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Gen Chavalit calls for election to be held this year


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Gen Chavalit calls for election to be held this year


BANGKOK: -- Former prime minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh urged the National Council for Peace and Order to stage an election within this year in order to let the new elected government to tackle political, social and economic problems.

In his open letter addressed to the public, General Chavalit suggested the NCPO to adopt the middle path, to try to restore national reconciliation and to cede its power to a non-partisan committee represented by all sectors of the Thai society which will be tasked with staging the election.

The former chief advisor of the Pheu Thai party said that the duty of the military is to safeguard the country and to maintain security and, hence, the military junta should return to the barracks and hand over the power to the post-election government to deal with political, social and economic problems.

As for the charter draft and whether it will survive the referendum or not, General Chavalit noted that the fate of the charter draft would depend on the NCPO. He said the government must deliver a constitution which will not be torn to pieces in the future.

The former prime minister suggested that push carts named Chan-ocha should be produced, distributed to various cities and used to display Thai products to promote Thailand and Thai products.

He also suggested that fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra helps find new market for Thai rice.

In making the above suggestions, General Chavalit defended that he just wanted to help the country go through all the crises with the hope that democracy will be restored.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/152422

-- Thai PBS 2016-02-26

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"General Chavalit suggested the NCPO to adopt the middle path, to try to restore national reconciliation and to cede its power to a non-partisan committee represented by all sectors of the Thai society which will be tasked with staging the election.

He also suggested that fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra helps find new market for Thai rice".

Translation; I have received a handsome commission from TS to continue to carry out his policy's of disruption and destabilization of the governments that succeeded him, disrupt the Thai people and nation, while paying people to be constantly singing his praises.

The red mob will continue to be a subversive and violent element within the society.

Red movements represents communism and that is exactly what TS has been running e.g. putting his family and friends in key positions of government just like N Korea and Cuba etc.

Policy's of whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine, you are either with me or against me and you don't want to be against me.

Policy's of disruption and violence against political opponents.

Edited by FourAces
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" He also suggested that fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra helps find new market for Thai rice. "

It seems only fair, that the person whose scheme created the rice-mountain, should help try to dispose of the consequent mess ? whistling.gif

And I wonder whether the good General has any suggestions, as to who might be on (or even chair) his proposed non-partisan committee, a cynic might think this is just his previous proposal to offer himself as a reconciliation-PM, revived yet again ?

However his role in TRT & PPP & PTP governments, sometimes as a DPM or minister, might cause him to be seen as somewhat less-than non-partisan ? wink.png

But one can't deny that movement towards an election would certainly be welcome.

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I just wonder how many more ex general Thaksin is going to dig up from their graves, reanimate them

to come to speak on his behalf..... just so he would have another shot to claw his ways

back in into Thai people lives again....

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In a way it is nice to see, how Asians deal with but essentially ignore old farts. Banharn Silpa-Archa is another one of the same chromosome splitting.

In the West Chavalit would have faced the music; the elder hands in town will remember his disastrous "Green Esaan" programme in the later 80s; he also pulled off a nice one with the 1997 free falling Thai Baht.

I was always of the opinion, that to see/learn anything about dinosaurs we would have to use the stretch between Khon Kaen and Mukdahan - thanks to Chavalit we can even witness a live specimen.

Wonder what, if at all, the international news hounds will make out of it coffee1.gif

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Saw the headline with a general calling for elections this year and thought this was a great sign... until I realized it's a PTP mouthpiece. Just more fun and games is all.

However, there is always a reward for viewing such topics, in this case: "The former prime minister suggested that push carts named Chan-ocha should be produced, distributed to various cities and used to display Thai products to promote Thailand and Thai products."

That comedy gold must surely be the most bizarre thing we'll hear until the next one opens his mouth.

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the NCPO ... to cede its power to a non-partisan committee represented by all sectors of the Thai society

Poor Chavalit is confusing Prayut's regime with a republic wherein the military pledges its allegiance to the people. The Thai military is very possessive of its own sovereignty and unlikely even to share it with the Thai people even though they are used to sustain the military command.

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"General Chavalit suggested the NCPO to adopt the middle path, to try to restore national reconciliation and to cede its power to a non-partisan committee represented by all sectors of the Thai society which will be tasked with staging the election.

He also suggested that fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra helps find new market for Thai rice".

Translation; I have received a handsome commission from TS to continue to carry out his policy's of disruption and destabilization of the governments that succeeded him, disrupt the Thai people and nation, while paying people to be constantly singing his praises.

The red mob will continue to be a subversive and violent element within the society.

Red movements represents communism and that is exactly what TS has been running e.g. putting his family and friends in key positions of government just like N Korea and Cuba etc.

Policy's of whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine, you are either with me or against me and you don't want to be against me.

Policy's of disruption and violence against political opponents.

Nothing wrong with calling for elections to be pushed along considering they are continuously being pushed back instead.

As for "The red mob" and "Red movements represent communism" rhetoric, get off the grass mate, was there a yellow mob also? wasn't there yellows beating, bashing and blocking people wanting to vote? when was the last time the "Red mob" blocked the yellows from voting?

Well trying to paint all reds the same is about as fair as painting all yellows the same, not accurate.

And lastly Mr T putting family and friends in positions, Not that I think it ok but gee man didn't Mark do that very thing also? By condemning one you must condemn the other, which also go to the current PM for doing the same thing.

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"He also suggested that fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra helps find new market for Thai rice."

Nobody has mentioned this comment so far.

Mr Thaksin knows a lot about the Thai rice market. Perhaps P.M.Prayuth could hire ex-P.M.Thaksin as a traveling salesman to peddle Thai, high quality rice?

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"He also suggested that fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra helps find new market for Thai rice."

Nobody has mentioned this comment so far.

Mr Thaksin knows a lot about the Thai rice market. Perhaps P.M.Prayuth could hire ex-P.M.Thaksin as a traveling salesman to peddle Thai, high quality rice?

His sister's government seemed to be using him to broker water management deals with Korean firms.

I guess PTP and their adviser don't see any problem in hiring a crooked fugitive criminal.

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This old crackpot must have been included on the list for PR donations when Thaksin orchestrated his latest media blitz. He should try to recall who was the general/politician that presided over the collapse of the Thai economy as PM in 1997. A great job of solving the nation's problems that was. Allegedly, according to journalists at the time. he got the call from Dubai in 2008 to be nominee PM ahead of Samak but demanded too much money.

Edited by Dogmatix
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Chavalit the man who is responsible of the 1997 economics crisis......

With some help from Banharn Silpa Archa who succeeded Chavalit as PM and was the person in the PM slot at the time of the tom yam crisis and a little help from Thaksin who was in both governments.

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Good to hear someone in (former) authority finally speaking up for Democracy in Thailand. The students can't do it all by themselves.

Quite. Given that the rest of the Thai populace appear to be deluded or afraid, save for a few environmental activists currently being harassed by the police/military, it matters not where this very salient message comes from.

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Big Jiew, the man who sold all his MPs bar one, around 80 if I remember right,to Thaksin. He's just part of Thaksin's team and nobody listens to what he says.They never did really, a nice man but always been prone to waffling.When he was PM the joke was you had to be the last person to see him before he made a decision otherwise he would change his mind after seeing the following person.

And now he speaks just after Thaksin, no coincidence.Thaksin knows now is the time to speak because once campaigning for the referendum starts any political commentary will earn a jail sentence so there's a window now to speak up that will soon be closed.

And his sister's case goes on whilst the DSI want to see Panthongtae.

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Ignore the messenger, the message is appropriate and timely. Election was promised this year but was aborted by design. Meanwhile the country is in economic distress and more divided. Best graceful exit for the junta is to appoint a civilian interim PM and ministers. The general ministers have done nothing in each of their capacity and are lame ducks and headed by a inept leader.

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"General Chavalit suggested the NCPO to adopt the middle path, to try to restore national reconciliation and to cede its power to a non-partisan committee represented by all sectors of the Thai society which will be tasked with staging the election.

He also suggested that fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra helps find new market for Thai rice".

Translation; I have received a handsome commission from TS to continue to carry out his policy's of disruption and destabilization of the governments that succeeded him, disrupt the Thai people and nation, while paying people to be constantly singing his praises.

The red mob will continue to be a subversive and violent element within the society.

Red movements represents communism and that is exactly what TS has been running e.g. putting his family and friends in key positions of government just like N Korea and Cuba etc.

Policy's of whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine, you are either with me or against me and you don't want to be against me.

Policy's of disruption and violence against political opponents.

Nothing wrong with calling for elections to be pushed along considering they are continuously being pushed back instead.

As for "The red mob" and "Red movements represent communism" rhetoric, get off the grass mate, was there a yellow mob also? wasn't there yellows beating, bashing and blocking people wanting to vote? when was the last time the "Red mob" blocked the yellows from voting?

Well trying to paint all reds the same is about as fair as painting all yellows the same, not accurate.

And lastly Mr T putting family and friends in positions, Not that I think it ok but gee man didn't Mark do that very thing also? By condemning one you must condemn the other, which also go to the current PM for doing the same thing.

it is amazing that people link the red in red shirts with communism.

but some folks don't actually understand what has and what is happening in Thailand.

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