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British dog lover fears Thai stranger conned her out of 7,000 Pounds


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In my life as a human being, no one cares if I am a foreign species
living in the tropics, no one cares if I have flees or ticks. Should I
have been beaten, ripped off, be broke or sick and ask for help,

people write innuendoes telling me it's my own fault. Should my
country be at war or suffer starvation, it's my own fault.

In my next life, I want to be a dog.
They get just so much more compassion then humans get.

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Well, I for one feel very sorry for this woman and also the poor dog. It's a very sad story. Only the heartless would gloat over someone's misfortune in this manner (as above).

Hind sight is 20/20 "well done" everyone who put this nice lady down while pointing out her mistake.

Now you can all have your 5 minutes of feeling righteous and superior.

I can't say I'm happy for you though. I really can't.

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I wish someone would spend that much money and come rescue me, I'd be devoted as a puppy! point being, not about me, but there are an awful lot of human beings on the streets of Bangkok and other cities, worse off than that dog, and 60 million middle eastern and african refugees escaping from horror and living in horrible conditions, probably could feed and house a whole family for a year or more for that kind of money. It's funny how we can turn a blind eye to our fellow humans while saving one solitary needy animal. In the US there are a lot of perfectly healthy street people begging for money, but there are shelters and food banks and welfare here, and when I see them I say to myself, he'll be OK, I would rather save it and give it to the beggars on the streets of Bangkok where there is no safety net and it really counts.

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She shouldn't feel too bad, there are plenty of UK men who got 'scammed' out of a heck of a lot more by Thai women who needed money to take care of their buffalo! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Are there any heathy buffalo ( or relatives) in thailand

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Well, I for one feel very sorry for this woman and also the poor dog. It's a very sad story. Only the heartless would gloat over someone's misfortune in this manner (as above).

Hind sight is 20/20 "well done" everyone who put this nice lady down while pointing out her mistake.

Now you can all have your 5 minutes of feeling righteous and superior.

I can't say I'm happy for you though. I really can't.


I think you stand alone fella..

I neither feel righteous nor superior..

She behaved foolishly ... My only surprise is that the dog actually exists

No ones gloating are they...we've all done stupid things...

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Has this woman no brains?

Who in their right mind would part with money like that after seeing photos of a dog.

thats a good question neil...

depends on the situation. some of these companions are not just animals, but serve in respected capacities assisting the mobility impaired and become effectively members of the family.

did you see the movie "monkey shines"? its sbout a caregiver monkey who went awol and tried to murder its master. in one scene he bites it on the neck and shakes his head, stlll does not kill it.

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Its a shame, but unfortunately one has to be v wary nowadays (wherever you live) about sob stories from unknown people. sad.png

Hopefully the woman who has the dog has genuinely fallen in love with him, which is why she is not willing to give him up - but its depressingly likely that she is using him as a way of making money from the foolishly gullible.

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Well, I for one feel very sorry for this woman and also the poor dog. It's a very sad story. Only the heartless would gloat over someone's misfortune in this manner (as above).

Hind sight is 20/20 "well done" everyone who put this nice lady down while pointing out her mistake.

Now you can all have your 5 minutes of feeling righteous and superior.

I can't say I'm happy for you though. I really can't.


I think you stand alone fella..

I neither feel righteous nor superior..

She behaved foolishly ... My only surprise is that the dog actually exists

No ones gloating are they...we've all done stupid things...

I don't think I stand alone. In the minority maybe.

No ones gloating are they? Yes many, actually most.

Yes we have all done stupid things, which was my point really. No need to rub the poor ladies nose in it then is there.

She most probably will read this as most people will be aware.

What are the choices then?

A) Sympathise with the good intentioned lady.

B) Call her stupid and make remarks like "There is one born every minute".

The choice is yours. I have already grown weary of trying to explain manners and morality.


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I'm sorry to say it but the lady artist from Oxford is obviously barking mad. To travel halfway around the world to rescue a dog that may or may not exist makes no sense.

There are thousands of dogs in the UK needing good homes and families please go back and rescue one of these.

Please, everyone shared this with your paw your meow and some real people.

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Animal charities like the RSPCA use pictures of animals in a distressed state to get people to donate. The money would have been better spent by giving to a registered charity that save thousands of dogs lives every year. So many of us get suckered in when it comes to vulnerable animals and anyone who doesn't know the pitfalls of trusting Thais when it comes to money will easily fall for the con.

Stupid indeed but I suspect very few of us Thai expats and tourists have escaped being scammed here at some time or another. Of course some of us still don't realise it has happened!

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The Thai lady is just looking for her bonus from a rich farang woman.

My Thai riends are right. Some farang are as stupid as they rich.

Wonder what they say when you are out of hearing range...

biggrin.png Hopefully, one day he will find out.

Gullibility and caring are often thought of as stupid by those who don't care and have no empathy towards suffering.

In this case she was 'stupid' because she was too gullible - but that's better than not giving a damn about anyone or anything.

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Is there a shortage of dogs needing rescue in the UK or closer to home Europe that she has to travel all the

way to BKK to rescue a single dog?

sometimes people do things that boggles the minds and expect that everything will be all right,

so in this case, the good Samaritan got swindled due to her own too trusting nature and wanting

to do a good deed....

its the latest fashion trend in the UK since they tightened up on importing war babies.

plus dogs dont last as long as war babies so you can move on to the next new thing to brag about at the school gates when it pops its clogs

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If only she had been in touch with 'Soi Dog' foundation in Phuket

They wouldnt have ripped her off !

They putting those soi dogs on fishing trawlers to replace human slave labor?

They do some great work the' Soi Dog Foundation'

They have homed many dogs overseas

Fairplay to them !- and they fly - no boats mate !

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Has this woman no brains?

Who in their right mind would part with money like that after seeing photos of a dog.

Yes what a stupid women. Old and naive and vulnerable and lonely we should slap her face for being so stupid!

And I rest my case about those who have no empathy and are uncaring about anybody or anything.

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