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Thailand slips deeper into China's embrace


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Thailand is unique in Southeast Asia in that the Chinese have pretty much integrated seamlessly into Thai society. All the of the Thai Chinese I have met identify themselves as being Thai first. I am not particularly concerned about the local Thai/Chinese population aligning themselves with the "Motherland". In my experience most overseas Chinese communities are as sceptical about about the motives of China and equally (at times more so) outraged by the behavior of Mainland Chinese abroad.

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I think the future of Thailand lies with China and Japan, there is no country that won't try to take advantage of Thailand.

The problem lies in having the right people during the negotiations, having the proper support and priorities, and being able

to say no.

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Strange that no one seems willing to state the fact the the U.S.A. is embracing the Chinese in a similar fashion.

Then of course we must also consider the debt position of China itself !!

Don't worry, none of us will be denied entry to this dubious club, the whole world population is into debt bondage to the international banksters, politicians, business cartels, assorted war mongers and the coming N.W.O.


China is the largest holder of U.S. debt. At the end of March, the Treasury Department announced that China owned $1.261 trillion worth of U.S. government securities.As of June 10th 2015


Edited by shunter
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Well, soon Thailand will be selling the latest Chinese high spec smartphones, tablets and those clucky copy Hondas. The expensive Japanese products will be pushed out. There are already dozens of so called "20 baht shops" around selling very cheap made in China products. Fake brand products are easy to buy, just check out facebook.

But any project between Thailand and China will bring hoards of so called Chinese experts, managers, workers, etc to oversee these projects. Once in never out, just like in Laos.

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Strange that no one seems willing to state the fact the the U.S.A. is embracing the Chinese in a similar fashion.


China is the largest holder of U.S. debt. At the end of March, the Treasury Department announced that China owned $1.261 trillion worth of U.S. government securities.As of June 10th 2015


America is not embracing China, China has cleverly purchased large amounts of debts so it now has a stranglehold on the USA.

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We Westerners see things differently to Thai's. We greet the changes with skepticism....when we should be applauding the efforts of the current government in building new friendships and developing the country into a greater than great powerhouse of modern wonders!


A good one BS John.

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We Westerners see things differently to Thai's. We greet the changes with skepticism....when we should be applauding the efforts of the current government in building new friendships and developing the country into a greater than great powerhouse of modern wonders!


He's even got his lipstick out to put on the pig.

Crikey! I can't slip anything past you lads! biggrin.png

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China is doing that what the US not understand

Russia is doing that what the US not understand.

Japan is doing that what the US not understand.

US can learn form it.

but no one want to listen to the lesson history provides to us.

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Strange that no one seems willing to state the fact the the U.S.A. is embracing the Chinese in a similar fashion.


China is the largest holder of U.S. debt. At the end of March, the Treasury Department announced that China owned $1.261 trillion worth of U.S. government securities.As of June 10th 2015


America is not embracing China, China has cleverly purchased large amounts of debts so it now has a stranglehold on the USA.

Are you really that globally illiterate? China, along with most countries, has to own US dollars to engage in international trade. Few if any will accept China's currency. The USD is the official unit of international trade. China elects to hold US treasuries as its reserve of dollars.

For at least the last year, China has sold most of those treasuries to raise money to prop up its stock market, currency, and run its government. China is in a very serious recession and is short on cash.

Every time China has sold treasuries there has been a ready worldwide market for them as there always is. Those treasuries are hard, not easy to get in large volume and are traded on exchanges worldwide.

The myth that "the US owes China money" is just that. If China were to sell the rest of its US treasuries it would be out of business because it is in the business of international trade which requires USD.

The US therefore has a stranglehold on China. If the US were to call in those treasuries (USD's) China would go tits up.


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Let CHiland become one with china. CHina will need a suuitable place to dump its toxic waste. And since there is a train being built, lets give them everything 3 miles left and right of the tracks too. (fact)

Oh submarines that we control but with thai crew?! awesome.

Once thailand accepts china 100%. do expect death to may thais/politicians, You must be thai chinese to be important. And we all know how thai/chinese get rid of their competition. The kill them, they create a legal way to kill them. (thaksins war on drugs) This is THailand future.

You sold your people to china what do you think will happen? As of now, all the anger comes out over little things. BUt when the people realize that they can pent their anger on corruption... happy days.

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I expect the Chinese Government will support this Army led Thailand until the day they have gotten everything they can.. then they will switch sides and support a 'red Army' peoples revolution against the entrenched elites in Bangkok.(This was their own history in China, and they are proud of it) This will enable a 'People's party' to directly control all the land and resources of Thailand. Of course this newly formed Government will need many advisers and maybe police and Army forces from mainland China to help run the affairs of state... This will usher in a new Thailand as a holy dependent client state of China..The current Army leaders do not seem to see this as the inevitable consequence of their current path. (Do they know the doctrines of this Chinese Government ?) (Do they believe they are more capable then all the other leaders in the lands that border China ?) The Chinese Government will show great respect to these deluded men with guns until the day they are no longer of any use...bad for them, and worse for the future of this beautiful country.... Inviting a powerful and hunger Dragon into your home will not go well... very sad for the future of this country...IMHO

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Sale of submarine includes technology and training.

Well, I hope so.

I can't imagine buying a sub without knowing how to start the damn thing.

Well, there is an aircraft carrier they have trouble running.

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We Westerners see things differently to Thai's. We greet the changes with skepticism....when we should be applauding the efforts of the current government in building new friendships and developing the country into a greater than great powerhouse of modern wonders!


The Chinese bull will be wearing a Chinese made ribbed condom to give the Thai people excitement and a false sense of security while they are being scre$%^d

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And I thought that the rail project had been placed on hold while hey considered offers from Japan. High speed rail (??????? It all depends what thy mean by High speed of course) by Japan or China???? If it is bullet train stuff I would not want to ride on a Chinese made & Thai maintained bullet train. But I think they really mean HIGHER SPEED THAN CURRENT THAI TRAINS, not real high speed 250kph stuff across mobile rice paddies on 39 inch span rails.

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China is going to fleece Thailand and all of the population will be happy,

Decades of paranoia about Westerners owning anything more than a condo, and then suddenly within a few short years give the whole lot to China..... Brilliant move!!!!

Because they too eat rice, whilst 'we' eat bread! w00t.gif

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China is going to fleece Thailand and all of the population will be happy,

Its like eating at a high class restaurant. After you eat and are full they present you with the bill complete with tips and accumulated interest. China is hoodwinking many countries around the planet in the same manner.

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Thailand slips deeper into China's embrace

That would be the embrace of a contracting economy.

Thank you China for a cheaper yuan and baht. wai2.gif

Not true. China's economy continues to expand, albeit at a slower pace. A reduced rate of growth is not a contraction.

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AND ? What is wrong with this ? Yes of course a country with spare money will invest in foreign ventures. Just as Europe and USA do. If Thailand is slipping deeper into China's embrace, then the UK and USA are already married to China.


If I am not mistaken last year the UK (from reported accounts), lavished the Chinese leader on his state visit. From all accounts China is to invest over 40 billion GBP in various UK ventures, including 6 billion GBP on a nuclear power plant, with the UK government relieved the Chinese bailed out the cash-strapped main developer, EDF of France. The Chinese last year contributed £500m a year to the UK economy via tourism and it rises dramatically every year so far.

As far as the figures go, give or take, last year Total Chinese foreign direct investments in the United States exceeded US$10 billion for the third consecutive year.

I see nothing unusual in this. They have money to invest and countries welcome it, as they need money. If you are old enough to remember the 70's in London it was the Saudi's investing in London and the USA has a lot of investment in Europe.

Last year it was suggested China was investing in Thailand with new projects worth $280 million in the first eight months of the year.

Thousands of companies and potential people looking for work have flooded the Chinese markets trying to get a piece of the massive amounts of money being spent. If the Asian populace stopped buying luxury brand goods, large parts of the luxury goods market could easily collapse. In a nut shell the world needs China and China needs the world. I for one, embrace it with open arms and hope good relations can be built and over time a comfortable coming together can occur. Of course there are tensions from time to time and western nations are certainly not blameless in the part they play in creating them. Its politics and power plays. Been going on since the beginning of communities. We can but hope they never accelerate into actual aggression as this would be bad for everyone. Human beings should learn to get a long and stop being so prejudice and that includes all sides.

So, I would not get too worked up over this. China is spending which is good. I for one would love to get new work with Chinese people.

Edited by davidcc
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Cue Audio,

" Will you walk into my parlour ? " said the spider to the fly.

and later,

" Gotcha ! "

Damn your eyes !!!! You beat me to the punch. That was

the exact same thought that came to my mind when I saw

this headline...... :-)

Act in haste, repent in leisure......Thailand is playing

with fire, and they will regret their foolish move of attempting

to play the superpowers against each other to see what

scraps they can get.. But since Thailand is owned and

run by Chinese, maybe it just does not matter. Well except

for all the Thai people in Issan !!

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