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Junta-ruled Thailand flirts with Russia as U.S. ties cool


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Thailand wasted billions on investments due to Western policies. They lost all those investments. It is not up to Obama to 'favor' anything. All his policies failed. Enough said. In all the years of joint military exercises all America sold to Thailand was failed policies, one aircraft carrier and a few ancient F16's and a few small arms. If anything I would say that Thailand is quite pissed at the egoiistic America. At least Russia is providing weapons for Thailand to protect it's borders from 'invading' nations and assisting with logical immigration policies which actually makes sense. Thailand is also getting it's nuclear power from Russia. What good has the USA and other politically correct nations ever done for any other nations besides harm their economies and destabilize entire countries?

Russia and China has been making friends, while America made enemies with over 70 nations. End of discussion. This is the generation of awareness. The entire house of the rising sun, has been exposed. If the US continues their policies in the Mid-East and North Africa, they will see the entire Africa become very anti-western very soon.


You said "Enough Said" and then "End of Discussion", but kept ranting on. Are you a member of the Communist Party of Russia or China...or maybe both?

"Enough said" and "end of discussion" are effectively a form of punctuation. They mean "I have no intention of listening to any other opinion or argument. This is not a debate, I am right, you are wrong!"

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Wikipedia...Hah! It has faced much scrutiny in the New World Order as it was built by Western institutes who have always modifed it's contents and truthness in accordance with political correctness, which is currently reffered to as immoral and inhumane practice. So go ahead and believe all that is wikipedia. Does it mention that the original creator of the Nobel Peace prize foundation was in fact Adolf Hitler's weapons designer and military adviser? You who all follow Western mainstream media know nothing or either support these monsters

He must have been going some to have been Adolf Hitler's weapons designer.

His name was Alfred Nobel. He was Norwegian and died December 10th 1896 which was a little earlier than when Hitler came to power.

On June 29, 2000, the Nobel Foundation celebrated its 100th anniversary. The Foundation and especially the Nobel Prizes - which were first awarded in 1901 - are closely linked to the history of modern science, the arts, and political development throughout the 20th century.


If you notice the link is not that of Wikipedia but of the Nobel organisation.

I suggest that before you post thing that you do a little research first as it may save you making a bigger fool of yourself as you managed to do with your post.

Adolph Hitler? Wow! Next you fossils will referencing T-Rex.

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Think that more and more are tired of having big daddy supervising and commenting about everything everywhere. and i think that Russia have more natural interests in Asia than Us has. Oh i forgot. Us doesnt have any friends amongst neighbouring countries lol. mexico, Venezuela, Colombia etc.

You wait some years and see who is going to be a lone wolf.

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The Asean-US summit set the stage for this to happen. America is grasping to get help and at the same time trying to keep an image of that they are the pillar of democracy. America has made the mistake of letting Asean countries see it desperation. Asean counries thrive on taking advantage of people and things when they are vulnerable, that is where they survive. Obama sold out America finally. There is no turning back. Now Thailand knows America needs them more than Thailand needs America.

Take Thailand out of the picture for America in south east asia and America loses not Thailand. Thailand knows this now for sure and will use it to the max.

Americas greed is coming home to roost.

America needs Thailand ?? Are you on crack ?? America's

policies in Asia has long since shifted away from Thailand,

and onto countries such as Vietnam.

So let's see , what countries to warm up to with a favorable

opinion of current affairs in Thailand. China ? Check.

Russia ? Check. Next up, North Korea ?? :-)

Hmm. Who needs Usa? Vietnam is soon to be Chinese or Russian which complies to their own politics.....

birds of a feather flock together
Edited by sead
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Seems these days the Russians have some very interesting arms, and they are considerably cheaper than the US military industrial complex ripoffs.

Wish Australia would dump that overpriced lemon F35, and buy some of those news MIGS. Not only does it seem a vastly superior plane but it is way cheaper. Also with the amount of sorties the Russians have been flying seems also very reliable.

If we ever went up against a country using those and we had the F35 then we'd get our <deleted> kicked. US used to build very good planes, but seems not any more.

Believe those cruise missiles the Russians blasted those ISIS dogs with also have a much better price tag. Plus those S300 & 400 missile defence is supposedly very very good.

Not sure if Thailand is drifting away from the empire or whether they've been pushed. There again they are perhaps just following colonial history and trying to be friendly with all powerful parties.

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Getting raped by Russia and China or getting raped by the US, not much difference. [emoji4]

I'm pretty sure that isn't what the East Germans said as the Russian liberated them from Hitler. In fact I think the whole eastern block would say differently.

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Seems these days the Russians have some very interesting arms, and they are considerably cheaper than the US military industrial complex ripoffs.

Wish Australia would dump that overpriced lemon F35, and buy some of those news MIGS. Not only does it seem a vastly superior plane but it is way cheaper. Also with the amount of sorties the Russians have been flying seems also very reliable.

If we ever went up against a country using those and we had the F35 then we'd get our <deleted> kicked. US used to build very good planes, but seems not any more.

Believe those cruise missiles the Russians blasted those ISIS dogs with also have a much better price tag. Plus those S300 & 400 missile defence is supposedly very very good.

Not sure if Thailand is drifting away from the empire or whether they've been pushed. There again they are perhaps just following colonial history and trying to be friendly with all powerful parties.

Why does some of these new MIGs seem vastly superior? Are they faster, more stealthy, better weapon systems, etc....or just cheaper? Got any details.

Also, got any aircraft maintenance statistics on those new MIGs like the percentage of time they are fully or partially mission capable?

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Some of you are in serious need of New World Meds or you will be unable to survive the changes. Coming from a multipolar country, makes it so much easier. I would not want to negatively criticise the military while living in Thailand, it just seems somewhat tempting to the top brass to dispose all your sorry little butts. It is illegal to defame the Junta in Thailand. I would suggest that some of you refrain from playing with fire, but then where would all the fun in that be? Maybe we should just remove you all from China, Russia and Thailand at the same time and prevent access even after changing passports or names.Russia has been setting a fine example on that. Noting that Russia has been a friend of Thailand for 150 years and just invested $10 Billion into military deals and the Thai economy. You are all fools who support a falling Babylon with the inability to adapt to changes. Go ahead with the criticism and let's see how far it gets you in life.

Wikipedia...Hah! It has faced much scrutiny in the New World Order as it was built by Western institutes who have always modifed it's contents and truthness in accordance with political correctness, which is currently reffered to as immoral and inhumane practice. So go ahead and believe all that is wikipedia. Does it mention that the original creator of the Nobel Peace prize foundation was in fact Adolf Hitler's weapons designer and military adviser? You who all follow Western mainstream media know nothing or either support these monsters

So much drivel from such a new poster, or am I feeding a troll?

Hint: his user name is jack you up, you are indeed feeding the troll.

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Seems these days the Russians have some very interesting arms, and they are considerably cheaper than the US military industrial complex ripoffs.

Wish Australia would dump that overpriced lemon F35, and buy some of those news MIGS. Not only does it seem a vastly superior plane but it is way cheaper. Also with the amount of sorties the Russians have been flying seems also very reliable.

If we ever went up against a country using those and we had the F35 then we'd get our &lt;deleted&gt; kicked. US used to build very good planes, but seems not any more.

Believe those cruise missiles the Russians blasted those ISIS dogs with also have a much better price tag. Plus those S300 & 400 missile defence is supposedly very very good.

Not sure if Thailand is drifting away from the empire or whether they've been pushed. There again they are perhaps just following colonial history and trying to be friendly with all powerful parties.

Hmmm....some reputable sources place that plane in the #1 spot.


The F-35 Lightning II is at No. 1 to the word’s most advanced jet fighters. The aircraft is designed with the modren battle space in mind. It is the most flexible, technologically sophisticated, fifth-generation multirole fighter ever built. With advanced stealth capability, F-35 delivers innovative capabilities to meet security needs for nations across the world.

But the Mig did come in a respectable 8th overall.

Here, they give the F-22 top spot.


Mig was a bit down the list.

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As far as I’m concerned this place has lost it ..it is light years away from the day I first set foot here (Many decades ago)

What the people of this place have allowed over the years is disgusting all down to greed, a lack of interest and indifference.

China, Russia & Thailand all in bed together it makes my head spin …. Its pretty clear who will be on their back while the other 2 rape her…they deserve everything coming to them.

I for one don’t give a damn anymore; for years its not the place I loved plus the people are so dumbed down here its ridiculous .coffee1.gif

agreed! The changes have happened so incrementally and so slowly that probably many people haven't noticed or they are forced to accept them anyway because they have family ties here. But there's many times I feel it's no longer the place I bargained for by a long way

I mean just how much can a koala bear?

Agree!! Agree!! Agree!! The whole place has gone rapidly down hill since 2009 but so has the rest of the World. Blame the Bankers and Blame greed. The World is changing BIG TIME

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Seems these days the Russians have some very interesting arms, and they are considerably cheaper than the US military industrial complex ripoffs.

Wish Australia would dump that overpriced lemon F35, and buy some of those news MIGS. Not only does it seem a vastly superior plane but it is way cheaper. Also with the amount of sorties the Russians have been flying seems also very reliable.

If we ever went up against a country using those and we had the F35 then we'd get our <deleted> kicked. US used to build very good planes, but seems not any more.

Believe those cruise missiles the Russians blasted those ISIS dogs with also have a much better price tag. Plus those S300 & 400 missile defence is supposedly very very good.

Not sure if Thailand is drifting away from the empire or whether they've been pushed. There again they are perhaps just following colonial history and trying to be friendly with all powerful parties.

Hmmm....some reputable sources place that plane in the #1 spot.


The F-35 Lightning II is at No. 1 to the word’s most advanced jet fighters. The aircraft is designed with the modren battle space in mind. It is the most flexible, technologically sophisticated, fifth-generation multirole fighter ever built. With advanced stealth capability, F-35 delivers innovative capabilities to meet security needs for nations across the world.

But the Mig did come in a respectable 8th overall.

Here, they give the F-22 top spot.


Mig was a bit down the list.

Always the same problem with Russian and especially Chinese aircraft. They cannot manufacture to acceptable tolerances. That's why they're clunky pieces of junk.

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As far as I’m concerned this place has lost it ..it is light years away from the day I first set foot here (Many decades ago)

What the people of this place have allowed over the years is disgusting all down to greed, a lack of interest and indifference.

China, Russia & Thailand all in bed together it makes my head spin …. Its pretty clear who will be on their back while the other 2 rape her…they deserve everything coming to them.

I for one don’t give a damn anymore; for years its not the place I loved plus the people are so dumbed down here its ridiculous .coffee1.gif

true. as they say: up to them.

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The tried and well worn path of any dictatorship, securing both Russia and China as allies, the odd man out is North Korea, Thailand is completely out of step with reality and the region, however doing this power game play won't influence the US or its allies to become more lenient, where Thailand goes from here is possibly slowly backwards , Thailand's neighbours must be starting to worry of the antic's of Prayut and Co, one hopes on a full recovery when a democratic government is elected, however damage control will tell how much trust can be given to Thailand in future collaboration ................................coffee1.gif

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It's not just Thailand. I returned to the UK after an absence of ten years and it has become such a dump. Soaring crime, vast ghettos from where the local indigenous have been driven out; many decent people have been intimidated my marxist liberals who determine what they can say or discuss at local level, corrupt politicians who ignore whole swathes of people at national level. And the streets of many major cities inhabited by wahabis and salafis as though in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia. Pubs closing, churches closing, mosques going up everywhere. Low wages, high house prices, real poverty, food banks, money squandered on foreign aid; police and army inhibited from doing their jobs. But my friends have barely noticed the change because it has been imperceptible and incremental.

And that's just Kensington!


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Nothing surprising here. Thailand has always been on the wrong side of history. They sided with the Japs in WW2. thumbsup.gif

It was also a military government which sided with Japan in WW II. Not a civilian government.

The dinosaurs have been driving the country into the ground for a very very long time.

Between the frequent military coup govts and so called civilian govts full of retired generals I don't think Thailand has ever truly had a civilian govt.

it is true that Thailand has had military governments or their direct proxies for far more than 50% of the time since the 1932 revolution.

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The junta should consider an alliance with North Korea. Forget these nasty capitalist regimes such as Merka and Britain. Get on board the Kim-Train. Wooden railroad tracks are the wave of the future.

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I love geopolitical discussions on TVF. They are so........interesting.

Regarding the Russians, they have no money. Unless they want to barter for surplus rubber or rice, there is not much to talk about. Besides, one cannot simultaneously cozy up to Beijing and Moscow without risking their ire.

Have a nice junket to the frigid north boys. Be sure to announce something, with confidence please, when you get back.

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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Thailand is starting to act like an old hooker who lost her looks, going after anyone who gives a nod or smile. The US wants one thing only to return the rule of the country back to the people. The Junta seems to be dragging there feet. what Thailand needs to remember is this when Thailand was hit with tragedy who called first to send aid and help? was it Russia? China? or was the US and it's people who opened there hearts and wallets to help. Remember actions speak louder than words. I not just saying US was only one but the UK, Australia and other democratic nations poured in supplies and help not asking for anything in return. Never turn your back on people who will help in times of troubles. Unlike China who's rail deal is mostly meant to benefit China not Thailand. What can Russia do for you teach to run boiler rooms? Or if you return to democracy and allow some flexibility in starting up companies maybe the US companies might look to Thailand to open branches here creating jobs. Free people minds are more open to creative thinking.

And that lead to the opportunities for aid abuse and officials pocketing the funds.

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I love geopolitical discussions on TVF. They are so........interesting.

Regarding the Russians, they have no money. Unless they want to barter for surplus rubber or rice, there is not much to talk about. Besides, one cannot simultaneously cozy up to Beijing and Moscow without risking their ire.

Have a nice junket to the frigid north boys. Be sure to announce something, with confidence please, when you get back.

I love the experts with very little to zero knowledge.

Putting aside Russia has at least 100 billionaires by now, gold reserves and is NOT in trillion dollar debts

Thailand is a new market for Russia for arm sales among many other things

Russia is a new huge market for Thailand with 160 million people.

Both markets will not be imposing sanctions on each other or setting silly standards.

It is beneficial for both markets.

EU will not be going anywhere any time soon, as other places like Vietnam or India also have very close relations with Russia

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It just shows how the American political representation miss read the political situation here. Christi palling up to Yinglak, never mind the corruption and undemocratic governance. If the US had accepted that the house needed to be cleaned and had adopted a more helpful attitude things may have been different. But maybe we underestimate the power of the lobbyist hired by the Dubai fugitive.

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I love geopolitical discussions on TVF. They are so........interesting.

Regarding the Russians, they have no money. Unless they want to barter for surplus rubber or rice, there is not much to talk about. Besides, one cannot simultaneously cozy up to Beijing and Moscow without risking their ire.

Have a nice junket to the frigid north boys. Be sure to announce something, with confidence please, when you get back.

I love the experts with very little to zero knowledge.

Putting aside Russia has at least 100 billionaires by now, gold reserves and is NOT in trillion dollar debts

Thailand is a new market for Russia for arm sales among many other things

Russia is a new huge market for Thailand with 160 million people.

Both markets will not be imposing sanctions on each other or setting silly standards.

It is beneficial for both markets.

EU will not be going anywhere any time soon, as other places like Vietnam or India also have very close relations with Russia

Well, according to economist Sergei Guriev, the Russian economy in 2015/2016 has been characterized by:

- Recession, 4% fall in GDP in 2015

- projected growth in the range of 1% to 3% for 2016 (depending on oil price assumption)

- Sharp fall in real per capita incomes 2014-2016

- inflation projected for 15% in 2016

- budget slashed 8%, two times, with decrease in military spending in 2016

- deficit covered in 2016, but not in 2017, as reserve fund will be exhausted

Other than that, the outlook is cheery, and they are a fine match for Thailand.

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Americans on arrival now only get 12 minutes in LOS!!! No more 30 days!!!!

Every additional minute is 1 baht

I'm using my Nigerian Passport

that will show them

soon all American condos given to Thais.....all bank accounts given to farmers.....what can we do???!!! cry, cry, cry with bar girl

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Thailand is starting to act like an old hooker who lost her looks, going after anyone who gives a nod or smile. The US wants one thing only to return the rule of the country back to the people. The Junta seems to be dragging there feet. what Thailand needs to remember is this when Thailand was hit with tragedy who called first to send aid and help? was it Russia? China? or was the US and it's people who opened there hearts and wallets to help. Remember actions speak louder than words. I not just saying US was only one but the UK, Australia and other democratic nations poured in supplies and help not asking for anything in return. Never turn your back on people who will help in times of troubles. Unlike China who's rail deal is mostly meant to benefit China not Thailand. What can Russia do for you teach to run boiler rooms? Or if you return to democracy and allow some flexibility in starting up companies maybe the US companies might look to Thailand to open branches here creating jobs. Free people minds are more open to creative thinking.

The problem I have with your post is this.

quote "The US wants one thing only to return the rule of the country back to the people."

It is not really anything to do with the US. Thailand is not a US state or a vassal of the US.

If I were to follow that along I would want to know why the US is trying to return democracy to the people of Syria, and before that to Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq et al. They completely ignore what is going on in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Cambodia, Laos, Brunei etc but pick on Thailand. Then the USA and many posters here wonder why the Thai government look to China or Russia and not to the USA.

The best thing that the USA could do is to publicly accept the status quo at this time and work quietly behind the scenes to try and improve the situation.

Maybe they can see the writing on the wall and with the current erratic dysfunctional political atmosphere and that self implosion is on the horizon? The US has openly voiced her concerns but it appears they are leaving the Thais to their own demise as leading a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
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I don't worry about who is tied to who. The powerful and corrupt in business and government can be tied and in years to come untied depending on circumstances.

WW1 the Japanese were on the Side of the American's and British.....come WW2 and it was the other way around.

Look at the moslems, Sunni and Sh-ite are opposed to one another.....but in time may come together.

And for me in Australia I don't need to be a Rhodes Scholar to see how the labour party scum are always trying to push the 'new world order' BS on to the Australian people.

So, if Thailand wants to be closer to Beijing....so what....I am sure the several million Chinese Thai's will not be to worried!

Edited by BSJ
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