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Trump retweets quote attributed to fascist leader Mussolini


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Trump retweets quote attributed to fascist leader Mussolini

NEW YORK: -- Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has retweeted a quote widely attributed to Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini.

The tweet, created by a parody account and including Mr Trump's handle, read: "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep."

The account is named @ilduce2016 after Mussolini's Italian title, the Leader.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35682844

-- BBC 2016-02-29

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Also, from an interview with CNN a day ago, Trump was asked four times whether he would condemn the endorsement by David Duke, head of the KKK. All four times, Trump declined, going so far as to ask rhetorically, "What group are we talking about?"

Interviewer: "David Duke and the KKK."

Trump: "I don't know anything about David Duke."

Boomer's comment: yet another blatant lie by Trump. This is so fun, in this day of near-instant access to videos and audio clips. In the old days before recording devices, blowhards like Trump could deny things, and it would get filed under 'hearsay'. Nowadays, Trump can deny things, and ten minutes later it blows up in his face, with a video clip showing what a blatant two-faced liar he is.

In regard to Trump and David Duke/KKK connection: In 2000, when he ended his presidential campaign, Trump cited Duke's participation in the Reform Party as one reason he no longer wanted the party's nomination. Trump wrote; "The Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, This is not company I wish to keep,"


Now I'm even more in favor of Trump winning the Republican nomination. He'll be a walk-over by Hillary or Bernie.

Edited by boomerangutang
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I'm half expecting to read next that Trump has admitted to retweeting this thinking it was a quote from John Wayne, "The Duke."

Trump: "I'm poorly educated, a bad speller, and thought Il Duce was Spanish or Italian or sumthin for 'The Duke,' John Wayne." laugh.png

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I don't really care who the quote can be attributed to, it is the quote in itself that matters. And I see nothing wrong with the quote.

Nothing wrong if you consider that predatory "types" are preferable to non-predatory (which it might seem to imply), and that predatory behaviour should be the "norm". Which is something that people who have not actually understood Darwins ideas, or who deliberately twist them, like to believe.

It is also, I may be incorrect, one of the characteristics of the Psychopath/Sociopath.

Edited by Enoon
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Whats wrong with the quote?

That it originates with a murderous fascist who endorsed, co-operated with, and sought to carry out, unjust aggressive wars of conquest and monstrous genocide?

Maybe he should have quoted Jimmy Cliff?:

"But I'd rather be a free man in my grave. Than living as a puppet or a slave."

Or Emiliano Zapata?:

"Men of the South! It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!"

He could even have quoted Tipu Sahib, Sultan of Mysore, 1750-1799:

"Better to live one day as a tiger than a thousand years as a sheep"

But he was a Muslim!cheesy.gif

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I don't really care who the quote can be attributed to, it is the quote in itself that matters. And I see nothing wrong with the quote.

Nothing wrong if you consider that predatory "types" are preferable to non-predatory (which it might seem to imply), and that predatory behaviour should be the "norm".

One of the characteristics, I may be incorrect ,of the Psychopath/Sociopath.

Yes, read in it whatever you like.

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The Donald is like Thailand - keeps getting in the news for all the wrong reasons. Though it fits with the the mantra; "In show business, there's no such things as bad news."

Note: The Donald will get singed more by not repudiating endorsement by the KKK than he will by quote Il Duce. Maybe he got a psychic message from me from the other side of the world: I mentioned the similarity between Mussolini and Trump (on ThaiVisa) the day before he made his infamous tweet. Just as bad: he claims to know nothing about David Duke or the KKK. Heck, even the average 3rd grader in upstate W.VA knows about the KKK. Come on Donald, it's clear you think Americans are dumbos, but jeezo, we're not as dumb as blocks of butter (or maybe we are).

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The Axis Fascists had a large USA following prior to, and in the early years, of WW2. Most were Republicans. They screamed like hell whenever F.D.R. attempted to help the then Allied countries. Trump and his supporters are their descendents.

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There's no pertinent relevance to an association between Trump and Mussolini--even if Trump and his supporters agree with the quote's message.

For those who might disagree, consider that John Lennon sang "All You Need is Love," and then a year later abandoned his first wife and son. The musical integrity of the song remained and remains still. So if I say I agree with the song's message, that doesn't mean I also support adultery and absentee fathers. To argue as much is to commit the ad hominem known as an association fallacy.

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I don't really care who the quote can be attributed to, it is the quote in itself that matters. And I see nothing wrong with the quote.

The who is ALL that matters with identity politics.

And the who is Trump.

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I don't really care who the quote can be attributed to, it is the quote in itself that matters. And I see nothing wrong with the quote.

Yeah of course, why not going to the top then :

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer...it is not important who the quote is attributed, right?

And I am quite sure Trump would not deny this quote neither

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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I don't really care who the quote can be attributed to, it is the quote in itself that matters. And I see nothing wrong with the quote.

Yeah of course, why not going to the top then :

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer...it is not important who the quote is attributed, right?

And I am quite sure Trump would not deny this quote neither

Yeah, Trump already came out and thumbed his nose at everyone sneering at him retweeting this quote. He said he doesn't care who said it, but in honesty, it just reflects the lack of depth of his learning and emotional intelligence.

In fairness to Trump, it was tweeted by a "gotcha" group who has been goading him knowing he will retweet anything that reinforces his king of the world image.

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Whats wrong with the quote?

That it originates with a murderous fascist who endorsed, co-operated with, and sought to carry out, unjust aggressive wars of conquest and monstrous genocide?

Maybe he should have quoted Jimmy Cliff?:

"But I'd rather be a free man in my grave. Than living as a puppet or a slave."

Or Emiliano Zapata?:

"Men of the South! It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!"

He could even have quoted Tipu Sahib, Sultan of Mysore, 1750-1799:

"Better to live one day as a tiger than a thousand years as a sheep"

But he was a Muslim!cheesy.gif

Bad history on your part. Its origin did NOT come from Mussolini. The phrase can be found on the walls following the Battle of Piave in World War I, when Italy and the US were ALLIES! http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcache1.asset-cache.net%2Fgc%2F556379919-battle-of-the-piave-after-a-terrible-bombing-gettyimages.jpg%253Fv%253D1%2526c%253DIWSAsset%2526k%253D2%2526d%253D9QMziWNtBI6whP66vhs4obVp%25252BuZT1ct3iu06d9jjkF%25252BlGFbARbowja50foJDfuDHPKYkljmrU6G8Z%25252F6ynF73WdWe7xC3tMPxmuWAQisDAq0%25253D&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gettyimages.in%2Fdetail%2Fnews-photo%2Fbattle-of-the-piave-after-a-terrible-bombing-famous-news-photo%2F556379919&h=383&w=594&tbnid=Ng0UL20AqWDnQM%3A&docid=3Z67HGjenfuSpM&itg=1&ei=MhHUVrC4DoLRmAX0-aWYDA&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=624&page=1&start=0&ndsp=31&ved=0ahUKEwiwmZOb1pzLAhWCKKYKHfR8CcMQrQMIOTAJ

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I don't really care who the quote can be attributed to, it is the quote in itself that matters. And I see nothing wrong with the quote.

Yeah of course, why not going to the top then :

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer...it is not important who the quote is attributed, right?

And I am quite sure Trump would not deny this quote neither

As I said, it is the quote that matters. And that quote is not good.
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Interesting to see people all across the internet either lie outright or self righteously proclaim their ignorance to the world. The quote does not originate from Mussolini.

Many people have said it, or something very similar, including Madonna (allegedly!).

Pity he chose to quote it as the words of "Musso", attributed in "Duce (1922-42)" in TIME magazine (2 August 1943), rather than as her words.

But never mind:

"After all, tomorrow is another day", Scarlett O'Hara.

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More crackers from Benito:

"Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day."

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”
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There's a bigger core issue here.

Trump enjoys overwhelming support from American white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

He takes it.

He encourages it implicitly with his racist and minority SCAPEGOATING rhetoric.


Donald Trump Retweets Creator of Pic Showing Bernie Sanders Sent to Gas Chamber
Edited by Jingthing
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Interesting to see people all across the internet either lie outright or self righteously proclaim their ignorance to the world. The quote does not originate from Mussolini.

Many people have said it, or something very similar, including Madonna (allegedly!).

Pity he chose to quote it as the words of "Musso", attributed in "Duce (1922-42)" in TIME magazine (2 August 1943), rather than as her words.

But never mind:

"After all, tomorrow is another day", Scarlett O'Hara.

It's actually quite a popular saying, used in many motivational seminars, books, and videos. And the point is that you were decidedly incorrect when you asserted "That it originates with a murderous fascist who endorsed, co-operated with, and sought to carry out, unjust aggressive wars of conquest and monstrous genocide?"

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Glad to see the Donald is expanding his scope of influences. Guess having Mein Kampf on bedside table gets boring after a hundred readings or so. Which is worse, believing he doesn't know who David Duke is, or accepting flat out lies from Trump?

Supporters seem to have no problem envisioning "Celebrity Apprentice President".

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There's a bigger core issue here.

Trump enjoys overwhelming support from American white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

He takes it.

He encourages it implicitly with his racist and minority SCAPEGOATING rhetoric.


Donald Trump Retweets Creator of Pic Showing Bernie Sanders Sent to Gas Chamber

Sure that is issue, but more for the Trump/KKK/Duke thread.
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