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Thailand attack: British family 'vow never to return' after savage street attack


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For anyone who missed the Punch of the British Man who started the fight.

I have no idea which video you are watching, but the father throws that punch long after his son is knocked down and after his wife begins to get jostled after going into a mean mama bear mode. I can't tell how hard the son was hit, but it looks like a blind side shove and he goes down hard. Doesn't take much to knock someone down with a blind side shove. Both sides can be blamed for over reacting at that point but no excuses for the behavior of the individuals who continued to assault after the people were down on the ground.

Son was was barely touched, he falls because he trips over his own feet. Download the video and watch it in slow motion, he quite clearly trips over his own leg and then falls over, smashing his head in to the table

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The pensioners acted like a pair of rseholes so they got treated like a pair of rseholes

Not exactly rocket science.

I'm guessing most of the outraged posters on here didn't watch or understand what happened in the video...instead just read the lies in the British media looking to push buttons to shift copy.

What amazes me is that you are able to even push the on button to your tablet/phone/computer. It might not be rocket science to most, but to you it probably is.

How was Remedial class?

Your sole contribution to the discussion appears to be name calling.

I think that means I won before we even got started.

It's Amazing the things you learn in remedial class, you should try it sometime.

A lot of people have a moral compass, it helps seeing what is right, and what is wrong. Some people also only choose to see what they believe.

The apologists, and you are one of those seem to think that the tourists are to blame. Hmm, walking down the street and getting pushed over......getting pushe, punched and kicked, yep looks good.

The Thai haters also only choose to see what they believe - why did he get pushed over?

The Thai haters, and you are one of them, seem to think the tourists are perfectly innocent. Hmmm, walking down the street and a drunk farang shoves you out of his way... Getting slapped, punched to the ground, yep, looks great! thumbsup.gif

Again, let me clearly state that I in no way condone what the thugs did to this family - simply stating the facts that the Welsh family started it in no way condones, justifies, excuses, or otherwise supports what the Thai thugs did. Moral compass or not, haters like you only want to see Welsh=right, Thais=wrong, and get vehemently aggressive at those who see Welsh=wrong, Thais=more wrong. You only see right/wrong, not wrong/more wrong.

Since when is assaulting a local who retaliated from being shoved by pushing your son right? In what warped world is what the mum did not assault? The Thai haters world, apparently. coffee1.gif

Edited by jamesbrock
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The pensioners acted like a pair of rseholes so they got treated like a pair of rseholes

Not exactly rocket science.

I'm guessing most of the outraged posters on here didn't watch or understand what happened in the video...instead just read the lies in the British media looking to push buttons to shift copy.

Yeah right, that's why we think the beating of pensioners is the action of low life scum.

If the "pensioners" had acted their age instead of like a pair of violent thugs ...none of this would have happened!

Violence begets violence.

All 3 family members were being violent toward the Thais......the Thais then kicked their asses. Case closed!

Nope not closed at all. The men who attacked these pensioners are nothing but low life cowardly scum

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For anyone who missed the Punch of the British Man who started the fight.

I have no idea which video you are watching, but the father throws that punch long after his son is knocked down and after his wife begins to get jostled after going into a mean mama bear mode. I can't tell how hard the son was hit, but it looks like a blind side shove and he goes down hard. Doesn't take much to knock someone down with a blind side shove. Both sides can be blamed for over reacting at that point but no excuses for the behavior of the individuals who continued to assault after the people were down on the ground.

Son was was barely touched, he falls because he trips over his own feet. Download the video and watch it in slow motion, he quite clearly trips over his own leg and then falls over, smashing his head in to the table

Exactly. Drunk genius trips himself out. Mum'osaurus hits Thai. Rest is history. RTP knows this too. They show the Thai guys arrested only cuz this made the international news otherwise this would have been a non-event. No judge will ever give them long sentence. Call me an apologist but I have never been into any kind of trouble here and I've been around, trust me. Street knowledge & common sense and occasionally eating my "pride" which means nothing to me as I'm superior in every aspect anyway compared to average Thai male. And yes I know a part of the population dislikes us. We are the same back home, disliking foreigners. So I'm not surprised or disappointed about that. It's like that.

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For the idiots on the other thread who said the tourists started it, well, no they didn't.

From the paper that cannot be named- 'Pol Col Chaiyakorn said the attack started after "the son accidentally bumped into one of the Thai men".

The drunken Thai lout then threw a punch and mum went to protect her son.

What video are you watching?

If the mother had gone to protect the son, she'd have gone in the opposite direction, as he'd already tripped over his own feet and bit the dust!

Mutha, went for the confrontation!

You mean confrontation by speaking?

Slapping, getting in his face, looks like her mouth is going pretty fast, not hard to fathom she was screaming, pushing him.

This case has confirmed my suspicions, the British media have a real problem with truth and the public are completely mislead at every turn.

Editing the the video ad putting up this sort of complete fabrications needs to be fully exposed.


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Lewis said he was not sure why they were attacked.

I didnt know them, it was just random, he said.

It wasn't 'random', they were beaten up because the mother slapped one Thai man in the face and the father punched another one while the son held him from behind. The clip being shown in the UK edits out all this, but it can be seen clearly in the full clip that the Brits throw the first punches.

So where is this so called unedited version. It would be all over Thai media and government stations but is not.

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Slapping, getting in his face, looks like her mouth is going pretty fast, not hard to fathom she was screaming, pushing him.

This case has confirmed my suspicions, the British media have a real problem with truth and the public are completely mislead at every turn.

Editing the the video ad putting up this sort of complete fabrications needs to be fully exposed.


Absolutely correct!

And suckers fall for it without question, attacking those who see through the lies...

The two groups first came into contact (literally and figuratively) when the guy in the white shirt walks into, and is pushed away by, the son. The only drink was the bottle the white shirt guy was holding, the only time that drink spilled, was when the father punched him to the ground. And they come up with a headline like this!

It beggars belief!

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Some guys are making it sound like the farang family were on the prowl, looking for a fight against the thais.

All the evidence shows that it was actually the other way around.

Who? Can you quote which posts are making it sound like the farang family were on the prowl, looking for a fight against the thais?

I've only read—and posted— the facts as shown in the non-edited version of the video. The whole situation could have been de-escalated by either party several times; the farang family struck first and came out much worse off.

Nothing can justify what the Thai scumbags did once the family were on the ground, and not one poster has tried to do that.

And this is how the great western masses react. (Great mass, literally!) No grey area, no degrees of guilt, or varied assignation of blame, but the poor family was " set upon" by "scumbag" Thais who " planned" the attack.

Edit the videos, circulate memes of lies, gosh, it's all so familiar.

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Lewis said he was not sure why they were attacked.

I didnt know them, it was just random, he said.

It wasn't 'random', they were beaten up because the mother slapped one Thai man in the face and the father punched another one while the son held him from behind. The clip being shown in the UK edits out all this, but it can be seen clearly in the full clip that the Brits throw the first punches.

So where is this so called unedited version. It would be all over Thai media and government stations but is not.


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Lewis said he was not sure why they were attacked.

I didnt know them, it was just random, he said.

It wasn't 'random', they were beaten up because the mother slapped one Thai man in the face and the father punched another one while the son held him from behind. The clip being shown in the UK edits out all this, but it can be seen clearly in the full clip that the Brits throw the first punches.

So where is this so called unedited version. It would be all over Thai media and government stations but is not.

It's been posted in this thread a number of times, along with the timeline of pertinent events edited out in the tabloid version...

0:21 - son pushes Thai guy in white shirt

0:25 - Thai guy in white shirt pushes son, who trips and smashes head into step

0:55 - mother slaps same guy

1:15 - dad punches same guy to the ground, spilling drink

1:16 - all hell breaks loose


Again, let me clearly state that I in no way condone what the thugs did to this family - simply stating the facts that the Welsh family started it in no way condones, justifies, excuses, or otherwise supports what the Thai thugs did.

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Thank goodness the British media and others have well publicized this tragic and brutal attack.

Yes. Let this be a warning to tourists not to push, slap and punch Thai guys because they can be brutal when provoked.

Or to accidentally bump into one who is in your path and showing you no respect, Or perhaps grabbing at your arm or blocking your way trying to get you to go to see some vile show. You are expected to accept their harassment, perhaps tip them and show great respect, for fear of your life. And oh, welcome to Thailand, land of smiles.

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The police refused to show them the CCTV footage. Good thing there is a site called You Tube they can access from any smart phone.


What a great opportunity for Myanmar or Vietnam to offer this family a week paid holiday after this ordeal. Boost their numbers and get new British tourists.

The bible of Thainess was written pre Youtube development, but after the economically viable industry, tourism.

Bloody horrific, Ya-Ba is doing wonders for this countries economy. Driven by a wholly mob mentality.

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It seems that these kind of cowardly cruel and xenophobic attacks, in Thailand, are more and more frequent. More and more Thai People hate "farangs" . More and more Thai People are used to smile only to the farangs' wallets full of Baht. But still the most part of the Thai Population are good, polite, sincere and honest. If, in the future, this kind of xenophobia will increase , I can come back to my Country.

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Have 10,000 drunk Welsh people in a town like Cardiff and I guarantee that there will MUCH more violence than in Hua Hin. Wales is a very rough place.

Maybe so but I doubt a Welsh mob would be putting the boot in on an old lady...

I agree, that is really the only issue here - hitting an old lady, something we are taught never to do when young to any women.

Three Scottish golden rules

- never hit a woman

- never trust a teetotaler

- never grass on your mates

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Have 10,000 drunk Welsh people in a town like Cardiff and I guarantee that there will MUCH more violence than in Hua Hin. Wales is a very rough place.

Maybe so but I doubt a Welsh mob would be putting the boot in on an old lady...

Old Lady?

The term 'Old Lady' kinda implies a gentle, sweet old dear, not someone out on the piss in a red light area, beating on Thai men at 2 in the morning!

I think my dear old mum would have had a coronary had I took her to Bintabaht or any other of the other high class farang watering areas!

'Quality' tourists, in my humble opinion, wouldn't be caught dead in places like that!

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Have 10,000 drunk Welsh people in a town like Cardiff and I guarantee that there will MUCH more violence than in Hua Hin. Wales is a very rough place.

Maybe so but I doubt a Welsh mob would be putting the boot in on an old lady...

... old lady WHO HIT A GUY IN THE FACE. which is the last thing one should do around here. if u want Welsh standards and norms stay in Wales. TIT.

been around for loooong time and have been in fight once in LOS, with a drunk Britan. lowlife scum. there's 70.000.000 people in Thailand and majority wouldn't harm farang although many farang (unintentionally) behave extremely rude (according to thai customs).

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I agree, that is really the only issue here - hitting an old lady, something we are taught never to do when young to any women.

Three Scottish golden rules

- never hit a woman

- never trust a teetotaler

- never grass on your mates

And the 2nd and 3rd are really just suggestions...

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Have 10,000 drunk Welsh people in a town like Cardiff and I guarantee that there will MUCH more violence than in Hua Hin. Wales is a very rough place.

Maybe so but I doubt a Welsh mob would be putting the boot in on an old lady...

I agree, that is really the only issue here - hitting an old lady, something we are taught never to do when young to any women.

Three Scottish golden rules

- never hit a woman

- never trust a teetotaler

- never grass on your mates

Three Geordie golden rules:

Never let a bird go down on ya after a curry,

Never trust a coppa,

And never marry a cockeyed woman!

Served me well so far! clap2.gif

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According to reports in the Thai press, the authorities are now trying to determine who leaked the CCTV footage, as this action has caused Thailand to look bad. This is usually step 1; find/shoot the messenger.

(I thought it was the police who released the CCTV footage in order to help identify the Thai lads who were practicing their traditional Thai fighting skills?)

I wonder are there any Thai journalists who are brave enough to ask the question. Why didn't the police realise the video to the public straight away to apprehend the culprits and not take nearly two weeks to catch them all. Maybe the Journalist just might find he would be due some attitude adjustment, or even worse face down in the klong. Is there anyone out there?

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Things can so easily be avoided here. Don't argue with Thai people!

That is not the answer if you have lived most your life here like me.

Knowing where and where not to be and knowing who to avoid is very important. there are at least 100,000 Thais who are untouchable in terms of the law. It is good to avoid most of them and befriend some of them!

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There are at least 100,000 Thais who are untouchable in terms of the law. It is good to avoid most of them and befriend some of them!

If only they'd print up programs so we know who the players are...

Never mind the fresh-off-the-plane 2 weeks (and $5-10,000) a year tourists.

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These are standard Thai fleas ever present and happily promoted by the RTP. Weak predators happy to show people Thailand. I have to laugh at there recent apology funny

Where are the attempted murder charges ? The reform the regime promised laughsble a failure

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To my mind the last few seconds are the really troubling part. Up to then it is the family and the 2 original Thais and there is no question the Brits unnecessarily and very unwisely escalated the situation. But where did those other thugs come from? Looks like pure opportunistic, violent hatred to me and totally unjustified by what had gone before.

How much of this violence and hatred is lurking just below the surface all around us? We should all be very careful out there.

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