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Thaksin denies PM’s accusation that he pulls the strings behind anti-government activities


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Thaksin denies PM’s accusation that he pulls the strings behind anti-government activities


BANGKOK: Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has denied Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha’s accusation that he was the man behind all the anti-government activities in the country.

He also denied that he hired foreign lobbyists to tarnish the image of Thailand.

In a message posted in his Facebook page on Friday, Thaksin said that he had kept his silence all along and stopped making any comments because he has wanted all parties to resolve the problems for the people.

But because of the serious accusations against him, he said he had to speak up one more time.

The former prime minister said that the military regime under Prime Minister Prayut appeared to have the habit of putting the blame on the other people for all the problems in Thailand without taking any responsibility.

For instances, he said that the military regime blamed the previous Yingluck administration for the drought problem and told rubber planters to sell their rubber on Mars because no one wanted to buy them.

“If the country is run in this way, anybody can be the prime minister of Thailand,” said Thaksin, adding that for the past two years in power the military regime has not made any concrete achievements.

He went on saying that there was no need for him to hire foreign lobbyists to tarnish the reputation for the prime minister because the latter has already undermined his own image with his own words.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/160721

-- Thai PBS 2016-04-23

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I believe the PM because he's Thai.

I believe Mr. T because he's Thai too.

I believe, oh forget it !

Mr. T's right about one thing though that anyone can be PM here, look at his sister for example. Sanks you three times.

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I believe the PM because he's Thai.

I believe Mr. T because he's Thai too.

I believe, oh forget it !

Mr. T's right about one thing though that anyone can be PM here, look at his sister for example. Sanks you three times.

I agree with most of what you say. But even jokingly, I could not say I believe T hehee

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He's right about not having to say anything negative.

Yes, the junta has done his work for him. The poor general and his minions are a laughing stock.

The last junta, as far as junta's go, seemed much more level headed than this junta. The elites obviously want more power and at any cost.

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He must be comparing himself to luminaries such as Nelson Mandela or Aung San Suu Kyi,

and hi thinks that if he be in exile long enough, he one day, will come back triumphant riding on a white

elephant to reclaim back his place.....

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It must be said that Thaksin is a genius when it comes to spin and corrupting people, obviously these are abhorrent character traits that no human being should ever wish to harbour.
Prayuth just looks like an uneducated oaf in comparison, he has shown his true colours (although anyone with an ounce of intelligence knew already what his true colours were before the coup) . The 3rd hand that could seriously shake things up remains very well hidden. One can only wonder at what point it will be introduced. As much as I loathe the man (Thaksin(, Thaksin is routing Prayuth currently, Prayuth's heavy handedness and scandal ridden regime is slowly but surely showing just how ineffective it is in everything it does.

How long until it all erupts into something uncontrollable I wonder, it's inevitable I would have thought.

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It must be said that Thaksin is a genius when it comes to spin and corrupting people, obviously these are abhorrent character traits that no human being should ever wish to harbour.

Prayuth just looks like an uneducated oaf in comparison, he has shown his true colours (although anyone with an ounce of intelligence knew already what his true colours were before the coup) . The 3rd hand that could seriously shake things up remains very well hidden. One can only wonder at what point it will be introduced. As much as I loathe the man (Thaksin(, Thaksin is routing Prayuth currently, Prayuth's heavy handedness and scandal ridden regime is slowly but surely showing just how ineffective it is in everything it does.

How long until it all erupts into something uncontrollable I wonder, it's inevitable I would have thought.

And it wont be section 44, it will be control by who has the most guns.

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just like he didnt get his lawyers to deliver a cake box full of cash to anyone either, this man cant lie straight in bed and wouldnt know what truth even meant. He has instigated that many problems in Thailand from the 2010 red terrorist crap to all the red/ptp actions that led to the general taking over and he is still doing it. All he is interested in is himself and what he can get out of it, he simply sits back and lets his dogs do his work for him while he pulls the strings, if he was even the least bit honest he would come back and defend himself but he knows that he would spend a lot of time in jail for all his crimes and that is the reason he refuses to return, his guilt and nothing else

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"Thaksin said that he had kept his silence all along and stopped making any comments"

So Al-Jazeera are fabricating claims such as "After nearly two years of relative quiet, Thaksin Shinawatra, Thailand's controversial former prime minister, has gone on a media offensive with a series of interviews lashing out at the country's military government and its proposed constitution." which they reported on 24th February ? whistling.gif


also confirmed in other media ...


or http://www.wsj.com/articles/thailands-former-leader-thaksin-shinawatra-says-juntas-election-plans-a-charade-1456043195

or Reuters in http://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-politics-thaksin-idUSKCN0VX0PA

Perhaps they were all making it up, as "he had kept his silence all along". laugh.png

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Thaksin said that he had kept his silence all along

A Leader of the People Thaksin isn't.

While I can appreciate his political neutrality for the sake of his residence in UAE, he could have chosen exile in a more democratic nation where he could speak out against the junta regime without recrimination. He put his own conveniences above the soveriengty of the Thai people that makes him no different politically than the Thai royalists/military.

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This is just tit for tat from Prayut, trying to discredit an already discredited person is a hard argument to establish, the loyal red shirts will scoff at Prayut and the Junta backers will all nod their heads in agreement , one thing is for certain it didn't take Khun Thaksin to discredit Thailand in the eye's of the international community , Prayut and his Hi So cronies have done a fine job of that , quite frankly can you believe a person who denied for weeks there would be no Coup then pulled one and then set about re-establishing military power within the government , isn't worth taking much notice of anyway,........................................coffee1.gif ..

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I will believe Thaksin and Yingluck when I see the elephants fly in Thailand.

The poor, poor billionaire and sister, scare me in that they might get

re elected sometime in my lifetime again to parliament in Thailand. I just hope

that they both have a life long thumbs down from the powerful people of Thailand.

It is such a shame that they both still have so many supporters and followers.

I guess I will never understand the minds of a lot of Thai people.

Is it, Money talks, or something like that, or if you are rich you

can buy anything, even people. Geezer

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I will believe Thaksin and Yingluck when I see the elephants fly in Thailand.

The poor, poor billionaire and sister, scare me in that they might get

re elected sometime in my lifetime again to parliament in Thailand. I just hope

that they both have a life long thumbs down from the powerful people of Thailand.

It is such a shame that they both still have so many supporters and followers.

I guess I will never understand the minds of a lot of Thai people.

Is it, Money talks, or something like that, or if you are rich you

can buy anything, even people. Geezer

Thumbs down from the powerful people, or a thumbs up from the people?

Power can be transitory, the people are always there!

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"Thaksin said that he had kept his silence all along and stopped making any comments"

So Al-Jazeera are fabricating claims such as "After nearly two years of relative quiet, Thaksin Shinawatra, Thailand's controversial former prime minister, has gone on a media offensive with a series of interviews lashing out at the country's military government and its proposed constitution." which they reported on 24th February ? whistling.gif


also confirmed in other media ...


or http://www.wsj.com/articles/thailands-former-leader-thaksin-shinawatra-says-juntas-election-plans-a-charade-1456043195

or Reuters in http://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-politics-thaksin-idUSKCN0VX0PA

Perhaps they were all making it up, as "he had kept his silence all along". laugh.png

Unfortunately poor Thaksin seems to suffer from a special memory loss connected to a selective memory condition - usually called "telling lies".

He seems to have forgotten the TV interview in Korea, and the one he gave to CNN. And the lunch in Singapore with a Western FT journalist who produced a remarkably one sided pro Shin article (no such thing as a free lunch and the journalist admitted this was a very expensive lunch).

As for not taking responsibility - well his little sister is the expert on that so she can advise him. Although someone who runs from a conviction and from 15 plus serious outstanding charges must already no a bit about that. He probably does believe his own lies that he's never ever done anything wrong.

As for the drought. Laughable attempt to ridicule the Junta whilst covering up reality. PTP's water mismanagement was shown up during the flood, for which they were well criticized. So in typical knee jerk response they lowered water levels in the dams, against all advice. They lurch from one extreme to the other but it's never their fault. They prepared for a flood but didn't think about a drought. That's not to say other governments have handled things better either. But whose private parties have been in power for the vast majority of this century?

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Two points, ... one, it has been documented again and again that the student activists aren't supported by Thaksin.

Two, this is quite a true statement:

“If the country is run in this way, anybody can be the prime minister of Thailand,”

as the current self-appointed "PM" has proven time and time again.

And the clown car rolls on...

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"Prime Minister Prayut appeared to have the habit of putting the blame on the other people for all the problems in Thailand without taking any responsibility"

​What a coincidence. Seems that Prayut learnt this off thaksin and the PTP.

The PTP run by thaksin blamed the tax payers, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, students, teachers, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, judges, lawyers and professors for all the faults of the PTP.

Did I miss anyone...Oh yes, they also blamed the World bank, Moody's, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, Supa, global economists, IMF, private banks, GSB, the EC, AoT, the courts, military, bangkok middle class, business owner, state enterprise staff, Buddhist monks, civil servants, labor unions, Green Politics group, Thai Constitution Protection Association, The Thai press, NIDA poll, Bangkok Poll for their own shortcomings as well.

Glad I kept the list of entities or people the PTP have blamed before. I knew it would come in handy one day.

Fortunately the majority have woken up to the shenanigans by thaksin and his ilk with this hypocrisy they spew.

Edited by djjamie
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Thaksin said that he had kept his silence all along

A Leader of the People Thaksin isn't.

While I can appreciate his political neutrality for the sake of his residence in UAE, he could have chosen exile in a more democratic nation where he could speak out against the junta regime without recrimination. He put his own conveniences above the soveriengty of the Thai people that makes him no different politically than the Thai royalists/military.

See the post above regarding Al Jazera's comments on Thaksin's media onslaught.

Guess you also missed the Korean TV interview, the CNN interview or read the interview he gave to a fawning FT journalist at a very posh very expensive restaurant in Singapore.

He resides, among other places, in Dubai. The megalomaniac absolute ruler of Dubai is usually strapped for cash so having some friendly billionaires around is useful. The ruling family in Abu Dhabi usually prop Dubai up and hold all the real power in the UAE. They are conservative and likely to tolerate Thaksin as long as he doesn't do anything that might reflect badly on the UAE. So Thaksin goes overseas to stir the shit.

As a side issue, Thaksin sold Man City to a UAE Sheikh. The story was that part of the deal allowed Thaksin a sort of "President for life" status at Man City. Upon purchase the Sheikh had the photos of T and this "president" status eradicated. I don't thinks he's as well in there as some suggest. But his money's useful.

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Why are the news even report this bullshit is beyond me.

The guy is on the run from justice. As long as he stays abroad in hiding like the coward he is, whatever he says is as good as my every morning crap!

You can't be on the run if nobody is chasing you. If however the Thai junta were to apply for an extradition request, it would currently be sent to the UAE, so he isn't hiding either. How can you be hiding if everyone knows where you are?

The news wouldn't be reporting it if there was no interest, which this thread alone proves there is. You yourself took the time to post on it after all..

I shall decline the opportunity to comment or speculate on your faeces if you don't mind.

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just like he didnt get his lawyers to deliver a cake box full of cash to anyone either, this man cant lie straight in bed and wouldnt know what truth even meant. He has instigated that many problems in Thailand from the 2010 red terrorist crap to all the red/ptp actions that led to the general taking over and he is still doing it. All he is interested in is himself and what he can get out of it, he simply sits back and lets his dogs do his work for him while he pulls the strings, if he was even the least bit honest he would come back and defend himself but he knows that he would spend a lot of time in jail for all his crimes and that is the reason he refuses to return, his guilt and nothing else

He won't return because he has a nasty aversion to being bumped off whilst in custody.

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