by another huge margin like NH, he's likely to sweep the primarys to the nomination.

If you think the gloves are off with Sanders/Clinton, just wait for the general election. Trump vs whichever

Dem takes the nomination will be epic.

Edited by expat_4_life
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The Clinton hatred oozes out of the wingnuts.

The pundits say she won the last debate. She is battle tested and will make a great President, but so would Bernie.

A pleasure to see the Democrats debate. Two candidates respectful of each other discussing real issues and solutions.

Then there are the Republicans, where debate is ridiculous spectacle, a tragic comedy. Every candidate displaying their conservative bonafides for the far right base. Attacking each other for incompetence cheesy.gif , and led by a hemorrhoid of a candidate, Donald (I want to do my daughter) Trump.

Get use to "Madam President".

Will you promise to leave TFV when Trump wins the presidency? I'm more than just a little bit tired of your excessive name calling. thumbsup.gif

If Trump wins the presidency I'd recommend leaving the country.


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It's absolutely telling and a sad commentary that the best the Democrat party can muster for

presidential candidates is Free Goodies vs Bull Puckey , the Socialist vs the Serial Liar. This looks like

it could be a tight race for the nomination.

On the Republican side it looks like Trump vs whomever gets the most traction. If Trump wins in South

Carolina by another huge margin like NH, he's likely to sweep the primarys to the nomination.

If you think the gloves are off with Sanders/Clinton, just wait for the general election. Trump vs whichever

Dem takes the nomination will be epic.

Epic yes! I hope Clinton gets the nomination because it would fun to watch Trump destroy her in one on one debates. He may just have the balls to call her on several of her criminal activities during her assent to power including covering for all her husbands crimes against women and then calls herself the "womens rights candidate". Her closet is just bursting at the seams with skeletons. Trump may not be perfect but he is the best hope the country has for getting the economy turned around.

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It's absolutely telling and a sad commentary that the best the Democrat party can muster for

presidential candidates is Free Goodies vs Bull Puckey , the Socialist vs the Serial Liar. This looks like

it could be a tight race for the nomination.

On the Republican side it looks like Trump vs whomever gets the most traction. If Trump wins in South

Carolina by another huge margin like NH, he's likely to sweep the primarys to the nomination.

If you think the gloves are off with Sanders/Clinton, just wait for the general election. Trump vs whichever

Dem takes the nomination will be epic.

Epic yes! I hope Clinton gets the nomination because it would fun to watch Trump destroy her in one on one debates. He may just have the balls to call her on several of her criminal activities during her assent to power including covering for all her husbands crimes against women and then calls herself the "womens rights candidate". Her closet is just bursting at the seams with skeletons. Trump may not be perfect but he is the best hope the country has for getting the economy turned around.
If he is your best hope that does not bode well.
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The Clinton hatred oozes out of the wingnuts.

The pundits say she won the last debate. She is battle tested and will make a great President, but so would Bernie.

A pleasure to see the Democrats debate. Two candidates respectful of each other discussing real issues and solutions.

Then there are the Republicans, where debate is ridiculous spectacle, a tragic comedy. Every candidate displaying their conservative bonafides for the far right base. Attacking each other for incompetence cheesy.gif , and led by a hemorrhoid of a candidate, Donald (I want to do my daughter) Trump.

Get use to "Madam President".

Will you promise to leave TFV when Trump wins the presidency? I'm more than just a little bit tired of your excessive name calling. thumbsup.gif

Agreed. The nonstop partisan insults are just plain boring.

My right hand to Buddha, I will leave TFV when Donald (I want to do my daughter) Trump wins the Presidency.

I'm sorry I upset you boys so.

Why don't you get your panties in a bunch when the terrible insults are directed at poor HRC? Trump seems to be SO much more deserving. Whatever...let's all try and be more respectful. gigglem.gif

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I will NOT be respectful to right wingnuts. Ah two great examples of right wing intelligentsia, one a right wingnut rag and the other similar to "The Onion", and to think, somebody posted that thinking it was real. Oh, I really hope I'm wrong there. I would strongly suggest some of you "folks" do a little research on what is and what isn't socialism. Maybe if you will, you will understand that Bernie is NOT a socialist, but a democratic socialist. Then again if some of you knew anything about anything you wouldn't have been calling Obama a socialist, nazi, marxist, fascist, communist, and all the time meaning that word you dare not say, at least in public with one black person in attendance, or somebody like me. I know a dawg whistle when I hear one. BTW, I don't like Obama, for the correct reasons. I guess I've been too busy enjoying life, you want insults, I can and will insult, just by telling the truth. Right wingers can't handle the truth, hell they wouldn't know it if it joined their collective heads up their asses without K-Y. Watched "Born on the Fourth of July" again last night, about my friend, USMC Sgt Ron Kovic. He didn't have the education, like many of us went into the Corps just out of high school, but he had brains and he learned. The hard way, unfortunately. People don't have to be ignorant, they can educate themselves, but stupid is as stupid is.

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Flaming people who one disagrees with neither makes one look intelligent nor does it allow anyone to absorb the message that's tendered. Such behavior causes the bomber to look desperate and ignorant. Intelligent people can actually debate without flaming. There's something seriously wrong with people who are serial verbal grenade throwers.

I have bookmarked that promise above to leave the forum when Trump becomes POTUS.


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Let's please be nice to one another. We'd rather not have anyone leave over who becomes President.

Which ever side you are on, you will have to have someone to badger, bully, make fun of and do all the things that make this such an interesting place to post.

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The gloves aren't off until debate moderators & Sanders start asking Hillary about her scandals...including the latest bit about the Clinton Foundation. Until then, it is a pillow fight.

That might be a long time coming as there are moderators of the Democratic debates that are Clinton donors.

Who are they then?

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How about you leaving when either Bernie or Hillary becomes president because no troglodyte Republican from the buffoon car will be president.

Bernie or Hillary.

The topic is "The gloves come off." They are so busy worrying about each other and pandering to minorities that they fail to see what's concerning American voters. It doesn't matter which of them gets the nomination because Americans are going to vote against Illegal immigration, free trade exporting good jobs (they are going to vote against China). In other words yes again they are going to vote their pocketbooks but Bernie and Hillary are looking into the wrong pockets and missing the elephant in the room.

Neither will be POTUS. This is the year that's about illegal immigration bringing in people who illegally take American jobs for peanuts, and about free trade which exports jobs. Nothing else can get above that din so just sit back and watch it happen.

You are going to see union workers who are usually strong Dem supporters voting for Trump and for their jobs.

Yesterday about Carrier Heating and Air Conditioning in Indianapolis: 1,400 American Workers Outraged as Company Informs Them It’s Sending Their Jobs to Mexico.


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The gloves aren't off until debate moderators & Sanders start asking Hillary about her scandals...including the latest bit about the Clinton Foundation. Until then, it is a pillow fight.

That might be a long time coming as there are moderators of the Democratic debates that are Clinton donors.

Who are they then?

Co-moderator Judy Woodruff happens to be a donor to the Clinton Foundation, and faced criticism from the PBS ombudsman in 2015 for giving to the Clintons.

Woodruff is one of several journalists who has contributed to the Clinton Foundation, which has been criticized as a “slush fund” for the Clintons’ own expenses, rather than on direct giving to charitable programs.

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