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Are you jealous of Thai people?

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Are you jealous of Thai people?


A few years ago, I had some friends from England come to visit me in Phuket. After a week of frolicking around in the mid-summer heat, I found my friend sitting at the bottom of the stairs pouting like a little girl.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. “Oh, I’m just a big barn cow … that’s what’s wrong” she answered. “These bloody Thai women … they’re so skinny and beautiful … and they ride around on those bloody motorbikes without a hair out of place or sweating one drop”. She went on for about 15 minutes; hating on Thai women for having smooth skin and silky hair and, according to her, being “superior to her in every way”.

I could understand. If I were a middle-aged and out of shape English lady struggling to get up 2 flights of stairs in the 40 degree heat, I’d hate on them too. I think she was embarrassed to be jealous of our gracious hosts.

I’m certainly jealous of Thai men. Most of them have a metabolism that keeps them slim no matter how much they eat.

They can just go to the mall and buy clothes that fit them without the clerk screaming out, “NO PROBLEM SIR … HAVE BIG SIZE”. They’ve got great skin, white teeth and the best hair ever. The maintenance guy at my condo looks like Mowgli the Jungle Boy and he’s 50 years old!

But it’s not the superficial looks that I truly envy. Thai people have special powers I wish I had.

Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/jealous-thai-people/

-- Inspire Pattaya 2016-05-01

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If you have ever seen the size of the underwear designed for Thai men...you could never be jealous again.

Personal obsession of yours? Have you ever actually seen the private parts of a Thai man? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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If you have ever seen the size of the underwear designed for Thai men...you could never be jealous again.

Personal obsession of yours? Have you ever actually seen the private parts of a Thai man? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

He may have seen this:


Edited by ExpatOilWorker
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lots of obesity now, men and women.

seems that jealous lady had never been to colombia because had she she would have killed herself already.

yeah some thai gals are attractive on the surface but its not a high % that have much emotional-intellectual development (important for some)

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Admittedly Thais seem to be ageless until they reach about 55 years old, when they suddenly look 70. It is really difficult to guess the age of most Thais aged between 20 and 50. I would love to be free of some of my wrinkles and signs of ageing - without surgery! - and I hate to be soaked with sweat 24/7 when the temperature exceeds 30C, but I'm not jealous of them.

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If you have ever seen the size of the underwear designed for Thai men...you could never be jealous again.

Personal obsession of yours? Have you ever actually seen the private parts of a Thai man? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

He may have seen this:

So, who gathers this data? Not that I am looking for work but...

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If you have ever seen the size of the underwear designed for Thai men...you could never be jealous again.

Personal obsession of yours? Have you ever actually seen the private parts of a Thai man? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

He may have seen this:

This thread has proven hilarious. As most things that are utter bullsh*t tend to do. I have seen Thai toddlers running about local villages all across this land, many of whom would make full grown white guys hang their heads in utter despair. If you came here to make yourself feel better about what are largely characteristic 'shortcomings,' it seems you've chosen the wrong place. The Thai have more notches in their belts by age 20 than most of us will have over our pathetic lifetimes. I wonder how many of the 'master race' has even noticed the dearth of Thai ladies with bona fide Thai men even looking in their direction, let alone looking to 'jump ship.' Give us a break. Penis envy is the last thing on most of these gentlemen's minds. You might want to take note... Xaviera Hollander made her comments about the Japanese. And contrary to commonly held forum belief, Asians are not all alike. Not by a freaking long shot.

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I have always appreciated the way I have been treated in Thailand but I have never really wished I were Thai. Class, social and family pressures can be extreme for a Thai.

Farangs live in this rarified realm where we are able to cross class lines, we are forgiven many social faux pas and are lavished with admiration for any ability at all to speak the language or eat spicy food. We are taller, have the right color skin, have a western education, we are freer to travel and know more of the world. We make more money than the average Thai doing the same job and can often rely on government handouts when we get old.
My life in Thailand has been much more interesting than the one I would have most likely led in my home country because I am a foreigner living in Thailand. If I were Thai my life would not have been so blessed so I am not jealous of my Thai friends, even the rich, beautiful ones.
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Well.....the western women who come to Thailand do not get the same sort of attention they would get back in their own home land.

That being the case, while women are always judging themselves and judging other women and always desiring to possess the good features seen in other women, then the girl in the case of the OP may have felt somewhat depressed thinking she was not as attractive as the Thai women around her.

Women are like that anyhow while it is a "Women Thing" and all part of their narcissistic nature.

Actually they do get plenty of attention from the Thai men but apparently very few western women want the attentions of most Thai guys or Thai men while they are more or less observing all the foreign men paying attention to the Thai girls and Thai women resulting in many of the western women perplexed as to why the foreigner men are not paying attention to them....like they are used to back in their home countries.

It is pretty simple to answer: The girls are not in their home countries....they are here in Thailand where there is an abundance of attractive Thai girls to be pursued by foreigner men that are attracted to Thai girls....and not because the men think Thai girls are more attractive....just that they are in here in Thailand and part of being here in Thailand is the pursuit of Thai girls...not British girls or French girls or girls from other countries also coming to Thailand on vacation.

Meantime, there are plenty of guys here that do pursue the western girls when they are here, while most of them being young tourist guys that are game for any female companionship when on holiday.....and if they meet and click then the foreign girls will enjoy themselves and probably not be thinking much about how Thai girls seem to be more attractive to the foreign men.

Meantime many of the Thai girls and women do have attractive and feminine features that Western women envy when they are here in Thailand while they become more so aware of why many western men find Thai women attractive and why they do not pay much attention to the western women when they are here in Thailand

The truth of the matter is: Thai women, over all, are more than attractive enough ...but when you start making judgment based on comparisons you will see that only about 10 % of them are strikingly attractive such that anyone would admit and state: "That girl / woman is really good looking"....as in beautiful.

Then you have to discern if she / they are naturally good looking or are they "Made Up" or "Feminized" or "Dolled Up".... good looking???

Meantime there is another 10 percent that are immediately attractive and near anyone would say: "That girl / women is pretty or cute or nice looking"

After that the percentages go down hill really fast while the majority of them are Fugly looking....but still have something about them that makes them appealing enough to catch your attention and admire the girl or women for her feminine presence.

I have always explained to other people there is an air of femininity about them that is attractive to men and apparently attractive to other women.

As for being jealous of Thai people.......ahhhhhh..... let me think here awhile ....NO...not really.

I admire them in some respects but loathe them in other respects while in the end they are just more humans existing amongst all the other humans living on this planet and like everyone on this planet there is the Good, the Bad and Ugly aspects of humanity seen in people living in any nation and every society...the Thais included.


Edited by gemguy
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If you have ever seen the size of the underwear designed for Thai men...you could never be jealous again.

Personal obsession of yours? Have you ever actually seen the private parts of a Thai man? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I have, and I wasn't all that impressed.

But back to the topic of the western lady's envy of small slim Thai women.

It isn't because of any racial or genetic characteristic, they are small because their growth is stinted by a very low protein diet during childhood and puberty. If you feed a Thai child a high protein diet, plenty of milk, cheese, meat, eggs, fish, they become western normal size. Much taller and broader.

I can't see how you can envy someone who has had limited access to food for most of their formative years..

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Not at all. With an average IQ below 100, I am glad I had a better education than the Thai system.

The IQ range for the majority of people is 90 to 110 so you are right n the center which is good

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I am not jealous of either being Thai or Western but I prefer a Thai girl. Always have and always will.

Recently I met some very well educated Thai girls that had, over the years gave them a lot of Western influence in their jobs and it had rubbed off in their nature.

They had, in general, been Westernized.

Simply put, I found them, even though they were pretty, not attractive as they had to me, lost their part of being Thai.

If I want to talk to a girl with Western values, I will speak to a Western girl. If I met a Thai girl with these values, I walk away now.

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Jealous....nah.... not even envious as some women might draw conclusions to....

They might fit a picture postcard.... but they do not have the maturity to think differently, neither the guts to stand up for wrong or prevent evil or fight corruption. They imitate but do not have in themselves the potential to initiate anything to a substantial self discovery.... so I am not jealous.... I feel sorry for them, because they simply put it on...there is nothing really authentic! Thats my opinion to the question. Thank you for poising it to reflection.

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Admittedly Thais seem to be ageless until they reach about 55 years old, when they suddenly look 70. It is really difficult to guess the age of most Thais aged between 20 and 50. I would love to be free of some of my wrinkles and signs of ageing - without surgery! - and I hate to be soaked with sweat 24/7 when the temperature exceeds 30C, but I'm not jealous of them.

Just a heads up, my missus is trying to trace your IP address.

She has just passed the happy age (ha ha) and turned 56 and disagrees with your assessment........................wink.png


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Why would I be jealous or envious of Thai people? Male or female?

I have a much better standard of living than the vast majority of them.

At my age (72) I look a lot healthier than most Thais in my age bracket .

I have access to free, competent medical care they can only dream of.

I am adored by a Thai woman who would do anything in her power for me.

There are some Thai traits I admire; however, that does not mean I would want to swap with them.

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Not at all. With an average IQ below 100, I am glad I had a better education than the Thai system.

The IQ range for the majority of people is 90 to 110 so you are right n the center which is good

biggrin.png I have a lot of Thai friends that have never answered questions to establish their personal IQ.

I think that is why they relate to me as i have never done this either.

Generalization sucks, eh?.................................wink.png

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YES, absolutely! I am very jealous of Thai menfolk, for several valid reasonscoffee1.gif

First, I would definitely appreciate being born into such a monarchial society, where my male gender (alone) automatically elevated me, to the social status of aristocracy wai2.gif.

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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