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Thai wife has major issues to cope with hot weather


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I wonder if I'm the only one in this situation...

We live in South Germany. Its almost mid march and still literally freezing in the morning and the temp. never gets above 7°C / 44°F during the day
and thats like the warmest region of this country.

Winter means Nov. till March you get no sun at all since you're at work + its cold when you get out in the morning and evening.

But.. wifey is totally fine with that, never complains bout nothing. In a few weeks we'll be LOS for our annual trip and I'm already worried about her...

Normally we come b4 Thai summer.

I like to move around, explore blabla but I know with temperatures way above 35°C / 95°F she will be throwing tantrums left and rights.

When we are in bkk its oright cause I go my way and she shuttles between her fav place and 7/11 air con. But I want to visit at least

5-6 places during those 30 days and Im already nervous about that.

Obviously I know the majority of you peeps dont deal with this kind of temperature delta but still I wonder if this hardcore trait is common for Thais.

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I am well acclimatized to heat but do not complain when I return to sub-zero temperatures in my home country

Sorry but if the Lady is Thai then she should be able to cope without having "tantrums" about heat.

Ignore the "tantrums" and enjoy your stay.

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Your blood viscosity changes after about 9 months to 2 years in a different climate now. She is now of German climate blood. I know I have tolerated the heat now far better in BKK than I did before. The humidity however, is what makes most people miserable here.

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My Asian (not Thai) main squeeze seems able to tolerate all kinds of hardship when we're doing things she enjoys. But 5 minutes into activities she doesn't care for, she's hot/cold/tired/hungry/ or her feet are sore.

I've learned that I need to leave her behind on a lot of activities, lest I start getting the myriad complaints 5 minutes into the trip.

Edited by impulse
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May be a typical female manipulaton to get back to Germany or anywhere cooler. I've been here 9 years and yesterday was unbearable and even the night was annoying with the air con going on and off all night.

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A little off topic but. Does your wife suffer when she returns to Thailand with her stomach to. My Thai wife lives with me in the UK. She has lived there for about 10 years. When she returns to Thailand she dives straight in and starts to eat all the local Thai food . I have told her many times she cannot eat the same as when she lived in Thailand , for a few weeks. but it does not sink in. So we have a week of sprinting to the toilet every time along with stomach pains. Also she cannot understand why she gets eaten by mosquitoes. She never did before. So I know where one of the previous poster is coming from about the body adapting to the different climate. But she likes the snow.

Edited by Thongkorn
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My wife is also Thai, and after many years away those first few weeks and months of Africa hot weather were absolutely killers. The problem is that when you come to just visit, you usually never slow down, forget to drink enough water, and during short periods, your body never adapts. Althletes usually figure on at least 30 days to adapt when preparing for hot weather locations and that is after a great deal of time exercising in a sauna.

While we suffer for a while when we first arrive back in Thailand, there never seems to be any adaptation process when going from hot climates to cooler locations. In fact it is a nice change.

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Soon after my wife went to live with me in England she said "now I know why falangs find the hot weather in Thailand hard to deal with". She absolutely loved snow. I remember going out one day and it was the first time she could see her breath in the air, she was fascinated by it. We lived together in England for three years before relocating to Thailand. I was the one pushing for an early move here, she is the one that misses the English climate. I'm lucky though that she doesn't really do tantrums (there was one exception to that rule but it was because I had been an <deleted> rather than anything weather related).

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My Thai wife never usually complains about the heat, but this year, like me, she has found it almost unbearably hot - we have been here for 18 years and never felt as hot as this.

I remember the cool season always used to be 26c-28c daytime.

Now you are lucky to get 1 or 2 days at that temp.

32c-34c is the norm

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Your blood viscosity changes after about 9 months to 2 years in a different climate now. She is now of German climate blood. I know I have tolerated the heat now far better in BKK than I did before. The humidity however, is what makes most people miserable here.


"A second important factor that influences blood viscosity is temperature. Just like molasses, when blood gets cold, it get "thicker" and flows more slowly. Therefore, there is an inverse relationship between temperature and viscosity. Viscosity increases about 2% for each degree centigrade decrease in temperature.".

Happens there and then, it certainly does not take months or years.

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Your blood viscosity changes after about 9 months to 2 years in a different climate now. She is now of German climate blood. I know I have tolerated the heat now far better in BKK than I did before. The humidity however, is what makes most people miserable here.


"A second important factor that influences blood viscosity is temperature. Just like molasses, when blood gets cold, it get "thicker" and flows more slowly. Therefore, there is an inverse relationship between temperature and viscosity. Viscosity increases about 2% for each degree centigrade decrease in temperature.".

Happens there and then, it certainly does not take months or years.

You core body temp does not change. Humans stay (barring illness) at a near constant 98.6 F. So it would follow that your blood temp stays the same also. Your body initiates physiological changes to thicken or thin your blood based upon the environment...yes we know that blood gets thicker in the freezer...but NOPE...not that way it works in the body.

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I don't like the heat; even though I've spent most of my life either in the tropics or the desert. However, I have discovered a new-fangled invention called air conditioning, it works in buildings and in vehicles. I have also found other ways to stay cool--ice makes drinks cold, water works if you bathe or swim in it, shade and breezes are refreshing , even on a motorcycle the passing air keeps you cool. Perhaps, best of all, a piece of cardboard in the hands of a sweet young thing can keep the heat at bay.

Now, if you want to go places where there is no a/c, ice, water, shade, breeze, or sweet young thing; well, then suffer. You need to be smarter than the problem.

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How long has she lived in Germany? If it is a number of years her body will be adjusted to cold then medium heat. Going back to Thailand which is generally a lot hotter than Germany her body will not be acclimatized to the change and she will feel bad with it. Also of course you have to remember that the variation in Thailand is not as significant as in Europe which will also have an effect. I would say temperature affects people in different ways and of course the humidity will have a big effect.

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The last time I was in southern Germany it was stinking bloody hot. High 20s to low 30s.

I am sorry I thought you said it was stinking hot but I must have read it wrong as upper 20's low 30's is NOT stinking hot

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How long has she lived in Germany? If it is a number of years her body will be adjusted to cold then medium heat. Going back to Thailand which is generally a lot hotter than Germany her body will not be acclimatized to the change and she will feel bad with it. Also of course you have to remember that the variation in Thailand is not as significant as in Europe which will also have an effect. I would say temperature affects people in different ways and of course the humidity will have a big effect.

Yeah, and I knew a Vietnamese girl who went to college in Canada. She was gone for four years. When she came back to Saigon she couldn't stand the heat and she forgot how to speak Vietnamese--something akin to the feces of a male cow.

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