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Why do some farang lie so much?


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The thread about the lies farang tell themselves has been quite entertaining: some lies were absolutely outrageous, whilst others have been not only outrageous but also based on what folk have actually heard others say.

It got me wondering why some people need to fabricate such often easily disproved untruths. What do you think?

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Well, one reason I can see is the fear of losing face.

it's a trait that many expats living in Thailand seem to share with the locals.

These untruths are a way not to admit e.g. being ripped off to the bones by their GFs/BFs, that the only reason why said GF/BF stay with them is their money.

Many other reasons, like self-reassurance, but this one seems obvious to me.

(not that I consider myself immune to this, mind you)

Edited by Lannig
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I'm guessing it only happens in certain crowds and areas....I know maybe 50+ farangs here through activities - friends, neighbors and such and I can't really think of anyone of that sort....

I think that would be found in the drinking - "quicky" type of formed friendship places.....

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Probably because in many cases, the lie makes then sound or appear more interesting or affluent than the reality.

Forum lies are a whole new subject, as people on the internet often are just plain fantasizing or of course "trolling" for sport/fun at others expense. (Imho)

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Probably because in many cases, the lie makes then sound or appear more interesting or affluent than the reality.

Forum lies are a whole new subject, as people on the internet often are just plain fantasizing or of course "trolling" for sport/fun at others expense. (Imho)

Yes, on the forum there is an irresistible attraction (for those so inclined) of a captive audience. I'm sure we can all think of some larger than life examples! Whilst they could make interesting studies, it's the sad souls who cannot behave any differently in real life that are the psychiatrist's wet dream. What drives them; they must know that they are going to expose themselves as liars? Insecurity? Self-loathing? Loneliness? Desperation to hog the limelight? Some twisted delusion of superiority? Who knows!

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I stopped lying after I won the lottery and was made redundant from the SAS.

As a hedge Fund manager I had to tell a few porkies, but now I am retired I just stick to the truth, so much easier to keep track of stuff.

I hope that win was sufficient for a very early retirement! biggrin.png

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I find most liars insecure and easily threatened.They lie for upmanship..And no use arqueing with them they will just lie more and the conversation goes no where..

As soon as I catch a guy in a lie he is off my list of men I wish to befriend.

I met a couple of teachers up here from England. It appeared they wanted to be friends so I went with it. We got to talking about England and I said I had only been there once for a holiday,for a month.They said I missed a lot and they could show me much more..So i suggested next time they go back I will take a holiday to England and meet them. To do them a favor in return for showing me around I offered to take them to a Royal Yacht Club on the Thames.I am a member of a Royal and have reciprocal privileges, with the Royal Clubs in England. Well this one guy flips and starts to tell me how he can go to a Royal Club whenever he wants does not need me.He told me his father does repairs on the boats and is invited all the time.I looked at him and thought you are so ignorant it hurts.You have no ides of the protical in these clubs. His father if it is true he repairs the boats he would be lucky to be received at the tradesman entrance.Crew and skipper and owners seldom drink together. Crew one bar,club members another,hired skippers another.Guys who fix boats hid on the dock and sip a beer. I said nothing kept it to myself,no need to arque with stupid.

I felt I offered him some thing he never could experience and he threw it back in my face. Did not give him the time of day again.

After i found out all he did was bad mouth me very time any one mentioned my name. Insecure to the max.

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lie ,why would anyone lie about themselves , I never lie why should i not tell the truth that i am 6ft 4ins with long blond hair i exercise 3 hours a day in my private gym ,usually accompanied by my wife , who by the way is an ex model from a rich Thai Chinese family , people tell me i look 20 years younger than i am ,i never believe them ,i reckon only 15 years younger . cant abide liars gigglem.gif

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What I find amusing is how some people can keep a dead straight face (often accompanied by the enthusiastic hand gestures) when it is just blatantly obvious that they are talking rubbish. How stupid do they think we are?

Of course it floats the other way also. Nothing worse than being accused of lying when you are telling the truth.

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Well many farangs lie, hoping to impress others i.e. I am ex sas, navy seal, special forces all bullshit.

Some lie i am a millionaire, i was the big boss before i retired.

My house is bigger than yours bla bla bla.

Me no money but still have my honey. Legs dont work but still have my honey.

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It's not strictly a Thailand thing, wherever expats congregate you will find them

Other parts of Asia and here in the Middle East too. You wouldn't believe the army types I have met or people that had trials with football teams, you're the odd one out if you didn't have a trial with a professional football club not to mention all the great investments and businesses people run .. whilst sitting in the cheapest places, drinking the cheapest beer all the time and appearing to do no work ...

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It's not strictly a Thailand thing, wherever expats congregate you will find them

Other parts of Asia and here in the Middle East too. You wouldn't believe the army types I have met or people that had trials with football teams, you're the odd one out if you didn't have a trial with a professional football club not to mention all the great investments and businesses people run .. whilst sitting in the cheapest places, drinking the cheapest beer all the time and appearing to do no work ...

True, but since this is a Thai-based forum, we focus on Thailand. I don't doubt that these characters exist in every country on the planet, (to which some have only a tenuous link). They would have been the same back in their home country, even though everyone would have known their history.

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"If you don't see it with your own eyes, don't make it up with your mouth"

"If a lie is told often enough, people will believe it"

Two great adages IMO. The reason i want to mention this is to cover the ex-pat who truly (but wrongly) believe what they are saying is true and nothing will change their minds because their 'mate' knows better.

Usually addressed by tourists towards people living here, but not uniquely so.

Of course you get the BSer's, but the above class are the hardest to deal with because they are semi-innocent in what they're doing and you need kids gloves to put them right.

Bit off track there Rob, sorry about that.

Back to the story..........................thumbsup.gif

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No, not off topic, it's another explanation of what sometimes happens. Unfortunately, it's the BSers who are the more common.


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In a similar vein, talking of great adages...

"its not what you look at , it what you choose to see, and its not what you hear, its what you choose to listen to."

I think that covers most of the Bser's smile.pngthumbsup.gif

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Farang lie so much - in a vain attempt to prop themselves up, to try to "fix" their personality disorder(s).

Like the farang in Pattaya who told me he had 10 Thai girlfriends on the go

He also said he had the biggest stash of Viagra in South east Asia

There's two lies right there

He also said he was 69

Conclusion: Two lies out of three ain't bad..

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Why do some farang lie so much?

Because in some dim way they realize that the truth has brought on nothing but major disappointment for all concerned.

The fear of losing face is a common debilitating farang characteristic, which of course begs the question as to whether there was anything to lose in the first place.

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Why do most people think farang lie so much? I'm proud of my past and have nothing to be ashamed of, if I tell someone something about myself they always question it, why? I say it is because of the types of people who come over here that are already liers that give everyone else a bad name. I speak the truth although my memory of the past might be jaded. As for Thais they are short term liers, because the next day their story changes to something else.

Edited by tukkytuktuk
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A liar is a thief, i had recently a guy telling me unbelievable stories about him being and doing so and so... My compassion was stronger than my contempt, so i told him straight : i trust you 50 %..... Then he quickly changed the topic.

I wasted half an hour of my time listening to the most unbelievable crap, i am too shy to tell.

In fact, i know the types, they make me worry, and , given a choice , i prefer not to interact with them.

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I work with a gent who has climbed Mt Everest twice, was a test pilot, represented Australia at the Olympic games, did 15 years in jail, catches crocodiles with his bare hands, skydived when he was 11, was drag racing at 7, did astronaut training...

Not bad for someone who has trouble spelling his own name.

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It may just be me, but I find the blokes with the real stories of interesting experiences, businesses, and backgrounds have to be coaxed into revealing anything about themselves over a period of time as they get to know and trust you.

If I meet somebody for the first time and within minutes I'm flooded with intriguing stories of wealth and what they've done, they can tell by my utter disdain and lack of interest that I don't really want to hear any more and don't believe a word they've uttered. They usually abandon me pretty quickly.

A friend of mine was nearly suckered into buying some Mickey Mouse mining shares based on advice from a chap he'd met in a bar who was a big noter. Knew the particular African country's president, dined on his yacht blah blah blah. My friend was in awe and totally sucked in. I had to literally smack him across the head to stop him going to the bank.

It took 30 seconds of googling to discover the bloke had a certain notoriety around Pattaya, affiliations with the sex industry in Sydney, and an associate of a certain noisy American. bah.gif

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B/c the anonymity associated with life in a foreign country is what attracts many people to live abroad. And b/c it works here. For every foreigner that's deceived by a Thai person who isn't who they seem to be, there's an English teacher with a degree from the University of Khao San Rd. or a businessman that couldn't sell water in a desert. Most of the more successful foreigners I know in the LOS are not who they say they are.

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bcos there are so many here lying to each other they all stick together and believe each others bull s - - t, they are weak people, low achievers with no self respect and no confidence, lying reinstate the ego they yearn for but never had. im sick of them as I said before so I choose not to drink in bar with these morons.

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