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U.S. sex offenders challenge new passport law


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Finally, one thing that Obama did that I agree and applauds him, about time those sex offenders

pay dearly for their criminally sexual deviances......

So, the unconstitutional, "acting like an emperor" (from what I see posted on my FB page by those favoring the right wing), using the same Presidential powers, is right .. If we agree with the action?

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Might as well put yellow stars on all Jews, then. blink.png

That one has already been done to death

I'm not Jewish, but I fail to see where tarring everyone with the same feather could ever be done to death.

Poor choice of words on your part too.

I was having sex before I was 18 with girls less than 18 that were quite willing to participate.

Luckily I had the brains to use a rubber, otherwise I could be on this list.

Me too.

l started at 17 & my partners varied in age from 15 to 19.

Could easily have been on a list like this, only don't think we had one in the 60s.

Agree the kiddyfidlers should be on a list(or shot)but teenage boys with willing teenage girls is a normal natural thing.

lts been happening since Adam was a boy & will continue to happen into the future.

PC Crowd at work again,

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A very slippery slope.

Only if you are a kiddy fiddler. Great law. Keep the deviants out of circulation.
You don't get it. The argument isn't that convicted sex offenders aren't deserving of it. But who's next? People with, say, a drug offense on their record? DUI? Other crimes? Bankruptcies? Bad debts? Lawyers, politicians and govts see the world through the lens of precedent, and this sets one. Are we sure we really want that? This is where the Law of Unintended Consequences usually comes barging in.

A passport is a travel document, not a rap sheet. If someone shouldn't be travelling, then revoke their passport; put them on a no-fly list; whatever. If the US is going to label its sex offending citizens with the scarlet letter, which I admit does have a certain appeal, maybe it should be requiring other countries do the same thing before granting visas to their citizens. (Yeah, like THAT's gonna' happen.)

Edited by hawker9000
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A very slippery slope.

Only if you are a kiddy fiddler. Great law. Keep the deviants out of circulation.

Many more sex offenders than just kiddy fiddlers. How about statutory rape e.g.? 17 yo boy has sex with 15 yo girl, mark in passport follows. At least that is the impression I get.
So are you suggesting that the 17 year DIDN'T break a law? Or that it is acceptable to have sex with a 15 year old because he was 17?
This topic is about passport marks. Your suggestion is of the mark.
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A civil rights group has filed a lawsuit challenging a law that will require sex offenders to be identified on their passports.

Holding a passport is not a legal requirement.

No need to bring in laws. Passport denied will suffice.

That makes IMO much more sense for kiddy fiddlers than passport marks.
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Sex offenders ID'd in their passports seems like a great idea until you start looking at what constitutes a 'sexual offence'.

For that take a look at some of the claims on the level of sexual assault in US colleges and universities, then look at what those claims regard as a sexual assault.

This law offers serious risk of abuse and is rightly being challenged.

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A civil rights group has filed a lawsuit challenging a law that will require sex offenders to be identified on their passports.

Holding a passport is not a legal requirement.

No need to bring in laws. Passport denied will suffice.

That makes IMO much more sense for kiddy fiddlers than passport marks.

Actually, I'm not sure that travel isn't actually more of a right than a privilege. I would guess that while a judge could include limits on travel as part of a criminal sentence, I don't think the govt can come along later and prohibit that person from travelling unless it was determined to be a matter of public safety (and a criminal conviction isn't required to put someone on fhe no-fly list). Travel is a matter of "liberty" which citizens cannot be deprived of without due process. I don't think even a convicted felon can be denied a passport as long as he's not currently wanted or on parole or probation and has served out his sentence.

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A very slippery slope.

Only if you are a kiddy fiddler. Great law. Keep the deviants out of circulation.

Many more sex offenders than just kiddy fiddlers. How about statutory rape e.g.? 17 yo boy has sex with 15 yo girl, mark in passport follows. At least that is the impression I get.
So are you suggesting that the 17 year DIDN'T break a law? Or that it is acceptable to have sex with a 15 year old because he was 17?

ok...so how old were you when you had your first sexual experience? if you were under 18 years of age, i can only assume that you are an offender as well...at least by your logic...

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My understanding is that in some states in the U.S. you can get put on the lifetime "sex offender" list for offenses as absurdly minor as public urination. So, of course, those people shouldn't have to suffer any lifetime stigma including passport labeling. That's the problem I see with it.

It's more common than people think, sex offender labeling of people who really aren't the kind of sex offenders that anyone rational would see as a threat to society.

Not to mention gays, 'cottaging' would also get on the list, because of governmental homophobia.

Gotta admit. I had to look that one up, not being from the UK.


I'm going to add that to the list of crap I've learned on the interweb that I'll never need to use. Like when I Googled "sharking".

If you thought cottaging was bad, don't Google fetching... :)

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A very slippery slope.

Only if you are a kiddy fiddler. Great law. Keep the deviants out of circulation.

But those found guilty of rape and sexual assault and other sex crimes are o.k.?

I strongly disagree.

perps of other crimes that are much worse don't get their passport marked.

I think passports should not bear any distinctive mark regarding the bearer's criminal past.

there should be a central register where law enforcement officers and other authorized persons could type in a passport number and get access to the information.

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A very slippery slope.

Only if you are a kiddy fiddler. Great law. Keep the deviants out of circulation.

But those found guilty of rape and sexual assault and other sex crimes are o.k.?

I strongly disagree.

Who said it was ok? Lack of inclusion doesn't constitute an agreement. Back to the barstool with you! Go!

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Might as well put yellow stars on all Jews, then. blink.png

so you and 15 other people AGREE with sex offences and defend sex offenders......I guess you are all from the US also?....AMAZING

So you and quite a few others have completely missed Somnamnications subtle point then?

That you think the post supports Sex offending is truly Amazing.

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I think this about sums it up. Nobody was quoting similarities between Jews and paedophiles but the subtlety of the man's post was wasted on many people!!!

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

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I think this about sums it up. Nobody was quoting similarities between Jews and paedophiles but the subtlety of the man's post was wasted on many people!!!

When the Nazis came for the communists,

I remained silent;

I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,

I remained silent;

I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,

I did not speak out;

I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,

I remained silent;

I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,

there was no one left to speak out.

What a load of BS to compare the things what the nazi's did with a rule to protect innocent children from s bunch of basterds.

Better compare pedo's with nazi's

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I think this about sums it up. Nobody was quoting similarities between Jews and paedophiles but the subtlety of the man's post was wasted on many people!!!

When the Nazis came for the communists,

I remained silent;

I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,

I remained silent;

I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,

I did not speak out;

I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,

I remained silent;

I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,

there was no one left to speak out.

What a load of BS to compare the things what the nazi's did with a rule to protect innocent children from s bunch of basterds.

Better compare pedo's with nazi's

Yet again,

Another not understanding the comparison.

I am not a fan of paedophiles, sex offenders, Nazis, murderers, rapists, drug dealers nor BIGOTS!

Your views are bigoted. Who are you to decide which crime is the worst in some kind of league table on depravity?

I am a big supporter of human rights and civil liberties and that is what this boils down to.

You have obviously not read the entire thread or if you have, you have not understood it before wading in.

Why should a paedophile be named on their passports after serving their time in whatever country they were convicted and sentenced and not a murderer? Why should a rapist not be named?

Thailand does not classify paedophiles as a huge problem nor a big crime, they only pressed convictions after western pressure but a drug dealer gets a harsher sentence than a premeditated murderer! Who decides? Which country and laws are the right ones?

I stated if they had a problem with paedophiles to ' stop them from travelling in the first place ' NOT stamp their passports. In corrupt countries if you start this practice you may as well just paint a big target on their backs similarly to the poster who mentioned ' Jews and yellow stars ' identifying them, on their passports, as sex offenders without knowing the level of seriousness of the offence!!

This would be a godsend for misinterpretation, corrupt practice by corrupt immigration officers and police officers from around the world in countries where there is weak law and government and it is simply wrong.

Edited by Scouse123
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I think this about sums it up. Nobody was quoting similarities between Jews and paedophiles but the subtlety of the man's post was wasted on many people!!!

When the Nazis came for the communists,

I remained silent;

I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,

I remained silent;

I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,

I did not speak out;

I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,

I remained silent;

I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,

there was no one left to speak out.

What a load of BS to compare the things what the nazi's did with a rule to protect innocent children from s bunch of basterds.

Better compare pedo's with nazi's

Yet again,

Another not understanding the comparison.

I am not a fan of paedophiles, sex offenders, Nazis, murderers, rapists, drug dealers nor BIGOTS!

Your views are bigoted. Who are you to decide which crime is the worst in some kind of league table on depravity?

I am a big supporter of human rights and civil liberties and that is what this boils down to.

You have obviously not read the entire thread or if you have, you have not understood it before wading in.

Why should a paedophile be named on their passports after serving their time in whatever country they were convicted and sentenced and not a murderer? Why should a rapist not be named?

Thailand does not classify paedophiles as a huge problem nor a big crime, they only pressed convictions after western pressure but a drug dealer gets a harsher sentence than a premeditated murderer! Who decides? Which country and laws are the right ones?

I stated if they had a problem with paedophiles to ' stop them from travelling in the first place ' NOT stamp their passports. In corrupt countries if you start this practice you may as well just paint a big target on their backs similarly to the poster who mentioned ' Jews and yellow stars ' identifying them, on their passports, as sex offenders without knowing the level of seriousness of the offence!!

This would be a godsend for misinterpretation, corrupt practice by corrupt immigration officers and police officers from around the world in countries where there is weak law and government and it is simply wrong.

pedo's are sick basterds and Thailand has a big problem with it. I rather be a bigot than a pedo, maybe you have a different opinion Edited by FritsSikkink
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I rather be a bigot than a pedo, maybe you have a different opinion

Are those the only 2 choices?

Reading into some of these polarizing threads, you'd think so.

I'd rather be a studly chick magnet and all around nice guy, loved by all. But, alas. I do have mirrors in my apartment.

Edited by impulse
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A very slippery slope.

Only if you are a kiddy fiddler. Great law. Keep the deviants out of circulation.

Many more sex offenders than just kiddy fiddlers. How about statutory rape e.g.? 17 yo boy has sex with 15 yo girl, mark in passport follows. At least that is the impression I get.
So are you suggesting that the 17 year DIDN'T break a law? Or that it is acceptable to have sex with a 15 year old because he was 17?

<deleted>......a 17yo had sex with me when I was 15......not all laws created equal

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