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Former deputy minister charged over shooting dog dead outside 7-Eleven


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Two issues

1 Stray dogs and how to deal with them

2 Using a gun in public or anywhere for that matter

Stray dogs are a consequence of society not looking at ways to curb the numbers of dogs that end up on our streets

Other more compassionate countries try to prevent these dogs breeding by neuting and spaying - will Thailand's government ever consider this method as a means to reduce the stray population - I doubt it - they are too busy lining their own pockets

As for 2 any one who justifies the use of a loaded firearm to deal with an aggressive/stray dog should be considered a danger to society - far greater than the dog and a period of incarceration should be mandatory - will this happen - the wealthy elite always take care of their own so much the same answer as for stray dogs

Some people think they are above the law

In Thailand the law is often ignored as will be the case for this vulgar act


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Local people in my village manage to avoid shooting stray dogs, they carry a short piece of bamboo to smack them with. On reflection I prefer that to them packing firearms. Remember, this gun toting maniac drives as well, what if he pulled it on you.

This is central bkk, we don't always have a bamboo cane handy when we are coming or going about ones business....

Anyway, if I a rabbid dog bit me, and I had a cane and a 9mm in the car, guess which one I would be fetching ...

That's an even better alibi. He shot it because it might be rabid and didn't want it to get away before he could cut it's head off and see which brain needed to be analyzed the most for rabies.

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I lost my 2 year old husky to someone trying to poison soi dogs no doubt......I never found out who the culprit was. If I did...........

Seems as though a lot of you here are heartless souls who probably have never owned a pet before. A disgusting bunch of so-called "human beings" who just sit around drinking beer all day, leeching off Thailand and ranting on about your 1st-world problems whilst living here. Oxygen thieves at the very best.

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Bad shot, needs to go back to the range, needs training, if he ever had any. Neighbor shot one mutt the other night, good for him and I gave him a thumbs up, one shot, one dead mutt. Damned mutt tried to bite him in his own yard while he parking his truck and before he could get gate shut again. We've had to put chicken wire on gates here to keep the mutts out of our on yards. Some put plastic on there gates to keep mutts in, mutts just chew it off and they damn well don't do anything about it. If I had my little .22 with subsonic hollow points there would be one hell of lot less mutts running around here. Oh, I would show proper respect, throw them in the damn garbage can. No dog catchers where I lived for many years, bad dog, dead dog, packed dogs, dead pack. Every body understood that. Packed dogs are dangerous to the deer, elk, sheep, calves and humans, more so than coyotes and we killed both when we saw them.

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Good job! Straydogs shouldn't be on the streets. I also got bitten by one.

A friend of mine is undergoing painful rabies shots from getting bitten last month. Since strays are taken care of by someone then they aren't actually strays and laws should be made to make the person feeding them accountable for medical expenses. This dog should have been put down and that man had every right to shoot and kill it. If it was me I would have taken the dog and my wounds to the hospital though for a rabies check and them gone to hunt down the owner or people who feed it.

They really need lease laws here and strays should be put down or given to responsible owners. Ohh wait! Sorry! This IS Thailand I am talking about. Hmmp

The dog that bit me was in a shop, i guess it's the owners dog since it's always there.

I told them the shots costed 10k baht but they didn't care.

It would be better if there were no dogs at all in Thailand since the Thai are too irresponsible for them. Many of my neighbours have dogs, they never ever walk them and if they bark all day they also don't care. Some even sit in a cage all day long and this is a nice moobaan where we live.

There's a rule of max. 2 dogs at a house but of course some have 3 or more dogs. They also seem to love very fat dogs because they are so cute and than you look so rich.

Many of them give the dog away when it gets one year old, also they just open the gate to let it walk itself....

A hiso lady here likes to drive her big car around and feed all soidogs, we have big groups now waiting for her to come feed them.

There is a woman in our moobaan who also goes around feeding the dogs, they are a liability and are dangerous to road users and children. My Son is afraid to ride his bicycle around the village because some dogs will always chase him.

They should be culled in my opinion.

Also something should be done about the dogs.

Any dog chasing or biting my child will have me sorting out the problem on a permanent basis. You know the old story about more than one way of skinning a cat, well there is more than one way to sort out a dog problem, shooting is just one of them.

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He has also been charged with carrying a gun in public and firing it without a proper reason

I would say the reason was quite proper.

He wasted 4 bullets, how many would you need?rolleyes.gif

He may have needed all five.

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Many cruel and stupid comments. The stray dog was right. RIP

Wouldn't consider you statement to be an award winning comment mainly due to a complete lack of intelligent discourse.

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Straydogs are a pest in Thailand, either they are aggressive, bark, invested with all kinds of diseases, allthough I have 2 dogs behaving but barking too much.

I see them around food markets too much, some even lay on top of the fruit. And they are ugly as hell. But Thailand, I understand.

Maybe you should move, dogs have as much right to live as you do!

So I assume you would allow a dog to sit in the middle of your dining room table, or are you happy to just have them lick your plates clean.

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And sure the vicious dog bite has now miraculously healed up firing a gun randomly outside a 7-11 obviously a prat no regard for anyone but himself an arrogant man to kill a dog and leave it outside a 7-11 disgusting behaviour from a public servant lock him up and throw away the key would not be good enough for this gun toting mafia type person high time Junta cracked down on his type even if he was trying to save his winnings at his Bridge club 300k Baht from the robber dog gang. I am a dog lover and have taken my loving Thai dog home to Scotland with me.And for all the dog haters on TVF its obvious they dont do enough to eradicate the problem try donating a bit more money to the likes of Soi Dog to help clear the dog problem up in Thailand.

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Local people in my village manage to avoid shooting stray dogs, they carry a short piece of bamboo to smack them with. On reflection I prefer that to them packing firearms. Remember, this gun toting maniac drives as well, what if he pulled it on you.

This is central bkk, we don't always have a bamboo cane handy when we are coming or going about ones business....

Anyway, if I a rabbid dog bit me, and I had a cane and a 9mm in the car, guess which one I would be fetching ...

The other two charges might be goers but the torture one is a bit stupid. Have any of the dog huggers ever been attacked & bitten by a stray possibly rabid dog? i guess not. BTW I have 7 dogs, all water pump & farm machinery security. And I am a dog lover but if I had a gun in the car and was just bitten by a stray possibly rabid dog I would have gone for it to improve community safety,. Biut not after seeing what he faces. But I do not own guns here. Back home I had plenty, (yes Dorothy, plenty, but this is not Kansas), but never carried.

Yes, consideration of where the bullets went is a point but does anyone know any details. Also I would be allkjeem on gtting to the hospital & not further handling a possibly diseased dog. He probably knew someone had called the police so why bother. They would be better to get council staff to handle it anyway with proper safety clothing (Dream on????Somchai & a rubbish bag!!!! )

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Three charges have been filed against Khun Tawee. From the news report linked in the OP:

Tawee has been charged with animal cruelty and is facing a two-year jail term and a maximum fine of THB40,000. He has also been charged with carrying a gun in public and firing it without a proper reason, Matichon reported.

I am looking at the charge of animal cruelty, disregarding the other two charges for the purpose of this post.

A tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) lands on my arm. That's the type of mosquito that can potentially infect me with the dangerous Zika virus, dengue fever, etc. I slap my hand on it, killing it, before or after it stings me.

Khun Tawee gets bitten in a leg by a stray dog. That's the type of dog that can potentially infect him with rabies. He gets his gun and kills the dog.

We both defend ourselves against an attack by an animal and doing so we both commit an act of cruelty against an animal. The only difference is that the stray dog is covered by Thailand's Prevention of Animal Cruelty and Provision of Animal Welfare Act, the mosquito is not. I do not get prosecuted, Khun Tawee does.

The morale of this story is that before you fend off an animal that attacks you in Thailand, read the Prevention of Animal Cruelty and Provision of Animal Welfare Act, lest you get taken to court.

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Ahhhh - he was charged with animal cruelty - are there no laws about transporting a firearm, brandishing a weapon in public, shooting it off inside a city, etc, etc??? Or are these ignored offenses consistent with being a big shot in LOS?

Indeed there are. It comes as no surprise that this guy with the ethics of a Thai politician, who changed sides repeatedly, would concoct a complete cock and bull story for the police after losing his rag and gunning down a dog. He claimed he acted in self defence but this is an obvious lie. Since he was able to get to his car and pull out his gun from the glove compartment or wherever he was illegally keeping it, he could certainly have just closed the door and driven off with no need to defend himself by shooting the dog. He will obviously pay for his crime but probably in the form of contributions to the policemen's ball, as well as the prosecutors' and judges' ball.

There are actually several firearms offences here. I am willing to assume that he had a Por 4 licence to own and use the gun at home in defence of life and property but it is obvious from the reports that he didn't have a Por 12 licence to carry it around on his person or in his car. The offences are piecemeal, i.e. one count for carrying the gun in public without permission or good reason, one count for carrying the ammunition in public without permission or good reason, one count for having a loaded gun in public and without permission and another count for discharging a gun in a public place without permission or a good reason. Penalties are around 3 years for each, excluding the animal cruelty offence. If it was near a temple or a school, that is another offence.

You notice I kept repeating "without good reason". This is because this wording is the 1946 Firearms Control Act and one of the "good reasons" that has frequently been accepted by courts for carrying a loaded gun in a car is the delivering of a large sum of money (usually interpreted as in excess of B200,000 these days and usually to another province for some reason). I think this dates back to the 40s when taking money to the provinces was a dangerous undertaking but payments were normally made by cash. The so and so has immediately claimed that he took the gun in his car because he was going to deposit B300,000 in a bank (but was obviously interrupted by the dog attack, hence no evidence of the deposit). Probably he will get away with this after depositing the B200,000 or more elsewhere but I hope they slam his ass in jail.

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Some potential psychopaths in here, cheering on the execution of a dog.

The soi dog situation is out of control yes, going around and just shooting them though? Have a word with yourselves.

What is the answer then?

Most of these dogs are so diseased and damaged temperamentally they will never be able to be re homed or adopted to people.

They should be humanely destroyed. They are no better than rats really.. its just our human perception about dogs being loving and mans best friend. In fact they are a lot more dangerous than rats.. causing many road accidents and bites.

I know of some dog charities here in Chiang Maim they try to help the dogs.. but the problem is no better... and their facilities are overcrowded and full of dogs. they have the best intentions but really they don't help the problem at all in the long run.

I like dogs.. I have 2 pet ones.. they are not allowed to stray out onto the road.. they have been trained to be friendly to people and would never bite anyone. My Thai neighbour collects dogs. Now she has about 10... most are chained up 24 /7 on very short ropes.. howling and barking.. living on scrap metal sheeting, dirty and starving. Why does she not get in trouble for animal cruelty?!

I feel sorry for the street dogs. No dog should live like that. I see many in my village covered in sores, broken legs, staving or sick.

I have been bitten badly by a street dog once... and it was nothing I did. Dogs will bite for no reason we can understand sometimes. despite people on here saying dogs only bite when humans do something wrong. Also rabid dogs will bite simply as a result of the disease. No one has to upset them or kick them.

I was riding my pushbike.. when suddenly there was a large dog attacked to my leg.. making me fall of my bike.. My leg was badly bitten and blood was pouring onto the floor. I never saw the dog approaching or did anything to upset it.. it never even barked or growled.. it silently 'hunted' me.

I was on my own and had to frighten the dog away.. and then cycle back home bleeding before my other half took me to the hospital. That dog needs to be destroyed.. its not a friendly harmless doggy like some dog lovers seem to think all dogs are.

Edited by jak2002003
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I believe if they try to check out when him visit the hospital they found out it was in the late afternoon. Report number doubled or something like this.If him serious him showed a picture from the bite!!!!

And yes I am a dog lover but I take care my dogs. In my street to much dogs run around without anti rabbies injection, ...too and no one worry!!!

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Tawee looks very young for a 77 year old, has his photo been photo-shopped I wonder...whistling.gifcheesy.gif Yet another vain man. ..

It's probably an old picture but they're all manipulated to make the skin smooth and white anyway.

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The fact that he left the dead dog outside the shop, making no arrangements for its removal, says a lot about his attitude...not only to the dog but to other citizens. Send him to prison for 30 days and let him do some self-reflection.

. After being bitten I imagine his thoughts were on getting his own injuries fixed rather than arranging a funeral for a dog....
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When will we get adequate control measures of rabbi-infested stray dogs being a danger to the public? When will the municipal authorities act, so that we don't need to see this cruelty anymore?


and better still kept OFF ALL roads, I feel sorry for the dogs in some ways but get angry with the idiots who let them breed rampantly, claim they "care" about them and "think" they are doing some good deed by leaving out rice which is now leading tp a Pigeon epidemic as well as feeding local rats. Stupidity all round..................expect no change anytime soon

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Some potential psychopaths in here, cheering on the execution of a dog.

The soi dog situation is out of control yes, going around and just shooting them though? Have a word with yourselves.


Cheering on the execution of a DANGEROUS dog.

Different thing entirely.

It is a huge failing of the authorities here that there are thousands upon thousands of stray dogs everywhere. Rabid ones of course need to be dealt with but by some ex politician with a gun in public? So what do you propose everyone just goes out and shoots these dogs dead?

Even if it came to needing a cull there are more humane and less dangerous ways than that.

I propose that the local authorities cull them or neuter them.

Which of course isn't happening which is why people take this into their own hands.

I am more concerned with the health of humans than how humanely these animals are put down. I am especially concerned for any children that get bitten.

On the bright side, I've had my rabies jabs, so they can bit me all day.

Won't someone think of the children!!! Guess the irony of thinking of the children, while condoning a man shooting a firearm in public is lost on you :)

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Local people in my village manage to avoid shooting stray dogs, they carry a short piece of bamboo to smack them with. On reflection I prefer that to them packing firearms. Remember, this gun toting maniac drives as well, what if he pulled it on you.

This is central bkk, we don't always have a bamboo cane handy when we are coming or going about ones business....

Anyway, if I a rabbid dog bit me, and I had a cane and a 9mm in the car, guess which one I would be fetching ...

The other two charges might be goers but the torture one is a bit stupid. Have any of the dog huggers ever been attacked & bitten by a stray possibly rabid dog? i guess not. BTW I have 7 dogs, all water pump & farm machinery security. And I am a dog lover but if I had a gun in the car and was just bitten by a stray possibly rabid dog I would have gone for it to improve community safety,. Biut not after seeing what he faces. But I do not own guns here. Back home I had plenty, (yes Dorothy, plenty, but this is not Kansas), but never carried.

Yes, consideration of where the bullets went is a point but does anyone know any details. Also I would be allkjeem on gtting to the hospital & not further handling a possibly diseased dog. He probably knew someone had called the police so why bother. They would be better to get council staff to handle it anyway with proper safety clothing (Dream on????Somchai & a rubbish bag!!!! )

I had many guns as well, was given my first cooey .22 caliber rabbit gun when I was 13 yo. Although my father was a hunter and we lived off deer and moose every winter he sent me to an authorized gun handling course. We also raised and bred registered Samoyed dogs, up to 35 at a time. I love dogs and I love guns, what I don't love is an idiot shooting in the center of town. It's been said already, what would you do if a stray bullet had hit your child. I think we both know.

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