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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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Friends of Americans don't let Americans support Trump. Do an intervention.

Learn from history. Don't let this happen.

Are you inviting non Americans to invade the US and take over the country? I can't imagine any other course of action that would achieve what you want.

The UK government is going to look pretty stupid when Trump is president, as they actually discussed banning him from entering the country. However, I can't imagine them being stupid enough to interfere in the election.

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Friends of Americans don't let Americans support Trump. Do an intervention.

Learn from history. Don't let this happen.

Are you inviting non Americans to invade the US and take over the country? I can't imagine any other course of action that would achieve what you want.

The UK government is going to look pretty stupid when Trump is president, as they actually discussed banning him from entering the country. However, I can't imagine them being stupid enough to interfere in the election.

No, I meant like an intervention. Not an invasion. Dictionaries are useful.

I would like to see Americans hear endless messages about why electing Trump would be a disaster, from both internally and friendly allies.

Not interested in U.S. enemies saying anything ... their anti-Trump messages would backfire, given the ULTRA NATIONALISTIC, authoritarian seeking nature of the Trump base. Actually U.S. enemies supporting Trump could help defeat him ... as obviously they would want the U.S. to make such a big MISTAKE.

Edited by Jingthing
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Friends of Americans don't let Americans support Trump. Do an intervention.

Learn from history. Don't let this happen.

Are you inviting non Americans to invade the US and take over the country? I can't imagine any other course of action that would achieve what you want.

The UK government is going to look pretty stupid when Trump is president, as they actually discussed banning him from entering the country. However, I can't imagine them being stupid enough to interfere in the election.

No, Trump is the one who will look stupid if Trump becomes president, but by then it will be too late.

When I lived in the US I saw George W Bush, one of the worst presidents ever, being elected amidst general disbelief.

Trump is as far below Bush as Bush was below Lincoln. It will be dangerous for the entire world if the US elect this emotionally and intellectually stunted caricature of a man as their president. Anything would be better than this.

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The Dems ( or maybe the GOP establishment's ) propaganda machine is surely the best in the world, if it has convinced real people of that in the OP. Sadly, most people where I am have been brain washed to believe it.

What propaganda machine? Don't be ridiculous, anyone with half a brain can see for themselves that Trump is loudmouthed, extremely short-tempered, a racist, a bully and a mysogynist to boot.

Given that you can't prove him to be racist or a misogynist you might want to reconsider that. I'm sure there is something in the TV rules about slander.

As for the rest, is that worse than a politician that is a proven liar, and allowed an ambassador to be killed on her watch?

If you don't believe that all political parties use propaganda I have a bridge for sale.

How can the truth be slander? Have you ever listened to the garbage that comes out of his mouth? And as to the question of Trump versus HRC: I would vote for ANY democrat over ANY republican every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

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Until I read this article, I would not have considered voting for Trump.

But now the sounds of all those elitist Europeans and Arab camel-herders squealing in fearful horror at the prospect that their cosy, cushy wealth may be under threat from this American nationalist have converted me to Trumpism.

Long live the Trump.

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The Dems ( or maybe the GOP establishment's ) propaganda machine is surely the best in the world, if it has convinced real people of that in the OP. Sadly, most people where I am have been brain washed to believe it.

What propaganda machine? Don't be ridiculous, anyone with half a brain can see for themselves that Trump is loudmouthed, extremely short-tempered, a racist, a bully and a mysogynist to boot.

Given that you can't prove him to be racist or a misogynist you might want to reconsider that. I'm sure there is something in the TV rules about slander.

As for the rest, is that worse than a politician that is a proven liar, and allowed an ambassador to be killed on her watch?

If you don't believe that all political parties use propaganda I have a bridge for sale.

How can the truth be slander? Have you ever listened to the garbage that comes out of his mouth? And as to the question of Trump versus HRC: I would vote for ANY democrat over ANY republican every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

I have listened to him, and he has said nothing that would constitute racism or misogyny. Can you give me a Trump quote that is misogynistic? Don't forget misogyny is hatred of ALL women, not just a few on a personal level.

So, you'd vote for Anthony Weiner over Lincoln. OK then.

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I can't believe that you are supporting slander.

Free speech doesn't protect slander on TV.

You make it sound like the president of the US has dictatorial powers, when they don't.

Does anyone actually believe HRC would make a good president, given her proven record of incompetence and deceit?

Not a good one (as an aside, what makes a good president?) just more of the same.

There's much to be said for more-of-the-same when the alternative is Trump.

The current crop of candidates is unusually depressing.

Feels like people cheer for candidates solely based on perceived political fault lines, rather than relying on the candidates merits.

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I love the democracy standards of USA !!! They would even entertain such an idiot for president although if they didn't allow it to run ...they would probably be sued

If he gets elected ....it's a shame and shambles to stupidity and how dumb the electoral can get but this is politics at its finest reality hour

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LOL at all the fear-mongering and paranoia. Normally, I wouldn't vote for Trump and would sit this election out. But I'm tempted to just by the over-reaction by so many people.

Given his past statements, Trump is more moderate than any of the other Republicans and likely not much different on domestic issues than centrist Clinton. And given Clinton's history of hawkish-ness, I'd guess less likely to start needless wars than Clinton.

Trump is performance artist who serves the purpose of subtly exposing the awfulness of the current political elites.

Nothing he says can be taken at face value, but that's OK because everyone knows it - or, at least they should. With Clinton, nothing can be taken at face value but it's more problematic because so many people do believe her.

A wall on the Mexican border? Banning all Muslims? Those things aren't going to happen, Trump says them just for the absurdity value and, for this, he should be applauded.

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Well it would certainly make politics interesting for a while. And a person who has built a business up into an empire must have something going for him. If he can do it for himself, perhaps he can do it for America! America has nothing to lose and Clinton would be just as bad, or worse. At least I think Trump would be more on the side of the people whereas Clinton is more interested in the 'So called -Elite'. She wants to amass money for her and her friends but Trump already has.

The lowball figure for what Trump got from his father is 40 million dollars. If that had been just invested in a S&P index stock and the dividends reinvested, today that would be worth about 4 billion dollars. Which is what outsiders estimate Trump's wealth to be. To be fair, Trump has spent a lot and lives well. Still, he hardly qualifies to be called a self-made man.

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Until I read this article, I would not have considered voting for Trump.

But now the sounds of all those elitist Europeans and Arab camel-herders squealing in fearful horror at the prospect that their cosy, cushy wealth may be under threat from this American nationalist have converted me to Trumpism.

Long live the Trump.

Someone who calls Arabs "camel herders" would not have considered voting for Trump? Who do you think you are fooling? It's clear you are exactly the kind of voter he is targeting. And to make it perfectly clear, the kind of voter he is targeting is a bigot.

Edited by stillbornagain
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Well it would certainly make politics interesting for a while. And a person who has built a business up into an empire must have something going for him. If he can do it for himself, perhaps he can do it for America! America has nothing to lose and Clinton would be just as bad, or worse. At least I think Trump would be more on the side of the people whereas Clinton is more interested in the 'So called -Elite'. She wants to amass money for her and her friends but Trump already has.

The lowball figure for what Trump got from his father is 40 million dollars. If that had been just invested in a S&P index stock and the dividends reinvested, today that would be worth about 4 billion dollars. Which is what outsiders estimate Trump's wealth to be. To be fair, Trump has spent a lot and lives well. Still, he hardly qualifies to be called a self-made man.

I'm sure all the many thousands that were employed by Trump ( and NONE have come forward with bad stories about him ) were happy he didn't just "invest" it and live in luxury.

He could have invested it in subprime and have nothing now.

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Simple question re Trump:

'Would you like this loud unbalanced fool man to hold the keys to the ballistic missiles?'

Yes, yes i do...i think he will be a breath of fresh air. He WILL take the country back from illegals and refugees. TRUMP 2016...

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Well it would certainly make politics interesting for a while. And a person who has built a business up into an empire must have something going for him. If he can do it for himself, perhaps he can do it for America! America has nothing to lose and Clinton would be just as bad, or worse. At least I think Trump would be more on the side of the people whereas Clinton is more interested in the 'So called -Elite'. She wants to amass money for her and her friends but Trump already has.

The lowball figure for what Trump got from his father is 40 million dollars. If that had been just invested in a S&P index stock and the dividends reinvested, today that would be worth about 4 billion dollars. Which is what outsiders estimate Trump's wealth to be. To be fair, Trump has spent a lot and lives well. Still, he hardly qualifies to be called a self-made man.

I'm sure all the many thousands that were employed by Trump ( and NONE have come forward with bad stories about him ) were happy he didn't just "invest" it and live in luxury.

He could have invested it in subprime and have nothing now.

So you think money that's invested does not result in the growth of businesses and an increase in jobs? You must be a Marxist. Or even worse, a democratic socialst.

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LOL at all the fear-mongering and paranoia. Normally, I wouldn't vote for Trump and would sit this election out. But I'm tempted to just by the over-reaction by so many people.

Given his past statements, Trump is more moderate than any of the other Republicans and likely not much different on domestic issues than centrist Clinton. And given Clinton's history of hawkish-ness, I'd guess less likely to start needless wars than Clinton.

Trump is performance artist who serves the purpose of subtly exposing the awfulness of the current political elites.

Nothing he says can be taken at face value, but that's OK because everyone knows it - or, at least they should. With Clinton, nothing can be taken at face value but it's more problematic because so many people do believe her.

A wall on the Mexican border? Banning all Muslims? Those things aren't going to happen, Trump says them just for the absurdity value and, for this, he should be applauded.

Yes for performance art. Not for president. He's punking us and nobody knows what he's really about. Probably even himself. Edited by Jingthing
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Trump has Dems and establishment Repubs shaking in their boots...he has not been bought and paid for by the Repubs and this scares them...he will likely actually get some much needed legislation thru Congress which scares the Dems...

Shudder? Many are jumping for joy!

Like trying to deport 10 million Latinos, ripping them out of their homes and families, and start a race war? Can't wait!

Mexican Ex-Presidente Fox is right in saying he's an American Hitler. Help us stop this madness!

Are you referring to the over "10 million illegal immigrants" from Mexico and Central America that the current administration has allowed to stay in the US. If there is a race war it will be because Obama has fanned the flames with his stance on black lives matter.

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Trump has Dems and establishment Repubs shaking in their boots...he has not been bought and paid for by the Repubs and this scares them...he will likely actually get some much needed legislation thru Congress which scares the Dems...

Shudder? Many are jumping for joy!

Like trying to deport 10 million Latinos, ripping them out of their homes and families, and start a race war? Can't wait!

Mexican Ex-Presidente Fox is right in saying he's an American Hitler. Help us stop this madness!

Are you referring to the over "10 million illegal immigrants" from Mexico and Central America that the current administration has allowed to stay in the US. If there is a race war it will be because Obama has fanned the flames with his stance on black lives matter.
You're joking right. Learn some history and get back to us.
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I hope Trump wins. I hope Trump evades the snares and traps that are pouncing from every corner. By virtue of his running, all the agents who are the underlying problems in America (and globally) are daily identifying themselves by their gnashing of teeth. Pay close attention: from the GOP to the Democratic (Socialist) Party to German papers, EU politicians, Chinese mouthpieces, etc., the disease that creates the Trump Phenomena parade themselves for us to see. We can readily define Trump's support by Trump's opposition. It is because of this train of Obamaphile, HRC/Bernie Socialist engineers that Trump has any traction. Like Trump; hate Trump; one ignores Trump at their own peril because what Trump reflects is the issue, not his personality.

Trump reflects rage... not discontent. Discontent was the past midstream elections. Discontent was the various and common refrain for decades "Why are we always given the choice of the lesser of two evils?" Discontent is understatement. Discontent was the "Republican in Name Only" appellations that sought to describe the sense that GOP/Democratic Party where variously the same. Discontent was before people actually believed America was in the final days of a Republic. Discontent was before Americans appreciated that wealth is now gone, and they are slowly being reduced to a third world economy in a first world police state.

People are enraged at the wholesale race to not only change America but quickly change the mechanics of the American electoral mechanisms whereby the people can no longer even exercise their voice to protest their demise- Open borders, exporting markets, importing voters, no jobs, mind numbing debt, entitlements as constituency, destruction of social fabric, landmarks, meaning, icons, revision of history, alienation, balkanization, isolation, white guilt, privilege, certain lives matter, war on police, war on women, war on blacks, blacks on whites, whites on Hispanics, the 1%, 99%, 47%, 51%, ad infinitum.

Americans are sick of not only being the tools for communist engineering (under the cover of 'democracy') but having the levers of their government so overtly hijacked to prevent them from collectively taking control again. Having laid ample foundations in incremental (READ Progressive) fashion for decades, the Democratic (READ Progressive (READ Socialist)) Party has fully shed their cloak of denial and now races openly to the finish line, to total power, to uncoupling the ability to reverse their "progressive" engineering. In this race, made more palpable by Trump's surprise entrance to the state, the GOP is now equally outed as the obverse of the same coin.

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I am not crazy about Trump but the US survived GWB, perhaps the stupidest man ever to hold office in any country. The Senate and Congress - controlled by Corporations and super wealthy family's - run the show. A Republicsn Senate will be uniquely unsupportive of Trump. It will be business as usual - let the corporations plunder and pillage the US.

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Yes for performance art. Not for president. He's punking us and nobody knows what he's really about. Probably even himself.

We'll just have to agree to disagree then. IMHO the punking is what makes him most charming. No more facade of supposedly meaning what one says. Everything is a lie, or maybe not.

That's why I might just vote for him... although more nonsense like arjunadawn's post could make me reconsider.

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The Dems ( or maybe the GOP establishment's ) propaganda machine is surely the best in the world, if it has convinced real people of that in the OP. Sadly, most people where I am have been brain washed to believe it.

What propaganda machine? Don't be ridiculous, anyone with half a brain can see for themselves that Trump is loudmouthed, extremely short-tempered, a racist, a bully and a mysogynist to boot.

Given that you can't prove him to be racist or a misogynist you might want to reconsider that. I'm sure there is something in the TV rules about slander.

As for the rest, is that worse than a politician that is a proven liar, and allowed an ambassador to be killed on her watch?

If you don't believe that all political parties use propaganda I have a bridge for sale.

How can the truth be slander? Have you ever listened to the garbage that comes out of his mouth? And as to the question of Trump versus HRC: I would vote for ANY democrat over ANY republican every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

The democrats constituency is lgbt, black lives matter/lawless cop haters, race baiters-Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson, big gov't/nanny state, higher taxes, no borders, illegal aliens, welfare cheating, give me more free stuff, blame America for everything, run others lives, know what's best for everyone bunch of never be responsible for themselves but demand to tell you how to live who are always the first to use violence if you don't toe their line, liars and cheaters, low character/no morals morons and on and on and on.

So where do each of you Clinton/Obama supporters fit into the democrat voter profile, who do you identify most closely with?

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