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Trump threatens to sue Cruz unless his GOP rival apologizes


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Trump threatens to sue Cruz unless his GOP rival apologizes

HANAHAN, S.C. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Monday offered rival Ted Cruz an ultimatum, threatening to sue Cruz over his eligibility to serve in the White House unless the Texas senator stops airing what Trump calls "false ads" and apologizes for what the billionaire real estate mogul called a series of lies about his positions.

With less than a week to go before South Carolina's Republican primary, the GOP front-runner also reiterated that the 9/11 attacks happened during President George W. Bush's time in office — an apparent attempt to overshadow the former president's Monday campaign appearances on behalf of his brother, Jeb Bush.

The new attacks came as the race entered an increasingly nasty phase, with numerous negative ads airing on local television following an unusually caustic debate this past weekend.

Some of the harshest ads have been aimed at Trump, often using the political newcomer's past words to illustrate his evolving position on issues including abortion and gun rights.

Trump also took aim Monday at the Republican establishment, accusing the Republican National Committee of packing its debate audiences with donors — a move he claimed violated the loyalty pledge he signed in September vowing to run as a Republican and support the party's eventual nominee.

"I signed a pledge, but it's a double-edged pledge," Trump said at a luncheon in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. "The pledge isn't being honored by the RNC."

But Trump saved much of his criticism for Cruz. "If he doesn't take down his false ads and retract his lies," Trump said in a statement bashing Cruz, he will immediately file a lawsuit challenging Cruz's eligibility to serve as president.

Trump has previously said a federal court should decide whether Cruz meets the constitutional requirement of being a "natural-born citizen" to serve as president. Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother, and many legal experts have said he meets that test.

"Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual. He is the single biggest liar I've ever come across, in politics or otherwise, and I have seen some of the best of them. His statements are totally untrue and completely outrageous," Trump said in the statement.

At events in the Charleston area, Trump piled on, slamming Cruz as "the most dishonest guy I think I've ever met in politics, "nuts" and a "basket case." He also questioned Cruz's faith.

"He goes around saying he's a Christian. I don't know, you're going to have to really study that," Trump said at a freewheeling news conference.

Cruz responded to Trump during a question-and-answer in Camden, characterizing Trump as nervous about his standing in the state.

"Today Donald Trump held a press conference. He apparently lost it. I mean, he was just going on and on about how I was the most horrible person in the world because I keep repeating the things he said," Cruz said to laughs. "And it's an amazing thing. Have you noticed how rattled Donald gets when his numbers start going down? He gets very, very upset.

"But I guess the only explanation one can have is his internal poll numbers in South Carolina must be plummeting following the debate," Cruz said.

During the afternoon news conference, Trump also renewed his criticism of former President George W. Bush. While Trump would not say whether he considered Bush to be a failed president and declined to label him responsible for the 9/11 attacks, the former reality TV star repeatedly noted that "the Word Trade Center came down during the reign of George Bush."

Trump said his decision to go after George W. Bush — who made a pair of campaign stops on his brother's behalf on Monday in South Carolina — was akin to his attacks on former President Bill Clinton, which began once the former president ramped up his campaigning for his wife, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

"If the ex-president is campaigning for his brother, I think he's probably open to great scrutiny, maybe things that haven't been thought of in the past," Trump told reporters.

Trump said the real purpose of his news conference was to protest the Obama administration's consideration of the Consolidated Naval Brig in Charleston as a potential site for relocating detainees now housed in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Trump vowed to keep the prison open and stop the movement of any detainees to American soil.

Trump said the news conference had nothing to do with the former president. "Say hello to him for me," he told a reporter who noted Bush would soon be appearing nearby. "Give him my warmest regards."

As for whether his increasingly caustic attacks might harm his standing among voters in South Carolina, where the former president remains a popular figure, Trump offered three words: "So am I."

Associated Press writer Scott Bauer contributed to this report from Camden, South Carolina.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-02-16

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I never understand why these articles don't explain the nuance in Trumps claim that Cruz

may not me eligible. I learned this here on Thai Visa. Cruz's mother in a naturalized

American. When they moved to Calgary, she somehow ended up on the voting list

in the local election. That would imply she had Canadian citizenship. Not sure if she

got Canadian citizenship or not but some how she got on the voting list. Now Canada

recognizes dual citizenship, but at that time the US did not. That is the smoke screen

that makes things not as clear cut as say John McCain. Cruz's father was not an American

and he gets his citizenship bona fides from his mother Not sure if Cruz's mother

voted in Canada, but the water is somewhat muddy. As I understand. blink.png

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I never understand why these articles don't explain the nuance in Trumps claim that Cruz

may not me eligible. I learned this here on Thai Visa. Cruz's mother in a naturalized

American. When they moved to Calgary, she somehow ended up on the voting list

in the local election. That would imply she had Canadian citizenship. Not sure if she

got Canadian citizenship or not but some how she got on the voting list. Now Canada

recognizes dual citizenship, but at that time the US did not. That is the smoke screen

that makes things not as clear cut as say John McCain. Cruz's father was not an American

and he gets his citizenship bona fides from his mother Not sure if Cruz's mother

voted in Canada, but the water is somewhat muddy. As I understand. blink.png

Someone has already tried to ask the question, I'm not sure what's happening with the case. I really don't know why Cruz isn't doing it himself, it would be a complete farce if he got the nomination and then was found to be ineligible in the middle of a Presidential campaign.

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This has nothing at all to do with his Mom's dual citizenship if she had it. Irrelevant either way.

It has everything to do with the technical definition of NATURAL BORN CITIZEN.

100 percent Cruz is a U.S. citizen.

What is NOT fully certain is if Cruz is eligible to be president.

It's a question that has never been judged.

If he's going further, it needs to be.

Edited by Jingthing
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This has nothing at all to do with his Mom's dual citizenship if she had it. Irrelevant either way.

It has everything to do with the technical definition of NATURAL BORN CITIZEN.

100 percent Cruz is a U.S. citizen.

What is NOT fully certain is if Cruz is eligible to be president.

It's a question that has never been judged.

If he's going further, it needs to be.

Technical definition of NATURAL BORN CITIZEN:

  • Natural born: delivered through the vaginal canal

  • Not natural born: delivered by Caesarean section

Is that what it is about?

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Trump can dish it out but he can't take it. If he truly believes Cruz isn't legally eligible to run for president, then why wouldn't he sue him anyway. So, it's OK for Cruz to illegally run for president, as long as he apologizes to Trump?? Yeah, right.

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This has nothing at all to do with his Mom's dual citizenship if she had it. Irrelevant either way.

It has everything to do with the technical definition of NATURAL BORN CITIZEN.

100 percent Cruz is a U.S. citizen.

What is NOT fully certain is if Cruz is eligible to be president.

It's a question that has never been judged.

If he's going further, it needs to be.

Technical definition of NATURAL BORN CITIZEN:

  • Natural born: delivered through the vaginal canal

  • Not natural born: delivered by Caesarean section

Is that what it is about?

Not at all.

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Trump, just keeps putting wood on the fire; and waits for the others to pour gasoline on it.

Very smart, Mr. Trump.

Also you have a hot wife.

And he's clearly going to do what was expected of him if he isn't nominated on the GOP ticket. I hope he does.

Life's Trump's but a walking shadow, a poor player,

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,

And then is heard no more. It is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.

Trump Threatens Independent Run If RNC Doesn’t Condemn Cruz’s Attack


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I never understand why these articles don't explain the nuance in Trumps claim that Cruz

may not me eligible. I learned this here on Thai Visa. Cruz's mother in a naturalized

American. When they moved to Calgary, she somehow ended up on the voting list

in the local election. That would imply she had Canadian citizenship. Not sure if she

got Canadian citizenship or not but some how she got on the voting list. Now Canada

recognizes dual citizenship, but at that time the US did not. That is the smoke screen

that makes things not as clear cut as say John McCain. Cruz's father was not an American

and he gets his citizenship bona fides from his mother Not sure if Cruz's mother

voted in Canada, but the water is somewhat muddy. As I understand. blink.png

" Cruz's mother in a naturalized American."

Ted Cruz's mother is not a naturalized citizen. She was born in Wilmington, Delaware.


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It's not about where his Mother was born.

There is no doubt about Cruz's U.S. citizenship.

The doubt is an interpretation of the phrase "natural born citizen" as it applies to presidential eligibility.


As expected, the question of whether Sen. Ted Cruz is eligible to hold the office of the president based on his Canadian birth is now front-and-center thanks to Cruz's GOP presidential nominee rival Donald Trump. Constitutional scholars are dusting off their crystal balls as they are asked to discern what the Founding Fathers really meant by "natural born" citizen. Let me join the chorus of opinions by saying that based on the original framework of the Constitution and the 14th Amendment, Sen. Ted Cruz does not appear to be constitutionally eligible to hold the office of the president.

As far as Trump is concerned, does the constitution specify that a president's relatives need to be of the human species?


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Let's see if I'm getting it right this time.

Natural born US citizen = a person born on US soil, regardless of the parents' nationality at the time of birth (what in Europe is called ius soli)

Cruz was not born on US soil and therefore is not a natural born citizen. However, because one or both of his parents were US citizens at the time of his birth, Cruz became automatically a naturalised US citizen at birth (ius sanguinis)

Simple and uncomplicated rules, really.

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Let's see if I'm getting it right this time.

Natural born US citizen = a person born on US soil, regardless of the parents' nationality at the time of birth (what in Europe is called ius soli)

Cruz was not born on US soil and therefore is not a natural born citizen. However, because one or both of his parents were US citizens at the time of his birth, Cruz became automatically a naturalised US citizen at birth (ius sanguinis)

Simple and uncomplicated rules, really.

Nobody is questioning his U.S. citizenship. The question is his eligibility to be president.

Also, it's legally irrelevant but potentially politically damaging that he held Canadian citizenship (dual) when he entered the Senate.

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Whatever happened to Ted Trump and Donald Cruz?

Switch it around, and there's still a ton of dead-weight..

Only in the US of A you say?

NOTE: Canadians in general know a ton about the US of A, conversely Americans in general know sweet fanny anny about Canada - 555

Money and faux status does not equate class, quality or brains.



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Let's see if I'm getting it right this time.

Natural born US citizen = a person born on US soil, regardless of the parents' nationality at the time of birth (what in Europe is called ius soli)

Cruz was not born on US soil and therefore is not a natural born citizen. However, because one or both of his parents were US citizens at the time of his birth, Cruz became automatically a naturalised US citizen at birth (ius sanguinis)

Simple and uncomplicated rules, really.

Nobody is questioning his U.S. citizenship. The question is his eligibility to be president.

Also, it's legally irrelevant but potentially politically damaging that he held Canadian citizenship (dual) when he entered the Senate.

Holding Canadian citizenship is perfectly legal in Cruz's case. Canada is the country of his birth.

From the State Department:

A U.S. national may acquire foreign nationality by marriage, or a person naturalized as a U.S. national may not lose the nationality of the country of birth. U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one nationality or another. Also, a person who is automatically granted another nationality does not risk losing U.S. nationality.


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Stephen King finds Cruz very scary.

And Cruz hates avocados.

What kind of person hates avocados?

I despise avocado. It’s the only food I dislike, and I dislike it passionately.



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What is the topic again, and why is it dragging out for a week? Cruz is getting his butt kicked at the ballot box making all of this a bit moot.

Someone above just posted "NOTE: Canadians in general know a ton about the US of A, conversely Americans in general know sweet fanny anny about Canada." That's simply not true. Canadians live in igloos and end every sentence with the exclamation "Eh?" LOL. tongue.png I've said many times on here that Canadians are some of the most polite and nicest people on the planet and it's true. Cruz missed out on that part, unfortunately.


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None of the first 7 Presidents of the USA were born there, as it did not exist, when they were born, so this debate is rubbish. Pres 8 did not use English as his first language ----- the only one so far.

It's nice to provide a credible link when you make such (false) statements. Here's a link that will show you they were all born in the USA. LINK

Remember, the Colonies had been in existence for a very long time before the Revolutionary War, the Declaration of Independence (from England) and the forming of the USA with a Constitution. "Colonial Period - 1492 - 1763." LINK


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None of the first 7 Presidents of the USA were born there, as it did not exist, when they were born, so this debate is rubbish. Pres 8 did not use English as his first language ----- the only one so far.

Not going to bother checking out the birth date and place of the first seven but a careful reading of Article II, Section 3 has your complaint covered.

"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;"

Notice that little bit about the time of the "Adoption of this Constitution"? The Constitution wasn't officially adopted until 4 March 1789.

There is no requirement for a President to be an English speaker but my guess is campaigning would be rather difficult.

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Let's see if I'm getting it right this time.

Natural born US citizen = a person born on US soil, regardless of the parents' nationality at the time of birth (what in Europe is called ius soli)

Cruz was not born on US soil and therefore is not a natural born citizen. However, because one or both of his parents were US citizens at the time of his birth, Cruz became automatically a naturalised US citizen at birth (ius sanguinis)

Simple and uncomplicated rules, really.

Nobody is questioning his U.S. citizenship. The question is his eligibility to be president.

Also, it's legally irrelevant but potentially politically damaging that he held Canadian citizenship (dual) when he entered the Senate.

Holding Canadian citizenship is perfectly legal in Cruz's case. Canada is the country of his birth.

From the State Department:

A U.S. national may acquire foreign nationality by marriage, or a person naturalized as a U.S. national may not lose the nationality of the country of birth. U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one nationality or another. Also, a person who is automatically granted another nationality does not risk losing U.S. nationality.


Deflection, dude.

I never said there was any legal problem with the Canadian citizenship.

That was an OPTICS problem and Cruz realizing that, dumped it.

The actual legal issue is the natural born citizen aspect as it impacts on eligibility to be president. It's something that really will need to be determined if Cruz is ever actually to be president.

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It will start getting determined on Friday....

On Friday, an Illinois judge will hear arguments from a voter who claims Cruz should be disqualified because he's not a "natural-born" citizen, USA Today reported.

The case against Cruz, brought forth by Lawrence Joyce of Illinois, will be heard by Judge Maureen Ward Kirby of the Circuit Court of Cook County in Chicago.

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