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Talking Trump: the leading Republican candidate in quotations


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Talking Trump: the leading Republican candidate in quotations
Produced by Beatriz Beiras


NEW YORK: -- “Tomorrow belongs to Donald Trump”, declared one headline after Super Tuesday. If so it could be a time devoid of ideology but filled with incendiary-like quotations.

“ When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They are sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists,” he told supporters in Las Vegas last month while in December last year his ire was aimed at Muslims.

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure what the hell is going on,” he said.

Illegal immigrants, the Muslims and even the Pope have all been caught in his verbal vitriol.

“If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS’s ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president,” was part of his speech in South Carolina in February.

According to Trump the second amendment of the American constitution has been “beseiged” by President Barack Obama. The would be next resident of The White House defended the right to carry arms with this argument.

“So these animals just walked and they just shot 130 people. If we had guns on the other side of the aisle if you and you and a few of you would have had a few guns, it would have been a whole different story folks,” he said in Washington in January.

Then there is his defence of torture a month later in North Charleston.

“I said, ‘But I think we should go much, much further than waterboarding’.”

He has often encouraged his supporters in his meetings to boo journalists who he believes are being unfavourable to him and his campaign. Two American institutions were in his sights in Texas.

“ I’m going to open up our libel laws so that when the New York Times writes a hit piece which is a total disgrace or when the Washington Post, which is there for other reasons writes a hit piece we can sue then and win money instead of having no chance of winning because they are totally protected.”

He has shown he can land the odd verbal punch below the belt as he did with his Republican rival Florida senator Marco Rubio last month.

“But I saw Rubio you have to seem him backstage, he was putting on makeup with a trowel. I don’t want to say that I didn’t say he was covering up his ears. I will not say that, he was just trying to cover up the sweat. Did you ever see a guy sweat like this.”

Donald Trump has boasted that so far he has won with a whole spectre of people behind him including the poorly educated. “I love the poorly educated,” he said in one victory speech.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-03

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Okay, thank you Donald for those words of wisdom for the low info lemmings

One statement after another of hate, fear and xenophobic bigoted simple minded racism. That's what they love.

If you think Donald Trump (Drumph) is going to be competitive with HRC in November, stop watching Fox News and the right wing media echo chamber.

When Ann Coulter and Laura Ingram are the biggest supporters, you've got the wrong horse in the race. He's toast out of the gate.

Jeez, just look at who has endorsed him...ye gods.

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" I’m going to open up our libel laws so that when the New York Times writes a hit piece which is a total disgrace or when the Washington Post, which is there for other reasons writes a hit piece we can sue then and win money instead of having no chance of winning because they are totally protected "

The libel laws in the US are fine. If you are damaged, and can prove it, you can collect. It happens often. There is no need to change them. Sounds a bit like our DL if you read how he describes how "unfair" the media are to him. Sure, there are far more negative stories on him than positive - but thats the nature of the beast. Happiness doesn't sell like fear and negativity.

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In my humble opinion Trump is not the problem, but his surprisingly high number of followers.

In a "civilized" country like GB, Canada, France, NL or Germany, such a dorky extremist would never get this high number of votes. But as already prouven in another TV-thread, the average Rep follower isn't blessed with the highest IQ. For this discovery you don't need a survey, but your brain. Only one example, the last US Rep president fabricated and started a war within his first period of presidency and got reelected. That means the majority of voters reeelcted him! Then think about the people who voted for him. Maybe think: why they voted for him? But that's another issue.

And now?

I must not repeat all these "friendly" adjectives donated to this airhead. The stubbornness of this Rep egomanic is shown by the OP. Result: he wins, he wins in the Rep area. And that reminds me of Iraq warrior Bush. To be elected as president you need the majority of the votes/delegates.

Can the world rely on the common sense of the US elecrorat? Let's hope so.

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the average Rep follower isn't blessed with the highest IQ.

And you are? Condescend much?

My IQ isn't subject of this thread. But you seem to confirm what I said about the Rep's (and Trump's) IQ: don't answer to the subject, but start the personal offence.

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the average Rep follower isn't blessed with the highest IQ.

And you are? Condescend much?

My IQ isn't subject of this thread. But you seem to confirm what I said about the Rep's (and Trump's) IQ: don't answer to the subject, but start the personal offence.

Welcome to the world of the right-whingers puck2. When they are faced with facts, they turn to personal attacks instead of any type of politely retorted logic. Most likely due to the point you have made.

Easier to let Rush Limbaugh do your thinking for you and then you can just regurgitate.

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It's hard to hold an opinion about anything without accidentally agreeing with something Trump said at some point. He just says whatever he feels is most convenient at the time. He has no substance at all. But it doesn't matter because his supporters don't care about facts.

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In my humble opinion Trump is not the problem, but his surprisingly high number of followers.

In a "civilized" country like GB, Canada, France, NL or Germany, such a dorky extremist would never get this high number of votes. But as already prouven in another TV-thread, the average Rep follower isn't blessed with the highest IQ. For this discovery you don't need a survey, but your brain. Only one example, the last US Rep president fabricated and started a war within his first period of presidency and got reelected. That means the majority of voters reeelcted him! Then think about the people who voted for him. Maybe think: why they voted for him? But that's another issue.

And now?

I must not repeat all these "friendly" adjectives donated to this airhead. The stubbornness of this Rep egomanic is shown by the OP. Result: he wins, he wins in the Rep area. And that reminds me of Iraq warrior Bush. To be elected as president you need the majority of the votes/delegates.

Can the world rely on the common sense of the US elecrorat? Let's hope so.

One comment on the re-election of Bush - the war was still in its relative infancy during his campaign and election to a 2nd term (03-04). Most were still holding out hope that it would turn out OK and that some WMDs would eventually be found. He would likely have lost if the election was two years later after things started going south in Iraq.

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In my humble opinion Trump is not the problem, but his surprisingly high number of followers.

In a "civilized" country like GB, Canada, France, NL or Germany, such a dorky extremist would never get this high number of votes. But as already prouven in another TV-thread, the average Rep follower isn't blessed with the highest IQ. For this discovery you don't need a survey, but your brain. Only one example, the last US Rep president fabricated and started a war within his first period of presidency and got reelected. That means the majority of voters reeelcted him! Then think about the people who voted for him. Maybe think: why they voted for him? But that's another issue.

And now?

I must not repeat all these "friendly" adjectives donated to this airhead. The stubbornness of this Rep egomanic is shown by the OP. Result: he wins, he wins in the Rep area. And that reminds me of Iraq warrior Bush. To be elected as president you need the majority of the votes/delegates.

Can the world rely on the common sense of the US elecrorat? Let's hope so.

One comment on the re-election of Bush - the war was still in its relative infancy during his campaign and election to a 2nd term (03-04). Most were still holding out hope that it would turn out OK and that some WMDs would eventually be found. He would likely have lost if the election was two years later after things started going south in Iraq.

If I may interject - He almost lost his re-election until Jeb and Romney "Fixed" the voter count issue in the winner-take-all state of Florida.

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In my humble opinion Trump is not the problem, but his surprisingly high number of followers.

In a "civilized" country like GB, Canada, France, NL or Germany, such a dorky extremist would never get this high number of votes. But as already prouven in another TV-thread, the average Rep follower isn't blessed with the highest IQ. For this discovery you don't need a survey, but your brain. Only one example, the last US Rep president fabricated and started a war within his first period of presidency and got reelected. That means the majority of voters reeelcted him! Then think about the people who voted for him. Maybe think: why they voted for him? But that's another issue.

And now?

I must not repeat all these "friendly" adjectives donated to this airhead. The stubbornness of this Rep egomanic is shown by the OP. Result: he wins, he wins in the Rep area. And that reminds me of Iraq warrior Bush. To be elected as president you need the majority of the votes/delegates.

Can the world rely on the common sense of the US elecrorat? Let's hope so.

One comment on the re-election of Bush - the war was still in its relative infancy during his campaign and election to a 2nd term (03-04). Most were still holding out hope that it would turn out OK and that some WMDs would eventually be found. He would likely have lost if the election was two years later after things started going south in Iraq.

If I may interject - He almost lost his re-election until Jeb and Romney "Fixed" the voter count issue in the winner-take-all state of Florida.

Romney fixed the vote in Florida?

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The Trumpster, he would have my vote if I had one. Time for a change. Same old, same old

political corruption around the world is not working. Puppet masters, pulling the strings. The

reason the establishment hate him is he will not be controlled. The Donald is far, far, from

perfect but the mistakes he makes will be his as apposed to the decisions and laws written

by corporations and handed to congressmen by lobbyists who make fat contributions to

re-election campaigns. Enough is enough. coffee1.gif

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I think the inference that republican voters have a lower IQ than their democrat rivals is a little unfair. I have as many republican voting friends as I do democrat friends and they certainly do not have a lower IQ. I have said before that I think that the votes for Trump are a protest vote and people feel that the other candidates are just politicians in suits, much the same as each other.

Trump is their way of shouting their disgust at the present administration and the low level of the other no hope republican candidates. It is likely that Trump will get the nomination but very little chance of him getting the presidency. It is a worrying time for the USA because they cannot field anyone with the talent or where-with-all to stop the rot.

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The Trumpster, he would have my vote if I had one. Time for a change. Same old, same old

political corruption around the world is not working. Puppet masters, pulling the strings. The

reason the establishment hate him is he will not be controlled. The Donald is far, far, from

perfect but the mistakes he makes will be his as apposed to the decisions and laws written

by corporations and handed to congressmen by lobbyists who make fat contributions to

re-election campaigns. Enough is enough. coffee1.gif

Right, enough is enough.

That doesn't mean trump & Co is the answer, actually he would be the terminator of America.

Europe has a problem with the never stopping "assault" of refugees and the US has the problem of being leaderless.

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NBC, Vox, CNN, Yahoo and Huffington Post to name a few ( Big Government,Big Business, and Big Media ) appear to getting very nervous the threat to their billions of dollars partnership empire.... Out to TRASH Trump...Face it ...no matter how much you pay and say to belittle Trump...Your loosing the battle

YES it's become open season on Donald Trump. The left and the right are determined to attack his policies, harm his businesses, and, if possible, even keep him out of the coming debates. But they can't silence him. And they sure can't intimidate him. The more they try, the more the public will realize that he's the one telling the truth..loves and wants to take back America from the establishment..

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A voice of reason from the beloved and very talented comedian, Louis C.K:thumbsup.gif

‘The guy is Hitler': Louis C.K. begs fans not to vote for Donald Trump

“Please stop it with voting for Trump,” he said at the end of Saturday’s email. “It was funny for a little while. But the guy is Hitler. … Hitler was just some hilarious and refreshing dude with a weird comb over who would say anything at all.”


A vote for Trump is a way of sticking it to the system, he said. It’s also unhealthy.
“It’s a version of national Suicide. Or it’s like a big hit off of a crack pipe,” he said.


Edited by Jingthing
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Still early. In another 2 weeks, all the vitriol may have to be re-directed to Cruz thumbsup.gif

If he's nominated, sure, but it will be about very different issues, like his personal creepiness, that his senate colleagues hate his guts and even his daughter clearly finds him creepy, college sexual behavior rumors, his possible lack of legal eligibility to be president "natural born citizen", and the core issue of his rigidly "purist" far right wing ideology.

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Still early. In another 2 weeks, all the vitriol may have to be re-directed to Cruz thumbsup.gif

If he's nominated, sure, but it will be about very different issues, like his personal creepiness, that his senate colleagues hate his guts and even his daughter clearly finds him creepy, college sexual behavior rumors, his possible lack of legal eligibility to be president "natural born citizen", and the core issue of his rigidly "purist" far right wing ideology.


'' and even his daughter clearly finds him creepy,'

I thought you were smarter than this.

How can you possibly infer his "daughter clearly finds him creepy" from a 14 second video when she turned away from him?

Neither you nor I know what led to the alleged rejection. As I said to another poster that made the same ridiculous claim, perhaps she wanted some ice cream and he said maybe later. Perhaps she was tired and needed some rest. Maybe she simply needed to go to the restroom.

There are a thousand reasons why she did what she did, and not one of them would lead most people to think she thought her own father "creepy".

You let your zeal to defend all things Democrat overrule your normal common sense in this case.

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It's hard to hold an opinion about anything without accidentally agreeing with something Trump said at some point. He just says whatever he feels is most convenient at the time. He has no substance at all. But it doesn't matter because his supporters don't care about facts.

Colbert's amusing "Trump-Trump" debate....


thanks for the link. I watched it. Funny. Trump's such a big target, and he's asked for every rotten tomato that's thrown at him.

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Still early. In another 2 weeks, all the vitriol may have to be re-directed to Cruz thumbsup.gif

If he's nominated, sure, but it will be about very different issues, like his personal creepiness, that his senate colleagues hate his guts and even his daughter clearly finds him creepy, college sexual behavior rumors, his possible lack of legal eligibility to be president "natural born citizen", and the core issue of his rigidly "purist" far right wing ideology.


'' and even his daughter clearly finds him creepy,'

I thought you were smarter than this.

How can you possibly infer his "daughter clearly finds him creepy" from a 14 second video when she turned away from him?

Neither you nor I know what led to the alleged rejection. As I said to another poster that made the same ridiculous claim, perhaps she wanted some ice cream and he said maybe later. Perhaps she was tired and needed some rest. Maybe she simply needed to go to the restroom.

There are a thousand reasons why she did what she did, and not one of them would lead most people to think she thought her own father "creepy".

You let your zeal to defend all things Democrat overrule your normal common sense in this case.

Be honest. You think he's creepy too, don't you? His colleagues in the senate clearly think he's creepy. Multiple reports from people who knew him in college saying WATCH OUT, this guy is CREEPY! Why wouldn't his daughter think the same thing about him? There's even video of his wife looking like she thinks he's creepy. What would be surprising is that any person that knows him that DOESN'T think he's creepy.

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No creepier than those TV preachers that broadcast on Sunday mornings with the exception that he does it to get elected President.

He's creepy in a specific personal way. I can't imagine Americans ever electing him. He's also an ideologically obsessed far right winger. The US may be right wing but not that right wing.
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In my humble opinion Trump is not the problem, but his surprisingly high number of followers.

In a "civilized" country like GB, Canada, France, NL or Germany, such a dorky extremist would never get this high number of votes. But as already prouven in another TV-thread, the average Rep follower isn't blessed with the highest IQ. For this discovery you don't need a survey, but your brain. Only one example, the last US Rep president fabricated and started a war within his first period of presidency and got reelected. That means the majority of voters reeelcted him! Then think about the people who voted for him. Maybe think: why they voted for him? But that's another issue.

And now?

I must not repeat all these "friendly" adjectives donated to this airhead. The stubbornness of this Rep egomanic is shown by the OP. Result: he wins, he wins in the Rep area. And that reminds me of Iraq warrior Bush. To be elected as president you need the majority of the votes/delegates.

Can the world rely on the common sense of the US elecrorat? Let's hope so.

One comment on the re-election of Bush - the war was still in its relative infancy during his campaign and election to a 2nd term (03-04). Most were still holding out hope that it would turn out OK and that some WMDs would eventually be found. He would likely have lost if the election was two years later after things started going south in Iraq.

". Most were still holding out hope that it would turn out OK and that some WMDs would eventually be found"

Why would any sane person hope WMDs would be found?

Only to justify the bad decisions of an idiot?

That, in itself is very sick and shows the Republican mentality.

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" Im going to open up our libel laws so that when the New York Times writes a hit piece which is a total disgrace or when the Washington Post, which is there for other reasons writes a hit piece we can sue then and win money instead of having no chance of winning because they are totally protected "

The libel laws in the US are fine. If you are damaged, and can prove it, you can collect. It happens often. There is no need to change them. Sounds a bit like our DL if you read how he describes how "unfair" the media are to him. Sure, there are far more negative stories on him than positive - but thats the nature of the beast. Happiness doesn't sell like fear and negativity.

And you base this on what? Years of practicing in this area? There are certain immunities and defense available to the press that shield them from having to actually do any work to verity the veracity of the source or information reported.

Do the laws need to changed as it relates to the press? I don't know and don't really care, but the press should be held more accountable for false stories when they fail to check the credibility of secondary sources. There are too many dumb people incapable of reading between the lines, looking for true meanings or taking certain things in context, much of like what we see in here day and day out.

So perhaps laws should be changed to take into account the dumb butts of the world that get worked up over certain things that are either not true or are incapable of reading with a critical eye and seeing that certain bits and pieces of information or statements are being taken out of context. Sadly, our laws and society norms too often have to be tailored to address the dumbest, weakest and most naive.

Edited by F430murci
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