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Thai food is so hot it's stupid. Why?


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I don't think hot or spicy food is stupid, I don't think fast food is stupid, I don't think curry is stupid ... it is all about the food culture in that country and everyone has their own preference and I respect you don't enjoy food that is too hot or spicy. Perhaps you should learn how to order food that you like and don't like...

You don't go to India and complain the food uses too much of spices and the curry taste awful. You also don't complain eating pizza and spaghetti taste awful when you travel to Italy and etc.

Furthermore there are many nice food in Thailand that is not spicy at all and you can always dine at fast food chain, japanese food restaurant, and pizza chain if you don't enjoy eating Thai.

Relax mate

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I agree with the OP so far as sometimes the Thais make it too spicy. By that I mean that it seems like a competition who can be the most Thai or something where the chilli overpowers everything else.

In BKK though I often felt the somtam or whatever wasn't that spicy at all compared to food in Isaan. In fact, I was shocked when the kids weren't served heavily spiced somtam in schools in BKK because even the KG and primary kids of the village could eat spicy that blew me away at first until I got used to it.

I can eat super spicy, but I don't enjoy it if it's making my body uncomfortable in some way. I also don't want to be hiccupping or sweating whilst eating. Eventually I just decided that overly spicy food isn't for me except upon occasion or depending on the dish. On the other hand, I can't bear certain dishes without it now. A simple plate of something fried rice is just too bland without adding some chilli.

Another point though is it can simply be fun to eat spicy, especially when it's so spicy even the Thais you are eating with are sucking air into their mouths to cool down and 'complaining' how spicy it is. It's a great opportunity for banter and mickey-taking, especially if you can handle it yourself.

So there are various ways in which it becomes more than just the taste: it can be a cultural pissing competition or just a fun way to rib your friends.

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Various kind of thai food that not spicy and taste simple like chinese food. BUT.... Only smart foreigner know how to order and pick.retarded and IDIOT like u never smart enough to know but stupid complained..show how idiot you are...pity!

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Firstly, not all Thai dishes are spicy at all, that is a ridiculous thing to say

Secondly, ask them to not make it too spicy and lastly, plenty of people do like their food spicy, I do, maybe that food just isn't for you but there are plenty of other options

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