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What's the problem with western women in Thailand?


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For a Western woman like me in Thailand, it's extremely hard to find women's shoes my size and clothing not meant for tiny women. Otherwise, my experience of living in Thailand as a Western female has merely revealed to me much of what the Western world tries to hide in it's hypocrisy (i.e. sex tourism, which I think can translate to human trafficking resulting from poverty, etc) so I have come to realize that people are very much the same everywhere, merging in cultural values more and more as the world unites in the trade pacts and partnerships of commerce which creates a fusion of East-West culture. I have seen this more and more in Phuket and it's provided me with a glimpse of an imminent trend in world unification in cultural value. If people are not "the same", they will soon become much more "the same" as cultures merge and fuse in the financial implementation of Western economic integration that has swept over SE Asia and will immerse Asia in Western economic values. Thai females want to be more Western, and I find that Asian females I encounter want to be as Western as possible so I see less and less of the Thai culture as time passes. As for the experience of being a Western female amongst all the vices mentioned in the original post, as I wrote above, this has only allowed me to glimpse what happens in my own country but it's put in an open and visible way here in Thailand (without "shame" or being hidden). I find many Western women who come here glad to see poor women disenfranchised and put into prostitution and although that will offend many people, it's another hypocritical reality I believe is part of the Western underlying paradigm but hidden under "feminism" or other pretenses. I do not try to offend anyone but the situation as I have seen it is offensive, yet I realize it's pervasive and worldwide.

Edited by me313
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all i have to say is thank god for the misogynists, misfits and misanthropes out there with their insecurities.

after 20 years in thailand, i have come full circle.

give me a motivated western woman with her own life over another thai dependent any day.

personally i enjoy lying in bed discussing literature or world affairs with someone who can answer.

so, you keep it up and ill keep meeting women who are relieved that im not a sexpat <deleted>


Some men over here don't want to have conversations or even get to know their Thai women... because either they don't care about women.. only for sex, or they are very dumb and would not be able to engage in any sort of meaningful conversation with anyone anyway.

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The OP has clearly just moved to the Kingdom. She'll be a lot less open minded in six months.

Judging by the opening paragraph, she's been here a couple of years.

Last month she published an article entitled "6 Things I’ve Learned From A Year Living In Bangkok"

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The OP has clearly just moved to the Kingdom. She'll be a lot less open minded in six months.

Judging by the opening paragraph, she's been here a couple of years.

Last month she published an article entitled "6 Things I’ve Learned From A Year Living In Bangkok"

I'd be thrilled to know of a Western woman who was happy after several years in Bangkok, but all the ones I've known left after brief time.

Women are wonderful, no matter where they're from.

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The OP has clearly just moved to the Kingdom. She'll be a lot less open minded in six months.

Judging by the opening paragraph, she's been here a couple of years.

Last month she published an article entitled "6 Things Ive Learned From A Year Living In Bangkok"

I'd be thrilled to know of a Western woman who was happy after several years in Bangkok, but all the ones I've known left after brief time.

Women are wonderful, no matter where they're from.

I know several that are very happy after a number of years here.

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must be hard for a western woman come to thailand and see a more natural side to western men. i avoid talking to western woman like most other people here i am guessing.

I think most western women are already well aware of how some western men behave.

You guess wrong, by the way. I enjoy talking to them, more so than I do to most western men here.

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People should not judge or put everyone into the same basket. She makes a few good points but it is from a woman's view who has not experienced the hell that some western women put their Xs through. Don't judge a man until you have walked in his shoes.

The expat women I know who are professionals and work in Thailand seem to understand and accept the full range of men who come to live or holiday in Thailand. Those women who I have met who have only been here a short time or holiday here look at guys who live here as sexpats, not all but many. Perhaps they have been burnt by their husbands running off with younger women or they are just jealous of Thai girls.

We all have different life experiences so what she says fits some and don't fit others. I have had too many western women look at me when I am with my girlfriends with hate in their eyes. They only see an older farang with a young Thai girl walking together or having something to eat. They have no idea if she is my lover, daughter, secretary, etc but they judge. For those who don't judge me I will not judge them. Live and let live !

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must be hard for a western woman come to thailand and see a more natural side to western men. i avoid talking to western woman like most other people here i am guessing.

I think most western women are already well aware of how some western men behave.

You guess wrong, by the way. I enjoy talking to them, more so than I do to most western men here.

woman in the west are surrounded by men who do and say just about anything to bed them, when they meet a guy who tells them how men really they would dismiss it.

9 years of mixing with xpats in thailand and i would say you are the exception.

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I find many Western women who come here glad to see poor women disenfranchised and put into prostitution ...

That says something about the western women you associate with, and something about you.

Something like: "schadenfreude."


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must be hard for a western woman come to thailand and see a more natural side to western men. i avoid talking to western woman like most other people here i am guessing.

I think most western women are already well aware of how some western men behave.

You guess wrong, by the way. I enjoy talking to them, more so than I do to most western men here.

woman in the west are surrounded by men who do and say just about anything to bed them, when they meet a guy who tells them how men really they would dismiss it.

9 years of mixing with xpats in thailand and i would say you are the exception.

I guess it depends what kind of expats you mix with. None of the men I know avoid western women. Many of them are married to one.

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Some men over here don't want to have conversations or even get to know their Thai women... because either they don't care about women.. only for sex, or they are very dumb and would not be able to engage in any sort of meaningful conversation with anyone anyway.

I've never met a (single nationality) Thai of any sex, than could have a meaningful conversation on any subject.

In Thai or English.

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Wish they had a "rant report " button. What is her point? ??

She's giving her opinions. They let women have them too.

As Managing Editor of "What's on Sukhumvit" she has a ready made forum to give her opinions.

Which is where the OP was reprinted from.

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Some men over here don't want to have conversations or even get to know their Thai women... because either they don't care about women.. only for sex, or they are very dumb and would not be able to engage in any sort of meaningful conversation with anyone anyway.

I've never met a (single nationality) Thai of any sex, than could have a meaningful conversation on any subject.

In Thai or English.

I guess for some men, that's one of their attractive qualities. If you don't like talking to women, find one you don't have to talk to.

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must be hard for a western woman come to thailand and see a more natural side to western men. i avoid talking to western woman like most other people here i am guessing.

I think most western women are already well aware of how some western men behave.

You guess wrong, by the way. I enjoy talking to them, more so than I do to most western men here.

woman in the west are surrounded by men who do and say just about anything to bed them, when they meet a guy who tells them how men really they would dismiss it.

9 years of mixing with xpats in thailand and i would say you are the exception.

I guess it depends what kind of expats you mix with. None of the men I know avoid western women. Many of them are married to one.

i tend to mix with younger single expats as i have a watersports club. i dont know many westerners married to western woman,.

one guy i know worked for GM and said GM tried to only employ westerners with western wives as so many of their staff were getting into trouble with thai girls. turns out about half the marriages had ended or were in trouble within a year of the couples moving to work to thailand. whats my point? western woman cant really compete with the charms of promiscuous thai girls. glad i was born a western man who can live in thailand.

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Do Western women come to Thailand for the men?

I guess some might, but not in the same numbers as their male counterparts. Farang female - Thai male couples are still a comparatively rare sight, and those that are around I'm guessing mostly didn't meet in a bar.
The fire show guys at the island beaches usually brag about having gone through half of Norway.

The fire show boys have gone through half of Norway, and England for that matter......

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The problem here, is that her narrow stereotypes are just that. Where is the content validating the choices of those that (other than her of course) do not fit into the narrow stereotypes. The article seems to be more of a plea from an aspiring author, for people to take her seriously because she isn't talking about 'you'. Sexist, violent trolling happens all over the world - maybe not nice, and maybe it shouldn't happen - but if you *are* going to go public forum with your journalistic observations, and *do* want people to read your content, then you *are* going to have to get used to feedback; good, bad, apathetic, indifferent or just plain nasty. She writes well - I just wish she would write about normal folk in the same way she constructs apologia for the small set of beaten-up guys she claims to understand.

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